Get the SEF URLs for just created article in Joomla - joomla

When I create new content item in admin panel I want to know immediately sef url for this item. Is this possible using php code?

Speaking about core content manager you not could not do this. Reason, until the item is't saved it is not into the database, and there is no id for it. You may play around with auto-saving and retrieving data by ajax, but it is much different from the bare functionality.


Joomla component - how to convert standard php form into joomla component

Currently i have been using an iframe component to display a php page that i have written. the reason i used iframe rather than writing a joomla component in the first place was for 2 reasons, the information that is displayed in that page is from a remote mssql sever and the second was that i didnt really understand how to write one.
Now i have completed the creation of the php page that i display within the iframe, but now i need to be able to have it inherent within the joomla site, for both display reasons and security.
basically its a single page that displays information in a bunch of drop down boxes and then a submit button is clicked and it posts that information to another php page that again queries the mssql server and displays the results based on the post from the previous page.
query.php, posts some variables to results.php and is displayed in a table.
i have the functionality perfect, but i dont understand the documentation i have read so far. is there any simple component i can see the code of so that i can try and work out whats going on?
You might want to look at and follow the process outlined.

Load Wordpress page in a div without reloading page and while changing url

I am coding a website for a client and they requested that because they have so many sidebar pages under one parent, that when the page link is clicked, it loads in the same area every time without the page reloading. They also requested that the URL changes on reload and that you can visit each page by going to that specific url. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do this. I have found a lot of tutorials and snippets that are half way there but they don't offer the exact functionality.
For example, if you go here:
You'll see a long sidebar of different types of commercial insurance they offer. When you click on "Automobile," or any link for that matter, the page should be loaded into the div area on the right of the sidebar. The url then should change to reflect this change to All of these pages are separate and dynamic in Wordpress.
Can anyone offer me some assistance? This is currently how the sidebar is being generated:
Let me know if you need any other code from me or have any questions about the functionality.
Thank you!
This is kinda complicated. There are a lot of ways of catching user events, stopping default behavior and running custom code over it. For exemple, you can listen to anchor clicks and return 0 to not load their links.
But if you change URL in browser address bar, as long as I know, a JS can't control it, because it's outside of a webpage domain, and controling browser components from an external webpage would open a lot of security flaws.
This looks like they wanna avoid banners loading to count less hits :P If performance is the issue, first of all you can use a cache plugin, that will store in HD all DB queries, and use those files in future pageloads instead of making new queries.
You can also build a full sidebar into a PHP variable, cache it in HD and read from there, instead of building the whole code everytime. It will be like adding static HTML snippet.
This can be done with a technique called pushstate combined with AJAX. There's a great jQuery plugin that's called PJAX that implements this.
I have just published a plugin called WP-PJAX that makes to whole wordpress site PJAX driven. I'm not sure if this solves your problem, but it might be something for you.

get title and url of the previous page on Magento

I'm trying to get title and url of the previous page the customers visited in Magento.
We can get the URL via $ _SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER'] variable but not sure how to get it's title.
Would appreciate any help on this issue or maybe different approaches how to display the previous page (url + title) in Magento
This information isn't sent normally, so you may want to add an observer to the page that saves the last title in the session. The trick will be that this will save the last page from /any/ tab, not necessarily for the referring page. You could save all titles from pages this way, but you'd have to hold onto everything (they could click the link a second time consecutively, etc etc). This may also run into issues with full page caching.
I know this is old but fyi you can JavaScript to the page and use
Since the numbers of web users with JavaScript turned on (~98%) and most site requirements it's safe. You would be able to make all adjustments to the DOM with that. Just one way of getting what you need.

Virtuemart Display Page after Remote redirect

I am aiming to create a payment module. Its users shall be redirected away from the site's URL in order for the transaction to be processed by a third party at a different URL. I would then like customers to be redirected back to a generic 'success' page that notifies them the order was a success. I have tried redirecting to the default success page (checkout.thankyou.php), but I get lots of errors; all the constants etc. that the application requires have obviously been lost during the redirect.
I would like to be able to retrieve the theme currently enabled in the configuration and use it to insert some basic HTML into the view. I would also like to access the database to perform some queries.
Can anybody advise? I am very stuck, and cannot find anything useful in the documentation! Thank you.
Can you be more specific about what type of information you want in your success page? If you just want basic HTML, then there's no reason you can't just write a basic Joomla article and redirect to that instead of trying to redirect to a VM partial. Again, if it's just basic HTML (no data from the transaction), then you can simply use a code inspector (like FireFox Inspect Element) to track down the CSS classes you like from the template and simply use them in your Joomla article to make it look like the VM template. You can find most of them in components/com_virtuemart/themes/default/themes.css.
If you need to display actual transaction data in your Thank You message, be prepared for a bit more work. You're probably going to have to write a cookie containing the record data BEFORE it gets sent offsite, and then read the cookie just prior to rendering the Thank You page.

How can I do a Directory Listing of ebsites with Ez?

I need to do a specific task with Ez Publish but I don't have a clue on how to do it.
What I need to do is a list of Websites(Website directory). I will need to add basically two kinds of data:
Website Name
URL of the website
Then, when I click in the website link it will redirect to a page where I have the IFRAME with the link(URL of the website).
Can someone give me a clue about how to do this with Ez Publish? I'm a beginner.
Best Regards,
You haven't said anything about where you're getting the list from, so I assume you have the list already and just want to know the correct way to input this type of content.
Login to the site admin area, browse to the part of the site you want the list to be at (usually a folder). You'll be adding content items of type 'link' below the folder.
Select the 'Link' content type and click on the 'Create' here button. Enter the content (including the link URL to the page containing the IFRAME) then send for publishing.
I'm assuming the sites are your own, since many sites now take steps to prevent others placing their page in an IFRAME.
If you want this page to not just link to the iframe page, but to actually display the iframe content, then you'll need to override the default link template (copy it and tell eZ to use your version instead) and add a bit of html for the IFRAME.
If you're the main user imputing this content, you could also just allow eZ to accept literal HTML in the main description text areas (XML Block) and just paste in your IFRAME html. Ugly but quick to set-up.
You should be able to find many examples of entering literal html at the community web forums
You should create a specific class for that with the two fields you need.
One for the name and another one with the URL.
Then you'll just have to make an override of node/view/full.tpl for your new class Where you will display the name and an iframe with URL that have been typped in your class instance.
