Spring command line JSON config containing array - spring

I am using Grails 3 Elasticsearch plugin with Springs external JSON configuration by setting spring.application.json as system property.
The properties are available in the application but I can't find a way to initialize an array properly.
What I am trying to accomplish is to override the default values of the hosts property specified in my application.yml:
- {host: "myhost.com", port: 9300}
- {host: "anotherhost.com", port: 9300}
I am setting the property from the command line as follows:
-Dspring.application.json={"environments":{"development":{"elasticSearch":{"client":{"hosts":[{"host":"override1.com", "port":9000},{"host":"override2.com", "port":9100}]}}}}}
I would expect environments.development.elasticSearch.client.hosts to contain an array like it does when initialized from the application.yml, but in fact environments.development.elasticSearch.client containes host[0] and host[1], where each contains the host and the port. The host array from the yml file is still there.
How can I achieve the same behavior using the command line as with the application.yml file?

I believe you can do this the same way that you would if it was set in a .properties file, using a list:
-Denvironments.developmet.elasticSearch.client.hosts={"host":"override1.com", "port":9000},{"host":"override2.com", "port":9100}
and I believe you can also do it as an environment variable...
set ENVIRONMENTS_DEVELOPMENT_ELASTICSEARCH_CLIENT_HOSTS='{"host":"override1.com", "port":9000},{"host":"override2.com", "port":9100}'
There may need to be some quotes around parts of these depending on the shell you are in, the OS, etc.


Understanding the spring profile

I have basic idea how spring profile works. But here in this file this - i am not able to get it. And current Application.yml file mentioning the three profile which one will get active and when that i need to know as well. Below is the Application.yml file content.
Note: i have three config files present in my resources. Also if i want to look another config file
then spring use the naming convention like Application-<Name>.extension . so - is already get added for the new config file then why we explicitly need
to put another one in our application.yml file under spring.profile.active.
Below are the names of the three config files present under the resources folder.
But here in this file this - i am not able to get it. spring use the
naming convention like Application-.extension . so - is already
get added for the new config file then why we explicitly need to put
another one in our application.yml file under spring.profile.active
The declaration of profiles are incorrect. You must either put space or should not use (-) at all.
- default
- local
- swaggerinfo
The Spring also supports the following way of declarations.
active: default,local,swaggerinfo
Here default refers to application.properties file not bootstrap-default.properties. Also, You don't need to specify the default profile. Spring automatically use application.properties as default one. So, in your case it's appropriate to go with local and swaggerinfo.
current Aplication.yml file mentioning the three profile which one
will get active and when that i need to know as well.
Let's talk about the following declaration.
- local
- swaggerinfo
Both local and swaggerinfo profiles will be active for props loading. So,which means that all the three files (application.yml by default) will be consumed by spring.
Let's talk about the order.
The order in the above case would be
application -> application-local -> application-swaggerinfo
Assume that you've mentioned the same prop in all the three files then in that case the precedence will be given as per the order highlighted above i.e prop mentioned in the application-swaggerinfo will override the ones available in the other twos.

google deployment manager, can you import files in jinja template that you call directly with --template?

I can deploy a template directly like this: gcloud deployment-manager deployments create a-single-vm --template vm_template.jinja
But what if that template depends on other files that need to be imported? If using a --config file you can define import in that file and call the template as a resource. But you cant pass parameter/properties to a config file. I want to call a template directly to pass --properties via the command line but that template also needs to import other files.
EDIT: What I needed was a top level jinja template instead of a config. My confusion was that you cant use imports in a jinja template without a schema file- it was failing and I thought it wasnt supported. So the solution was just swap out the config with a jinja template (with schema file) and then I can use --properies
Maybe you can try importing the dependent files into your config file as follows:
- path: vm-template.jinja
- path: vm-template-2.jinja
# In the resources section below, the properties of the resources are replaced
# with the names of the templates.
- name: vm-1
type: vm-template.jinja
- name: vm-2
type: vm-template-2.jinja
and Set Arbitrary Metadata insito create a special variable that you can pass and might use in other applications outside of Deployment Manager:
type: integer
default: 2
description: Number of Mongo Slaves
variable-x: ultra-secret-sauce
More info about gcloud deployment-manager deployments create optional flags and example can be found here.
More info about passing properties using a Schema can be found here
Hope it helps

Spring Cloud Config Server serving nested plain text files

I have a Config Server up and running, with the relevant application.yml setting of
name: config
- '{application}'
- '{application}/{profile}'
I would like to access a file that is not application.properties, something like myfile.txt. If I have the git layout
I want to be able to access that file. According to the Spring Config Server docs, I should be able to do this via /{name}/{profile}/{label}/{path}, but I can't get any paths to work.
TL;DR: How do I retrieve nested config files from a git repo via Config Server?
TL;DR: The documentation is wrong. The endpoint /{name}/{profile}/{label}/{path} should be written as /{application}/{profile}/{label}/{path}. You just need to make sure that one of your searchPaths/{path} can resolve your file.
First off, {label} is, as always, the git branch name (probably "master").
Second, {path} can can be an absolute path to the file. It uses /, i.e., myapp/nested/folder/myfile.txt, not (_) as is required in {application} or {label}.
Third, the search paths in the question are set to '{application}' and '{application}/{profile}', along with the default search path of /, the git repo's root directory. These define the places Config Server will search for a plain text file as:
/{expanded application}/{path}
/{expanded application}/{profile}/{path}
Note that only {application} can be expanded into multiple folders with (_) and that only {path} can include multiple folders with /. For instance, with these searchPaths and a file located at /myapp/nested/folder/myfile.txt, the following requests are valid:
where asdf can be any arbitrary string.

Spring cloud's config server plain text api with SVN and a default label

I have spring boot 2 app that acts as a config server with the following properties. Notice in particularly the "default-label" properties which is the empty string because we check out directly the folder that contains the files, and not some parent branch/folder.
name: config-server
include: subversion
uri: https://...somesvnrepo.../project/trunk/config
username: fake
password: notreal
basedir: C:\Users\John\Documents\Application\configserver_tmp
The contents of /trunk/config is straigthforward. There ae no subdirectories and just these files:
Serving the yml files works fine, but getting the logback.xml file using the "plain text api" not work at all.
Doing localhost:8888/appname/default/master/logback.xml gives the error "no label master found" which is true, I don't have that label. Any other combination of paths by omitting profiles or labels results in a 404 all the way up to just calling localhost:8888/logback.xml. Adding the ?useDefaultLabel request parameter makes no difference. Actually I don't understand the purpose of the appname, profile and label part of the url when the context is to get a plain text file that is not bound to any specific application, profile or label.
I found similar questions on the internet but they mention updating their spring boot version and then it worked for them. I'm already at the latest spring boot version (2.1.3-release).
Is this because I use SVN? Or because of of the default-label being empty?

How can/do I configure my Spring app to check a specific tag of configs with custom directory?

Suppose I have the following dir:
test/stage/prod all follow dev-ci's dir/path structure.
How can I setup my bootstrap.yml file so that when I start my app, it'll load the following:
Is there a way to set up my yml so that it takes some parameter from commandline? Or will I have to map out all the possible 'paths' then pass in some label/name?
Lastly, where does the tag name come into play?
