I define endpoints with Swagger file, and for one of the endpoints the body (a JSON) is not required.
I describe it in this way in the yaml file:
- in: "body"
name: "body"
description: "some description here..."
required: false
type: string
After that I generate code from the Swagger file and for the body I get the following description in the method for this endpoint in the generated class:
#Valid #RequestBody String body
the generated file is an interface, and when I implement the method, and call the endpoint without setting a body, I get:
Resolved [org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException: Required request body is missing:
Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong? When I put
#RequestBody(required=false) String body
, then everything works correct, but I would like this (required=false) to be generated automatically from the code generator...
I am using the swagger-codegen Spring generator to generate the API classes using a YAML API definition. I am describing post request with multiple parameters in the body like this:
type: string
type: string
This generates a method in the ApiDelegate with the signature ResponseEntity test(Body body). However, when describing multiple post methods like this, the subsequent generated signatures have parameters of type Body1, Body2, ... . With Swagger 2.0, it was possible to name the RequestBodies. Can I do something similar with V3?
Thanks for your help!
Kind regards
In swagger's documentation using OpenApi specification, you can wrap schema in parameter to content with application/json:
- in: query
name: filter
# Wrap 'schema' into 'content.<media-type>'
application/json: # <---- media type indicates how to serialize / deserialize the parameter content
type: object
type: string
type: string
to send objects like this filter={"type":"t-shirt","color":"blue"}.
How to do it in swagger-php?
The swagger-editor and swagger-ui have added support for http://swagger.io/docs/specification/describing-parameters
The swagger-php library has added support too, it will be part of the 3.0.4 release.
I'm trying to display some formatted text in a YAML file (in the example: key):
type: object
\"Component1\": \"Info\",\n
\"Component2\": \"Debug\",\n
\"Component3\": \"Fatal\",\n
for getting such a Swagger output:
"log_level_per_component": "{
"Component1": "Info",n
"Component2": "Debug",n
"Component3": "Fatal",n
but I always get this:
"log_level_per_component": "{ \"Component1\": \"Info\",\n \"Component2\":
\"Debug\",\n \"Component3\": \"Fatal\",\n ...\n }"
Any idea what I can do to fix it?
Update 2018-05-17 for Helen's screenshot request about her solution:
This is what I get with both solutions by using "example:":
And this what I get by using "examples:":
Both are always empty.
YAML is a superset of JSON, so you can use the normal JSON object literal syntax in YAML:
type: object
"Component1": "Info",
"Component2": "Debug",
"Component3": "Fatal"
Alternatively, you can use YAML object syntax, and Swagger UI will render the example as JSON (provided that your request or response type is JSON):
type: object
Component1: Info
Component2: Debug
Component3: Fatal
I am trying to integrate Spring REST docs with rest assured with Grails 3.1.4 application. I am using JSON Views.
Complete code is at https://github.com/rohitpal99/rest-docs
In NoteController when I use
List<Note> noteList = Note.findAll()
Map response = [totalCount: noteList.size(), type: "note"]
render response as grails.converters.JSON
Document generation works well.
But I want to use JSON views like
respond Note.findAll()
where I have _notes.gson and index.gson files in /views directory. I get a SnippetException. A usual /notes GET request response is correct.
rest.docs.ApiDocumentationSpec > test and document get request for /index FAILED
org.springframework.restdocs.snippet.SnippetException at ApiDocumentationSpec.groovy:54
with no message. Unable to track why it occurs.
Please suggest.
Full stacktrace
org.springframework.restdocs.snippet.SnippetException: The following parts of the payload were not documented:
"instanceList" : [ {
"title" : "Hello, World!",
"body" : "Integration Test from Hello"
}, {
"title" : "Hello, Grails",
"body" : "Integration Test from Grails"
} ]
at org.springframework.restdocs.payload.AbstractFieldsSnippet.validateFieldDocumentation(AbstractFieldsSnippet.java:134)
at org.springframework.restdocs.payload.AbstractFieldsSnippet.createModel(AbstractFieldsSnippet.java:74)
at org.springframework.restdocs.snippet.TemplatedSnippet.document(TemplatedSnippet.java:64)
at org.springframework.restdocs.generate.RestDocumentationGenerator.handle(RestDocumentationGenerator.java:192)
at org.springframework.restdocs.restassured.RestDocumentationFilter.filter(RestDocumentationFilter.java:63)
at com.jayway.restassured.internal.filter.FilterContextImpl.next(FilterContextImpl.groovy:73)
at org.springframework.restdocs.restassured.RestAssuredRestDocumentationConfigurer.filter(RestAssuredRestDocumentationConfigurer.java:65)
at com.jayway.restassured.internal.filter.FilterContextImpl.next(FilterContextImpl.groovy:73)
at com.jayway.restassured.internal.RequestSpecificationImpl.applyPathParamsAndSendRequest(RequestSpecificationImpl.groovy:1574)
at com.jayway.restassured.internal.RequestSpecificationImpl.get(RequestSpecificationImpl.groovy:159)
at rest.docs.ApiDocumentationSpec.$tt__$spock_feature_0_0(ApiDocumentationSpec.groovy:54)
at rest.docs.ApiDocumentationSpec.test and document get request for /index_closure2(ApiDocumentationSpec.groovy)
at groovy.lang.Closure.call(Closure.java:426)
at groovy.lang.Closure.call(Closure.java:442)
at grails.transaction.GrailsTransactionTemplate$1.doInTransaction(GrailsTransactionTemplate.groovy:70)
at org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionTemplate.execute(TransactionTemplate.java:133)
at grails.transaction.GrailsTransactionTemplate.executeAndRollback(GrailsTransactionTemplate.groovy:67)
at rest.docs.ApiDocumentationSpec.test and document get request for /index(ApiDocumentationSpec.groovy)
REST Docs will fail a test if you try to document something that isn't there or fail to document something that is there. You've documented two fields in your test:
fieldWithPath('totalCount').description('Total count'),
fieldWithPath('type').description("Type of result")
REST Docs has failed the test as some parts of the response haven't been documented. Specifically an instanceList array that contains maps with two keys: title and body. You can document those and the other two fields with something like this:
fieldWithPath('totalCount').description('Total count'),
fieldWithPath('type').description("Type of result"),
If you don't care about potentially missing fields, you can use relaxedResponseFields instead of responseFields:
fieldWithPath('totalCount').description('Total count'),
fieldWithPath('type').description("Type of result")
This won't fail the test if some fields are not mentioned.
I am using savon-multipart https://github.com/savonrb/savon-multipart to request a SOAP multipart response with an attachment (PDF). So far, this is my code:
require "savon-multipart"
client = Savon.client(
wsdl: "http://something.de?wsdl",
wsse_auth: [username: "uu", password: "??"]
reponse = client.call(:get_report, message: {
pdfId: 1
Authentication works fine. I can also fetch the XML-reponse. What I can't do is extract the attachment. There does not seem to exist a method for it.
According to savon-multipart's documentation
should contain the attachment(s). Unfortunately ruby tells me that this method is not defined.
I could't find an example implementation of savon-multipart so I'm coming to you guys :) Hope you can help me.
We had this same problem in some code. I hope this saves someone else some time in finding the solution.
When using savon-multipart, we had to add multipart: true to the parameters in call. When that parameter was added the response returned was of type Savon::Multipart::Response which has the attachments and parts methods.
reponse = client.call(:get_report, message: {
pdfId: 1
}, multipart: true)
Without that parameter, or with it set to false, the returned response is a Savon::Response object which does not have those methods.