How to set trailing stop loss in Tradingview Pine Script v4 strategy? - algorithmic-trading

I'm looking for a solution to set a trailing stop loss inside a strategy script in TradingView's Pine Script version 4 language
Docs provided with the platform does not seem to work
Ideally I'd like to compute trailing stop level when a position is open, plot this level and monitor if price falls below that level
Unfortunately they changed variable saving method and most of docs for older version does not work anymore
Any help?


Simple bash tool to execute command on vocal input

I am trying to record mouse positions and events for later playback (linux - Ubuntu 20.04).
Right now this happens at regular intervals - every 2 seconds I record where the mouse is with xdotools and take a screenshot. In a separate question elsewhere I am looking for better tools to do this.
However in a separate train of thought I am also looking for something that would execute a command when I - for example - loudly say "NOW".
I have looked for tools and while there's definitely interesting stuff out there, this is most likely a one-off, and the installation and training process offsets the benefits.
So, anything out there that will do something for example when a sound above a threshold is captured by the microphone?

AppleScript: Edit a fully written script buy "whiting out" certain commands but leaving it in so you can remember it

I've compiled my first web crawler script with AppleScript and I'm at the point now where I've gained a lot of knowledge and tricks from what I've written. I want to parse down the script now and disable some things that I thought would be helpful (for example: I coded it so the script completely quits Excel after entering the data in some workbooks from web pages because I noticed when you didn't start Excel fresh running the code it would return an error. But now I have the script running every 15 minutes so I worry that I will be working in Excel on some forecasting or formatting and the script will run and kick me out of Excel while I'm working and interrupt me or worse, quit without the option of saving). I vaguely remember C++ coding there was the ability to mark some text with a certain character that disabled it from running in the environment but made it so you could still see the original code before editing out stuff you decided wasn't necessary. Is there a way to mark a certain statement with a symbol so that AppleScript doesn't run the commands? I haven't experimented at all but I don't know what to guess that would do it. I may be mistaken that you can blank out or "white out" text while leaving it in the original position, still readable and able to be put back in when you want it or left for you so you have a collection of all the research you put into the process of building a script for a project. Well I suppose I'll just wonder a while and find something else to burn hours on.
In applescript there are three ways to "comment" out text in your code.
--A line beginning with two dashes is a comment.
#In applescript 2.+, the number sign also works as a comment symbol.
(* Multi-line text
can be commented out
using these symbols. *)

How to run a Lua script at a certain hour mark?

I've altered one of the popular clock skins for Rainmeter to be exactly how I want it. However, the only issue is that the '1' in the clock for hours 10, 11, and 12 gets cut off by the edge of the skin with the current margins.
I know exactly which value needs to be altered at the given times, so all I need to figure out now is how to run a Lua script to change it when the clock hits them. Problem is, after much searching I don't have the slightest clue how. It definitely seems like something that should be easily possible.
You need to run your lua script as a cron job.
In order to achieve this I'd suggest you use this cron.lua module which has the functionality you want. One example of what you can do is the following:
local clock = cron.every(time, callback, ...).
--Creates a clock that will execute callback every time, periodically. Additional parameters are passed to the callback too.
The callback variable is the code you want to be executed at every interval.

How to check Matplotlib's speed in Xcode and increase performance?

I'm running into some considerable speed bottlenecks with a Python-Matplotlib-Xcode combination. I know some immediate responses will probably ask "Why are you doing python stuff in Xcode, just man up and use vim" --> I like the organizing ability and the built in version control, it makes elements of my work easier to deal with.
Getting python to run in xcode in the first place was a bit more tricky than I had hoped, but its possible. Now I have the following scenario:
A master file, '' does all the import stuff for me and sets up some universal formatting to make all the figures (for eventual inclusion in my PhD thesis) nice and uniform. Afterwards it runs a series of execfile commands to generate whichever graphics I need. Two things I can think of right off the bat:
1) at the very beginning of after I import all the normal python stuff you tend to need, I call a system script which checks whether a certain filesystem is mounted. I keep all my climate model data on there since my local hard drive is too small to deal with all of it at once. Python pauses itself and waits for the system to do its thing, but once the filesystem has been found, it keeps going. Usually this only needs to happen once in the morning when I get to work, or if the VPN server kicked me off for whatever reason. (Side question, it'd be cool to know if theres a trick to automate an VPN login to reconnect as soon as it notices its not connected)
2) I'm not sure how much xcode is using on its own. running the same program from terminal is (somewhat) faster. I've tried to be memory conscience and turn off stuff I don't need while running the python/xcode combination.
Also, python launches a little window whenever I call, this in itself takes time, I've considered just saving them as quick png files and opening them with some other viewer, although I guess that would also have to somehow take time to open up. Given how often these graphics change as I add model runs or think of nicer ways of displaying the data, it'd be nice to not waste something on the order of 15 to 30 minutes (possibly more) out of the entire day twiddling my thumbs and waiting for a window to pop up.
Benchmark it!
import datetime
start =
# your plotting code
td = - start
print td.total_seconds() # requires python version >= 2.7
Run it in xcode and from the command line, see what the difference is.

set volume not working in xcode with applescript cocoa objc

I have an applescript xcode project in xcode 3.2 and am trying to change the system volume...however it doesn't either stops the nstimer or doesnt do anything at all...
Is there a way to log the errors so that I can pinpoint the issue?
Here is my code
set newVolume to 50
set volume output volume newVolume
textName's setStringValue_(currentVolume)
set currentVolume to newVolume
obv this is a much more condense version but this literally does not is inside of an NSTimer but, even when not within an NSTimer it still does not work...newVolume, currentVolume, and textName are all I need to declare something for the set volume line?
So, your actual question was simply how to log errors from AppleScriptObjC:
AppleScriptObjC will log any errors thrown in your script to the console -- just look in the bottom pane in Xcode. For instance, in your case you should see something like “«script» doesn’t understand the «aevtstvl» message.” (This isn’t terribly clear, but it’s telling you that your script sent a set volume command to a script object, which didn’t have a handler for it.) If you want to capture and log errors yourself, you can put troublesome sections inside a try/on error block, and deal with it yourself in the error handler.
If you’re feeling extra inquisitive, you can also turn on the NSScriptingDebugLogLevel preference, like this:
defaults write NSScriptingDebugLogLevel 1
...and AppleScriptObjC will log information about every message sent either way across the bridge. (Set it to 0 or use defaults delete to turn it off.)
That’s error logging. Now, what you didn’t actually ask, but I’m going to answer anyway, was “How do I fix my set volume command?”
Short version: add tell current application to:
tell current application to set volume output volume 50
And yes, the range for the “new” volume parameters is 0 to 100. The old compatibility one goes from 0 to 7. (Why? The old Control Panel volume slider had 8 stops.)
Long version:
There’s a bad interaction between the default direct parameter and set volume’s handling of it. When using AppleScriptObjC, “it”, and therefore the default direct parameter, unless you say otherwise, is the current script, and set volume chokes on that. You can force “it” to be nothing by saying tell current application to. (Alternatively, you could give it an explicit direct parameter by using the old-fashioned form set volume x where x is a real number from 0 to 7. However, this doesn’t match the numbers you get from get volume settings, only lets you set the output volume, and doesn’t let you set things like “muted” correctly.)
And by the way, if your AppleScriptObjC project is sufficiently simple (in particular, if you don’t need any interface), you can write it directly in AppleScript Editor: choose File > New from Template > Cocoa-AppleScript Applet, and use the normal AppleScript on run and on open handlers, except that you can now also invoke anything from Cocoa.
