IntelliJ : show program run with debugger without stopping on breakpoints? - debugging

Currently i'm on a project which has some main loop which is quite slow. Putting a breakpoint into it implicates i have to press F9 each time, and there are a lot of iterations. What i imagine is to see the program 'move' on one of my screens, without wondering if it is stuck or not.
I already have log outputs and so on, my question really focuses on this 'show debug without stop' feature.
What i imagine is to see in this main loop the current line highlighted as i it was a line-by-line execution, but without breakpoints and without going down in the subcalls.
Does any of you know a way to do something like this or wish the same thing ?
Thanks !

Your Debug tool window has a "Mute breakpoints" control:
If you leave it ON, your application won't stop at breakpoints. You can switch it off later once you reach the point where you actually want to start debugging (e.g. mute breakpoints while the app is doing all the initial loading tasks, while you navigate to the screen you want to debug etc. and then unmute them).

I'm not quite sure this is it but , how about disabling focus on breakpoint:

Put your cursor on the line you'd like to breakpoint and hit ctrl-shift-f8 (on a pc). You can choose not to suspend when a breakpoint is hit, and/or you can add logging that the breakpoint was triggered. If you need to, you can add a condition that must be met before the breakpoint is triggered.
Here's what this looks like for me:


How to step back during debugging or back to last breakpoint in Pycharm?

Is it possible that Pycharm 'save' the whole staus at a breakpoint and allow the customer repeat debugging from there?
Occasionally I may need to debug a complicate bug which need ~2 hours to reach the target function. The multi-process code consists of many nested invoking and loops. The narrowing down process is pretty tricky. The first breakpoint is easy to set up. But if the second breakpoint was not set up correctly. Or there was one more clicking on 'step over' button. The debug session may exit since there was error. That is terrible since I may need another two hours to start another debugging. If Pycharm allow me to 'save' the debug status at the first breakpoint and allow me back to there whatever the current session ends or not it will be great helpful.
If I could catch up abnormal result before the session exit, then I need to step back during Pycharm debugging to figure out the issue. I searched and found out that both visual studio and IntelliJ has this ability. 'Jumping to Cursor' in Pycharm looks a similar solution. So far I don't have a chance to verify it by using a complex case.
So in genearal, what is the best strategy to debug those bugs which take long time to reach the starting point but failure point/reason is unclear? Thanks a lot.

Return to normal execution after debugging a part of code

When I debug a program using IntelliJ' debugger, how can I return to the normal execution of the program after debugging a part of the code ?
I start a program, test it.
When the debugger find breakpoints, it starts the step by step debugging of the program.
I do my stuff and my checks, nothing goes wrong.
I want to exit step by step debugging and go back to a fluid execution of the program (without having to press a button for all actions) until the debugger find a new breakpoint.
How can I do that and exit the step by step debugging?
You can use the "Resume Program" button, which looks like a green triangle (a "play" button"), or the F9 shortcut.
See, e.g., this screenshot from a debugging session I started (mouse cursor and the hovering tooltip show the button's location):
Note: The screenshot was taken in IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.4 so the exact layout may differ according to your specific version, but the same behavior, buttons and shortcuts have existed in IntelliJ for years now.

Is there any way to see which line of code is being executed, without Breaking execution?

Long story short, I am debugging a big application which I didn't write. It is throwing an error when it runs on the server on which it is supposed to be run, so I am testing on my own machine with the debugger attached to see what happens.
It has thousands of lines of code, and has been running for a couple of hours now. I want to know which line of code is currently executing, so I can get a rough idea of how long is left, but I don't want to Break All as the code is...rickety.
Short of firing watchpoints all over the place in a spray and pray fashion, is there a non-invasive way to see which line of code is executing right now?
Process Explorer can show the currently executing line and call stack in the process.
Right-click a process, click Properties, and then click the Threads tab.

How can I know because myapplication crash?

Where XCode generate error for application crash ?
I'm crazyng ! My application when open second file xib with webview then it crash. But I don't know why ? how can i Know where is error ?
You need to learn how to use the debugger in Xcode.
Run your app under the debugger then instead if simply getting a stack trace Xcode will stop at the line the fault occurs and show you your code and variables. You can then examine the contents of your variables, the call tree, etc. and hunt down the problem.
Once you know the general area of the problem you can place breakpoints to pause your application before the problem occurs and check whether your variables have the values expected etc. Then you can run till the next breakpoint, or step through your code a line at a time.
You can add code, such as NSAssert's and NSLog's to your app to check progress and display information without stopping the run, etc.
It's a process, and some problems will be harder to track down, but you'll get quicker at it with practice.
The Xcode documentation will tell you all about the debugger.

Intellitrace capture breakpoint events without actually stopping program execution

I like how you can capture breakpoints as Intellitrace events. Breakpoints are easy to add/enable/disable, and can be added/removed at runtime (as opposed to say Console events).
However, of course breakpoints stop the flow of execution, and I have to press F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 constantly while I debug the running application. I'd love to be able to capture breakpoint events in intellitrace and just let the code execute without actually breaking on the breakpoints.
I've also used Console statements as captured intellitrace events, but breakpoints are much easier to add (F9 as opposed to pasting a Console.WriteLine("...") everywhere), and I can add and disable new breakpoints at runtime, whereas if I want to add or remove a Console based event at runtime, I have to stop the program, add/delete, and restart.
Are there any good ways to capture intellitrace events in this way?
I think this is what you are looking for:
Basically, you can use an advanced breakpoint to do a number of different things. In your case, you would probably want to use the tracepoint that simply gives a hit count. In other cases, you might want to specify that the breakpoint only occurs after a certain number of hits (maybe you want to be sure a loop isn't infinite).
Visual Studio has a ton of great features inside of the breakpoint option. I'm sure that even if the above option didn't solve your problem that there is still something that is included in the above article that will solve your problem.
