how to configure mysql with apache ignite ? and use read-through ,write through features - spring-boot

I'm trying to configure 3rd party persistance (mysql) in apache ignite .I'm new to ignite and I'm using spring boot,can someone help me with it?

First of all, you can use GridGain Web Console to generate 3rd party persistence configuration for you. It will connect to your DB via Agent and generate cache configurations.
Then, you can see DZone cache store example using custom CacheStore.
Finally, you can use example provided with Ignite.


How can I achieve local caching using Spring boot?

I am trying to setup a spring boot application and looking for options to store the small data in the local cache and then this local cache interacts with Redis server which will be on google cloud platform. This local cache can be shared across multiple nodes. I see Redis pro can help to achieve this but that is not free. Is there any open source option I can use? Or any other way I can set this up in Spring boot? How can I set this local cache which syncs up with the central cache? Any suggestions please?
You can use Redisson It's available in the Pro version.
If you would like to implement it by yourself, you would need to implement custom CacheManager that first looks up entries in local cache (implemented likely with something smarter than a HashMap, like Caffeine, if entry not found goes to Redis based CacheManager and then depending on the result puts the data to Caffeine cache.
For storing data in Redis and making sure all nodes are in sync, you can use Redis Pub/Sub mechanism to notify each connected node to update local cache.
Spring Boot for Apache Geode (SBDG) offers client-side caching, or what is commonly referred to as "Near Caching". See here.
Apache Geode is an open source software (OSS), In-Memory Data Grid (IMDG) technology, having an Apache 2 License. Indeed, it can be much more than a cache if need be, but fits perfectly well in the caching use case, at any layer in the application architecture (Web, Service, Data).
The commercial version of Apache Geode is VMware Tanzu GemFire, built on Apache Geode source with support from VMware, if needed. But, to use Apache Geode, is completely free.
In fact, the original Spring Cache Abstraction was inspired by Costin Leau's development (original lead & creator) of Spring Data GemFire, which has been replaced by Spring Data for Apache Geode (SDG), to focus on the OSS offering. (See here/alt-here, then here, as well as from Boot).
SBDG is an extension of SDG to give users of Apache Geode (or alternatively, VMware Tanzu GemFire) a proper and first-class experience using Apache Geode in a Spring context, and specifically with Spring Boot features (e.g. auto-configuration). That is, SBDG is a special extension of Spring Boot catered specifically to Apache Geode to handle a variety of application concerns (like caching) that is owned and maintained by the Spring Team, itself.
SBDG is even capable of handling several caching patterns in addition to "Near Caching". See the topic of caching in general.
Finally, SBDG also includes Spring Session for Apache Geode (SSDG) to handle your Web, HTTP Session state caching concerns independent of you Web container (e.g. Tomcat) using Apache Geode as the caching provider for the HTTP Session state. It is, of course, built on Spring Session core (see here).

How to use Apache Ignite as a layer between Spring Boot app and MongoDB?

I have a Spring Boot application that uses MongoDB. My plan is to store data in a distributed caching system before it gets inserted into Mongo. If the database fails, the caching will have a queue and send to the DB once it is up. So, the plan is to make the caching layer in between the application and Mongo.
Can you suggest some ideas on how to implement this using Apache Ignite?
Take a look at write-behind cache store mode. It retries writing to the underlying database if insertion to the underlying DB fails. Let me know how it works for you.
You can also implement a custom CacheStore for an Ignite cache that will do the caching and enable write through for it. If the connection is lost, then you'll be able to collect entries in a buffer, while retrying to establish the connection back.
See more:

Apache Kafka Connect With Springboot

I'm trying to find examples of kafka connect with springboot. It looks like there is no spring boot integration for kafka connect. Can some one point me in the right direction to be able to listen to changes on mysql db?
Kafka Connect doesn't really need Spring Boot because there is nothing for you to code for it, and it really works best when ran in distributed mode, as a cluster, not embedded within other (single-instance) applications. I suppose if you did want to do it, then you could copy relevent portions of the source code, but that of course isn't using Spring Boot, and you'd have to wire it all yourself
The framework itself consists of a few core Java dependencies that have already been written (Debezium or Confluent JDBC Connector, for your mysql example), and two config files. One for Kafka Connect to know the bootstrap servers, serializers, etc. and another for the actual MySQL connector. So, if you want to use Kafka Connect, run it by itself, then just write the consumer in the Spring app.
The alternatives to Kafka Connect itself would be to use Apache Camel within a Spring application (Spring Integration) or Spring Cloud Dataflow and interfacing with those Kafka "components" (which aren't using the Connect API, AFAIK)
Another option, specific for listening to MySQL, is to use Debezium Engine within your code.

Spring XD Distributed Environment

I am working on Spring XD and GemFire XD. I want to understand how Spring XD's distributed environment works. I know spring xd uses either redis or rabittmq as the transport.
I am clear about this, I have install spring xd and rabittmq on one machine. I changed the file and added hostnames.
Do I need to install spring xd on all the machines? If so, after installing, how to bring those up.
On the master machine, I will do ./xd-admin and ./xd-container
How do you start up the nodes (spring xd instances/workers) so that they can listen for instructions from xd-admin?
Please help me on this.
Redis is used for analytics as only supported platform. For transport, you need either Redis or Rabbit.
Basically you just need to install Redis and RabbitMQ per their respective documentation. They can be in same or different servers, Ideally you would use their high availability option. For example Redis Sentinal. YOu don't need RabbitMQ unless you want to change the default transport from Redis to Rabbit. Once you install Redis and Rabbit, bring them up and provide their host:port info (and any additional as applicable) to the servers.yml in XD install (in all nodes) and bring up admin and containers. Evrything should work automatically by using zookeeper as the means to manage the distributed runtime.
If you use Spring XD in distributed mode, I assume you have set up zookeeper as well. (If not check this )
Admin and Container instances register themselves with Zookeeper as they come up. Admin queries zookeeper for available containers and assign tasks like deploying modules. Zookeeper is the trick behind Distributed mode.
Hope this helps.
You will install Spring xd one time on one machine, Spring XD will be connected to your hdfs distributed scaled out environment.
You need to start the followings:
1. redis or rappitMQ in your case
2. hsqldb server
3. container
4. admin
when you start spring xd, you need to register the name node firstly using the command:
hadoop config fs --name hdfs://serverip:8020
then you can use any module defined in spring xd (using stream or batch) by specifying its parameters directly without specifying those in the server.yml file.

enable hibernate app to use clustered hazelcast

our prod environment architecture is decided to be like this:
2 machines that each of them have 2 tomcat instances (on vm). there is spring web app with hibernate running on tomcat.
there are also 2 db instances distributed to both machines.
so, we think that hazelcast fits this achitecture well. hazelcast will be second level cache for hibernate, it will manage clustered cache over db instances.
we installed hibernate server and defined our clusters on it.
i've searched offical hazelcast doc and several sites but i couldnt find the way to configure hibernate to use this hazelcast server as L2 cache.
we dont want to change our existing app. we'll keep using hibernate as it is. is it possible? if so, how we can configure hazelcast server on our web app?
I think it is important to understand that your probably don't want to have a standalone Hazelcast cluster/server; what you normally do is to embed Hazelcast within your application.
Like Miko said, you can just enable Hazelcast to be used as second level cache; no need to make any fundamental changes.
I also don't understand what you mean with 'hibernate server', because Hibernate is just an OR mapper library and has no concept of server.
So can you tell a bit more what you want so we can help you out?
