Xamarin forms photo gallery - image

I am designing a Xamarin forms app, which pull images from an SQL DB, as array bytes, I then transform it to an image object, which is displayed on the activity without a problem.
But the displayed image is just residing there on the content page without any tools like zooming, rotation...etc. should I design all of these my self?
Many thanks


How to create banner image with two different dimensions ( one compatible with mobile and another compatible with laptop) in Figma

I want to create banner image which is compatible in both mobile and laptop view. I want to store banner image with two different dimensions in database and use appropriately for mobile and laptop view. The two images should be same ( ie any of the image should not be cropped, stretched or any part of the image should not be lost)
How to create such a banner image using Figma. The image should be exactly same when viewed in laptop and mobile.
The image created with different dimensions should be exactly same
Figma files are viewed as static artboards. So you illustrate designs for different platforms. You cannot make 2-in-1 designs that morphs depending on whether you're viewing the Figma file on a Desktop Computer, or a Mobile phone. That can only happen in an actual implemented webpage with Responsive Design best practices, and then viewed in real web browsers.
In Figma, you simply create the design of the Desktop version of that page, containing that banner, and a separate design of the Mobile version of that page, with a copy of the banner image, but resized according to your specifications.
You then present this to the devs during the handover, telling them that those two designs are for the same page, but have to be implemented using Responsive Design.

Integrating moving, common background image for carousel page in Xamarin.Forms

I'm trying to integrate a common wide background image for Xamarin Forms Carousel page. As the requirement I need to smoothly change the visible part of the image according to changes of child pages (Ex. moving the visible part of the theme background image of a mobile phone when moving the menu pages). Is there any way to achieve this approach.

Selecting multiple photos like Imessage and android messaging Xamarin forms

Is it possible to display all images from the gallery like Imessage?
Displaying images from gallery like imessage
I need to be able to select the images from the gallery without going to the gallery
The app is using xamarin form 4.0
According to your description, you want to select multiple image from Gallery, and I find two article about this, one is using CarouselView to display the selected image,
Another is using FlowListView to display the selected image.

Xamarin.Forms custom loading gif as activity indicator

I would just like to know of something is possible as I am very new to Xamarin and I am on a time limit for an assignment. I don't mind some trial and error, but don't want to waste the time if it isn't possible
I want to have an animated gif as an activity indicator (it is a logo).
I have it working in a WebView - is it possible, in Xamarin,Forms to have this appear as an overlay while waiting on long running methods?
For example. if user clicks on a button, the app gets some info from a webservice then displays in a page. While waiting I would like to show the webview (or any other way to show an animagted gif).
So I am not asking for the code, but just if it is posible.
Thanks in advance
I was able to work this out
With the animated(loading) gif running in the WebView page I called a couple of async methods using following
await Task.WhenAll(method1(), method2());
await Navigate.PushAsync(new NextPage(var1, var2));
The laoding gif (which is an animated logo) runs until the tasks are complete then navigates to the next page
Using an ImageView apparently this doesn't look like its possible to playback animated Gif's as can be seen here http://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/17448/animated-gif-in-image-view.
So i very much doubt the ActivityIndicator would, if it could. In the ActivityIndicator I can't see any functionality to change the content of the what is shown when it is busy.
You could always create your own animated image view by creating a custom renderer instead however. It isn't particularly hard to cycle images at pre-determined gaps if you have a list of the images split up.
GIF images can be used in Xamarin forms to show custom activity indicator, since in Xamarin forms it is not possible to show GIF images directly web-view must be used. For android image must be placed inside assets folder and Build Action must be set to AndroidAsset. For iOS image must be placed inside resources and Build Action must be set to BundleResource. AbsoluteLayout can used for placing the image to center, IsBusy property of mvvm helpers nuget can used for controlling the visibility of the activity indicator. Dependency service must used for getting the image path. You can check this https://github.com/LeslieCorrea/Xamarin-Forms-Custom-Activity-Indicator for example.
Xamarin.Forms now supports .GIF, from version 4.4-pre3 and up on iOS, Android and UWP. Before using, first add the .GIF to the platforms projects, or as an embedded resource in the shared project and then use it like a regular image. The API on the Image control has been extended with the IsAnimationPlaying bindable property.
For e.g., loader.gif is added in all platform projects, then below code make it animating.
<Image Source="loader" IsAnimationPlaying="True" WidthRequest="36" HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />

WP7: Accessing image data of WebBrowser control

I've got a WebBrowser on my phone UI (from Microsoft.Phone.Controls), showing web page with images. How do I access the html image binary data?
I want to store the image for later rendering, and perhaps do some image transformations for it too.
You cannot do that since WebBrowser control is pretty much sandboxed and you don't have access to DOM or anything inside it.
EDIT: You can at least get the HTML source for the page and you could then parse the source, extract urls for images and then manually download them. You can get the source via the WebBrowser.SaveToString method
