What are the best Prolog programming practices and style guidelines? [closed] - prolog

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OK, I know that this is very general question and that there were written some papers on the subject, but I have a feeling that these publications cover very basic material and I'm looking for something more advanced which would improve style and efficency. This is what I have in paper:
"Research Report AI-1989-08 Efficient Prolog: A Practical Guide" by Michael A. Covington, 1989
"Efficient Prolog Programming" by Timo Knuutila, 1992
"Coding guidelines for Prolog" by Covington, Bagnara, O'Keefe, Wielemaker, Price, 2011
Sample subjects covered in these: tail recursion and differential lists, proper use of indexing, proper use of cuts, avoiding asserts and retracts, avoiding CONSing, code formatting guidelines (indentation, if-then-elses etc.), naming conventions, code documenting, arguments order, testing.
What would you add here from your own personal experience with Prolog? Are there any special style guidelines applicable only to CLP programming? Do you know of some common efficiency problems and know how to deal with them?
Some interesting (but still too basic and too general for me) points are made here: Prolog programming guidelines of Lifeware Team
Just to highlight the whole problem I would like to qoute "Coding guidelines for Prolog" (Covington et al.):
As far as we know, a coherent and reasonably complete set of coding guidelines for Prolog has never been published. Moreover, when we look at the corpus of published Prolog programs, we do not see a de facto standard emerging. The most important reason behind this apparent omission is that the small Prolog community, due to the lack of a comprehensive language standard, is further fragmented into sub-communities centered around individual Prolog systems, none of which has a dominant position.

For designing clean interfaces in Prolog, I recommend reading the Prolog standard, see iso-prolog.
In particular the specific format how built-in predicates are codified which includes a particular style of documentation but also the way how errors are signaled. See 8.1 The format of built-in predicate definitions of ISO/IEC 13211-1:1995. You find definitions in that style online in Cor.2 and the
Prolog prologue.
A very good example of a library that follows the ISO error signaling conventions up to the letter (and yet is not standardized) is the implementation of library(clpfd) in SICStus and SWI. While both implementations are fundamentally different in their approach, they use the error conventions to their best advantage.
Back to ISO. This is ISO's format for built-in predicates:
x.y.z Name/Arity
In the beginning, there may be a short optional informal remark.
x.y.z.1 Description
A declarative description is given which starts very often with the most general goal using descriptive variable names such that they can be referred to later on. Should the predicate's meaning be not declarative at all, it is either stated "is true" or some otherwise unnecessary operationalizing word like "unifies", "assembles" is used. Let me give an example:
8.5.4 copy_term/2 Description
copy_term(Term_1, Term_2) is true iff Term_2 unifies with a term T which is a renamed copy ( of Term_1.
So this unifies is a big red warning sign: Don't ever think this predicate is a relation, it can only be understood procedurally. And even more so it (implicitly) states that the definition is steadfast in the second argument.
Another example: sort/2. Is this now a relation or not?
8.4.3 sort/2 Description
sort(List, Sorted) is true iff Sorted unifies with the sorted list of List (
So, again, no relation. Surprised? Look at Examples: Examples
sort([X, 1], [1, 1]).
Succeeds, unifying X with 1.
sort([1, 1], [1, 1]).
If necessary, a separate procedural description is added, starting with "Procedurally,". It again does not cover any errors at all. This is one of the big advantages of the standard descriptions: Errors are all separated from "doing", which helps a programmer (= user of the built-in) catching errors more systematically. To be fair, it slightly increases the burden of the implementor who wants to optimize by hand and on a case-to-case basis. Such optimized code is often prone to subtle errors anyway.
x.y.z.2 Template and modes
Here, a comprehensive, one or two line specification of the arguments' modes and types is given. The notation is very similar to other notations which finds its origin in the 1978 DECsystem-10 mode declarations. Template and modes
arg(+integer, +compound_term, ?term)
There is, however, a big difference between ISO's approach and Covington et al.'s guideline which is of informal nature only and states how a programmer should use a predicate. ISO's approach describes how the built-in will behave - in particular which errors should be expected. (There are 4 errors following from above plus one extra error that cannot be seen from above spec, see below).
x.y.z.3 Errors
All error conditions are given, each in its own subclause numbered alphabetically. The codex in 7.12 Errors:
When more than one error condition is satisfied, the error that is reported by the Prolog processor is implementation dependent.
That means, that each error condition must state all preconditions where it applies. All of them. The error conditions are not read like an if-then-elsif-then...
It also means that the codifier has to put extra effort for finding good error conditions. This is all to the advantage of the actual user-programmer but certainly a bit of a pain for the codifier and implementor.
Many error conditions directly follow from the spec given in x.y.z.2 according to the NOTES in 8.1.3 Errors and according to 7.12.2 Error classification (summary). For the built-in predicate arg/3, errors a, b, c, d follow from the spec. Only error e does not follow. Errors
a) N is a variable — instantiation_error.
b) Term is a variable — instantiation_error.
c) N is neither a variable nor an integer—type_error(integer, N).
d) Term is neither a variable nor a compound term— type_error(compound, Term).
e) N is an integer less than zero— domain_error(not_less_than_zero, N).
x.y.z.4 Examples
x.y.z.5 Bootstrapped built-in predicates
Defines other predicates that are so similar, they can be "bootstrapped".


examples of prolog meta-interpreter uses?

I'm reading several texts and online guides to understand the possibilities of prolog meta-interpreters.
The following seem like solid use cases:
proof explainers / tracers
changing proof search strategy, eg breadth first vs depth first
domain specific languages
Question - what other compelling use-cases are there?
Quoting from A Couple of Meta-interpreters in Prolog which is a part of the book "The Power of Prolog":
Further extensions
Other possible extensions are module systems, delayed goals, checking for various kinds of infinite loops, profiling, debugging, type systems, constraint solving etc. The overhead incurred by implementing these things using MIs can be compiled away using partial evaluation techniques. [...]
This quite extends your proposed uses, e.g., by
changing the search of p(X) :- p(s(X)). to detect loops (including "obvious" ones like this one),
hinting at where most compute time is spent ("profiling"),
or by reducing a program to a simpler fragment that is easier to analyse—but still has the property of interest: unexpected non-termination (explained via failure-slice), unexpected failure, or unexpected success.

Is there a higher order Prolog that wouldn't need a type system?

I suspect that λProlog needs a type system to make their higher
order unification sound. Otherwise through self application some
Russell type anomalies can appear.
Are there alternative higher order Prologs that don't need .sig files?
Maybe by a much simpler type system, that doesn't need that many
declarations but still has some form of higher order unification?
Can this dilemma be solved?
Is there a higher order Prolog that wouldn't need a type system?
These are type-free:
From the HiOrd paper:
The framework proposed gives rise to many questions the authors hope to ad-
dress in future research. In particular, a rigorous treatment must be developed for
comparison with other higher-order formal systems (Hilog, Lambda-Prolog). For
example, it is reasonably straightforward to conservatively translate the Higher-
order Horn fragment of λProlog into Hiord by erasing types, as the resolution
rules are essentially the same (assuming a type-safe higher-order unification pro-
Ciao (includes HiOrd)

Looking for a more compact syntax for Prolog

Prolog is a nice language. I use it occasionally, from time to time.
But approaching it every subsequent time makes me feel less and less comfortable syntactically.
The modern programming languages are moving to allow
programmer less repeating himself
omit unnecessary pieces if they can be deduced, or their names are just placeholders.
The DCG is a step in the right direction allowing one to write
sentence --> noun_phrase, verb_phrase.
instead of
sentence(A,Z) :- noun_phrase(A,B), verb_phrase(B,Z).
but its entanglement with difference lists makes it less useful.
So what I am looking for are projects giving Prolog
a more compact syntactic representation, while preserving its semantic expressiveness.
Higher-order programming based on call/N is still a pretty much unexplored terrain. Major implementations like SICStus Prolog added call/N as late as 2006. So there is still a lot to explore. Consider library(lambda), library(reif) (both here) and other definitions using the meta-predicate declaration.
One thing you might want to look into in case of Swi-Prolog are actual language extensions introduced specifically by Swi-Prolog 7:
Another thing is Quasi-Quotation library which allows you to insert pieces of code in your own language (defined using DCG) inside "regular" Prolog code:
The last thing I can recommend is the list of additional Swi-Prolog packages, some of which are specifically designed to extend the language, e.g. 'func', 'lambda', etc.:

Theorem Proof Using Prolog

How can I write theorem proofs using Prolog?
I have tried to write it like this:
parallel(X,Y) :-
X \== Y,
perpendicular(X,Y) :-
Can you help me?
I was reluctant to post an Answer because this Question is poorly framed. Thanks to theJollySin for adding clean formatting! Something omitted in the rewrite, indicative of what Aman had in mind, was "I inter in Loop" (sic).
We don't know what query was entered that resulted in this looping, so speculation is required. The two rules suggest that Goal involved either the parallel/2 or the perpendicular/2 predicate.
With practice it's not hard to understand what the Prolog engine will do when a query is posed, especially a single goal query. Prolog uses a pretty simple "follow your nose" strategy in attempting to satisfy a goal. Look for the rules for whichever predicate is invoked. Then see if any of those rules, starting with the first and going down in the list of them, can be applied.
There are three topics that beginning Prolog programmers will typically struggle with. One is the recursive nature of the search the Prolog engine makes. Here the only rule for parallel/2 has a right-hand side that invokes two subgoals for perpendicular/2, while the only rule for perpendicular/2 invokes both a subgoal for itself and another subgoal for parallel/2. One should expect that trying to satisfy either kind of query inevitably leads to a Hydra-like struggle with bifurcating heads.
The second topic we see in this example is the use of free variables. If we are to gain knowledge about perpendicularity or parallelism of two specific lines (geometry), then somehow the query or the rules need to provide "binding" of variables to "ground" terms. Again without the actual Goal being queried, it's hard to guess how Aman expected that to work. Perhaps there should have been "facts" supplied about specific lines that are perpendicular or parallel. Lines could be represented merely as atoms (perhaps lowercase letters), but Prolog variables are names that begin with an uppercase letter (as in the two given rules) or with an underscore (_) character.
Finally the third topic that can be quite confusing is how Prolog handles negation. There's only a touch of that in these rules, the place where X\==Y is invoked. But even that brief subgoal requires careful understanding. Prolog implements "negation as failure", so that X\==Y succeeds if and only if X==Y does not succeed. This latter goal is also subtle, because it asks whether X and Y are the same without trying to do any unification. Thus if these are different variables, both free, then X==Y fails (and X\==Ysucceeds). On the other hand, the only way for X==Yto succeed (and thus for X\==Y to fail) would be if both variables were bound to the same ground term. As discussed above the two rules as stated don't provide a way for that to be the case, though something might have taken care of this in the query Goal.
The homework assignment for Aman is to learn about these Prolog topics:
free and bound variables
Perhaps more concrete suggestions can then be made about Prolog doing geometry proofs!
Added: PTTP (Prolog Technology Theorem Prover) was written by M.E. Stickel in the late 1980's, and this 2006 web page describes it and links to a download.
It also summarizes succinctly why Prolog alone is not " a full general-purpose theorem-proving system." Pointers to later, more capable theorem provers can be followed there as well.

Datalog vs CLIPS vs Prolog

As many programmers I studied Prolog in university, but only very little. I understand that Prolog and Datalog are closely related, but Datalog is simpler? Also, I believe that I read that Datalog does not depend on ordering of the logic clauses, but I am not sure why this is advantages. CLIPS is supposedly altogether different, but it is too subtle for me to understand. Can someone please to provide a general highlights of the languages over the other languages?
The difference between CLIPS and Prolog/Datalog is that CLIPS is a "production rule system" that operates by forward chaining: given a set of facts and rules, it will try to make every possible derivation of new facts and store those in memory. A query is then answered by checking whether it matches something in the fact store. So, in CLIPS, if you have (pseudo-syntax):
parent(X,Y) => child(Y,X)
it will immediately derive child(mary,john) and remember that fact. This can be very fast, but puts restrictions on the possible ruleset and takes up memory.
Prolog and Datalog operate by backward chaining, meaning that a query (predicate call) is answered by trying to prove the query, i.e. running the Prolog/Datalog program. Prolog is a Turing complete programming language, so any algorithm can be implemented in it.
Datalog is a non-Turing complete subset of Prolog that does not allow, e.g., negation. Its main advantage is that every Datalog program terminates (no infinite loops). This makes it useful for so-called "deductive databases," i.e. databases with rules in addition to facts.
datalog is a subset of prolog. the subset which datalog carries has two things in mind:
adopt an API which would support rules and queries
make sure all queries terminate
prolog is Turing complete. datalog is not.
getting datalog out of the way, let's see how prolog compares with clips.
prolog's expertise is "problem solving" while clips is an "expert system". if i understand correctly, "problem solving" involves expertise using code and data. "expert systems" mostly use data structures to express expertise. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expert_system#Comparison_to_problem-solving_systems
another way to look at it is:
expert systems operate on the premise that most (if not all) outcomes are known. all of these outcomes are compiled into data and then is fed into an expert system. give the expert system a scenario, the expert system computes the outcome from the compiled data, aka knowledge base. it's always a "an even number plus an even number is always even" kind of thinking.
problem solving systems have an incomplete view of the problem. so one starts out with modeling data and behavior, which would comprise the knowledge base (this gives justice to the term "corner case") and ends up with "if we add two to six, we end up with eight. is eight divisible by two? then it is even"
