Not wanted JOB_EXECUTION_PARAMS in spring batch - spring

I am facing a strange situation. I am developping a springboot app that uses spring-batch to handle some jobs. The thing is that for some reason on my dB an aditional row is being inserted in the batch_job_execution_params. But this only happens if the springboot application runs with any arguments (args).
Any ideas of why this happens ?


Migration to Spring Boot is causing problems with Spring Batch

I'm trying to convert an older application that so far only uses Spring to Spring Boot. I managed to get the application to run again. But I'm having problems with Spring Batch.
The application uses Spring + Spring Batch + Spring Security + Hibernate + Wicket + ojdbc and is running on Tomcat with a Oracle 19c database.
I'm fighting these Spring Batch problems:
Massive performance drop: A Batch Step that took 2 minutes before is now running for an hour. This seems to me like it's caused by a slow database connection. Spring Batch spends a lot of time creating the objects with the ItemReader.
The Spring Job fails at the end with a "ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException: Batch update returned unexpected row count from update" There is a versioned table that contains the status of the calculations. This status is updated multiple times during the Batch Job. The status update works in the beginning, but near the end the EntityManager returns an result with an outdated version. Updating causes the exception.
Do you have any ideas or hints what could cause these problems? The functionality was not changed, this should only be a migration to Spring Boot.

How to configure Eclipse-RCP with Spring-Boot

I have an Eclipse RCP(E4) application, which I can start without any problem. Now I decide to connect it to my Spring-Boot embedded Tomcat-server. The Spring-Boot-container runs an H2 as an in memory DB. Running Spring-Boot as "Java Application", I access the data in the DB via a rest-service over the browser.
The problem is, I actually want to embed the Spring-Boot part in my RCP-application. So once I start the application it will start my embedded Sring-Boot tomcat and I can run my CRUD-operations directly from the RCP-UI.
Has anyone got experience dealing with Eclipse-RCP running with Spring-Boot?
P.S: I chose explicitly to not put any code hier, because I don't have any code problem yet. The applications run separately well. I just haven't no clue how to relate them.

When spring-boot app multi-node deploy, how to handle cron job?

When I use spring task handle a simple sync job! But when I deploy multi-node, how I make sure the cron job just run one time.
Maybe you say that:
1. Use distributed-lock control a flag before the crob job run.
2. Integrated quartz cluster function.
But I hope spring task #EnableScheduling can add a flag argument, so as we can set a flag when launch app.
We are using with success, zookeeper provider in particular.
Spring boot, in a nutshell, doesn't allow any type of coordination between multiple instances
of the same microservice.
All the work of such a coordination is done by the third parties that spring boot gets integrated with.
One example of this is indeed a #Scheduled annotation.
Another is DB migration support via flyway.
When many nodes start and the migration has to be done, flyway is responsible to lock the migration table by itself, spring boot has nothing to do with it.
So, bottom line, there is no such support and all options that you've raised can work.

Java Spring Boot Batch - Need some advise in design

I am a newbie in Java and trying to implement a Spring Boot batch application.
My requirement is like to check some data in database (one part) and delete if found (another part).
I am planning to implement Spring Boot batch for this.
I will have one job which will have 2 steps. If Step 1 find some data then only execute step 2? Can I achieve in Spring Boot Batch? Or what is the best way to achieve this keeping in mind I have to schedule this to run weekly.
With just the scheduled job for find and delete records from DB, I don't suggest using Spring Batch. Spring has nice good way of doing it without Batch using scheduling-tasks. You can see example here. Use Spring Batch only if you need to run jobs in batch that can't be handled with normal operation.
If you need complex scheduler, you can use Spring Quartz scheduler.

Spring Integration Invoking Spring Batch

Just looking for some information if others have solved this pattern. I want to use Spring Integration and Spring Batch together. Both of these are SpringBoot applications and ideally I'd like to keep them and their respective configuration separated, so they are both their own executable jar. I'm having problems executing them in their own process space and I believe I want, unless someone can convince me otherwise, each to run like they are their own Spring Boot app and initialize themselves with their own profiles and properties. What I'm having trouble with though is the invocation of the job in my SpringBatch project from my SpringIntegration project. At first I couldn't get the properties loaded from the batch project, so I realized I need to pass the as a Job Parameter and that seemed to solve that. But there are other things in the Spring Boot Batch application that aren't loading correctly like the schema-platform.sql file and the database isn't getting initialized, etc.
On this initial launch of the job I might want the response to go back to Spring Integration for some messaging on Job Status. There might be times when I want to run a job without Spring Integration kicking off the job, but still take advantage of sending statuses back to the Spring Integration project providing its listening on a channel or something.
I've reviewed quite a few Spring samples and have yet to find my exact scenario, most are with the two dependencies in the same project, so maybe I'm doing something that's not possible, but I'm sure I'm just missing a little something in the Spring configuration.
My questions/issues are:
I don't want the Spring Integration project to know anything about the SpringBatch configuration other than the job its kicking off. I have found a good way to do that reference to the Job Bean without getting my entire batch configuration loading.
Should I keep these two projects separated or would it be better to combine them since I have two-way communication between both.
How should the Job be launch from the integration project. We're using the spring-batch-integration project with JobLaunchRequest and JobLauncher. This seems to run it in the same process as the Spring Integration project and I'm missing a lot of my SpringBootBatch projects initialization
Should I be using a CommandLineRunner instead to force it to another process.
Is the answer?
Looking for some general project configuration setup to meet these requirements.
Spring Cloud Data Flow in combination with Spring Cloud Task does exactly what you're asking. It launches Spring Cloud Task applications (which can contain batch jobs) as new processes on the platform you choose. I'd encourage you to check out that project here:
