Failed to Sync Repository - google-cloud-build

Sync Failed in Cloud source repository, Build trigger is not working when code is pushed.

Looks like there is an issue for it -


Local Repository Out of Date - Make sure all changes have been pulled from the remote repository and try again

I am new to Git. I would like to set it up on xcode so I can develop across my devices. I can commit just fine within Xcode through the "Source Control" menu, but when I push to the repository what I get is: Local Repository Out of Date - Make sure all changes have been pulled from the remote repository and try again.
I then try to pull from the repository and I get: An unknown error has occurred: no merge base found (-3)
What is going on?
I pushed my source code to GitHub, and then I pulled. I expected each to work but I get the errors I mentioned.

Push my cloud server project to my github repository by using command line

I want to push my project from server to github repository and for that i have created one private repository on github and my project uploaded on cloud server. How can i upload or push whole project to github repository? When i try to push command then i am getting below error:
error: src refspec HEAD does not match any.
error: failed to push some refs to ''
Please provide me steps to push project to github. I am using putty with SSH for connect to server.


I wanted to build rapidminer-studio-master, so I download the source code from github:
According to the file, I import the project into IDEA, then execute the command gradlew jar, but the error is:
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':generateGitRevFile'.
> org.eclipse.jgit.errors.RepositoryNotFoundException: repository not found:
Then I open the file props.gradle,it shows that:
So the file has obviously added a corresponding dependency. Why is it still failing to load?
actually it looks a bit strange that git is looking for a repo in your local file system.
Did you use git clone to download the repository? If not try this and see if it helps.

GitHub error "Failed to get HEAD"

I'm new to GitHub and mainly going to be using it to backup service and to show off code. Anyhow, I'm trying to get my latest program up there and am getting the error in the title of this thread when I try to push.
Repro steps:
Sit in Starbucks with crappy wifi (Could this be related to the problem? Serious question.)
Open latest version of GitHub for latest Macintosh operating system
File --> New Repository
Local Path --> the folder that contains my XCode project
Name --> give it a name
Push .... Get error
Look in my XCode project's folder and it looks like an empty subfolder with the name of my GitHub project was created there. Huh?
I had these issues, I followed these steps to resolve.
cd /directory
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Name of Repo"
I then opened the github desktop application and dragged the folder over.
All my files are now available and I can make commits. Hope this helps.
I received a similar error using GitHub Desktop on OS X. I got the error when trying to commit files for the first time to a newly created repository. The error message was something along the following: Failed To Get Head (Unborn)
The steps I followed to create the error were:
Created a new repository on
Cloned the empty repository using GitHub Desktop
Created a new project locally on my computer inside the directory I cloned the repository to in step 2.
Using GitHub Desktop, tried to commit the files. This is when I got the error.
To "fix" this, I went to GitHub desktop and created a ReadMe for the repository. I then 'Synced' the repository on GitHub Desktop and was able to commit.
This error can appear if you did not initiate the repository. make sure to check the box saying "Initialize this repository with a README"
In my case all I needed to do was to run:
git add -A
After this I was successfully able to commit through the GitHub client.
I was using Xcode and I copied some files into the folder with my project and they were not automatically added to the git (hence the error).
git reset
And then come back to GitHub Desktop. That works in my case.
Certainly not the Starbucks Wifi.
This happened to me with the official GitHub client when I tried to make an initial commit, I then tried again using the inbuilt versioning module within my code editor (Intellij IDEA) and it worked just fine.
I won't even hazard a guess to the cause of the problem, but try a different GIT client if you need a potential quick fix.
Please try to commit first and try to push. I am also very new to git, I used to SVN a lot, It worked for me after initial commit.

How can I evade build fails in Hudson when there is no code change?

I am using Hudson to build from Git in my continuous integration system. Everything works fine except that when I start another build without any code change in Git. Then the build just crashes and burns with exceptions. How can I let the Hudson know that if there is no change in the Git side, just rebuild the old code?
Here comes the exception:
ERROR: Problem fetching from origin / origin - could be unavailable. Continuing anyway
ERROR: Could not fetch from any repository
FATAL: Could not fetch from any repository
hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Could not fetch from any repository
at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM$2.invoke(
at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM$2.invoke(
at hudson.FilePath.act(
at hudson.FilePath.act(
at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM.checkout(
at hudson.model.AbstractProject.checkout(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractRunner.checkout(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
