I am attempting to understand the best uses of backward and forward chaining in AI programming for a program I am writing. Would anyone be able to explain the most ideal uses of backward and forward chaining? Also, could you provide an example?
I have done some research on the current understanding of "forward chaining" and "backward chaining". This brings up a lot of material. Here is a résumé.
First a diagram, partially based on:
The Sad State Concerning the Relationships between Logic, Rules and Logic Programming (Robert Kowalski)
LHS stands for "left-hand-side", RHS stands for "right-hand-side" of a rule throughout.
Let us separate "Rule-Based Systems" (i.e. systems which do local computation based on rules), into three groups as follows:
Production Rule Systems, which include the old-school Expert System Shells, which are not built on logical principles, i.e. "without a guiding model".
Logic Rule Systems, i.e. system based on a logical formalism (generally a fragment of first-order logic, classical or intuitionistic). This includes Prolog.
Rewrite Rule Systems, systems which rewrite some working memory based on, LHS => RHS rewrite rules.
There may be others. Features of one group can be found in another group. Systems of one group may be partially or wholly implemented by systems of another group. Overlap is not only possible but certain.
(Sadly, imgur does not accept .svg in 2020, so it's a .png)
Green: Forward Chaining
Orange: Backward Chaining
Yellow: Prolog
RuleML (an organization) tries to XML-ize the various rulesets which exist. They classify rules as follows:
The above appears in The RuleML Perspective on Reaction Rule Standards by Adrian Paschke.
So they make a differentiation between "deliberative rules" and "reactive rules", which fits.
First box: "Production Rule Systems"
The General Idea of the "Production Rule System" (PRS)
There are "LHS->RHS" rules & meta-rules, with the latter controlling application of the first. Rules can be "logical" (similar to Prolog Horn Clauses), but they need not be!
The PRS has a "working memory", which is changed destructively whenever a rule is applied: elements or facts can be removed, added or replaced in the working memory.
PRS have "operational semantics" only (they are defined by what they do).
PRS have no "declarative semantics", which means there is no proper way to reason about the ruleset itself: What it computes, what its fixpoint is (if there is one), what its invariants are, whether it terminates etc.
More features:
Ad-hoc handling of uncertainty using locally computable functions (i.e.
not probability computations) as in MYCIN, with Fuzzy rules, Dempster-Shaefer theory etc.
Strong Negation may be expressed in an ad-hoc fashion.
Generally, backtracking on impasse is not performed, one has to implement it explicitly.
PRS can connect to other systems rather directly: Call a neural network, call an optimizer or SAT Solver, call a sensor, call Prolog etc.
Special support for explanations & debugging may or may not exist.
Example Implementations
Old-school "expert systems shells", often written in LISP.
Planner of 1971, which is language with rudimentary (?) forward and backward chaining. The implementations of that language were never complete.
The original OPSx series, in particular OPS5, on which R1/XCON - a VAX system configurator with 2500 rules - was running. This was actually a forward-chaining implementation.
CLIPS (written in C):
Jess (written in Java):
Drools (writen in "Enterprise" Java):
Drools supports "backwards-chaining" (how exactly), but I'm not sure any of the others does, and if they do, how it looks like)
"Forward chaining" in PRS
Forward-chaining is the original approach to the PRS "cycle", also called "recognize-act" cycle, or the "data-driven cycle", which indicates what it is for. Event-Condition-Action architecture is another commonly used description.
The inner working are straightforward:
The rule LHSs are matched against the working memory (which happens at every working memory update thanks to the RETE algorithm).
One of the matching rules is selected according to some criterium (e.g. priority) and its RHS is executed. This continues until no LHS matches anymore.
This cycle can be seen as higher-level approach to imperative state-based languages.
Robert Kowalski notes that the "forward chaining" rules are actually an amalgamation of two distinct uses:
Forward-chained logic rules
These rules apply Modus Ponens repeatedly to the working memory and add deduced facts.
"IF X is a man, THEN X is mortal"
Deliberation, refinement of representations.
Exploration of state spaces.
Planning if you want more control or space is at a premium (R1/XCON was a forward chaining system, which I find astonishing. This was apparently due to the desire to keep resource usage within bounds).
In Making forward chaining relevant (1998), Fahiem Bacchus writes:
Forward chaining planners have two particularly useful properties. First, they maintain complete information about the intermediate states generated by a potential plan. This information can be utilized to provide highly effective search control, both domain independent heuristic control and even more effective domain dependent control ... The second advantage of forward chaining planners is they can support rich planning languages. The TLPlan system for example, supports the full ADL language, including functions and numeric calculations. Numbers and functions are essential for modeling many features of real planning domains, particularly resourcs and resource consumption.
How much of the above really applies is debatable. You can always write your backward-chaining planner to retain more information or to be open to configuration by a search strategy selecting module.
Forward-chaining "reactive rules" aka "stimulus-response rules"
"IF you are hungry THEN eat something"
The stimulus is "hunger" (which can be read off a sensor). The response is to "eat something" (which may mean controlling an effector). There is an unstated goal, hich is to be "less hungry", which is attained by eating, but there is no deliberative phase where that goal is made explicit.
Immediate, non-deliberative agent control: LHS can be sensor input, RHS can be effector output.
"Backward chaining" in PRS
Backward chaining, also called "goal-directed search", applies "goal-reduction rules" and runs the "hypothesis-driven cycle", which indicates what it is for.
BDI Agents
Use this when:
Your problem looks like a "goal" that may be broken up into "subgoals", which can be solved individually. Depending on the problem, this may not be possible. The subgoals have too many interdependencies or too little structure.
You need to "pull in more data" on demand. For example, you ask the user Y/N question until you have classified an object properly, or, equivalently, until a diagnosis has been obtained.
When you need to plan, search, or build a proof of a goal.
One can encode backward-chaining rules also as forward-chaining rules as a programming exercise. However, one should choose the representation and the computational approach that is best adapted to one's problem. That's why backward chaining exists after all.
Second box: "Logic Rule Systems" (LRS)
These are systems based on some underlying logic. The system's behaviour can (at least generally) be studied independently from its implementation.
See this overview: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Automated Reasoning.
I make a distinction between systems for "Modeling Problems in Logic" and systems for "Programming in Logic". The two are merged in textbooks on Prolog. Simple "Problems in Logic" can be directly modeled in Prolog (i.e. using Logic
Programming) because the language is "good enough" and there is no mismatch. However, at some point you need dedicated systems for your task, and these may be quite different from Prolog. See Isabelle or Coq for examples.
Restricting ourselves to Prolog family of systems for "Logic Programming":
"Forward chaining" in LRS
Forward-chaining is not supported by a Prolog system as such.
Forward-chained logic rules
If you want to forward-chained logic rules you can write your own interpreter "on top of Prolog". This is possible because Prolog is general purpose programming language.
Here is a very silly example of forward chaining of logic rules. It would certainly be preferable to define a domain-specific language and appropriate data structures instead:
add_but_fail_if_exists(Fact,KB,[Fact|KB]) :- \+member(Fact,KB).
fwd_chain(KB,KBFinal,"forall x: man(x) -> mortal(x)") :-
fwd_chain(KB,KBFinal,"forall x: man(x),woman(y),(married(x,y);married(y,x)) -> needles(y,x)") :-
fwd_chain(KB,KB,"nothing to deduce anymore").
rt(KBin,KBout) :- fwd_chain(KBin,KBout,_).
Try it:
?- rt([man(socrates),man(plato),woman(xanthippe),married(socrates,xanthippe)],KB).
KB = [needles(xanthippe, socrates), mortal(plato),
mortal(socrates), man(socrates), man(plato),
woman(xanthippe), married(socrates, xanthippe)].
Extensions to add efficient forward-chaining to Prolog have been studied but they seem to all have been abandoned. I found:
1989: Adding Forward Chaining and Truth Maintenance to Prolog (PDF) (Tom_Finin, Rich Fritzson, Dave Matuszek)
There is an active implementation of this on GitHub: Pfc -- forward chaining in Prolog, and an SWI-Prolog pack, see also this discussion.
1997: Efficient Support for Reactive Rules in Prolog (PDF) (Mauro Gaspari) ... the author talks about "reactive rules" but apparently means "forward-chained deliberative rules".
1998: On Active Deductive Database: The Statelog Approach (Georg Lausen, Bertram Ludäscher, Wolfgang May).
Kowalski writes:
"Zaniolo (LDL++?) and Statelog use a situation calculus-like representation with frame axioms, and reduce Production Rules and Event-Condition-Action rules to Logic Programs. Both suffer from the frame problem."
Forward-chained reactive rules
Prolog is not really made for "reactive rules". There have been some attempts:
LUPS : A language for updating logic programs (1999) (Moniz Pereira , Halina Przymusinska , Teodor C. Przymusinski C)
The "Logic-Based Production System" (LPS) is recent and rather interesting:
Integrating Logic Programming and Production Systems in Abductive Logic Programming Agents (Robert Kowalski, Fariba Sadri)
Presentation at RR2009: Integrating Logic Programming and Production Systems in Abductive Logic Programming Agents
LPS website
It defines a new language where Observations lead to Forward-Chaining and Backward-Chaining lead to Acts. Both "silos" are linked by Integrity Constraints from Abductive Logic Programming.
So you can replace a reactive rule like this:
By something like this, which has a logic interpretation:
Third Box: "Rewrite Rule Systems" (forward-chaining)
See also: Rewriting.
Here, I will just mention CHR. It is a forward-chaining system which successively rewrites elements in a working memory according to rules with match working memory elements, verify a logic guard condition , and removed/add working memory elements if the logic guard condition succeeds.
CHR can be understood as an application of a fragment of linear logic (see "A Unified Analytical Foundation for Constraint Handling Rules" by Hariolf Betz).
A CHR implementation exists for SWI Prolog. It provides backtracking capability for CHR rules and a CHR goal can be called like any other Prolog goal.
Usage of CHR:
General model of computational (i.e. like Turing Machines etc.)
Bottom up parsing.
Type checking.
Constraint propagation in constraint logic programmning.
Anything that you would rather forward-chain (process bottom-up)
rather than backward-chain (process top-down).
I find it useful to start with your process and goals.
If your process can be easily expressed as trying to satisfy a goal by satisfying sub-goals then you should consider a backward-chaining system such as Prolog. These systems work by processing rules for the various ways in which a goal can be satisfied and the constraints on these applying these ways. Rule processing searches the network of goals with backtracking to try alternatives when one way of satisfying a goal fails.
If your process starts with a set of known information and applies the rules to add information then you should consider a forward-chaining system such as Ops5, CLIPS or JESS. These languages apply matching to the left hand side of the rule and invoke the right hand side of rules for which the matching succeeds. The working memory is better thought of as "what is known" than "true facts". Working memory can contain information known to be true, information known to be false, goals, sub-goals, and even domain rules. How this information is used is determined by the rules, not the language. To these languages there is no difference between rules that create values (deduce facts), rules that create goals, rules that create new domain knowledge or rules that change state. It is all in how you write your rules and organize your data and add base clauses to represent this knowledge.
It is fairly easy to implement either method using the other method. If you have a body of knowledge and want to make dedications but this needs to be directed by some goals go ahead and use a forward chaining language with rules to keep track of goals. In a backward chaining language you can have goals to deduce knowledge.
I would suggest that you consider writing rules to handle the processing of domain knowledge and not to encode your domain knowledge directly in the rules processed by the inference engine. Instead, the working memory or base clauses can contain your domain knowledge and the language rules can apply them. By representing the domain knowledge in working memory you can also write rules to check the domain knowledge (validate data, check for overlapping ranges, check for missing values, etc.), add a logic system on top of the rules (to calculate probabilities, confidence values, or truth values) or handle missing values by prompting for user input.
I have been reading about formal verification and the basic point is that it requires a formal specification and model to work with. However, many sources classify static analysis as a formal verification technique, some mention abstract intepretation and mention its use in compilers.
So I am confused - how can these be formal verification if there is no formal description of the model?
EDIT: A source I found reads:
Static analysis: the abstract semantics is computed automatically from
the program text according to predefined abstractions (that can
sometimes be tailored automatically/manually by the user)
So does it mean it works just on the source code with no need for formal specification? This would be what static analysers do.
Also, is static analysis possible without formal verification? E.g. does SonarQube really perform formal methods?
In the context of hardware and software systems, formal verification is the act of proving or disproving the correctness of intended algorithms underlying a system with respect to a certain formal specification or property, using formal methods of mathematics.
How can these be formal verification if there is no formal description of the model?
A static analyser will generate control/data flow of a piece of code, upon which formal methods can then be applied to verify conformance to the system's/unit's expected design model.
Note that modelling/formal-specification is NOT a part of static-analysis.
However combined together, both of these tools are useful in formal verification.
For example if a system is modeled as a Finite State Machine (FSM) with
a pre-defined number of states
defined by a combination of specific values of certain member data.
a pre-defined set of transitions between various states
defined by the list of member functions.
Then the results of static analysis will help in formal verification of the fact that
the control NEVER flows along a path that is NOT present in the above FSM model.
Also, if a model can be simply defined in terms of type-definition, data-flow, control-flow/call-graph, i.e. code-metrics that a static-analyser can verify, then static-analysis itself is sufficient to formally verify that code conforms to such a model.
NOTE1. The yellow region above would be static analysers used to enforce stuff like coding-guidelines and naming-conventions i.e. aspects of code that cannot affect the program's behavior.
NOTE2. The red region above would be formal verification that requires additional steps like 100% dynamic code-coverage, elimination of unused and dead code. These cannot be detected/enforced using a static-analyser.
Static analysis is highly effective in verifying that a system/unit is implemented using a subset of the language specification to meet goals laid out in the system/unit design.
For example, if it is a design goal to prevent the stack memory from exceeding a particular limit, then one could apply a limit on the depth of recursion (or forbid recursive functions calls altogether). Static-analysis is used to identify such violations of design goals.
In the absence of any warnings from the static-analyser,
the system/unit code stands formally verified against such design-goals of its respective model.
eg. MISRA-C standard for Automotive software defines a subset of C for use in automotive systems.
MISRA-C:2012 contains
143 rules - each of which is checkable using static program analysis.
16 "directives" more open to interpretation, or relate to process.
Static analysis just means "read the source code and possibly complain". (Contrast to "dynamic analysis", meaning, "run the program and possibly complain about some execution behavior").
There are lots of different types of possible static-analysis complaints.
One possible complaint might be,
Your source code does not provably satisfy a formal specification
This complaint would be based on formal verification if the static analyzer had a formal specification which it interpreted "formally", a formal interpretation of the source code, and a trusted theorem prover that could not find an appropriate theorem.
All the other kinds of complaints you might get from a static analyzer are pretty much heuristic opinions, that is, they are based on some informal interpretation of the code (or specification if it indeed even exists).
The "heavy duty" static analyzers such as Coverity etc. have pretty good program models, but they don't tell you that your code meets a specification (they don't even look to see if you have one). At best they only tell you that your code does something undefined according to the language ("dereference a null pointer") and even that complaint isn't always right.
So-called "style checkers" such as MISRA are also static analyzers, but their complaints are essentially "You used a construct that some committee decided was bad form". That's not actually a bug, it is pure opinion.
You can certainly classify static analysis as a kind of formal verification.
how can these be formal verification if there is no formal description of the model?
For static analysis tools, the model is implicit (or in some tools, partly implicit). For example, "a well-formed C++ program will not leak memory, and will not access memory that hasn't been initialized". These sorts of rules can be derived from the language specification, or from the coding standards of a particular project.
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OK, I know that this is very general question and that there were written some papers on the subject, but I have a feeling that these publications cover very basic material and I'm looking for something more advanced which would improve style and efficency. This is what I have in paper:
"Research Report AI-1989-08 Efficient Prolog: A Practical Guide" by Michael A. Covington, 1989
"Efficient Prolog Programming" by Timo Knuutila, 1992
"Coding guidelines for Prolog" by Covington, Bagnara, O'Keefe, Wielemaker, Price, 2011
Sample subjects covered in these: tail recursion and differential lists, proper use of indexing, proper use of cuts, avoiding asserts and retracts, avoiding CONSing, code formatting guidelines (indentation, if-then-elses etc.), naming conventions, code documenting, arguments order, testing.
What would you add here from your own personal experience with Prolog? Are there any special style guidelines applicable only to CLP programming? Do you know of some common efficiency problems and know how to deal with them?
Some interesting (but still too basic and too general for me) points are made here: Prolog programming guidelines of Lifeware Team
Just to highlight the whole problem I would like to qoute "Coding guidelines for Prolog" (Covington et al.):
As far as we know, a coherent and reasonably complete set of coding guidelines for Prolog has never been published. Moreover, when we look at the corpus of published Prolog programs, we do not see a de facto standard emerging. The most important reason behind this apparent omission is that the small Prolog community, due to the lack of a comprehensive language standard, is further fragmented into sub-communities centered around individual Prolog systems, none of which has a dominant position.
For designing clean interfaces in Prolog, I recommend reading the Prolog standard, see iso-prolog.
In particular the specific format how built-in predicates are codified which includes a particular style of documentation but also the way how errors are signaled. See 8.1 The format of built-in predicate definitions of ISO/IEC 13211-1:1995. You find definitions in that style online in Cor.2 and the
Prolog prologue.
A very good example of a library that follows the ISO error signaling conventions up to the letter (and yet is not standardized) is the implementation of library(clpfd) in SICStus and SWI. While both implementations are fundamentally different in their approach, they use the error conventions to their best advantage.
Back to ISO. This is ISO's format for built-in predicates:
x.y.z Name/Arity
In the beginning, there may be a short optional informal remark.
x.y.z.1 Description
A declarative description is given which starts very often with the most general goal using descriptive variable names such that they can be referred to later on. Should the predicate's meaning be not declarative at all, it is either stated "is true" or some otherwise unnecessary operationalizing word like "unifies", "assembles" is used. Let me give an example:
8.5.4 copy_term/2 Description
copy_term(Term_1, Term_2) is true iff Term_2 unifies with a term T which is a renamed copy ( of Term_1.
So this unifies is a big red warning sign: Don't ever think this predicate is a relation, it can only be understood procedurally. And even more so it (implicitly) states that the definition is steadfast in the second argument.
Another example: sort/2. Is this now a relation or not?
8.4.3 sort/2 Description
sort(List, Sorted) is true iff Sorted unifies with the sorted list of List (
So, again, no relation. Surprised? Look at Examples: Examples
sort([X, 1], [1, 1]).
Succeeds, unifying X with 1.
sort([1, 1], [1, 1]).
If necessary, a separate procedural description is added, starting with "Procedurally,". It again does not cover any errors at all. This is one of the big advantages of the standard descriptions: Errors are all separated from "doing", which helps a programmer (= user of the built-in) catching errors more systematically. To be fair, it slightly increases the burden of the implementor who wants to optimize by hand and on a case-to-case basis. Such optimized code is often prone to subtle errors anyway.
x.y.z.2 Template and modes
Here, a comprehensive, one or two line specification of the arguments' modes and types is given. The notation is very similar to other notations which finds its origin in the 1978 DECsystem-10 mode declarations. Template and modes
arg(+integer, +compound_term, ?term)
There is, however, a big difference between ISO's approach and Covington et al.'s guideline which is of informal nature only and states how a programmer should use a predicate. ISO's approach describes how the built-in will behave - in particular which errors should be expected. (There are 4 errors following from above plus one extra error that cannot be seen from above spec, see below).
x.y.z.3 Errors
All error conditions are given, each in its own subclause numbered alphabetically. The codex in 7.12 Errors:
When more than one error condition is satisfied, the error that is reported by the Prolog processor is implementation dependent.
That means, that each error condition must state all preconditions where it applies. All of them. The error conditions are not read like an if-then-elsif-then...
It also means that the codifier has to put extra effort for finding good error conditions. This is all to the advantage of the actual user-programmer but certainly a bit of a pain for the codifier and implementor.
Many error conditions directly follow from the spec given in x.y.z.2 according to the NOTES in 8.1.3 Errors and according to 7.12.2 Error classification (summary). For the built-in predicate arg/3, errors a, b, c, d follow from the spec. Only error e does not follow. Errors
a) N is a variable — instantiation_error.
b) Term is a variable — instantiation_error.
c) N is neither a variable nor an integer—type_error(integer, N).
d) Term is neither a variable nor a compound term— type_error(compound, Term).
e) N is an integer less than zero— domain_error(not_less_than_zero, N).
x.y.z.4 Examples
x.y.z.5 Bootstrapped built-in predicates
Defines other predicates that are so similar, they can be "bootstrapped".
As many programmers I studied Prolog in university, but only very little. I understand that Prolog and Datalog are closely related, but Datalog is simpler? Also, I believe that I read that Datalog does not depend on ordering of the logic clauses, but I am not sure why this is advantages. CLIPS is supposedly altogether different, but it is too subtle for me to understand. Can someone please to provide a general highlights of the languages over the other languages?
The difference between CLIPS and Prolog/Datalog is that CLIPS is a "production rule system" that operates by forward chaining: given a set of facts and rules, it will try to make every possible derivation of new facts and store those in memory. A query is then answered by checking whether it matches something in the fact store. So, in CLIPS, if you have (pseudo-syntax):
parent(X,Y) => child(Y,X)
it will immediately derive child(mary,john) and remember that fact. This can be very fast, but puts restrictions on the possible ruleset and takes up memory.
Prolog and Datalog operate by backward chaining, meaning that a query (predicate call) is answered by trying to prove the query, i.e. running the Prolog/Datalog program. Prolog is a Turing complete programming language, so any algorithm can be implemented in it.
Datalog is a non-Turing complete subset of Prolog that does not allow, e.g., negation. Its main advantage is that every Datalog program terminates (no infinite loops). This makes it useful for so-called "deductive databases," i.e. databases with rules in addition to facts.
datalog is a subset of prolog. the subset which datalog carries has two things in mind:
adopt an API which would support rules and queries
make sure all queries terminate
prolog is Turing complete. datalog is not.
getting datalog out of the way, let's see how prolog compares with clips.
prolog's expertise is "problem solving" while clips is an "expert system". if i understand correctly, "problem solving" involves expertise using code and data. "expert systems" mostly use data structures to express expertise. see
another way to look at it is:
expert systems operate on the premise that most (if not all) outcomes are known. all of these outcomes are compiled into data and then is fed into an expert system. give the expert system a scenario, the expert system computes the outcome from the compiled data, aka knowledge base. it's always a "an even number plus an even number is always even" kind of thinking.
problem solving systems have an incomplete view of the problem. so one starts out with modeling data and behavior, which would comprise the knowledge base (this gives justice to the term "corner case") and ends up with "if we add two to six, we end up with eight. is eight divisible by two? then it is even"
Could you please explain me what is the basic connection between the fundamentals of logical programming and the phenomenon of syntactic similarity between type systems and conventional logic?
The Curry-Howard correspondence is not about logic programming, but functional programming. The fundamental mechanic of Prolog is justified in proof theory by John Robinson's resolution technique, which shows how it is possible to check whether logical formulae expressed as Horn clauses are satisfiable, that is, whether you can find terms to substitue for their logic variables that make them true.
Thus logic programming is about specifying programs as logical formulae, and the calculation of the program is some form of proof inference, in Prolog reolution, as I have said. By contrast the Curry-Howard correspondence shows how proofs in a special formulasition of logic, called natural deduction, correspond to programs in the lambda calculus, with the type of the program corresponding to the formula that the proof proves; computation in the lambda calculus corresponds to an important phenomenon in proof theory called normalisation, which transforms proofs into new, more direct proofs. So logic programming and functional programming correspond to different levels in these logics: logic programs match formulae of a logic, whilst functional programs match proofs of formulae.
There's another difference: the logics used are generally different. Logic programming generally uses simpler logics — as I said, Prolog is founded on Horn clauses, which are a highly restricted class of formulae where implications may not be nested, and there are no disjunctions, although Prolog recovers the full strength of classical logic using the cut rule. By contrast, functional programming languages such as Haskell make heavy use of programs whose types have nested implications, and are decorated by all kinds of forms of polymorphism. They are also based on intuitionistic logic, a class of logics that forbids use of the principle of the excluded middle, which Robinson's computational mechanism is based on.
Some other points:
It is possible to base logic programming on more sophisticated logics than Horn clauses; for example, Lambda-prolog is based on intuitionistic logic, with a different computation mechanism than resolution.
Dale Miller has called the proof-theoretic paradigm behind logic programming the proof search as programming metaphor, to contrast with the proofs as programs metaphor that is another term used for the Curry-Howard correspondence.
Logic programming is fundamentally about goal directed searching for proofs. The structural relationship between typed languages and logic generally involves functional languages, although sometimes imperative and other languages - but not logic programming languages directly. This relationship relates proofs to programs.
So, logic programming proof search can be used to find proofs that are then interpreted as functional programs. This seems to be the most direct relationship between the two (as you asked for).
Building whole programs this way isn't practical, but it can be useful for filling in tedious details in programs, and there's some important examples of this in practice. A basic example of this is structural subtyping - which corresponds to filling in a few proof steps via a simple entailment proof. A much more sophisticated example is the type class system of Haskell, which involves a particular kind of goal directed search - in the extreme this involves a Turing-complete form of logic programming at compile time.