UI / UX designer tool with custom style - user-interface

My clients have their home grown style sheets for buttons, labels, alerts etc for consistent look across their applications.
Now if I want to create high fidelity mockups for client review, is there a way to generate mockups using the styles sheet they have?
Any tools like Adobe / Sketch can do the same?
Appreciate your feedback.

Figma is a great tool which helps us to build a master template of certain UI component and use it across the prototype wherever it's needed. Similarly, you can use Adobe XD and Sketch which also have similar kind of features also.


GUI style for windows Qt application

How can i achieve this kind of look and feel with colored buttons and rounded corners in dialogs for a windows application?
i dont think it can be done using MFC , will wxWidgets or Qt help ? or any other platform?
You can design whatever the look & feel you are pursuing using QSS. Why don't you take a look at Qt Documentation ? There are plenty of examples & guidance available.
Stylesheet Examples
Stylesheet Reference
Stylesheet Syntax
Customizing Qt Widgets Using Stylesheets
But at times, you will need to override a control to achieve your goal. Like in this question. But I think your required look can be achieved via QSS alone.
The easiest and fastest way to achieve the same UI accross different platforms is to implement it in QML with Qt. Unlike widgets that get automatically styled appropriate to the underlying platform style, QML is entirely platform-independent. You could probably style regular widgets with CSS, or even by reimplementing drawing manually with arbitrary UI API, but it will not be nearly as easy.
It is easy to achieve such a look and feel with any GUI framework.
Choose the framework you are most comfortable with, RTFM, roll up your sleeves and get started.
On any framework you will find methods to draw bitmaps of any color and shape and to handle mouse clicks on them. What more do you need?
This is what GUI frameworks DO! They also provide a default set of widgets for the bone lazy and the conventional. You aren't one of those people. are you?

Canvas or SVG UI Components

I want to build a web app using either canvas or SVG. But I would like to use a library that gives me some pre-made ui components like file menus or forms.
What are some of the libraries out there that could accomplish this with either of these technologies?
Mocha ui uses Canvas and is probably the closest to having good file menus and forms: http://mochaui.org/
Some other things to look at:
http://raphaeljs.com/ - Raphael for SVG
https://bespin.mozillalabs.com/ - Mozilla Bespin premade code editor for Canvas
If you don't want to use HTML for the widgets, then have a look at the pergola framework which is based on svg (has menus, windows, widgets etc).
Take a look at the canvas based framework
Zebra brings fresh view and possibilities to develop WEB based Rich UI applications. The approach sits on top of HTML5 Canvas element what makes possible to render any imaginable UI. Zebra development is much closer to software engineering where you write well structured, supportable, extendable code basing on easy Zebra OOP concept

Do the UI first with SketchFlow - Do I concern about the UI look?

There is no questions: UI-First Software Development. But what does it takes to do the UI first?
I started to build a website, a complicated one, and know I start to concern about the UI. Instead to start coding html+css, I decided to start with SkecthFlow. now, I'm very confused. Do I want to build a exact sketch? meaning to think about colors, fonts make sure that the button will look like a web link... etc, or just build the application sketch flow? meaning put a textboxes and buttons. Do I need to implement every thing in SketchFlow first?
I'm looking for best practice.
When I am doing wireframes, the goal is to NOT have the user/reviewer worry about colors/fonts/etc. but rather to have them focus on the details of the UI workflow/screen flow and specific types of controls they want to use. Even placement of the controls is secondary unless it impacts usability.
That's why SketchFlow comes with the style set that has the UI look like hand-drawn black and white chalkboard drawings.
Many non-programmers (and some programmers too) get hung up on colors, fonts and graphic design, which can suck up a bunch of time early in a project. All of that can easily be done later, when the functionality is all decided upon and in development.

Styling a BlackBerry Application to Look Like an iPhone

I am porting an application from iPhone to BlackBerry. BlackBerry apps tend not to look as polished as iPhone, but naturally, I would like to maintain as much polish as I can, without breaking any important UI conventions. Are there any UI components that can help with this?
NB. I am planning to follow all important UI conventions. For example, I will use the BlackBerry Menu instead of a tab bar for providing access to help and some other advanced options.
Make BlackBerry UI Components Look Like iPhone Components
You can extend blackberry controls with custom drawing, or implement own one extending Field class. Also you may draw a bitmap background (skin) for each control state.
See also
UPDATE How to – Implement advanced buttons, fields and managers
naviina - iPhone-style Field for Blackberry
SO - Blackberry User Interface Design - Customizable UI
This is one of those instances where providing the answer to the question you have asked is tantamount to helping commit a crime!
That sounds dramatic but as developers we have a responsibility to provide the user with a good experience - this means an experience that conforms to their expectations and makes it easy for them to Get Things Done!
I know how pissed off I get when developers implemented custom interfaces in desktop applications and there I have an entire keyboard and mouse to help me navigate!
If all I have is a touchscreen or a tiny trackball and buttons then I am going to be even more pissed off.
Unless you are revolutionising user input and design on Blackberry devices - which, no offence, I doubt you are - then stick to the conventions and guidelines for that platform.
Make your software easy to use and easy to learn - do not ask a user to relearn their own platform to use your app!

What is the best option for creating an in-browser UI-editor?

I want to create an simple UI-editor that can be used within the browser. It basically should have a UI-control palette and a canvas to layout and modify the controls. The resulting user-created UI model should be stored in some kind of backend and comply to an (abstract) UI description language (e.g. XForms). The UI-model should be downloadable as file (e.g. XForms document). A visual in-browser XForms-designer is probably a good example of what I want to achieve. The UI-editor should be usable cross browser.
Please keep in mind that i mentioned XForms only as an example. I don't want to rely on the browsers capabilities wrt. my target model. The target model (e.g. XForms) should only be used as storage format. The cross browser rendering of the desgin-time UIs in the editor should be ensured by the toolkit/framework.
Possible canditates are probably:
Adobe Flex 3
Eclipse RAP
The UI-editor will not be used in production. My focus lies on a rapid development of the editor.
The extjs JavaScript library is good for implementing GUIs in JavaScript. It can also be used with Adobe AIR or Google Gears for creating offline applications, and works well with different browsers.
Here is an example of a GUI editor for extjs: http://tof2k.com/ext/formbuilder/
