Xamarin.UWP local notification not working - xamarin

I have implemented a code to send Local Notifications for a particular date and time on Android and iOS platform.And, My code is working for Android and iOS platform.In Android,I am using AlarmManager.
and in iOS, UILocationNotification for sending notifications. But , I didn't find any solution for the UWP platform to implement the Local Notification feature
using Dependency Service as i got for Android and iOS platform. Is there any solution for sending local notifications for particular
date and time for all the platforms including "UWP"(mandatory) in Xamarin.forms????

Xamarin.UWP local notification not working
If you want to make Local notification fore Xamarin.Forms, please refer this document. But it has not implement UWP platform. So we need implement schedule notification within uwp and use dependency service to call it. And I have implement a simple you could refer.
public interface INotificationManager
int ScheduleNotification(string title, string message,DateTime scheduledTime);
public class UWPNotificationManager : INotificationManager
int messageId = -1;
public int ScheduleNotification(string title, string message,DateTime scheduledTime)
string TOAST = $#"<toast>
<binding template='ToastGeneric'>
<audio src =""ms-winsoundevent:Notification.Mail"" loop=""true""/>
Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument xml = new Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument();
ScheduledToastNotification toast = new ScheduledToastNotification(xml, scheduledTime);
toast.Id = "IdTostone" + messageId.ToString();
toast.Tag = "NotificationOne";
toast.Group = nameof(UWPNotificationManager);
return messageId;
private void OnScheduleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
string title = $"Local Notification #{notificationNumber}";
string message = $"You have now received {notificationNumber} notifications!";
notificationManager.ScheduleNotification(title, message,DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));

Try to use


Push Notification using Amazon SNS – Device id

Developing the mobile app using the Xamarin Forms. For push notification we are using Amazon Simple Notification Service(SNS).
Xamarin.Andriod :
1. While installing the app we have used the below code snippet to register the device id into the Amazon SNS in OnCreate method of MainActivity. It works fine
using (Intent intent = new Intent("com.google.android.c2dm.intent.REGISTER"))
string senders = AmazonUtils.GoogleConsoleProjectId;
intent.PutExtra("app", PendingIntent.GetBroadcast(this, 0, new Intent(), 0));
intent.PutExtra("sender", senders);
Every time when app opens checking the corresponding device id is registered in the Amazon SNS. Due to this app takes additional 4 secs to check this process and after that page is loading.
Do we need to check the device is register or not for every time when the app opens ?. Is this standard for the push notification ?.
Install Xam.Plugins.Settings.
It will add a helper class called Settings
In this class you should add:
private const string IsRegisteredKey = "registered_key";
private static readonly bool IsRegisteredDefault = false;
//Then adding this property
public static bool IsRegistered
return AppSettings.GetValueOrDefault(IsRegisteredKey, IsRegisteredDefault);
AppSettings.AddOrUpdateValue(IsRegisteredKey, value);
Then in your code call this property, like this:
using YourProjectNameSpace.Droid.Helper
using (Intent intent = new Intent("com.google.android.c2dm.intent.REGISTER"))
string senders = AmazonUtils.GoogleConsoleProjectId;
intent.PutExtra("app", PendingIntent.GetBroadcast(this, 0, new Intent(), 0));
intent.PutExtra("sender", senders);
Settings.IsRegistered = true;

How to add an Attachment to Outlook Mail from UWP App programmatically?

I am developing an UWP Application , i want to add a Attachment to outlook from UWP app programmatically
Request you to please me know if any alternatives are there.
Looking forward for your response.
You can use the share contract to send some data to the compliant applications (including outlook). It allows you to share some text and data with any compliant apps.
To activate the sharing, you just need to register to the DataRequested event and show the share UI:
DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView().DataRequested += OnDataRequested;
Then, in the event handler:
private async void OnDataRequested(DataTransferManager sender, DataRequestedEventArgs args)
var deferral = args.Request.GetDeferral();
args.Request.Data.Properties.Title = "Share Title"
args.Request.Data.Properties.Description = "Share some data/file";
var file = await ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.GetFileAsync("myFileToShare.xxx");
args.Request.Data.SetStorageItems(new IStorageItem[] { logFile });
args.Request.FailWithDisplayText("Unable to share data");
sender.DataRequested -= OnDataRequested;
Once done, the system will show the share UI where the user will be able to select the app he want. This app will receive the sent data.
While #Vincent's answer is perfect when you want to use Share Contract, if you want to use Just Email and attach the File, Below is a simple Method that i use in one of my App.
internal async void ShowEmail(string body, string subject, StorageFile attachment)
EmailMessage email = new EmailMessage();
email.Subject = subject;
email.Body = body;
var stream = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromFile(attachment);
email.SetBodyStream(EmailMessageBodyKind.Html, stream);
await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(email);
Above method is a strip down of the example from Here

Create a Share button on Windows Phone 8, 8.1 and 10 (Mobile)

How can I create a Share button (that share a defined mesage to another player contact) as the below image on Windows Phone 8, 8.1 and 10 (Mobile):
To create this script to share on Android Device I use the following code:
public class ShareScript : MonoBehaviour {
string subject = "Subject";
string body = "Body";
public void OnAndroidTextSharingClick()
IEnumerator ShareAndroidText()
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
//execute the below lines if being run on a Android device
//Reference of AndroidJavaClass class for intent
AndroidJavaClass intentClass = new AndroidJavaClass ("android.content.Intent");
//Reference of AndroidJavaObject class for intent
AndroidJavaObject intentObject = new AndroidJavaObject ("android.content.Intent");
//call setAction method of the Intent object created
intentObject.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("setAction", intentClass.GetStatic<string>("ACTION_SEND"));
//set the type of sharing that is happening
intentObject.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("setType", "text/plain");
//add data to be passed to the other activity i.e., the data to be sent
intentObject.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("putExtra", intentClass.GetStatic<string>("EXTRA_SUBJECT"), subject);
//intentObject.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("putExtra", intentClass.GetStatic<string>("EXTRA_TITLE"), "Text Sharing ");
intentObject.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("putExtra", intentClass.GetStatic<string>("EXTRA_TEXT"), body);
//get the current activity
AndroidJavaClass unity = new AndroidJavaClass ("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
AndroidJavaObject currentActivity = unity.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
//start the activity by sending the intent data
AndroidJavaObject jChooser = intentClass.CallStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("createChooser", intentObject, "Share Via");
currentActivity.Call("startActivity", jChooser);
Call DataTransferManager.ShowShareUI to show the sharing pane.
Handle the DataTransferManager.DataRequested event to provide the data when the user choses to share.
private void DataRequested(DataTransferManager sender, DataRequestedEventArgs e)
DataRequest request = e.Request;
request.Data.Properties.Title = "Share Text Example";
request.Data.Properties.Description = "An example of how to share text.";
request.Data.SetText("Hello World!");
See the Share data docs on MSDN for more info.
In Unity you can call these in an #if NETFX_CORE block so it runs only when using the Windows Runtime and not Mono. See Windows Store Apps: WinRT API in C# scripts. If you target Windows 10 then there are plug-ins at https://github.com/microsoft/unityplugins which include sharing. For earlier targets there are commercial plugins.

Launch Cordova Windows App with Parameters

Am finding hard to launch Cordova Windows App, from another native Windows App.
Using Protocol invocation, I am passing few parameters to Cordova Windows App, to see if the Cordova app identifies those parameters from the Windows Native App.
Is there anyway to pass Parameters from native Windows App to Cordova App, so that Cordova App identifies the parameters as arguments?
In native windows 8 store app I am using app protocol association to send parameters one app to another app. like
in sender app:
mainpage.xaml.cs on button click
var url = "apptest:?" + name;
Uri uri = new Uri(url);
await Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(uri);
in received app
Declarations --> available declarations add --> protocol --> name = apptest
protected override void OnActivated(IActivatedEventArgs args)
if (args.Kind == ActivationKind.Protocol)
ProtocolActivatedEventArgs protocolArgs = args as ProtocolActivatedEventArgs;
var rootFrame = new Frame();
rootFrame.Navigate(typeof(MainPage), protocolArgs);
Window.Current.Content = rootFrame;
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
ProtocolActivatedEventArgs pa = e.Parameter as ProtocolActivatedEventArgs;
if(pa != null)enter code here
string qS = pa.Uri.Query;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qS))
Txt_name.Text = qS;
in this way i will take the data from sender app.
Same like is there any way to receive data from windows 10 native app to cordova app. it is very hard to find the solution. not able to find the exact piece of code.

How to launch app using NFC tag on Windows Phone 8?

I got Windows Phone 8 device, few NDEF formatted NFC tags and I'm wondering, is it possible to implement app launching on my WP8 using these tags? I've read thoroughly this article about URI schemes for launching built-in apps for Windows Phone 8, but I haven't found any link related to actual launching of 3rd party apps. I can launch various settings screens, or browser, email, SMS...
What is more interesting, that there are at least two NFC tags on WP Store that can "write tags for launching apps", I've tried them, but the launching is just not working.
So the question is: is it possible to store on NFC tag information for launching any 3rd party app on WP8? If yes, what is the format of such URI scheme and how to write it to a tag using WP8?
Yes, you can launch any Windows Phone 8 app using an NFC tag. You need to put an NDEF message on the tag that has a LaunchApp record as the first record. Set the platform ID in the payload of the NDEF record to "WindowsPhone" and set the app ID to the hex string at the end of Windows Phone store URL between "{" and "}" For example, for http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/stackoverflow-feeds/226fcc72-69ff-4a85-b945-cbb7f5ea00af to "{226fcc72-69ff-4a85-b945-cbb7f5ea00af}".
This library can help to create such NDEF records. Limited documentation from MS is available here.
To launch your app via a NFC tag, you need to Register it for a URI association by adding an extension in the WMAppManifest.xml file, like this:
<Protocol Name="mynfcapp" NavUriFragment="encodedLaunchUri=%s" TaskID="_default" />
Then you will need to create a URI mapper that can handle the URI association, like this:
public class AssociationUriMapper : UriMapperBase
public override Uri MapUri(Uri uri)
string url = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(uri.ToString());
if (url.Contains("mynfcapp:MainPage"))
int paramIndex = url.IndexOf("source=") + 7;
string paramValue = url.Substring(paramIndex);
return new Uri("/MainPage.xaml?source=" + paramValue, UriKind.Relative);
return uri;
And here is the code to write the NFC tag that will launch the app:
public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage
private readonly ProximityDevice _proximityDevice;
private long subId = 0;
private long pubId = 0;
public MainPage()
_proximityDevice = ProximityDevice.GetDefault();
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
if (_proximityDevice != null)
subId = _proximityDevice.SubscribeForMessage("WriteableTag", OnWriteableTagArrived);
private void OnWriteableTagArrived(ProximityDevice sender, ProximityMessage message)
var dataWriter = new DataWriter();
dataWriter.UnicodeEncoding = Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf16LE;
string appLauncher = string.Format(#"mynfcapp:MainPage?source=mynfctest");
pubId = sender.PublishBinaryMessage("WindowsUri:WriteTag", dataWriter.DetachBuffer());
