List item URL target open in a new tab - oracle-apex-5.1

Have one HTML and two PDF documents kept on the DB server for the APEX schema. These are accessed by clicking on a List item. Currently these work... however the documents open in the same tab. Want them to open in a new tab.
The URL target for the HTML document is...
URL targets for the PDF documents are...
All the URL targets use two different shared component Application Items, which are set with an Application Process - creating global items used in the URL link. These change dynamically depending if you are the development, test, or production server.
Have tried changing the URL target by adding JavaScript..."&GBL_SERVER.&GBL_IMAGEPATH.mcs_faq.htm.","_blank")
Have also tried going to the "User Defined Attributes" and adding... target="_blank"
Nothing I have done appears to be working. Perhaps the JavaScript syntax is not quite correct? Are there any suggestions what else should be looked at please? Thank you!

My URL comes from a database field. Idefined the data as" target="_blank


Get the SEF URLs for just created article in Joomla

When I create new content item in admin panel I want to know immediately sef url for this item. Is this possible using php code?
Speaking about core content manager you not could not do this. Reason, until the item is't saved it is not into the database, and there is no id for it. You may play around with auto-saving and retrieving data by ajax, but it is much different from the bare functionality.

Ajax generated pages with different URLs

I couldn't really word the title very well, but here's my problem: I've got a webpage that reads from a database each time the user clicks a button, the content is then replaced for part of the page.
Because it is an ajax load, everything is done in the background, and so the URL stays the same. This wasn't be a problem at all until I realised that I will want to have a different Facebook comments box for each set of content that is loaded - so if someone comments, it is posted to their facebook profile, people click on the link and are then taken to different content.
So... what I need is some way of referencing each set of content, and I've found a site that does exactly that (I'm sure there are a lot of them).
Here's the link.
Each set of content has a different 'hash code' (because I don't know the actual name for it) which is appended to the URL - in this case the code is "#1922934", this allows people to post links to it that specific set of content on Facebook etc. - and also allows a different Facebook comment box for each set of content.
Does anyone know how such a set-up can be achieved or how these 'hash codes' work?
Here's a document from wikipedia on it.
The main idea is that URI fragments are used because they don't cause a page reload. They also can be used to refer to anchors on a web page.
What I would do is on page load use JavaScript to read the URI fragment (location.hash) then make a request to your server to load the comments etc. The URI fragment cannot be read by a server and is only found through a client (browser)
Sounds like you want something like SammyJS.

Alfresco share page state history

How can I manage page state history in share (surf?) so that I remember for example which yui tab was active and on which page the pager was on?
I noticed that alfresco share does something like that after form submit. You get redirected to the exact same page url where you were before. If any "ajax state" (don't know what they are called) parameters are in url like #something=asdf you get the same url.
But when using manual navigation like moving through site pages those parameters aren't saved.
Is this even a good idea to do? To save page state in session for example?
Some pages have support for URL parameters that are passed in. In those cases the browser history is used, e.g. we editing metadata in the full page meta data view the user is send back to the page he is coming from. This is done in javascript by calling window.history.go(-1) after form submit but only works when parameters are set/retrieved by URL. The document library implements page specific javascript for setting the URL and parsing parameters from it.
I some places Alfresco uses the preference service to store user settings between different pages permanently. For example this is used in the document library for the "show folders" and "simple/thumbnail view" buttons. Here is some sample code from the document library javascript setting a preference option:
var PREFERENCES_DOCLIST = "org.alfresco.share.documentList",
var preferences = new Alfresco.service.Preferences();, true);
The evaluation of the properties is usually done in the Share component webscripts, you can have a look in share\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\site-webscripts\org\alfresco\components\documentlibrary\include\documentlist.lib.js for an example.
In any case you have to dig into Alfresco's javascript code in the browser and the share tier to see how to implement it.
You could check parameters sended to the server side after form submiting in the firebug (firefox plugin) and then you could use the same parameters.
Also perhaps you should use yui history manager:

How can I do a Directory Listing of ebsites with Ez?

I need to do a specific task with Ez Publish but I don't have a clue on how to do it.
What I need to do is a list of Websites(Website directory). I will need to add basically two kinds of data:
Website Name
URL of the website
Then, when I click in the website link it will redirect to a page where I have the IFRAME with the link(URL of the website).
Can someone give me a clue about how to do this with Ez Publish? I'm a beginner.
Best Regards,
You haven't said anything about where you're getting the list from, so I assume you have the list already and just want to know the correct way to input this type of content.
Login to the site admin area, browse to the part of the site you want the list to be at (usually a folder). You'll be adding content items of type 'link' below the folder.
Select the 'Link' content type and click on the 'Create' here button. Enter the content (including the link URL to the page containing the IFRAME) then send for publishing.
I'm assuming the sites are your own, since many sites now take steps to prevent others placing their page in an IFRAME.
If you want this page to not just link to the iframe page, but to actually display the iframe content, then you'll need to override the default link template (copy it and tell eZ to use your version instead) and add a bit of html for the IFRAME.
If you're the main user imputing this content, you could also just allow eZ to accept literal HTML in the main description text areas (XML Block) and just paste in your IFRAME html. Ugly but quick to set-up.
You should be able to find many examples of entering literal html at the community web forums
You should create a specific class for that with the two fields you need.
One for the name and another one with the URL.
Then you'll just have to make an override of node/view/full.tpl for your new class Where you will display the name and an iframe with URL that have been typped in your class instance.

Is it possible to maintain different sessions (users) in different window tabs using Spring 2.5?

We have a requirement where support for different users in different tabs of a browser window. How can we achieve this in Spring 2.5? The application is based on Users, where users will have their own agents and articles. An internal user should be able to login to different user accounts in different tabs at same time and manipulate their data. Any help is much appreciated.
A browser's cookie store does not distinguish between different windows or tabs when deciding what cookies to send. So a cookie based approach won't help.
My suggestion for an alternative would be to have a hidden "userName" parameter that is passed back and forth as a URL query parameter for all requests from a given tab or window. You could finesse the setting of the parameter in browser requests by using some Javascript to add a hidden parameter to each of the HTML forms in the page just loaded. The parameter value would be snarffed from the query string of the current page URL. You'd just need to make sure that all pages included stuff in the header to load the JS and run it when the page load completed.
Generally speaking, no, because all of the tabs within the browser window share the same cookies.
One way to do it would be use multiple domain names all pointing at the same app. Each domain name would have its own set of cookies. You would need to have some way of switching to a new domain name after you open a new tab.
How about, have a set of bookmark toolbar bookmarks, each corresponding to a different domain name. Control-click on the bookmark and it opens in a new tab. You could provide the users links in your navigation to the different domains that they can drag onto their toolbar.
Depending on what browsers your users are using you could get even slicker - in some browsers Javascript opens a new tab. You could have the JS compute the new domain name before the
