Vuepress dev server is not working when only i tried it by yarn - vuepress

the Vuepress dev server is not working just when i tried it by yarn. That server give me massive errors. but when i tried same thing by npm, there was no problem. What's wrong with my yarn? or vuepress? or windows?
my system information:
Windows 10 64bit
npm v6.13.4
yarn v1.12.1
vuepress v1.2.0
below is my steps for trying to make yarn-vuepress dev server
$mkdir dir-name
$cd dir-name
$yarn init -y
$yarn install
$yarn add vuepress -D
====edit package.json file====
add these:
"dev:docs":"vuepress dev docs"
"build:docs":"vuepress build docs"
make "\docs" folder and "" file.
again at terminal,
$yarn dev:docs
Client building...
>VuePress dev server listening at http://localhost:8080/
but in that page, always i see this on console:
bug log
What can i do for solving this problem?

I solved it!
I retried
yarn dev
after i
npm i
where 'package.json' file is,
and success to run Yarn dev server!


Using Yarn to install Cypress fails

I tried installing Cypress via Yarn as the directions specify and am getting the following error.
I also notice not all the usual cypress folders were created.
What am I doing wrong here?
yarn add cypress --dev
yarn run cypress open
Cypress to run and have some basic examples
First install the yarn package globally by running npm install -g yarn and restart your terminal.
After you can try with this command:
yarn add cypress

yarn berry run how to run installed packages

I see with yarn berry I get the plug'n'play feature instead of node_modules/
I couldn't find anything to suggest it supports running from installed packages.
For example with npm a workflow might be to run the installed version of webpack:
$ npm install --save-dev webpack
$ node node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack ...
A globally installed webpack might not be the same version. Worse yet, during Docker deployment, I get what's installed locally, the only node and npm are available globally. I thought I can do a preinstall script that does npm install -g yarn; yarn set version berry but then I'm not sure how to do webpack, jest, babel, etc, and the thought that I should have to install them all globally during the same preinstall hackaround seems like several steps backwards.
Is there some way to run from locally-installed packages that I'm missing?
I saw this possibly related question - Yarn Berry - Run a Node Script Directly
But the answer there seems a bit off the point - I'm not running any js, I'm trying to type in a package.json script, i.e. something that can run from the shell.
Why not just use yarn run <bin> (or simply yarn <bin>)? If you are in a repository set to use yarn berry, that will run any package bin file.
yarn node <file> will run any .js file with Plug n' Play set up. No need to install those dependencies globally, except for maybe yarn classic.
I was trying to do yarn some-bin and kept getting:
Couldn't find a script named "some-bin".
I eventually figured out it was because the package that provides some-bin is installed inside a workspace and not at the root of my project. So instead I had to run:
yarn workspace my-workspace some-bin
And that worked.

INFO Waiting for connectivity with npm...Error in Setting up development environment for MoodleMobile_2

I have followed the steps for setting the development environment for moodle mobile 2.
npm run setup
Which executes successfully, but
ionic serve --google chrome
.. hangs on!
[INFO]Waiting for connectivity with npm...
I also tried:
npx gulp watch & npx ionic-app-scripts serve -b --devapp --address=
As given in above document (Troubleshooting section) but now hangs:
Please help me out..
If you use PowerShell, open 2 PowerShells, go to your MoodleApp folder in each PowerShell and then:
In the 1st one, run
npx gulp watch
In the 2nd one, run
npx ionic-app-scripts serve -b --devapp --address=
When dev server is running and lint finished, you can see Moodle by opening http://localhost:8100/ in Chromium/Chrome browser.

How to install Venia PWA Theme on Magento 2.3 using cPanel on Dedicated Server?

I have used git to clone pwa-studio theme, but still unable to run commands like yarn install. Tried installing node.js/npm but couldn't because I am on a dedicated server. From where do I install the pwa-studio theme without any error and how?
I hope this will help you,
You will see the pwa-studio directory in /var/www/html/mage0.
Enter into this directoy:
cd pwa-studio/
yarn install
Specify the Magento backend server in .env file.
cp packages/venia-concept/.env.dist packages/venia-concept/.env
Open this .env file and find MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL.
MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL="https://magento-2-local/" # your local path
Find the file in
/var/www/html/mage0/pwa-studio/packages/venia-concept/ directory. and copy this
file in your Magento root directory. Now it must look like
/var/www/html/mage0/ Now run:
After successful installation run:
bin/magento setup:upgrade bin/magento
indexer:reindex bin/magento
Now go back to pwa-studio directory /var/www/html/mage0/pwa-studio and
start Server.
yarn run build or sudo yarn run build
Run server, Use any of the following commands from the project root directory to start
the server:
yarn run watch:venia
yarn run watch:all
yarn run build && npm run
Now browse the application, you will the application url on terminal like:
PWADevServer ready at https://magento-venia.local.pwadev:8001

Trouble Installing IPFS

I am using the instructions given on their site for MacOS-
To build demo, clone this repo and run the following command:
$ cd contracts
$ npm install
Running the demo
To run demo, first run testrpc by running:
$ testrpc
Then compile and deploy the solidity contracts:
$ truffle compile
$ truffle migrate
Run an instance of IPFS to enable uploads:
$ ipfs daemon
Finally to build website, run:
$ npm run dev
I reached this last step (npm run dev) and I got an error message saying "npm missing scripts dev"
I am in the contracts directory specified, and installed everything there properly I believe. However, I don't see any dev script in the json package(s) which I believe could be being referenced using the npm run dev command. May this be the problem?
Here are the files wihin the folder contracts-master
**ethpm.json** This one?
**package.json** Or this one?
Any help / suggestions / learning resources would be appreciated.
Thanks for your time,
Your error is not because of ipfs. You are running dev mode but error saying that you don't have any scripts dev.If you are deploying smart contracts then you don't need ipfs demon. check package.json
"scripts": {
"dev": "command to run service"
Your package.json don't have dev scripts recheck package.json
