Download raw data in Joomla component - joomla

I have written a Joomla component which is working well. I now want to add a button to an admin list view that when clicked automatically starts a CSV download of only the items selected in the list.
I'm OK with the model logic, the problem I've got is passing the selected cids or presenting raw output without the template.
If I use JToolBar's appendButton function to add a 'Link' type button, then I can send the user to a URL with 'format=raw', but I can't send information about which items were checked.
If I use JToolBarHelper::custom to add a custom list button, then I can send the information about which buttons were checked, but I can't send format=raw
As far as I can see there are two solutions, but I don't know how to implement either of them. Option one would be to force templateless raw output without a URL parameter of format=raw. Option two would be to set a hidden variable with format=raw in the admin form.
Any help would be appreciated

I've solved this as follows:
I added this hidden field to the admin form
<input type="hidden" name="format" value="html" />
Then subclassed JToolbarButtonStandard overriding the _getCommand with
protected function _getCommand($name,$task,$list)
$message = addslashes($message);
if ($list)
$cmd = "if (document.adminForm.boxchecked.value==0){alert('$message');}else{document.getElementById('adminForm').format.value='raw'; Joomla.submitbutton('$task')}";
$cmd = "document.getElementById('adminForm').format.value='raw'; Joomla.submitbutton('$task')";
return $cmd;
So that when the button was clicked it changed the format parameter from html to raw.
I'm not going to mark this as solved in case anyone has any better ideas


How do I auto fill field values in a section of a form that is loaded via ajax in Laravel 4?

I have a section of a form that dynamically loads different sets of fields based on the user's selection in a control. I'm using a javascript event handler to detect when the selection changes, and using AJAX (with HTML payload) to pull in the proper set of fields.
I would like to be able to use Laravel's Form::getValueAttribute() method to automatically fill in the form fields' values in both the static and dynamic form parts. However, the partial view that is loaded by my AJAX call does not have the same instance of the Form class as the view with my main Form, so I can't simply call getValueAttribute() in the partial.
My thought is to make the AJAX call a POST, and serialize the necessary data (a subset of Input::old() or the model data depending whether the page is loaded as the result of validation errors, or an UPDATE request) to send along with the POST so that the HTML fragment I get back has the values set properly.
Is this the best way to get what I want? If so, does Laravel have any tools to help with the serialization of form data? If not, what might be a better approach?
I've found an approach I like better. When the view is loaded normally I use AJAX as usual to load the partial. But when the view is loaded for a validation post-back or for editing, I use Laravel's Views' nest method to nest the partial view containing the proper fields directly into the response. The partial then has access to all the Input and error data I need. The user is still able to change the field set as usual but I put up a confirm prompt for them if they have already set some values in a field set they previously selected. If they decide to proceed anyway, the field set is cleared and a new field set is brought in via AJAX as usual.
My code looks something like this:
public function newThing() {
if ( Request::session()->has('errors') ) {
// this is a validation post-back
return View::make('thing')
->nest('fields', 'fields_partial');
} else {
// just a normal unfilled form
return View::make('thing');
public function editThing() {
return View::make('thing')
->nest('fields', 'fields_partial');
View: thing.blade.php (just a snip of it)
<select id="picker">...</select>
<div class="sub-fields">
{{ isset($fields) ? $fields : '' }}
$('#picker').change(function() {
// if any .sub-fields inputs have been changed, get confirmation from the user
// if user confirms, do ajax stuff to replace .sub-fields contents with new field set
// otherwise cancel the change

Required help on javascript

I have this piece of javascript code
<script language="javascript">
function editRecord(email){'CompleteProfileDisplay.jsp?email='+email);
My question is how to hide the email value in address bar while calling CompleteProfileDisplay.jsp page through function.One more thing CompleteProfileDisplay.jsp accepting the email value as request.getParameter method.Please help me if anybody is having idea.
The open() method takes a second name parameter which you can use as the target of a post, so you can create a hidden form with a target, open about:blank with a the target name and submit that form.
Or you can have a form that submits to the special '_blank' target which also opens a window. Similarly you programmatically fill and submit the form.
Edit: I said '_new' which is wrong....
You can follow this outline to accomplish your goal:
Create a small form within your HTML, with its action property set to CompleteProfileDisplay.jsp, containing an input field named email, with a target of _blank, and a method of post.
Have your function set the value of the email input field of this form to the given email address and submit the form.
A popup window will open containing the same results as your original request, but the data (email address) will be submitted as a POST request without being visible in the URL.
Like this:
<!-- make sure this form isn't nested with another form in your page -->
<form action="CompleteProfileDisplay.jsp" target="_blank" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="email" id="hiddenemail" />
function editRecord(email){
var e = document.getElementById('hiddenemail');
e.value = email;
(Your question does not show that you are customizing the popup window's appearance in any way, so I am not considering that in my answer.)

Joomla editor strips tags

I'm trying to create a custom component in Joomla 2.5 and struggling to get it to stop it stripping all html tags out of the editor field - links, new lines, p tags - the full works. The form field is below:
Clearly there are many many posts about this around both SO and Joomla forums. However they generally seem to have two clear themes.
Tiny MCE Settings. I've checked after setting my default editor to "None" (i.e. just a text area) and the tags are all still stripped
Joomla Text filter settings. I'm logged in as a Global Admin with the super users set to "no filtering"
I'm overriding the model's save function for this with:
function store()
$row =& $this->getTable();
$input = new JInput();
$data = $input->getArray($_POST);
//Sets Users id as current logged in user if not set
if(!$data['jform']['post_user']) {
// Bind the form fields to the post table
if (!$row->bind($data['jform'])) {
return false;
// Make sure the hello is valid
if (!$row->check()) {
return false;
// Store the hello table to the database
if (!$row->store()) {
return false;
return true;
My gut instinct is that it's to do with JInput stripping HTML tags. But even adding in the extra line into the save file $data['jform']['post']=$input->getHTML('post'); nothing happened. So I'm not really sure where to go from here. Any ideas?
Just to clarify an issue quickly - I want to use the preset Joomla 'Text Filter' Settings under 'Global Configuration' rather than manually setting each tag in the component!
I added filter="raw" to the editor form field. I now see the html <p> tags when I dump out the variable $_POST['jform']['post'], null, 'HTML'). However then when applying just a simple JInput Filter function - let alone applying the Joomla Config values - I'm getting null.
$input = new JInput();
$data = $input->getArray($_POST);
$data['jform']['post']=$input->get($_POST['jform']['post'], null, 'HTML');
Is the sentence here "HTML - Returns a string with HTML entities and tags intact, subject to the white or black lists in the filter." describing the JInput HTML filter referring to the Global Config Text filter settings? Just to confirm?
Try something like this
$input_options = JFilterInput::getInstance(
$postData = new JInput($_POST,array('filter' => $input_options));
First array it is allowed tags, second array it is allowed attributes.
What is this about? filter="JComponentHelper::filterText"? Did you write a custom filter?
The default filtering like most things in Joomla (also acl for example) is very strict so that if you get xss from not filtering it's a deliberate choice you've made not a security risk in the core. But your core filtering should be being applied ... except that you seem to have perhaps overridden with the unknown filter. So I suspect given this unknown filter it's falling back to very string.
Quite some time later, but just for the record, for anyone encountering the same problem, here my solution.
For me this problem was immediately solved by using JRequest instead of JInput. I believe it's deprecated, but it is still used by Joomla 2.5.14 (most up-to-date Joomla 2.5 at this moment) in the save() function of JControllerForm.

How to make sure a file is selected before uploading

Hi I am using codeigniter for file uploading and I am using this code
echo form_open_multipart('controller_a');
echo form_upload('userfile');
echo form_submit('Upload','upload');
echo form_close();
I store the pointer to the uploaded file in the database,
My question is how do I make sure that the user has selected a file before clicking on upload button because as of now the code submits even if the user clicks directly on upload without selecting a file
Along with client side verification, you should use server side verification, too. Currently, CodeIgniter does not provide a function, so one can use native PHP function is_uploaded_file:
if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['myfile']['tmp_name']))
You can't, not in CodeIgniter at least. You'll need to have JS overwrite the onsubmit property of the form and then test the userfile input's value.
use JS
very basic code, but it works.
<script type="text/javascript">
function validate_form ( )
valid = true;
if ( document.upload_form.something.value == "" )
alert ( "Please select a file before clicking upload ! " );
valid = false;
return valid;
and use onsubmit even in the form
onSubmit="return validate_form ( );"
when a user click on upload button without selecting any file, it will alert the user .
Your best bet is to use a jQuery plugin like the following:
This will allow you to select what input values will need to be selected, and customize a message to inform the user what field(s) they are missing.

Help needed on running a MYSQL script in the background of a web page and taking different actions dependent on the result

I have a form on a web page, with one field to enter a code, to search for a property.
On clicking 'submit' I want to be able to run a script in the background without leaving the page.
The script will need to run a MYSQL statement which will have one of these results:
The property code does not exist, so display a Javascript Alert saying it does not exist.
The property is for sale, so call an existing javscript function 'saleSubmit(propertyCode)' to overwrite the exsiting web page with a new page sale.php for that property code
The property is for rent, so call an existing javscript function 'rentSubmit(propertyCode)' to overwrite the exsiting web page with a new page rent.php for that property code
The property is for sale and rent, so display 2 checkboxes within a div on the page to choose either the sales details or the rental details.
Can anybody point me in the right direction here?
Hi Nick - I think I screwed the system up a bit as I initially posted a question, then created an account which would not let me comment on the thread.
The status of the query is as simple as: does not exist, sale, rent, sale & rent
Extra advice would be really appreciated as I am problems googling for examples or a tutorial to point me in the right direction.
I first took this approach when I was looking at this problem to check that the form and Select statement were working correctly. So my form code looked like this:
<form name="idsearch" action="" method="post" onsubmit="xmlhttpPostForm('includes/idsearch-response.php', 'idsearch', 'idSearchResult', '<img src=\'images/loading.gif\'>'); return false;">
<input type="text" id="idRefNo" name="idRefNo" value="Enter Property Code" onfocus="this.value='';" />
GO <input type="image" src="img/template/search2.gif" alt="Click to Search for Properties"/>
and the php code called looked like this:
$idRefNo = $_POST['idRefNo'];
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM property WHERE property.Title = '".$idRefNo."' AND suspend != 'Yes'"; $result = #mysql_query ($query);
if ($result) { // If the query runs ok
if ($result != "") {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
if ($row["BaseRental"] > 0 AND $row["Saleprice"] > 0) {
echo 'This property is for RENT and for SALE <br/>';
} else if ($row["BaseRental"] > 0) {
echo 'This property is for RENT only <br/>';
} else if ($row["Saleprice"] > 0) {
echo 'This property is for SALE only <br/>';
} else {
echo 'DOH! What is going on here!!! <br/>';
As I said above I would appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction to achieve what I want to do at the beginning of this thread.
First of all let's differentiate between the page(client) and your mysql database(server). Your page will have to send some request to your server which triggers a script to query the database. The result of that query is returned as a response to your page.
You could send a request by using javascript and the xmlhttprequest or try jquery which offers very simple methods to make requests ($.ajax(...)).
Your server and the script which queries your db should then return some meaningful status back to your client which has to interprete the result: Doing alerts, showing your div or whatever you'd like to do. I suggest returning the response as json which can be directly used in javascript without any parsing hassle. If the status of your query as simple as: does not exist, sale, rent, sale & rent. You could go as far and encode those as plaintext numbers, no json needed.
