How to make WSO2 EI carbon UI support Chinese - internationalization

How to make the interface of wso2 ei 6.5 carbon support Chinese,
I need to find the reference file about i18n and modify it into the english-chinese version

All the i18n reference files related to the management console are available in this repo You might have to do changes in the files and build it from source to make EI carbon UI support Chinese.
Checkout the following URL for instructions related to building from source You might only have to build carbon-mediation and product-ei.


React-Native app reverse engineering and obfuscation

Is react-native expo generated apk obfuscated?
exp build:android
How can I retrieve my react native JS source code back using that apk? Do I need dex to java compilers for this purpose?
Looking for your valuable suggestions as I am concerned about the security of my react native app and trying to compare obfuscated vs non-obfuscated code
There is no need to decompile the app using dex to java tools.
If you generate a production build it will be minified, but this is far from being a high level obfuscation which you can try to achieve with react-native-obfuscating-transformer
You can find the js bundle by opening the apk with a zip archive manager. The bundle will be at:
In anycase, any client side code should be treat as unsafe, if you need security use your backend to handle it.

Is there an online URL that can be used for ace script

Does the ace editor have an online URL to the ace scripts for specific use cases such as the following:
A project always wants to use the latest version
A project wants to use a specific previous version
A project wants to test for bugs, features or regressions between versions (expects versioning online ace_1.0.0.js, ace_1.1.0.js, etc)
A component was created to wrap the ace editor. The component author does not want to maintain a separate local branch of ace so he wants to point to an online source so his examples work out of the box.
For versioning example, I think Google maps provide a parameter but a file name also works.
There are multiple cdns hosting ace:
gh pages and work as well.

HL7 FHIR .NET Models - include profiles created using Forge (DSTU 2)

I have been working with the HL7 FHIR .NET API reference implementation - utilizing the existing resource models embedded in the library. Now, I am trying to use the Forge tool to modify the resources (contraints/extensions) to suit my requirements.
I noticed that the HL7 publishing mechanism does not generate C# models from DSTU 2 onwards and was wondering - what is the best way of converting profiles created using Forge into C# resource classes such that they may be included into the HL7.Fhir.Model assembly that is part of the reference implementation.
The generation of the models not being part of the official build is correct.
This has now moved to where the rest of the API is maintained more easily.
It is done using T4 templates on the output from the official builds.
There is a simple process for updating the models with the new versions of the spec, and we keep it fresh as people need it, and for each connectathon we publish a new build in NuGet and have a branch of the code in GitHub.
(Its a powershell script that downloads all the latest build outputs and puts them in the appropriate folders, then you need to run the t4 templates in Visual Studio)
Such as this one for the May Connectathon in Montreal
This is able to be done yourself with a little assistance.
As for generating code for a profile, we haven't done that as yet, but will theoretically be possible.
Don't know that I'd advise this at the moment while the profiles are in so much development and change.

TYPO3 Neos : How to translate labels from YAML in Back-End?

TYPO3 Neos configuration yaml files contains label attributes, where the translation is hardcoded. If there a system to use external dictionary system, to make labels multi-language compatible ?
As already answered on Twitter those labels will be translateable via Xliff files and the crowdin platform from version 2.0. Using an older version means the only way is to translate them in the source if you really need that.

Use Exchange Web Services on Android

there is a microsoft API for Java to connect to Micrsoft Exchange Webservices. Unfortunately it doesn't work on Android as mentioned in the Microsoft tutorial.
Has anybody an idea how to connect to Microsoft Exchange with Android? There is a solution using WebDav, but WebDav is only supported by Microsoft up to Exchange 2007.
Can anybody help me?
You can use microsoft's EWS api which is open source for android by doing the following steps,
Download the source code available in the URL,
Make the changes to above api to work for JDK 1.4 in eclipse like remove override annotations etc
Download source code of javax.* package available in below URL,
Download source code of stax api available in below URL,
Keep all the sources under the single java project in eclipse
Open the project explorer and select the package which are starts with "javax" and rename to your company name eg: com. Note: Eclipse will ask for all the naming contexts will change then click OK.
Export all the java sources to one single jar file.
You are good now to go to use the jar in Android application with out any problems.
I used the same way explained above and it worked in android application 100% perfectly.
There is a JAVA version of the EWS Managed API. Perhaps you can use that as a starting point.
