Offline PCAP to Jmeter JMX - jmeter

Any Idea of an offline replacement to to convert a PCAP to JMeter JMX.
As the PCAP contains sensitive data that we can not upload online.
I need an inhouse tool

I can think of the following options:
You can use tcprewrite tool to replace the "sensitive" data with the dummy data in your .pcap file and use the aforementioned converter. Once you get the .jmx file you can replace the dummy data back with the sensitive data
If you want fully offline solution you can consider using tcpreplay application which can replay .pcap files via JMeter Proxy Server which will capture HTTP requests and create the relevant HTTP Request samplers.
You can open the .pcap file via Wireshark, copy raw TCP request data and put it to HTTP Raw Request sampler.


Recording using CEGID application in JMeter 5.2

Need to record the application that is on CEGID Retail application.
Script have 8 transactions and each transaction have 100 URL that is useful in script.
We can capture request in fiddler.
can we record using Jmeter otherwise need to take requests from fiddler and put in Jmeter manually that will consume more time.
Please suggest a better approach for this.
enter image description here
after converting fiddler session to .har and .har to .jmx request body is getting removed.
Please suggest on this.
Fiddler recording you can export the captured requests in HAR format like File -> Export Sessions -> HTTP Archive 1.1 and once done you can convert them into JMeter .jmx script using online HAR to JMX conversion tool
is there any setting need to change?
If the application is using HTTP and/or HTTP(S) protocols you should be able to normally record it using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, just
start JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder proxy
import JMeter's SSL certificate into your browser, the file is called ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt and it's generated in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation
configure your browser to use JMeter as the proxy
execute your test scenario steps in browser - JMeter will store the relevant HTTP Request samplers under the Recording Controller
See Recording Tests user manual chapter for more details
If you already have a Fiddler recording you can export the captured requests in HAR format like File -> Export Sessions -> HTTP Archive 1.1 and once done you can convert them into JMeter .jmx script using online HAR to JMX conversion tool

How to use JMeter to record user input

How to record user input parameters using JMeter? I tried to use the record controller and follow through the tutorials, all the records are only http get requests without any post input. Thanks
Properly configured JMeter captures all network activity between browser and application under test, the fact you don't see POST requests might indicate one of the following:
Browser simply doesn't make any POST requests, i.e. your application is designed to operate only GET HTTP Request types
Your JMeter configuration is not correct, i.e. your application uses HTTPS. In this case you need to perform some extra configuration so JMeter could intercept, decrypt and record HTTPS requests:
make sure your browser is configured to use proxy for all protocols
make sure you install JMeter's self-signed certificate to your browser. The file name is ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt and it is being generated in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation when you start JMeter Proxy Server
More information:
HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder (pay attention to HTTPS recording and certificates chapter)
Recording HTTPS Traffic with JMeter's Proxy Server

JMeter API Testing - Recording the Incoming Traffic

Using JMeter, the HTTP Request is hitting a URL with the port.
Eg :
I have also added a HTTP Test Script Recorder in JMeter, where I can mention the port and domain.
How do I import the incoming traffic to JMeter using tcpreplay and JMeter Proxy for the above example.
Thanks for your help in Advance.
Have you read the FAQ?
Does tcpreplay support sending traffic to a server?
If by server you mean a daemon (Unix) or service (Windows) which listens on a port (a web or mail server would be common examples), then probably not. The biggest issue is that tcpreplay doesn't understand the state of common protocols like TCP. This means it is unable to synchronize Syn/Ack's to create valid TCP sessions.
So you have the following options:
Consider using Wireplay tool instead
Convert your .pcap file into JMeter .jmx script using BlazeMeter JMX Converter
In both cases be aware that you will get only a "skeleton" of the project, you won't be able to replay production traffic, all you will get would be a set of HTTP Request samplers, you will have to figure out the workload model on your own.
In JMeter you can add to your HTTP request a Post Processor Named Response Assertion, If you check the Ignore Status checkbox you will ignore response of the server so even if server is down it'll not fail test and continue.

What is the difference in testing file upload and download with FTP request and HTTP requests in Jmeter

which is the actual way to test performance of upload and download files using JMeter tool ?
HTTP and FTP protocol are totally different, if your application supports both - you need to load test both methods as they are handled differently on the server side. Your load test needs to simulate what real users are/will be doing so check your application requirements prior to building the test plan.
For simulating HTTP uploads and downloads you need to use HTTP Request sampler
For simulating FTP uploads and downloads - go for FTP Request sampler. FTP protocol provides some more ways of files and folders manipulation, i.e. moving, deleting, listing contents, etc. so you may also need to perform these operations using Apache Commons Net libraries and JSR223 Sampler, check out Load Testing FTP and SFTP Servers Using JMeter guide for comprehensive explanation and example code snippets

jmeter proxy: how to unzip traffic during / before recording

The http traffic I'm interested in recording is gzipped (the client sends zipped data to the server). The result is recorded binary traffic which cannot be easily modified. It's very difficult to modify the client in order to suppress compression. So my question: Is there an option or extension for the proxy to uncompress the client traffic during recording?
My environment:
The client sends compressed requests.
The server sends compressed responses.
My requirements:
I have to modify the requests.
I have to check assertions in the responses.
Your advice:
JMeter can not handle the compressed  traffic in the required way.
Disable compression on both sides.
