I'm using Spring boot 2.1.10 and I want to customize embedded tomcat access logs. I'm using this pattern in the application.yml file;
pattern: "[ACCESS] %{id}i %{x-forwarded-for}i %{client-ip}i %{server-ip}i %{dd.MM.yyyy}t %{HH:mm:ss}t %U %s %s %m %T %B %{user-agent}i"
The problem is, I cannot get C-DNS and S-DNS values. When I look at the tomcat documentation in this url, usage listed like this;
The following format tokens are supported:
C-DNS - Remote hostname (or IP address if enableLookups for the connector is false)
S-DNS - Local hostname
I tried it like this : %{c-dns}i or %{c-dns} or {c-dns} or c-dns nothing worked.
Do you have any suggestions?
I found the proper way with writing my own configuration class. Guide : Baeldung
I'm trying to add a "correlation-id" to the logs that are written by my Spring-Boot application.
For that I've taken the spring-boot logback default value and added it to my application.yaml, which looks like this:
console: ${CONSOLE_LOG_PATTERN:-%clr(%d{${LOG_DATEFORMAT_PATTERN:-yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX}}){faint} %clr(${LOG_LEVEL_PATTERN:-%5p}) %clr(${PID:- }){magenta} %clr(---){faint} %clr([%15.15t]){faint} %clr(%-40.40logger{39}){cyan} %clr(:){faint} %m%n${LOG_EXCEPTION_CONVERSION_WORD:-%wEx}}
But now my application isn't starting anymore and fails with:
Could not copy file '/my-project/src/main/resources/config/application.yaml' to '/my-project/build/resources/main/config/application.yaml'.
Failed to parse template script (your template may contain an error or be trying to use expressions not currently supported): startup failed:
SimpleTemplateScript62.groovy: 1: Unexpected input: '(' # line 1, column 10.
Putting "" around the pattern doesn't help
replacing ":-" with ":" doesn't make a difference
Removing all the variables (and putting "" around the pattern) works
Setting the pattern as an environment variable works too
Is there something missing in my approach? I would prefer to have this change in my application.yaml instead of an environment variable so that not everyone needs to configure it locally to have the same log output as it is expected on production.
I'm using Spring-Boot 3.0.2 with gradle 7.6
I want to setting the default logging level to error on springboot
enter image description here
But the console still has the dubug and info output. It seems that logging.level.root=error doesn't work.
Be carefull if you are using Spring Boot Devtools, the properties defined in $HOME/.config/spring-boot folder will override all other properties as specified in Spring Boot documentation : https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/spring-boot-features.html
I found a environment variable named debug,even though its value is a string not true,which caused the problem.Actually,I tried to remove the variable before,but I didn't restart the eclipse.Now,I remove the varibale named DEBUG and restart the eclipse,and it success.
I have a Config Server up and running, with the relevant application.yml setting of
name: config
- '{application}'
- '{application}/{profile}'
I would like to access a file that is not application.properties, something like myfile.txt. If I have the git layout
I want to be able to access that file. According to the Spring Config Server docs, I should be able to do this via /{name}/{profile}/{label}/{path}, but I can't get any paths to work.
TL;DR: How do I retrieve nested config files from a git repo via Config Server?
TL;DR: The documentation is wrong. The endpoint /{name}/{profile}/{label}/{path} should be written as /{application}/{profile}/{label}/{path}. You just need to make sure that one of your searchPaths/{path} can resolve your file.
First off, {label} is, as always, the git branch name (probably "master").
Second, {path} can can be an absolute path to the file. It uses /, i.e., myapp/nested/folder/myfile.txt, not (_) as is required in {application} or {label}.
Third, the search paths in the question are set to '{application}' and '{application}/{profile}', along with the default search path of /, the git repo's root directory. These define the places Config Server will search for a plain text file as:
/{expanded application}/{path}
/{expanded application}/{profile}/{path}
Note that only {application} can be expanded into multiple folders with (_) and that only {path} can include multiple folders with /. For instance, with these searchPaths and a file located at /myapp/nested/folder/myfile.txt, the following requests are valid:
where asdf can be any arbitrary string.
I am using Grails 3 Elasticsearch plugin with Springs external JSON configuration by setting spring.application.json as system property.
The properties are available in the application but I can't find a way to initialize an array properly.
What I am trying to accomplish is to override the default values of the hosts property specified in my application.yml:
- {host: "myhost.com", port: 9300}
- {host: "anotherhost.com", port: 9300}
I am setting the property from the command line as follows:
-Dspring.application.json={"environments":{"development":{"elasticSearch":{"client":{"hosts":[{"host":"override1.com", "port":9000},{"host":"override2.com", "port":9100}]}}}}}
I would expect environments.development.elasticSearch.client.hosts to contain an array like it does when initialized from the application.yml, but in fact environments.development.elasticSearch.client containes host[0] and host[1], where each contains the host and the port. The host array from the yml file is still there.
How can I achieve the same behavior using the command line as with the application.yml file?
I believe you can do this the same way that you would if it was set in a .properties file, using a list:
-Denvironments.developmet.elasticSearch.client.hosts={"host":"override1.com", "port":9000},{"host":"override2.com", "port":9100}
and I believe you can also do it as an environment variable...
set ENVIRONMENTS_DEVELOPMENT_ELASTICSEARCH_CLIENT_HOSTS='{"host":"override1.com", "port":9000},{"host":"override2.com", "port":9100}'
There may need to be some quotes around parts of these depending on the shell you are in, the OS, etc.
I'm able to start the HipHop VM to use a unix socket. I can accomplish this via:
/usr/bin/hhvm --config /etc/hhvm/server.ini --mode daemon -vPidFile=/var/run/hhvm/pid -vServer.Type=fastcgi -vServer.FileSocket=/var/run/hhvm/hhvm.sock
However, I can't find a reference anywhere with how to set this in the ini file I'm specifying for my config. To use a TCP port the line in server.ini is:
hhvm.server.port = 9000
I've tried both
Both fail. Anyone know the file setting or where a reference for these settings can be found?
Although I can't find any documentation--they haven't yet written the updated version for the ini file format (as of 2014-05-01): https://github.com/hhvm/hack-hhvm-docs/issues/156
Regardless I figured it out and they confirmed it should be:
It looks like you take the camel case command line argument -vServer.FileSocket and drop the v, lowercase it, split it with underscores instead of camel case.
If y ou follow the above rewrite rules you can convert the old format to the new.