How I can get the image, which already uploaded? - laravel

Problem is in getting image file, EXAMPLE: create user's profile with name and photo. But after that I want to change name and my EDIT form has two field NAME and PHOTO, but I want to change ONLY NAME, but input file always empty and default value null. So if will not to choose a picture and click submit, then in my db the path to image will change to null. So how I can get image? I read about hash but did not understand how is it to use

You can use this code:
$image = '';
if ($image != null) {
"Use query upload image" ;
} else {
"Use query update" ;


Download database file attachments by their real names

I can't figure out how to get a database file attachment, to be downloaded with is real file name.
My model have many file attachements (many attachOne) and there is no problem to get link to them with
{{ model.myfile.filename }}
What I want to do is to get those files downloaded with their real file name.
I try to define an ajax event handler in my layout like so :
function onDonwload()
$path = post('path');
$name = post('name');
// Storage::exists('uploads/public/5ce/28c/3aa/5ce27c3aae590316657518.pdf'); => OK
// Storage::exists($path); =>OK
$path = storage_path().'/app/'. $path;
return Response::download( $path, $name);
<button data-request="onDonwload"
data-request-data="path: 'uploads/public/5ce/28c/3aa/5ce27c3aae590316657518.pdf', name: 'my real name">
No missing file error, but get the browser to freeze with an alert that say "A webpage slow down your browser, what do you want to do?".
Did I miss an important point?
You should add separate page for downloading files, Ajax can not help you to download file ( may be it can but process is little complex and long)
create page with /file-download/:id here you can specify any url wit param :id and give it name file-download you can give any name you like for demo i used this name.
In that Page Html section will be Blank and in Page's code section add this code. here you can also check additional security check like user is logged in or not file is of related user or not. for now i am just checking file is related to particular Modal or not.
function onStart() {
$fileId = $this->param('id');
$file = \System\Models\File::find($fileId);
// for security please check attachment_type == your model with namespace
// only then lat use download file other wise user can download all the files by just passing id
if($file && $file->attachment_type == 'Backend\Models\User') { // here add your relation model name space for comparison
else {
echo "Unauthorised.";
Generating links, please replace page name with page you created.
<a href="{{ 'file-download'|page({'id':}) }}" >{{ model.myfile.filename }}</a>
Now, when you click on link file should be downloaded with its original name, and for invalid file id it should show message Unauthorised..
if any doubts please comment.

Download raw data in Joomla component

I have written a Joomla component which is working well. I now want to add a button to an admin list view that when clicked automatically starts a CSV download of only the items selected in the list.
I'm OK with the model logic, the problem I've got is passing the selected cids or presenting raw output without the template.
If I use JToolBar's appendButton function to add a 'Link' type button, then I can send the user to a URL with 'format=raw', but I can't send information about which items were checked.
If I use JToolBarHelper::custom to add a custom list button, then I can send the information about which buttons were checked, but I can't send format=raw
As far as I can see there are two solutions, but I don't know how to implement either of them. Option one would be to force templateless raw output without a URL parameter of format=raw. Option two would be to set a hidden variable with format=raw in the admin form.
Any help would be appreciated
I've solved this as follows:
I added this hidden field to the admin form
<input type="hidden" name="format" value="html" />
Then subclassed JToolbarButtonStandard overriding the _getCommand with
protected function _getCommand($name,$task,$list)
$message = addslashes($message);
if ($list)
$cmd = "if (document.adminForm.boxchecked.value==0){alert('$message');}else{document.getElementById('adminForm').format.value='raw'; Joomla.submitbutton('$task')}";
$cmd = "document.getElementById('adminForm').format.value='raw'; Joomla.submitbutton('$task')";
return $cmd;
So that when the button was clicked it changed the format parameter from html to raw.
I'm not going to mark this as solved in case anyone has any better ideas

How to display Magento Custom Options Individually

My Magento site has a product which has a few Custom Options, one text, one file upload and four drop down lists.
The design of the site dictates that I need to show these options throughout the product view page and not all in one group.
Is there a function that I can call to return the HTML of a single Custom Option?
There are ways to do this that are tantamount to cheating.
Your shop requires javascript to operate and there is a lot you can do with Prototype before the page renders, by using the on dom:loaded event. You can attach your custom options to wherever you want in the DOM, or you can hide them and put something else where you want it on the page that updates the form element. You may want to do this if you have to capture a colour name but don't want to put oodles of colours on every product - a textbox can go on the product and your control can write to it.
The benefit of some $$('cheating') is that you don't have to go too deep into Magento code for what is a 'design consideration'.
I didn't understand correctly about group. If you mean category then ;
create a new attribute set which this attribute set should contain attributes that you want to show. After that, when you create a product, select this attribute set instead of default. So that, only this attributes will be available in the specified products.
Try the following code snippets ( don't forget to change "attribute_code")
Let say, you want to show Multi Select list in your product page, in that case :
$selectArray = $this->getProduct()->getAttributeText('YOUR_ATTRIBUTE_CODE');
$endOfArray = end($selectArray);
echo "<ul class='set-some-class'>";
foreach($selectArray as $selectionItem) {
echo "<li> . $selectionItem";
if($selectionItem != $endOfArray) {
echo "</li>\n";
} else {
echo "</ul>";
For page other than product view page, in that case:
$attribute = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getAttribute('catalog_product', 'YOUR_ATTRIBUTE_CODE');
$options = $attribute->getSource()->getAllOptions(true, true);
$lastOption = end($options);
echo "<ul class='set-some-class'";
foreach($options as $option) {
echo $option['label'];
if($option != $lastOption) {
echo "<li>\n";
} else {
echo "</ul>";

problem rendering image in browser FileContentResult

I want to show an image from database
I have an action
public FileContentResult GetImage(string param)
type obj = _someRepository.GetType(param);
if (obj!= null && obj.Image!= null)
return File(obj.Image.ToArray(), obj.Image.MimeType);
return "some default image";
in the view I have
< img src="<%:Url.Action("GetImage","ControllerName",new { param= somevalue })%>" alt="some text"
width="100px" height="100px" />
I also have
(Html.BeginForm("actionname", "controllername", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" })
The image data is fetched from the database But I can't see the image in the browser,
is there something that I am missing?
Here are the steps I would perform in order to isolate the problem. Start with a simple controller action which returns some hardcoded image somewhere from your harddrive:
public ActionResult GetImage(string param)
byte[] image = File.ReadAllBytes(#"c:\work\foo.png");
return File(image, "image/png");
Now navigate directly to /ControllerName/GetImage in your browser and you should see the image.
The next step is to fetch the image from the database and probably store it on your harddisk to ensure that it is a valid image:
type obj = _someRepository.GetType(param);
File.WriteAllBytes(#"c:\work\foo.png", obj.Image.ToArray());
Now checkout the generated file and see if it is valid. The last step is to ensure that the url generated in the <img> tag is the same as the one you used to test directly. Then look at FireBug's Net tab to see if the browser correctly requests the image and what does the server return.
Most probably the issue is that the byte array returned from the database is not valid image or it is empty.
As far as the form you have shown in your question, this is for uploading files, it has nothing to do with serving dynamic images from a controller action, so I don't see what relation it might have to your question.

How to make sure a file is selected before uploading

Hi I am using codeigniter for file uploading and I am using this code
echo form_open_multipart('controller_a');
echo form_upload('userfile');
echo form_submit('Upload','upload');
echo form_close();
I store the pointer to the uploaded file in the database,
My question is how do I make sure that the user has selected a file before clicking on upload button because as of now the code submits even if the user clicks directly on upload without selecting a file
Along with client side verification, you should use server side verification, too. Currently, CodeIgniter does not provide a function, so one can use native PHP function is_uploaded_file:
if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['myfile']['tmp_name']))
You can't, not in CodeIgniter at least. You'll need to have JS overwrite the onsubmit property of the form and then test the userfile input's value.
use JS
very basic code, but it works.
<script type="text/javascript">
function validate_form ( )
valid = true;
if ( document.upload_form.something.value == "" )
alert ( "Please select a file before clicking upload ! " );
valid = false;
return valid;
and use onsubmit even in the form
onSubmit="return validate_form ( );"
when a user click on upload button without selecting any file, it will alert the user .
Your best bet is to use a jQuery plugin like the following:
This will allow you to select what input values will need to be selected, and customize a message to inform the user what field(s) they are missing.
