Why are my Owncloud external mount broken (10.3.2) - smb

On a fresh install i got these errors. Could someone tell me what's wrong or what to do?
This configuration on owncloud should work but there is now a red box. The problem is that the red box does not tell what the error is.
When you go to the folder it says that the mount points are not connected:
running the command sudo -u www-data php occ files_external:verify 74 -vvv --output=json gives {"status":"error","code":1,"message":null}

you probably need to put something in the domain field, this fixed the problem for me! Literally anything, except a backslash.


AWS EC2 Mautic Install won't even start

I have a fresh EC2 setup on AWS and have loaded Mautic files into the main /html directory. When I go to that directory, I just get a screen saying:
"The site is currently offline due to encountering an error. If the problem persists, please contact the system administrator."
I have been digging everywhere to find a solution. I know this is not a real error message and it gives no details. The error logs are not being helpful either. There is one thing that shows over and over in error_log which is:
AH01071: Got error 'Primary script unknown\n'
I have rebooted this server, tried different combos of ownership and permissions, etc. I'm at a loss. I'm hoping someone can provide some insight to get me over this hump and actually get Mautic installed.
SIDE NOTE: Please do not suggest using Bitnami to install Mautic. We've already done that and found it to be very unstable. We are hoping a clean install that isn't dependant on anything else will work better for us. Thanks.
run following commands:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/mautic/
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/mautic/

Why sudo does not work in a macOS terminal?

I asked this question on mac rumors but as it's pretty developer specific no one could help so wondered if any developers here would know. Sometime in the last couple of weeks something happened that completely broke my sudo command. Now everytime I try to sudo anything it just comes up with a blank line. Nothing I can type into Terminal (or iTerm) does anything and I need to close the window.
I've got backups but don't know what files would have been broken and don't just want to reset my Mac to an arbitrary point in time and loose other work. I mostly just use sudo to edit /private/etc/hosts file and somehow now it's letting me edit and save that without sudo so I thought it might be stuck in sudo somehow but I've reset everything I can think of and haven't changed any settings that I know of.
I tried creating a new admin user and sudoing from that but it's the same.
I've tried following advice on various forums but none of them are working and I'm getting to the point I'm probably doing more damage to my mac. Anyone got any ideas of how to fix it or any files I can drag across from my backup that might fix it?
I've tried:
which sudo
and it comes up with /usr/bin/sudo which seems to be a valid file path.
After following this link - https://macperformanceguide.com/blog/2017/20170328_1326-macOS-10_12_4-sudo-broken.html - I found the solution and the problem. AMPPS had edited the sudoers file to include some NOPASSWD line which apparently doesn't work in 10.12.4. Commenting out those lines works
Might be a good idea to compare your current /etc/sudoers with an old version just in case.
Also, keep in mind the expect file permission is:
chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers
I was also facing this issue for almost 3-4 months, It was bugging me a lot. It made me almost mad. Yesterday i decided to sit down and fix this issue once and for all.
After lot of reading and all, I found that AMPPS entry in sudoers file is culprit.
open sudoers file using sudo visudo command OR use some editor (take backup of sudoers file before making changes and also read guide to use "visodo" )
I commented 2 lines in my sudoers file and everything is fine now.
#%amit ALL= NOPASSWD: /Applications/AMPPS/Ampps.app
#%amit ALL= NOPASSWD: /Applications/AMPPS/ampps
Similar experience/solution has been shared by this blogger here,
You might not be having AMPPS on your machine so what worked for me, might not work for you.
Point to highlight is "There is something in there in your sudoers file which is causing issue, just find that line"

Cannot login to heroku

When I try to login to my heruko account it says:
dial tcp: lookup api.heroku.com on cannot unmarshal DNS
I'm using Linux Mint 17.2
I resolved this problem by un-installing the current Heroku Toolbelt and re-installing it.
First Uninstalled-
sudo apt-get --purge remove heroku-toolbelt
Then, installed-
wget -qO- https://toolbelt.heroku.com/install-ubuntu.sh | sh
I had similar issue and could solve it by the above process.
Hope this will help as an answer to most of the question/s related to this error.
I was facing the same issue, but after some digging , i resolved it by modifying my DNS
DNS to
It worked like a charm thenafter.
I solved my problem using this:
sudo su
heroku login
I don't know why but I removed non-aplhanumeric characters from my password (ie I changed my password to not include them), and it worked.
Just to clarify: a password like passw0r8$#% works on the website but not the command line, but passw0r8 does work on the command line.
I tried everything above and nothing worked. What got it working for me was adding this line to my /etc/hosts: api.heroku.com
I came cross this issue also,finally I solved it by heroku update and use a proxy.I guess this is kind of net-trouble.
I just encountered this problem,it took me half a day to solve it .As a beginner,I worked in Ubuntu 15 ,using Python 2.7. (Google was blocked because of GFW.)
Just Three steps.
1.Modify The password only composed of letters and numbers,contain no "?","_","*","&"etc.
2.I have tried DNS """""",but failed.
I modified DNS for "" ""(alidns) terminally.
( ~$ sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf
Then modify 'nameserver xx.xx.xx.xx' and save.)
Use ~$ heroku auth:login

Vagrant up fails with Laravel: 'The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status'

New to Laravel and Vagrant, never put up a virtual machine any way other than via MAMP.
New to using Terminal in general.
Running on Mac OSX 10.9.
Vagrantfile (and hopefully soon Laravel) is placed in a folder in Documents.
Receiving error:
The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what
went wrong.
Log since 'vagrant up'
Used vagrant files
UPDATE: When accessing the designated VM address through my browser, I am greeted by a 403 Forbidden
EDIT: Link to terminal log updated after fixing laravel installation issues regarding mcrypt.
UPDATE: Tried solution described here by adding the following to /etc/sudoers. Problem not fixed.
Defaults:vagrant !requiretty
The artisan file isn't there.
php artisan migrate #fails
I can't tell exactly what should be in /var/www, but it seems to me like Laravel isn't getting set up properly. Try vagrant ssh to snoop around in /var/www (ls /var/www) and see what's there/what's missing.
vagrant ssh
when you success login, run the command like below:
sudo rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
maybe 70 or 60 is the begining of rules filename.
than reload your virtualbox,try it maybe the right way to solve the matter.
If you have this error, after
vagrant up
you can use
vagrant ssh
It let you launch your server.

MariaDB homebrew install errors

I have just installed MariaDB via homebrew on my Mac. At the end of the installation I got the following error:
Warning: The post-install step did not complete successfully
You can try again using `brew postinstall mariadb`
If I run brew postinstall mariadb I get:
==> /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/5.5.34/bin/mysql_install_db --verbose --user=andrew --basedir=/usr/loca
MariaDB is hosted on launchpad; You can find the latest source and
email lists at http://launchpad.net/maria
Please check all of the above before mailing us! And remember, if
you do mail us, you should use the /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/5.5.34/scripts/mysqlbug script!
READ THIS: https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/wiki/troubleshooting
Which isn't helpful! The tutorial I was following told me to run unset TEMPDIR, then mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=$(brew --prefix mariadb); running those results in the following:
/usr/local/opt/mariadb/bin/my_print_defaults: Can't read dir of '/usr/local/etc/my.cnf.d' (Errcode: 2)
Fatal error in defaults handling. Program aborted
chown: ./data: Operation not permitted
Cannot change ownership of the database directories to the 'mysql'
user. Check that you have the necessary permissions and try again.
I suspect the problem has something to do with the /usr/local/etc/my.cnf.d folder. I've seen this referred to in a couple of things I've tried, but it doesn't exist on my machine. I have tried a few different mysql_install_db commands I've found in other tutorials, but they all throw up a (different) error message.
Thanks for any help!
Just open the config file at /usr/local/etc/my.cnf with your editor and comment out the following line:
!includedir /usr/local/etc/my.cnf.d
Having been unsuccessful with further Googling of the problem I tried manually creating a /usr/local/etc/my.cnf.d and now the mysql_install_db command seems to have worked okay. I'm not sure if this is the appropriate solution or if my.cnf.d not existing is indicative of a deeper problem with the install but, as things seem to be working, I'll mark as resolved.
[Update] As I was a little unsure in my answer whether this was the 'correct' solution I just wanted to confirm that, after a month, everything is still working fine.
None of the solution here helped, I had to do this:
The post-install step did not complete successfully MySQL Mac OS Sierra
in short,
I made a backup of the folder /usr/local/var/mysql , then removed it
removed Mariadb brew remove mariadb
reinstalled Mariadb brew install mariadb
run brew services start mariadb
After that I could access with mysql -u root
You might have an orphaned configuration file. I was able to solve this problem by deleting an old /usr/local/etc/my.cnf. YMMV.
If you're having this problem in 2021
This worked for me:
sudo mysql_install_db
sudo chown -R <YOUR USER NAME HERE> /usr/local/mysql # for example sudo chown -R jperez /usr/mysql
sudo chgrp -R admin /usr/local/mysql
After that, running mysql or mariadb will show the database prompt.
This problem seems to have recently gone away.
A simple bew upgrade resolved the problem for me.
You may want to go
and delete the old MySQL file and install again
