App inventor blocks editor is starting slow and return error "could not download starter application..." - app-inventor

I'm trying to run blocs editor for app inventor. It's starting slowly and then returns message:
We could not download the starter application from the server in order to install it on the device. This may prevent the "Connect to Device" button from working.
This error can occur if you have tried to start the blocks editor with a previously downloaded ".jnlp" file.
I have installed last version of java, other java applications are working fine. How does make the block editor work?

There could be lots of reasons. Which browser are you using? Did you already try another?
Probably there is some kind blocking software running on your machine, perhaps a firewall. There have also been reports of this from misconfigured virus scanners.
You also might want to take a look at the troubleshooting page. If this does not help, post a question in the Getting Set Up and Connecting Your Phone to App Inventor forum.


Where integration bots are stored?

Where does OSX Server store integration bots? Or is it my local Xcode who stores them? Server screwed my setup again, but this time I'm no longer able to see my bots.
Just want to express my deep frustration with Xcode CI:
OSX Server (or whatever it's called) is one of a kind piece of software, giving me incredible headaches lately with its' laginness, bugginess and poor performance. I think over the past week I experienced all possible errors Server has to offer:
"internal error updating bot" (please try again later);
"error reading service configuration" (or similar wording) - requires Xcode reset; continue to occur randomly again and again with no reasons;
"Xcode version is not supported" - only reboot seems to convince server to use Xcode which was already used previously
Randomly, fail integrations because "device is not connected", given that I test desktop application for OSX...
Finally, after yet another episode of screwing my setup, I no longer can see my bots on the server - they vanished. well done Server.
The bots and integrations are stored on the server.
The directory should look something like /Users/<xcode_server_tester_user_name>/Library/Caches/XCSBuilder/Bots
(OSX-Server 5.3 (16S4123), XCode 8.3.2 (8E2002))
I hate to say this but I found restarting the machine is a good way to resolve frustration No. 1 and 2.
device is not connected error often happens right after OS, OSX-Server or XCode is upgraded.
Usually reselecting devices from the XCode UI works for me.
Although sometimes it may require repeating multiple times and waiting for a long time for the device list to load.
On your OSX Server machine, deleting the simulator and re-adding it via Xcode->Devices sometimes helps too.
Another way is to delete all simulators from the linked Xcode on OSX Server machine and only keep the ones you want to test your project on. Config the bot to use All iOS Devices and Simulators.
Even though Xcode Server now runs as a specific user, the configuration files are kept in /Library/Developer/XcodeServer. You can also hit the Xcode Server API to get information about your bots.
In a Couchbase db.
I don't know how to access the contents though.
Enter this in Safari on your server

Cannot submit Xcode Archive to Itunes Connect. "Uploading Archive: Sending API Usage to Itunes Connect"

Hello Ive sent a version of my app one week ago through Xcode 6 and it didn't have any problem. Today Ive tried to upload a new version of my App via Xcode and when uploading, the progress bar stays in "Sending API usage to Itunes Connect". It doesn't give me any errors, nor warnings, it just stays like that forever.
Ive been looking in google and also in here, and found a lot of solutions (ones more logical than others). Well, Ive tried ALL those solutions, I've created new provision profiles, restarted my computer, restart Xcode, changed "netinfo", connect to new wifi, among others.
Its really driving me crazy since I didn't do anything, it just stopped working.
There are a lot of question with this same topic on the internet (including StackOverflow) and I think there is no one ultimate answer that really explain why this happen. Ive seen very detailed answers but none of them worked for me.
Some of this questions are:
1) Can't Submit App to App Store: “Sending API Usage to iTunes Connect” either times out or loses connection.
2) Application Loader (Apple) stuck on “Sending API usage to iTunes Connect”.
3) Stuck on “Sending API usage to iTunes Connect”.
If I export the archive into an .ipa I can upload it with application loader. I don't know why I can't do it with Xcode. Ive always used Xcode for this.
The reason I want to know how to do it with Xcode is that I don't know if uploading only the .ipa and configuring in app purchases only directly via itunes connect's webpage without doing it in application loader(the button that says "New In-app Purchases" template) , will also work.
I hope someone could help me.
Thank you.
minimise the organiser window
reopen it from mac floating menubar
This seems to be refreshing the connection while online. Works for me.
I had this same problem a few minutes ago, let me explain what I did:
Restart your router/modem
Restart your Mac
Set the active scheme in Xcode for iOS Device
Make a new archive
Validate before submit
These steps work perfectly for me, hope that helps.
I also faced similar problem. I can't upload from my office, but can upload from my home. I assumed that my office's internet connection has problem with Apple server. If you get problem with Xcode to upload, you can download Application Loader separately from iTunes connect and try with that and wait for passing sending api usage state.
Try doing this:
cd ~
mv .itmstransporter/ .old_itmstransporter/
Seems to be working for a lot of others -
I couldn't make this work on XCode 7.1.
I had to upgrade to 7.1.1, which allowed me to export the binary for App Store Deployment, and then use the Application Loader to upload the app for review.
Absolutely crazy, Apple.
I've found that instead of restarting your router and machine etc, simply clicking 'Renew DHCP Lease' in the TCP/IP settings of your internet device (under Network in System Preferences) solves the issue much quicker and easier, for me anyway.
Just another error that makes working in Apples eco-system all the more fun and exciting...
There was no one particular procedure that seemed to do it in my case: restarted router, restarted Mac, restarted Xcode, recreated profiles on developer website, viewed them in Xcode, recreated archives, attempted just validating for App Store. All of these things over and over again.
My experience has been that you should just kept trying until suddenly it works. Which is sadly not the magic button to click that I was looking for.
Possibly the fact that I managed only twice in the last dozen or so upload attempts in the morning from here in the UK (making it approx 02:30 over there in the US), indicates it's perhaps an iTunes overloaded problem.
I had the same problem, though none of the suggested steps solved my problem, other than using the Application Loader.
However, one thing that bothered me was a warning message saying that:
The resulting API analysis file is too large. We were unable to validate your API usage prior to delivery. This is just an informational message.
It came to me that it might be the reason why Xcode's uploading might be messed up, since it locks at the Sending API usage to iTunes Connect.
Some people mention it in some posts here in stackoverflow.
For me Network is not allowing to upload the build as office wireless is having firewall so I had to move to other wi-fi to upload the build.
Just adding another possible answer here that fixed it for me.
I was on a VPN at work. Disabling this and trying again worked.

iOS Remote Debugging on external Devices

I am not sure if I can remote debug an application running on an Iphone which is not next to me? We test your app. well but some users have issues sometimes we can not replicate and dont know where to start digging in this cases. So it would be very easy for us when we can just connect the remote debugger via the internet to an device. Is is possible somehow?
Most of the guys using the app we could remote to there PCs (but the majority dont uses macs...) and run tools there, is this maybe an easier solution?
For Mac Os I found this
But this is not for iOS...
Thx very very much already
Our company just released a service exactly for that purpose: . It allows you to very easily (5 minutes) integrate your application - add framework project basically and you get all the remote debugging capability included (you can access everything from very nice web panel):
You can see logs of running application (in near-real-time)
You can see how device conditions change over time (rotation, wifi/gprs, battery, others)
You get crashes reported to you automatically with all relevant information
Even out-of-memory errors are reported
Your testers can even report problems by shaking the device - including automated screenshots
and more.....
It's currently, closed beta stage but you can request access and for sure you get it.
All you need to do is get the crash log(you can get this at any time through the Xcode Organizer or iTunes Connect in released Applications) symbolicate it and ask the tester what they did to cause the error. This will give you every piece of info you could of gotten from GDB.
Check out, you can get crash reports, remote logs, see how is the teststing going and much more, see link for further details.

What's causing this weird Windows Phone Emulator crash?

I am trying to debug my Windows Phone 7 app, and I am getting the following error upon launching the app in the emulator (via VS2010 debug):
Unable to start program
The drive cannot locate a specific area or track.
Any ideas as what may be causing this? The most recent change I made was adding functionality to save game data, via the IsolatedStorageFile. However, it was working for a while with this functionality in there.
I found the problem. If only I had read the release notes. For anyone else that might be experiencing this issue, it is addressed in the WPDT Beta Release Notes.
Release Notes - WPDT Beta 7/16/2010
Unable to start program error if
project not configured to build or
deploy. If a project is not configured
to build and or deploy a game, the
operation will fail with the following
error message:
Unable to start program
The drive cannot locate a specific area or track
on the disk.
To set a game project to
build or deploy: In Visual Studio 2010
Express for Windows Phone, click
Tools, then click Settings, then click
Expert Settings to enable the Solution
Configurations drop-down. From the
Solution Configurations drop-down in
the standard toolbar, select
Configuration Manager. Check the Build
and Deploy checkboxes.
what worked for me was to update my graphic card driver. Even though my computer said the device was up to date, going to the manufacturer website and downloading the latest drive allowed it to work. (using Nvidia by the way) this was after after about 5 hours of trying to figure this thing out.
also make sure you all the rest of your updates are up to date, and that directX is current.

How do I set up my environment to debug on a Blackberry device?

I'm sorry if I'm asking the wrong thing in stackoverflow, but I've come to my wits end dealing with Blackberry. Documentation, site organization, general levels of support have all come together to the point that I haven't been able to do a whole lot of actual work in this environment.
I currently have the Eclipse environment downloaded from the blackberry developer's area website. I can run the simulator and everything else without issue. What I'm trying to do now is to move from debugging on the simulator to debugging on the device itself. This is an important step for me, but I haven't found a satisfactory way to do it...
What I've found are some posts saying that I should package an ALX (of which I'm still not sure on how to do), and using the BDM to install it. This, however, means I won't be able to use the debugger...
If someone could direct me to a resource that will give me step by step instructions from coding to release of blackberry development, this would be awfully helpful.
Thanks so much!
Yes, please test your code on a device. Basic stuff works the same between both, but especially when you get into networking, media, etc. the devices are different.
You can debug on your device through Eclipse. I can't provide you with an end-to-end guide on SO, but here's the quick debug guide.
Build (sign if necessary) and load your app onto the device. You can do this with the desktop manager, or with the command-line javaloader tool that comes with the JDE (look in the bin directory), or even OTA (over the air)
After loading, make sure the Desktop Manager is NOT running (it'll interfere with on-device debugging)
From Eclipse, create a new debug configuration, in the Debug Configurations dialog click on BlackBerry Device, and then click on the new configuration icon. Default settings should be fine.
Make sure your device is plugged into your USB port and start your new debug configuration. You'll probably get a lot of prompts about things missing (because actual devices don't have debug info for any built-in stuff, generally) but click through those and you should be fine to debug.
This is something we struggled with a lot at my old company. I don't think it's possible to do with Eclipse, you have to use the BB JDE, creating the necessary project files against the same code base. I could be wrong on that one as we weren't using the RIM Eclipse plugin, just building it all with Ant.
Personally I never managed to get passed "debugger attaching..." on the device, although I believe a colleague got it to connect but found it too slow to be usable (if you think how slow the emulator can be sometimes...). I know our ant build file had a target for building a version specifically for the JDE profiler, although that was only against the emulator.
In the end we resorted to using our own function debugging code that manually logged entries, exits, parameters and run times, sending the result to a special server.
Sorry if that doesn't help much, but that was our experience.
Never needed to debug on the device itself, I've always found that the apps i've written work on the device, same as on the handset.
As for generating an ALX, in eclipse right click on the project inside the Package Explorer and select "Generate ALX File".
