How to use Apache Ignite as a layer between Spring Boot app and MongoDB? - caching

I have a Spring Boot application that uses MongoDB. My plan is to store data in a distributed caching system before it gets inserted into Mongo. If the database fails, the caching will have a queue and send to the DB once it is up. So, the plan is to make the caching layer in between the application and Mongo.
Can you suggest some ideas on how to implement this using Apache Ignite?

Take a look at write-behind cache store mode. It retries writing to the underlying database if insertion to the underlying DB fails. Let me know how it works for you.
You can also implement a custom CacheStore for an Ignite cache that will do the caching and enable write through for it. If the connection is lost, then you'll be able to collect entries in a buffer, while retrying to establish the connection back.
See more:


Spring Boot application with Redis cache without database

I am using Spring Boot application , I have below requirement.
I would like to cache all the rows from a particular table(here I have to convert the row into a particular xml format and maintain that in cache) and then also if any updates happens to that row by another application then in my application I will receive an message from Kafka topic. So I want to update the existing xml in the cache with the latest xml message from Kafka topic.
Here I want to use Redis cache, so far what ever the examples I saw are dealing with database only. So I want to know how I can populate cache from a Kafka topic message(or any xml message).Is it possible to cache an xml message in spring boot using Redis cache? Can some body share idea or any practical example?

Is it possible to disable a Spring Boot datasource configuration based on unavailability of a connection to a DB

We have an application that uses several data sources. A DB underlying one of those data sources is down at the moment: IOError. Network adapter couldn't establish the connection & Socket read timed out.
Is there an annotation (or other means) of configuring Spring Boot such that it bypasses the culprit data source and still starts up: the DB is not essential in current development work. spring.datasource.continue-on-error=true doesn't seem to work. This is Spring 2.2.2.RELEASE.
using multiple datasource, so when your apps fail at start up your apps still work, i mean using memory db / sqlite to handle fail at connection error...

Spring boot restful webservices

My spring boot restful web services is working even though stopped running microsoft sqlserver database in my services. How does it work?
There might be below reason.
You might be using some kind of cache so still response is coming form cache even your db is down.
You might be checking services which are not required db transaction..
OR if you are only referring you application is continue to running then might be spring.datasource.continue-on-error=true has been set. or you might have some defined data source validations properties to at-least continue run app and whenever db is back, it will established a connection.

How to access gemfire cache from jdbc driver

I have a gemfire cache v8.2.1 from which I want to access data using a third party tool which can only access data using jdbc driver only. Does anyone know how can I connect to gemfire cache for accessing data using jdbc? I don't require to write to cache, just want to read from the cache.
I came across with gemfirexd on internet but can see that its marked as "End of availability".
Is there any other way where persisted Objects can be retrieved or OQL can be fired but can mimic a jdbc driver so that the any tool that accepts only jdbc drivers can be used?
Please help.
Apache Calcite has a Geode adapter that enables you read data from GemFire over JDBC. There is also this video explaining this.

communication between spring instances behind a load balancer

I have a few instances of Spring apps running behind a load balancer. I am using EHCache as a caching system on each of these instances.
Let's say I receive a request that is refreshing a part of the cache on one instance. I need a way to tell the other instances to refresh their cache (or to replicate it).
I'm more interested in a solution based on Spring and not just cache replication and that's because there are other scenarios similar with this one that require the same solution.
How can I achieve this?
There is no simple Spring solution for this. Depends on the requirements. You can use any kind of PubSub like a JMS topic to notify your nodes. This way the problem can be that you cannot guarantee consistency. The other nodes can still read the old data for a while. In my current project we use Redis. We configured it as cache with Spring Data Redis and theres no need to notify the other nodes since the cache is shared. In non cache scenarios we also use redis as a PubSub service.
