Spring Boot #Retryable Mock Test - spring-boot

I have a code block like below:
ExecutorService {
IAccountService accountService;
#Retryable(maxAttempts = 3, value = {DataIntegrityViolationException.class}, backoff = #Backoff(delay = 1000, multiplier = 2))
public void execute(RequestDto reqDto)
Account acc = accountService.getAccount(reqDto.getAccountId);
In Mockito test, I just want to see call method 3 times as expected.
public class CampaignExecuterServiceTest
private static final Long ACCOUNT_ID = 1L;
private ExecutorService executorService;
private IAccountService accountService;
public void execute_success()
Account account = new Account(ACCOUNT_ID, null, null, null, null);
RequestDto reqDto = new RequestDto();
verify(executorService, times(3)).execute(any());
Test just throws an exception. But I expected it to call it 3 times.

There are a few problems here.
1) #SpringBootTest is need to create a Spring Boot app runner that will intercept your retryable method. JUnit won't do that on its own. Also, the classes param needs to be your main class in place of MainApplication or a subset of classes that can run as a Spring boot app.
2) ExecutorService must be annotated with #Autowired so it will be the bean from the Spring boot application the test is creating.
3) IAccountService must be a #MockBean that is how the test Spring boot environment will know to use a mocked class in ExecutorService instead of the real bean.
4) In the test the third mock call needs to return a valid result or it will throw an exception and the test will fail. Alternately, you could catch the exception in the test.
5) ExecutorService is not a mock or spy so verify will not accept it as an arg at runtime, but accountService is a mock so just assert it is called 3 times.
Another note is that somewhere in the Spring boot config or on the MainApplication you must have the #EnableRetry annotation.
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT, classes = MainApplication.class)
public class CampaignExecuterServiceTest {
private static final Long ACCOUNT_ID = 1L;
private ExecutorService executorService;
private IAccountService accountService;
public void execute_success() {
Account account = new Account(ACCOUNT_ID, null, null, null, null);;
RequestDto reqDto = new RequestDto();
verify(accountService, times(3)).getAccount(any());


Spring Boot JUnit tests fail with Status expected:<200> but was:<404>

For some time I've been struggling to make JUnit tests for my rest controller. For some reason, every time I try to run them I get the error Status expected:<200> but was:<404>. Here is my controller:
public class TravelController {
private final TravelService travelService;
private final TravelOutputDtoMapper travelOutputDtoMapper;
public List<TravelOutputDto> getAll() {
List<Travel> travels = travelService.getAll();
return travels.stream()
And here is my test:
#WebMvcTest(controllers = TravelController.class)
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {
class TravelControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private TravelService travelService;
private TravelOutputDtoMapper travelOutputDtoMapper;
void testGetAll() throws Exception {
List<Travel> travels = mockTravelList();
private List<Travel> mockTravelList() {
// Dummy travel list
I think the reason is connected with TravelOutputDtoMapper as if I remove it from the controller and don't try to inject it the tests are passing, but I cannot find any information why it is doing it. The autowired mapper has an instance and works just fine.
Here is the Mapper:
#Mapper(componentModel = "spring")
public interface TravelOutputDtoMapper {
#Mapping(target = "from", source = "entity.from.code")
#Mapping(target = "to", source = "entity.to.code")
TravelOutputDto travelToTravelOutputDto(Travel entity);
The #ContextConfiguration annotation is used for a different purpose:
#ContextConfiguration defines class-level metadata that is used to determine how to load and configure an ApplicationContext for integration tests.
Using Spring Boot and #WebMvcTest there's no need to manually specify how to load the context. That's done for you in the background.
If you'd use this annotation, you'd specify your main Spring Boot class here (your entry-point class with the #SpringBootApplication annotation).
From what I can see in your test and your question is that you want to provide an actual bean for the TravelOutputDtoMapper, but mock the TravelService.
In this case, you can use #TestConfiguration to add further beans to your sliced Spring TestContext:
// #ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) can be removed. This extension is already registered with #WebMvcTest
#WebMvcTest(controllers = TravelController.class)
class TravelControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private TravelService travelService;
private TravelOutputDtoMapper travelOutputDtoMapper;
static class TestConfig {
public TravelOutputDtoMapper travelOutputDtoMapper() {
return new TravelOutputDtoMapper(); // I assume your mapper has no collaborators
// ... your MockMvc tests

Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock. Embedded Kafka Spring test

I'm trying to see if a method from Service class is invoked when the consumer consumes a message from Kafka topic but i'm getting the error that there is no zero interactions with the Mock. When the test is running it consumes the message and I can see on terminal that the service method is actually invoked (i tried with prints), but it is not passing the test.
My Consumer class:
public class Consumer {
private Service service;
#KafkaListener(topics = "topic")
public void consume(String message) {
The test:
#EmbeddedKafka(partitions = 1, brokerProperties = { "listeners=PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092", "port=9092" })
class ConsumerTest {
#Mock( lenient = true)
private Service service;
private KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate;
private Consumer consumer;
public void givenEmbeddedKafkaBroker_whenExistsTemperatureMessageInTopic_thenMessageReceivedByConsumerAndServiceInvoked()
throws Exception {
String message = "Hello";
kafkaTemplate.send("topic", message);
Mockito.verify(service, times(1)).add();
TLDR: Don't use #Mock with #SpringBootTest. Use #MockBean instead.
The components you created in your test don't take part in the message processing:
This stems from the fact that you used #SpringBootTest annotation, which brings up entire application context. This means that Spring creates all services itself, and happily ignores the ones created in the test.
To replace a bean from the test, use #MockBean
To inject a bean created by Spring to your test, use #Autowired

Geting java.lang.IllegalStateException: Duplicate mock definition while using #MockBean in test case

I have one service class that I want to mock but while running the test I am Getting Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Duplicate mock definition [MockDefinition#482ba4b1 name = '', typeToMock = com.service.ThirdPartyService, extraInterfaces = set[[empty]], answer = RETURNS_DEFAULTS, serializable = false, reset = AFTER]
I have tried to create mock service using #MockBean at class level, field level, and used #Qualifier as well to resolve the issue
public class ThirdPartyService{
public String decrypt(String encryptedText) {
//third party SDK I am using
return Service.decrypt.apply(encryptedText);
#PropertySource({"classpath:/api.properties", "classpath:/common.properties"})
#SpringBootTest(classes = {Application.class}, webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT)
public class TestControllerTest extends IntegrationTest {
ThirdPartyService thirdPartyService;
public void initMocks(){
public void test() throws Exception {
Request req = Request.builder().name("name123").build();
//written performPost method in some other class
ResultActions action = performPost("/test", req);
public class IntegrationTest {
protected final Gson mapper = new Gson();
private MockMvc mvc;
private WebApplicationContext context;
public ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
public void setup() {
this.mvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(context).apply(springSecurity()).build();
When I am calling Thirdparty service decrypt method then it should return me decryptedText as a string. But getting duplicate mock definition error
I had the same issue.
Cause of this were test configuration file which was put somewhere else and it contained the mocked bean.
I have solved this by using #Autowired instead of #MockBean as this will result in autowiring the already mocked bean.
In my case the problem appeared after another dependency update and the reason was in the #SpringBootTest annotation referencing the same class twice:
#SpringBootTest(classes = {MyApplication.class, ApiControllerIT.class})
class ApiControllerIT extends IntegrationTestConfigurer {
// ...
#SpringBootTest(classes = {MyApplication.class, TestRestTemplateConfiguration.class})
public class IntegrationTestConfigurer {
// ...
I fixed it by removing #SpringBootTest annotation from the child class (ApiControllerIT).
In my case it was incorrect test class name that doesn't end with 'Test'.
If you have nested test classes try this:
From Spring release notes: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/wiki/Upgrading-to-Spring-Framework-5.x#upgrading-to-version-53

Cannot inject #Service in Unit Test in SpringBoot project

i have a #Service that I am trying to mock in an Unit Test but i get a null value so far. In the application class I specify what are the scanBasePackages. Do I have to do this in a different way? Thanks.
This is my service class that implements an interface:
public class DeviceService implements DeviceServiceDao {
private List<Device> devices;
public List<Device> getDevices(long homeId) {
return devices;
This is my unit test.
public class SmartHomeControllerTest {
private RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
private static final String BASE_URL = “..”;
private DeviceService deviceService;
public void getHomeRegisteredDevices() throws Exception {
Device activeDevice = new DeviceBuilder()
Device inativeDevice = new DeviceBuilder()
UriComponentsBuilder builder = UriComponentsBuilder
.fromUriString(BASE_URL + "/1/devices");
List response = restTemplate.getForObject(builder.toUriString(), List.class);
verify(deviceService, times(1)).getDevices(1);
You have to use a Spring test runner if you want to load and use a Spring context during tests execution.
You don't specify any runner, so it uses by default the runner of your test API. Here is probably JUnit or TestNG (the runner using depends on the #Test annotation specified).
Besides, according to the logic of your test, you want to invoke the "real"
REST service :
List response = restTemplate.getForObject(builder.toUriString(),
To achieve it, you should load the Spring context and load the Spring Boot container by annotating the test with #SpringBootTest.
If you use a Spring Boot context, to mock the dependency in the Spring context, you must not use #Mock from Mockito but #MockBean from Spring Boot.
To understand the difference between the two, you may refer to this question.
Note that if you are using the #SpringBootTest annotation, a TestRestTemplate is automatically available and can be autowired into your test.
But beware, this is fault tolerant. It may be suitable or not according to your tests.
So your code could look like :
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class SmartHomeControllerTest {
private static final String BASE_URL = “..”;
private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
private DeviceService deviceService;
public void getHomeRegisteredDevices() throws Exception {
As a side note, avoid using raw type as List but favor generic type.
#SpringBootTest(classes = NotificationApplication.class)
public class EmailClientImplTest {
And also add the needed properties/configs in
Good luck!
I figured it out, I am using Mockito and used that to annotate my test class. This allowed me to get a mock of the service class that i am trying to use.
public class SmartHomeControllerTest {..
private DeviceService deviceService;
Try with #InjectMock instead of #Mock
You should run your test with spring boot runner

GridFsTemplate NullPointerException in Service Unit Test Class (Tech Stack: Spring Data / Spring Boot / Micro Service / Mongodb )

I am developing a spring boot app.
The service method uploads a PDF into a mongodb repo using GridFsTemplate which is autowired in the service.
This file upload service method works as expected via postman rest client.
But, When I tried running a unit test; calling the same service method, the SpringData GridFsTemplate is not initialised (In MongoDB, you can use GridFS to store binary files). This results in the org.springframework.data.mongodb.gridfs.GridFsTemplate.store(...) throwing a NullPointerException.
Please, can you help, I have been stuck in this for a days.
Below is my service implementation:
public final class UploadServiceImpl implements UploadService {
private SequenceRepository sequenceDao;
#Autowired (required = true)
private GridFsTemplate gridFsTemplate;
public Long uploadFile(Invoice uploadedInvoice) {
ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = null;
if (checkContentType(invoiceInfo.getContentType())) {
byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(uploadedInvoice.getFileContent());
//Error thrown is java.lang.NullPointerException: null, where gridFsTemplate is null and basically autowire does not work when test is run.
GridFSFile gridFSUploadedFile= gridFsTemplate.store(byteArrayInputStream, invoiceInfo.getFileName(), invoiceInfo.getContentType(), invoiceInfo);
return 1l;
} else {
return 2l;
### Below is my Unit Test class for the service
public class UploadServiceTest {
private SequenceRepository sequenceRepositoryMock;
private GridFsTemplate gridFsTemplateMock;
private Invoice invoiceMock;
private static UploadService uploadService = new UploadServiceImpl();
DBObject fileMetaData = null;
DB db = null;
Jongo jongo = null;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
db = new Fongo("Test").getDB("Database");
jongo = new Jongo(db);
public void testUploadFile() {
//test 1
Long mockPaymentNo = new Long(1);
assertEquals(mockPaymentNo, (Long) sequenceRepositoryMock.getNextSequenceId(INVOICE_SEQUENCE));
//test 2
Invoice dummyInvoice = getDummyInvoice();
InvoiceInfo dummyInvoiceInfo = dummyInvoice.getInvoiceInfo();
MongoCollection invoicesCollection = jongo.getCollection("invoices");
assertEquals(1, invoicesCollection.save(dummyInvoiceInfo).getN());
System.out.println("TEST 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "+ uploadService);
//test 3 : The following line is the cause of the exception, the service method is called but the GridFsTemplate is not initialized when the test is run. But it works when the endpoint is invoked via postman
System.out.println("TEST 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ");
The problem is because you use #InjectMocks to autowire your UploadService.
And UploadService autowire two other beans SequenceRepository and GridFsTemplate.
If you’re doing TDD or not (and we are able to change the test first)
– clients of this code don’t know about an additional dependency,
because it’s completely hidden
The Javadoc states:
Mockito will try to inject mocks only either by constructor injection,
setter injection, or property injection in order and as described
below. If any of the following strategy fail, then Mockito won’t
report failure; i.e. you will have to provide dependencies yourself.
The solution is to use UploadServiceImpl constructor to autowire beans:
public final class UploadServiceImpl implements UploadService {
private final SequenceRepository sequenceDao;
private final GridFsTemplate gridFsTemplate;
private final PlannerClient plannerClient;
public PlannerServiceImpl(PlannerClient plannerClient, GridFsTemplate gridFsTemplate, SequenceRepository sequenceDao) {
this.plannerClient = plannerClient;
When there are more dependencies needed, they’re clearly in sight because they are initialized in constructor
More detailed:
