Dashboard report - Transaction/sec - jmeter

Can anyone help me to understand how is the Transactions/s calculated in here:
The test is run for 5 mins with 10 users.

According to JMeter Glossary:
Throughput is calculated as requests/unit of time. The time is calculated from the start of the first sample to the end of the last sample. This includes any intervals between samples, as it is supposed to represent the load on the server.
The formula is: Throughput = (number of requests) / (total time).
So if you look into .jtl results file you will see timeStamp column, normally it's the first one.
Find 1-Home request with the earliest timestamp - that will be start time
Find 1-Home request with the latest timestamp and add to it the value from the elapsed time - that would be end time.
Subtract start time from the end time - that would be total time
Divide 88 by that total time - you will get 0.29
More information:
What is the Relationship Between Users and Hits Per Second?


Can we calculate the approximate TPS (Transactions per second) value that we reach based on Hourly active user count?

One of my clients is asking about the expected TPS before the execution. He has given the below requirements to initiate the load test,
The expected hourly active user count: 14250 (concurrent)
The total think time: 625 Seconds (4 thread groups with different user flows. each flow action controller has 5 Seconds delay)
No Pace time: 0
Total Number of endpoints: 212 (4 thread groups with different user flows)
Can anyone help me to calculate the approximate TPS (Transactions per second) value that we reach for the above configuration?
Is this data set will sufficient to do this calculation? Appreciate it if anyone can help with this calculation.
It's not sufficient because you don't know the response time for all 212 endpoints, you can assume what could be the TPS if response time would be 1 second or 2 seconds, but it's not possible to predict the actual TPS without knowing what is the response time.
According to JMeter Glossary:
Throughput is calculated as requests/unit of time. The time is calculated from the start of the first sample to the end of the last sample. This includes any intervals between samples, as it is supposed to represent the load on the server.
The formula is: Throughput = (number of requests) / (total time).
More information: How do I Correlate the Number of (Concurrent) Users with Hits Per Second

How is throughput value is calculating in summary report when we have samples more than 1?

I have create a test plan setting no. of threads= 1 ramp-up period= 1 and loop count = 1
If i want to verify throughput value of 2nd label i am using this formula 2/5 means (no.of samples / average time) which results in 0.4 ms but the value in jmeter is showing as 4.9/min. And how are the last two rows of summary report are calculating which include labels of Test(it is my transaction controller) and Total. Please explain with formula. The image of my summary report is in the given link.
summary report
You're using the wrong formula, according to JMeter Glossary
Throughput is calculated as requests/unit of time. The time is calculated from the start of the first sample to the end of the last sample. This includes any intervals between samples, as it is supposed to represent the load on the server.
The formula is: Throughput = (number of requests) / (total time).
So you should be dividing the number of requests not by average response time, but by the whole duration of the test.
If you want to exclude some Samplers which are "not interesting" using Filter Results Tool where you can specify the label(s) of the sampler(s) you would like to get metrics for.
Filter Results Tool can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager

How Throughput is calculate and display in Sec,Minute and Hours in Jmeter?

I have one observation and want to get knowledge on Throughput calculation,Some time Throughput is displaying in seconds,some times in minutes and some times in Hours,please any one provide exact answer to calculate throughput and when it will display in Seconds,Minutes and Hours in Jmeter Summary Report
From JMeter Docs:
Throughput is calculated as requests/unit of time. The time is
calculated from the start of the first sample to the end of the last
sample. This includes any intervals between samples, as it is supposed
to represent the load on the server. The formula is: Throughput =
(number of requests) / (total time).
unit time varies based on the throughput values.
In 10 seconds, 10 requests are sent, then throughput is 10/10 = 1/sec
In 10 seconds, 1 requests are sent, then throughput is 1/10 = 0.1/sec = 6/min (showing 0.1/sec in decimals will be automatically shown in next higher unit time)
If you understand, it is to avoid small values (like, 0.1, 0.001 etc). In such cases, higher unit time is more friendly in understanding, while all unit times are correct. It is a matter of usability.
1/sec = 60/min = 3600/hour = SAME

Throughput calculation in Jmeter

Attached is the Summary Report for my tests.
Please help me understand how is the throughput value calculated by JMeter:
example the throughput of the very first line 53.1/min, how was this figure calculated by JMeter with which formula.
Also, wanted to know how are the throughput values in the subsequent test divided into mins or secs. example the 2nd line has a throughput 1.6/sec, so how does JMeter calculate this throughput values based on the time units ?
Tried many websites on the net and have got a common reply that the throughput is the number of requests per unit of time (seconds, minutes, hours) that are sent to your server during the test. But that didn't apply to the results I see in my graph the way it was explained straight forward.
Documentation defines Throughput as
requests/unit of time. The time is calculated from the start of the first sample to the end of the last sample. This includes any intervals between samples, as it is supposed to represent the load on the server.
The formula is: Throughput = (number of requests) / (total time).
So in your case you had 1 request, which took 1129ms, so
Throughput = 1 / 1129ms = 0.00088573959/ms
= 0.00088573959 * 1000/sec = 0.88573959/sec
= 0.88573959 * 60/min = 53.1443754/min, rounded to 53.1/min
For 1 request total time (or elapsed time) is the same as the time of this single operation. For requests executed multiple times, it would be equal to
Throughput = (number of requests) / (average * number of requests) = 1 / average
For instance if you take the last line in your screenshot (with 21 requests), it has an average of 695, so throughput is:
Throughput = 1 / 695ms = 0.0014388489/ms = 1.4388489/sec, rounded to 1.4/sec
In terms of units (sec/min/hour), Summary report does this:
By default it displays throughput in seconds
But if throughput in seconds < 1.0, it will convert it to minutes
If it's still < 1.0, it will convert it to hours
It rounds the value to 1 decimal digit afterwards.
This is why some values are displayed in sec, some in min, and some could be in hours. Some may even have value 0.0, which basically means that throughput was < 0.04
I have been messing with this for a while and here is what I had to do into order for my numbers to match what jmeter says
Loop through my lines in the csv file, gather the LOWEST start time for each of the labels you have, also grab the HIGHEST (timestamp + elapsed time)
Calculate the difference between those in seconds
then do number of samples / the difference
So in excel, the easiest way to do it is get the csv file and add a column for timestamp + elapsed
First sort the block by the timestamp - lowest to highest then fine the first instance of each label and grab that time
Then sort by your new column highest to lowest and grab the first time again for each label
For each label then gather both of these times in a new sheet
A would be the label
B would be the start time
C would be the endtime+elapsed time
D would then be (C-B)1000 (diff in seconds)
E would then be the number of samples for each label
F would be E/D (samples per second)
G would be F60 (samples per minute)

What does this mean in JMeter load? 100 in13.2s= 7.4/s

I have checked for load 100 and got result 100 in13.2/s= 7.4/s.
So what is the meaning of 100 in 13.2/s = 7.4/s?
It means the Number of Executed Samples or Requests are 100. Test duration is 13.2 seconds and Throughput is 7.4/s. So your application handled average 7.4 requests per second during those 13.2 seconds. From that test, the total number of requests are 100.
Throughput is calculated as requests/unit of time. The time is calculated from the start of the first sample to the end of the last sample. This includes any intervals between samples, as it is supposed to represent the load on the server.
The formula is: Throughput = (number of requests) / (total time).
In fact, there's been a mistake in the question: it should be "100 in 13.2s" not "100 in 13.2/s" !!
For further detail, go through Apache JMeter User Manual: Glossary & Elemants of a Test Plan.
