How to change button text in Laravel Nova? - laravel

[![enter image description here][2]][2]
There is another screen shot, in which need to change no file selected text.

You can use Nova's built-in Laravel localization feature to change the name for relationship-oriented buttons. It is explained in the docs here:

I discovered the solution to above question today.
that is very simple.
Just add the translated text in auto-generated translation files from nova.
When we install the nova, it will generate resources/lang/vendor/nova
translation directory.
You can create your required lang file, like in my case, I need to add dutch translation so, I created the nl.json file.
Simply override the text as shown below.
{ "no file selected": "geen bestand geselecteerd" }


How to override seealso:: directive in Sphinx?

I'm using Sphinx in a project and I wanna change 'See also' title in top of the seealso::'s box in the template.
I also searched a little in the codes and saw the SeeAlso class in the Sphinx library but I have no idea how to override it and change the title.
Well, I finally found a way that I think is the simple one!
My question was to be able to change the title of sphinx specific admonitions like seealso::
In the locale folder (sphinx/locale/ , there is a dictionary named admonitionlabels, that the titles are defined here.
To change it in the project, we just add this code in the project's
from sphinx import locale
locale.admonitionlabels['seealso'] = 'new title'
and when we use make html sphinx will apply our new title to the project

Joomla - use full article image instead of intro image

I wanted to ask if there is a possibility to force Joomla to use full article image if intro image is empty (everywhere where image should be visible).
Is there a setting for this? Is it a feature of a template or Joomla engine itself? Right now I always have to specify both of this images, cause if I specify one only full article image Joomla does not display miniature in many places. If I specify the other one miniature is there but when I enter article it is missing.
I always end up having to specify the same image twice. Is there any way around this?
I ended up overwriting the template for article to display $images->intro_image whenever $images->image_fulltext is not available.
This solves my problems yet one joomla user tells me she is sure that they were able to do that before without any modifications in the template. So now I'm just wondering if there is a setting for this in Joomla Admin so that it does not have to be forced in template code
It turned out that each element of my page except full article used intro_image. So what I did was to copy out the part responsible for showing article into the html folder of my template and just added a php code to use intro image instead of fulltext image (if it is present). You basically need to change $image->fulltext to $image->intro_image in the condition. But remember to keep the original condition as an elseif condition if you want to be able to still use full text image

Change text of Please fill out this field tooltip in Joomla 3

It is set by default that when I create input fields and set them to be required, when users don't fill in anything, they got a massage:
Please fill out this field
I am creating a website with Joomla, and this tooltip pops out in every browser displaying the above text. How to change the text.
I tried to look up in Joomla language ini files, but no success. Is there some easy way to change this, or some advice where it could be?
This is not a Joomla string, it's the message displayed by the HTML5 required attribute. To change the message you have to check the loads of suggestions in the following questions:
HTML5 form required attribute. Set custom validation message?
How to change default “please fill out this field” in two field
if you are writing your own component (or module/plugin), it sounds like this is the description - field in the form-xml for your component. If the form is auto-generated from a component-creator, the file should be found in
but some more info on where/what you are doing would help.
regards Jonas

How to change HTML of "Shipping & Handling" line on cart page

In the shopping cart page of my magento store, there is a line item for Shipping & Handling. I am trying to change the HTML output of this line. I have figured out how to change the actual text "Shipping & Handling - Method" , but I would like to change the actual HTML output. I looked through all of my theme files and could not figure out where to access this. I simply need to add a CSS class for that line so I can style it. Any ideas?
Thank you.
An easier solution to take if you are not a developer is to update the translation of that line of text in your translation file /app/locale/en_US/Mage_Checkout.csv if it isn't already in there just add a line at the end. The first part is what the text currently is and the second is what you want it to read.
tread lightly, it effects that line of text anywhere on your site.
If you just need to style some text add the html of that section and I can help you with a selector.
The file you are looking for is app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Quote/Address/Total/Shipping.php you will
$title = Mage::helper('sales')->__('Shipping & Handling');
Under fetch(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address) function and around 20th line. There you can change but editing magento core file is not recommended. So you have two solutions
Copy Shipping.php file in to local code pool and edit there
This is the best way create your own module for override Shipping.php file by extending Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Shipping class you can find a tutorial of creating module at steve perrys' blog

Magento Language File for Admin-Customer Account Page

Maybe I'm just tired...but I can't seem to locate the language file relevant to the backend Customers>Manage Customers>Individual Record
I just want to change the form label "Suffix" to "Credentials".
Can you use inline translation to do it?
