Trouble using a function to calculate error rate for machine learning (Adaboost) - adaboost

Hi, I am trying to calculate the error rate of an Adaboost model and I am confused as to how to use the error rate function.
Here is the function I am trying to use:
And here is the data table I am calculating the error for:
So, I assume you do:
1/8(0.35)(????) + 1/8(.2)(????) + 1/8(.1)(????) + 1/8(.05)(????) ..... and so on until you add all 8 of them up. My problem is that I do not know what to put in the equation AFTER the w sub j. Can anyone help me figure out what the sigma(C(x) != y) means and what numbers to plugin there?

late response...
$$ \delta(c(x) != y) $$ means if the label of x labelled by classifier x not correct(not equals to target y), then it output 1, otherwise output 0.
delta(something) means if something is true, then output 1, if something is false, then output 0.


Find the reverse algorithm to go back to initial value

I have a problem and try to solve it for hours. Here is a pseudocode:
x = 30
if x > 100 then max(function_1(x), function_2(x))
elseif x > 50 then max(function_3(x), function_4(x))
elseif x > 20 then max(function_5(x), function_6(x))
elseif x < 10 then function_7(x)
else function_8(x)
This was a code I run with different values of x. Then functions are mathematical formulas. Now, I have the result of the above for each x and I want to revert and go back to x again.
I found all the reversed mathematical formulas of functions. For example for function_1(x), I have a rev_function_1(y) that will get the result and will give me the initial x.
But, since the original code has a lot of cases, plus the MAX, I am not sure how I can run one code, for every value and return the original one.
Edit: All the functions are one-to-one
Edit2: It seems that the whole function is not one-to-one while each of them individually are. As a result, I have two x for every y and I cannot revert it.
You need to study the result space (or domain) of you functions.
There exists an inverse only if each x results in a unique f(x) that cannot be obtained for any other value of x. This property is called one-to-one
Let me give you an example:
Let's say that f(1) == 8 and that also f(10) == 8.
Then you don't know if the inverse of 8 is 1 or 10.
If the function is one-to-one the inverse will be a unique value. If it is not one-to-one the inverse may be more than one value.
The next step is to figure out which inverse to call.
One way to do it is to call the inverse of all subfunctions.
For each x value you get, calculate f(x). If f(x) gets back the value you wanted to inverse, then keep that x, otherwise throw it away.
When you have gone through all values you will have one (or more) matching x value.
Another way is to pre-compute which function that corresponds to a certain interval of output values. You can store these in a database as the tuples:
lowerbound, upperbound, inverse_function
You can then find which function to use (assuming SQL):
SELECT inverse_function FROM lookup_table
WHERE :fx > lowerbound and :fx < upperbound
:fx is the value you want to inverse.
You have an output y for each x. If two xs produce the same y then you can't undo the mapping since y could have come from either x. If no two xs produce the same y then you know it came from that y's x.
NOTE: Since a reverse algorithm is required and OP have not made mandatory to use the original functions or their corresponding reverse functions so following method can be used.
"Now, I have the result of the above for each x and I want to revert and go back to x again.". Its seems that its a case of [Key] => [Value].
//one-to-many case.
if x > 100 then max(function_1(x), function_2(x))
elseif x > 50 then max(function_3(x), function_4(x))
Above piece of code tells that multiple different inputs "x" can produce same output "y".
So you can use std::multimap if you are using C++.
Now multimap can be directly used at input output level, that is, if given a input "x" and it produces an output "y" after running all the formulas then multimap.insert(std::pair<int,int>(y,x));
Therefore, now given an output "y" you can find all the prospective input "x" which could produce an output "y" as follows:
std::pair <std::multimap<int,int>::iterator, std::multimap<int,int>::iterator> ret;
ret = multimap.equal_range(y);
for (std::multimap<int,int>::iterator it=ret.first; it!=ret.second; ++it)
std::cout << ' ' << it->second;
If the relation between input "x" and its corresponding "y" is one-to-one then, std::map can be used.
I think that this is not possible, let's take this example
function_1(x) = x - 200
function_2(x) = x - 201
function_7(x) = x - 5
then for x = 200 => y =0 and for x = 5 => y =0
So for a given value of y we can have multiple values of x
There is no solution in the general case. Think about this set of formulas:
function_1(x) { return x }
function_2(x) { return x }
function_3(x) { return x }
I guess it's obvious why it can't work.

PID controller - intuition for when error=0

I have simulated a PID controller with an input parameter that affects the output, and set Kp=0.2, Kp=0.5, Kd=0 which seemed to work best the values I expect in reality.
However one thing I could not figure out is the intuition of how the controller starts when the error is 0. I, for example, my target is 2, the output is 2, and the input variable is, say, 4 - the controller would setthe next input to be 0 - although 4 is a perfect value.
Is there some way that is theoretically sound to make the first steps of the algorithm take into account some "initial guess" and not go way off at the beginning of the process?
The only state in a PID controller is the current value of the integral, and it can be helpful to set this up to a nonzero value if you have some additional information about the likely steady state error.
In practice, you may simply want to use the PID controller a few times and see what value the integral typically takes, and use that as the starting value.
If you have some additional information, such as knowing that the correct output is y for an input of x, then you can invert the formula to find the correct integral as follows:
output = input * Kp + Integral * Ki
=> y = x * Kp + Integral * Ki
=> Integral = ( y - x * Kp) / Ki

How map/tween a number based on a dynamic curve

I am really lacking terminology here, so any help with that appreciate. Even it doesn't answer the question it can hopefully get me closer to an answer.
How can I get y from a function of p where the curviness is also a variable (possible between 0 and 1? Or whatever is best?).
I am presuming p is always between 1 and 0, as is the output y.
The graphic is just an illustration, I don't need that exact curve but something close to this idea.
Pseudo code is good enough as an answer or something c-style (c, javascript, etc).
To give a little context, I have a mapping function where one parameter can be the – what I have called – easing function. There are based on the penner equations. So, for example if I wanted to do a easeIn I would provide:
function (p) { return p * p; };
But I would love to be able to do what is in the images: varying the ease dynamically. With a function like:
function (p, curviness) { return /* something */; }
You might try messing around with a Superellipse, it seems to have the shape malleability you're looking for. (Special case: Squircle)
Ok, so the equation for the superellipse is as follows:
abs(x/a)^n + abs(y/b)^n = 1
You're going to be working in the range from [0,1] in both so we can discard the absolute values.
The a and b are for the major and minor ellipse axes; we're going to set those to 1 (so that the superellipse only stretches to +/-1 in either direction) and only look at the first quadrant ([0, 1], again).
This leaves us with:
x^n + y^n = 1
You want your end function to look something like:
y = f(p, n)
so we need to get things into that form (solve for y).
Your initial thought on what to do next was correct (but the variables were switched):
y^n = 1 - p^n
substituting your variable p for x.
Now, initially I'd thought of trying to use a log to isolate y, but that would mean we'd have to take log_y on both sides which would not isolate it. Instead, we can take the nth root to cancel the n, thus isolating y:
y = nthRoot(n, 1 - p^n)
If this is confusing, then this might help: square rooting is just raising to a power of 1/2, so if you took a square root of x you'd have:
sqrt(x) == x^(1/2)
and what we did was take the nth root, meaning that we raised things to the 1/n power, which cancels the nth power the y had since you'd be multiplying them:
(y^n)^(1/n) == y^(n * 1/n) == y^1 == y
Thus we can write things as
y = (1 - p^n)^(1/n)
to make things look better.
So, now we have an equation in the form
y = f(p, n)
but we're not done yet: this equation was working with values in the first quadrant of the superellipse; this quadrant's graph looks different from what you wanted -- you wanted what appeared in the second quadrant, only shifted over.
We can rectify this by inverting the graph in the first quadrant. We'll do this by subtracting it from 1. Thus, the final equation will be:
y = 1 - (1 - p^n)^(1/n)
which works just fine by my TI-83's reckoning.
Note: In the Wikipedia article, they mention that when n is between 0 and 1 then the curve will be bowed down/in, when n is equal to 1 you get a straight line, and when n is greater than 1 then it will be bowed out. However, since we're subtracting things from 1, this behavior is reversed! (So 0 thru 1 means it's bowed out, and greater than 1 means it's bowed in).
And there you have it -- I hope that's what you were looking for :)
Your curviness property is the exponent.
function(p, exp) { return Math.pow(p, exp); }
exp = 1 gives you the straight line
exp > 1 gives you the exponential lines (bottom two)
0 < exp < 1 gives you the logarithmic lines (top two)
To get "matching" curviness above and below, an exp = 2 would match an exp = 1/2 across the linear dividing line, so you could define a "curviness" function that makes it more intuitive for you.
function curvyInterpolator(p, curviness) {
curviness = curviness > 0 ? curviness : 1/(-curviness);
return Math.pow(p, curviness);

Chris Pine Ruby ch 10, recursion

I have been trying to learn ruby using the book 'learn to program' by Chris Pine. I was actually getting excited when going through the book until I got to chapter 10 and the examples used. Now this chapter alone and its examples have completely deflated all of my excitement to continue with this book. In this example I have completely no idea how its trying to count the tiles, or why he uses world [y],[x] when the method was defined with the attribute of continent_size world, x,y? Im not sure how the recursion in this example works. Can someone shed some more light onto this example as to what the author was actually trying to do?
M = 'land'
o = 'water'
world = [
def continent_size world, x ,y
if x < 0 or x > 10 or y < 0 or y > 10
return 0
if world[y][x] != 'land'
return 0
size = 1
world [y][x] = 'counted land'
size = size + continent_size(world, x-1, y-1)
size = size + continent_size(world, x , y-1)
size = size + continent_size(world, x+1, y-1)
size = size + continent_size(world, x-1, y )
size = size + continent_size(world, x+1, y )
size = size + continent_size(world, x-1, y+1)
size = size + continent_size(world, x , y+1)
size = size + continent_size(world, x+1, y+1)
puts continent_size(world, 5, 5)
This is called a flood fill. What it's doing is counting the size of all the pieces of 'land' that are connected to the initial starting point. Note that it doesn't count all of the 'land' symbols, just the ones on that it can't get to because of water.
Flood fill is a form of something called depth first search which is a way to traverse a graph (here, a discrete 'map'). It can be summarized like so:
Visit the current position/graph node, count it and mark it as visited
Check all connected nodes (here, anything up, down, left or right), if they are not visited and they are land, recursively visit them
He might be doing y, x for the following reason: the logical format of a 2D array is organized first by row, then by column. The row could be thought of as the y axis and the column as the x.
For what it's worth I when I worked through this problem in the book I also noticed the transposition of x & y when world is called. I looked on the Pragmatic Programmer's website to see if this was listed in the errata, but it is not.
I thought it was typo and flipped them to x, y. The code works either way.
It doesn't really matter, since the starting point of 5,5 is arbitrary and the code will check all eight tiles around x,y (or y,x) regardless until it hits the "edge" of the array/world.
Taking a few steps back from the other answers, the recursion here is in that continent_size is called eight times from within continent_size.
So the method is being called eight times inside itself.
But ... each of those eight inner methods call continent_size a further eight times.
And so on, and so on.
It's bonkers to get your head around it, but when you do, it feels like you can see The Matrix. Albeit very briefly.
I stumbled across this question looking for some help with the extension bit of the task (how to avoid the error if one of your 'explorers' falls off the edge of the world).
I ended up solving this with a rescue:
# If it's off the edge of the world, it's as good as water
square = world[y][x] rescue 'o'
if square != 'Land'
return 0
I don't know if this is the best way to do it, but it seems quite elegant to me.
I feel pretty dirty about the way I solved it, and am here looking for a better answer. I created a new variable, E = 'edge', and changed any character that touched the edge of the map to E. Then I added this code to the top of the continent_size method:
if world[y][x] == 'edge'
return 1
It works. :/
It looks like the rescue approach still crashes when the top edge of the world is all 'o's. A simple approach to solving this is to write a conditional that checks if either coordinate (x,y) is outside of the boundary (i.e. outside of 0 or world.length-1) and return 0 if that condition is met.
I also noticed the transposition of x and y in Pine's code.
I think the reasoning might be that he arranged the "world" array so that there is one sub-array on each line. The first number in square brackets following "world" (world[0]) refers to the index of the element (sub-array) within world. Since these are stacked vertically it is your y-axis. The second bracketed number (world[0][5]) refers to the element within the sub-array. These run horizontally so the second number refers to your x-axis. Writing the method to take parameter x then parameter y allows you to enter the staring location in the conventional (x,y) format while within the method the variables are transposed to accomplish the task. I think. I'm completely new to this though.
Also, if anyone has a clean solution to extended version of this exercise where where the continent "borders the edge of the world" I would love to see it
It also took me some time to get the head around this example. I tried to solve the task like this, at first:
if ( world[y] > world[y].length || world[x] > world[x].length ) || ( world[y] < world[y].length || world[x] < world[x].length )
return 0
But I kept getting errors of the "undefined method ">" for an array"
I then realised that the solution could be in conditioning "x" and "y", if they are more than an array (10) or lower than (0):
if x > 10 || x < 0 || y > 10 || y < 0
return 0
The problem here is that it works on this particular size of arrays...if the world is bigger than 10 - the program would count every "land" it encounters as 0.
So I guess it's half-solution only...

How to do summation to infinity in this case in maple or mathematica

maple code, no matter write this matrix in procedure or not, still get error, how to summation to infinity
DetAn:= (n)-> LinearAlgebra:-Determinant(
n, n,
if j >= i and (j-i)::even then
elif i-j = 1 then -1
else 0
end if
Summation(DetAn(k)*z^k/k!, k=0..infinity);
a(i) could be a := t -> t^2
You will get an error for the given input because the sum (or Summation) command has normal evaluation rules for procedure arguments and so will try to evaluate DetAn(n) for nonumeric symbolic n. You'd get the same error message (from the Matrix constructor) if you just called,
where n is an unassigned name.
But delaying that premature evaluation isn't going to get a result.
Summation('DetAn'(k)*z^k/k!, k=0..infinity);
LinearAlgebra:-Determinant is not going to cough up a closed form result for symbolic n. You can get a recursive summation formula for DetAn(n), ie. as a sum of terms involving DetAn(j-1) or DetAn(j-2) from j=1..n/2. I don't know whether you could hammer on that for a generating function.
Consider what kind of answer you are looking for, if only from the Determinant call. Are hoping for a nested sum (nested to a fixed, finite depth)?
What is a(i)?
Why is the determinant in terms of powers of x, while z comes into the summation terms?
Mathematica can simply take infintiy as a limit:
Sum[(1/2)^i, {i, 0, Infinity}]
Out= 2
I didn't try with your example but its worth a shot.
