Selecting multiple photos like Imessage and android messaging Xamarin forms - xamarin

Is it possible to display all images from the gallery like Imessage?
Displaying images from gallery like imessage
I need to be able to select the images from the gallery without going to the gallery
The app is using xamarin form 4.0

According to your description, you want to select multiple image from Gallery, and I find two article about this, one is using CarouselView to display the selected image,
Another is using FlowListView to display the selected image.


Xamarin forms photo gallery

I am designing a Xamarin forms app, which pull images from an SQL DB, as array bytes, I then transform it to an image object, which is displayed on the activity without a problem.
But the displayed image is just residing there on the content page without any tools like zooming, rotation...etc. should I design all of these my self?
Many thanks

Android Studio: Is it possible to automatically upload images from Gallery?

I am hoping to automatically display selected images from Gallery, but I have no luck to find how to automatically display images from Gallery without any selection from users. (In other words, users will simply see the selected images displayed in the screen rather than seeing Gallery to select images to see.)
Thank you for your help and time in advance!!

Is it possible to add custom background image for carousels on Google Assistant Actions?

I am developing an action for Google Assistant and I want to know what I can on Smart Displays. In Google's own video, upon user input, the app shows carousels and if the user clicks any one of the carousel items, a new screen with a different background image opens.
When I dug in to see how we can do that, all I could find was a single general background image in the app setting. So my question is how can I change the background image depending on the user-input?
Google's styling options (incl. background image) for Actions on Google can be found in the Theme customization tab in the Actions on Google console. Please note that if you define a theme for your project, rich responses across your project's Actions will be styled according to your theme.
Background image will use a custom image in place of the background color. You'll need to provide two different images for when the surface device is in landscape or portrait mode, respectively.

Is there a Slide Image Gallery for Xamarin Android?

I am looking for a image gallery to use on Xamarin Android for a app i am creating but cant cant find any Gallery that slides left or right, Cant even find any blogs post on creating it to
I found a this one for Android its Called Android Image Slider
But I cant open it Xamarin Studio
Also I am using the free version of Xamarin Studio
Is there any way i can achieve this using Xamarin?
I have implemented a image slider in xamarin android using FragmentStatePager adapter. You need three things
1) Main Activity which implements Adapter (Point #2)
2) Implementation of FragmentStatePagerAdapter for items and instantiate the fragment class (Point#3).
3) You need to implement fragment and set the image on the view. This fragment is then instantiated from the FragmentStatePagerAdapter and displayed on the screen as you scroll.
All you have to do count the no.of images you have in library and then on the activity, you need to shift the images on the view pager at certain time interval.
//displaying image for 2 seconds
Thread.Sleep (2000);
//Updating the view pager with the next image.
this.RunOnUiThread (() => _pager.SetCurrentItem (imageValue, true));
SetCurrentItem method on viewpager will show the display of the fragment.
Full Example and explanation in detail is available on Code Project
Source code can be downloaded from my GIT HUB.

show a group of thumbnails in windows phone 7 app

I wanted to ask what is the best way to show a group of thumbnails in wp7 app? Should I use stacks or lists or should i bind them to the content panel grid directly. I wanted to show 2 columns of thumbnails.
I feel you, you should use the
embedded in listbox's itemtemplate.
Which gives the View like Picture hub in WP7.
For more information on how to create use this link
Check for Wp7 Image listing.
or use this link to how to create the same
