Counting data before sending to view in Laravel - laravel

I have two tables, products and product_images, now I want to show product which has at least one image.
In controller I have a simple function in ProductController to fetch all the products:
public function products(){
$allProducts = $this->product->paginate(15);
return view('frontend.pages.products',compact('allProducts'));
But, I want to send the products which has at least one image of each product.
What should I do to achieve that?
I have created relationship between tables, now how can I get my desired answer?
I have written this in the Controller:
$allProducts = $this->product->whereHas('product_images', function ($query){

Assuming table schema
-url //any columns you needed
$product_ids = DB::table('product')
$product_count = count($product_ids);

Eloquent has this built in.
// Retrieve all posts that have three or more comments...
$posts = App\Post::has('comments', '>=', 3)->get();
In your case
In your case you could change the $allProducts line to be
$allProducts = $this->product()->has('product_image', '>=', 1)->paginate(15);
I didn't test the code above.
See documentation for more information on this topic.

You can use selectRaw:
$products = Product::leftJoin('product_images',function ($join){
})->selectRaw("products.product_id i, count( c")

Getting answer querying realtionship:
The query will look like following:
$allProducts = $this->product->has('Images')->paginate(15);
But, make you sure you have created relation in Model like the following:
public function Images(){
return $this->hasMany('\App\Models\ProductImages');
I have used hasMany relationship because one product can have multiple images.


Join tables in Laravel Eloquent method

How to write this code in eloquent method ?
$product = DB::table('products')
->join('purchase', '', '=', '')
->join('sales', '', '=', '')
->select('sales.*', 'purchase.*','products.*')
Create model Product and add one to many relationship with Purchase in Product model.
public function purchases()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Purchase');
Create model Purchase and add one to many relationship with Sale in Purchase model.
public function sales()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Sale');
Create model Sale.
You can retrieve data using following statement.
$products = Product::with('purchases.sales')->get();
Note: I am assuming the relationship as one to many you can also declare as per your data, also you can define one to many inverse relationship, please refer to laravel docs
You will get purchases and sales data in different key so you can use below syntax to loop over it.
foreach ($products as $product) {
foreach ($product->purchases as $purchase) {
//Purchase data for current product
foreach($purchase->sales as $sale){
//Sale data for current purchase

Looking up model in Laravel after returning array of objects in Controller

I am trying to do something I've never done before in Laravel and cannot figure out how to do it.
I have the following code in my Controller:
public function show($id)
//Get application for drug
$application = PharmaApplication::where('ApplNo', $id)->first();
//Get all products for given application (i.e. the different quantities and forms drug comes in)
$product = PharmaProduct::where('ApplNo', $id)->get();
foreach($product as $product){
//Get Marketing Status for drug
$marketingStatus = DB::table('pharma_marketing_statuses')
->where('ApplNo', $id)
->where('ProductNo', $product->ProductNo)
//Lookup marketing status Description
$marketingStatusDescription = PharmaMarketingSatusLookup::where('MarketingStatusID', $marketingStatus->MarketingStatusID);
return view('profiles.drug', compact('application', 'product', 'marketingStatus', 'marketingStatusDescription'));
I am trying to accomplish the following:
Get the application for a drug - this part of my code works
Return an array of objects for the products (i.e. 7 products that belong to one application). I can do this but get stuck going to the next part.
Next, I have to use the array of objects and search a table with the following columns: MarketingStatusID, ApplNo, ProductNo. I know how to query this table and get one row, but the problem is I have an array that I need to search. I imagine I have to use a loop but don't know where.
Finally, I use the MarketingStatusID to retrieve the MarketingStatusDescription which I will know how to do.
I am also getting an error message that says:
Class 'App\Http\Controllers\profiles\PharmaMarketingSatusLookup' not found
In my Controller, I have use App\PharmaMarketingStatusLookup; so I am not sure why it is searching the Controllers folder
You have a typo in your class
From PharmaMarketingSatusLookup change to PharmaMarketingStatusLookup
USE whereIn
use App\PharmaApplication;
use App\PharmaProduct;
use App\PharmaMarketingSatusLookup;
public function show($id)
$application = PharmaApplication::where('ApplNo', $id)->first();
$products = PharmaProduct::where('ApplNo', $id)->get();
$productid = array();
foreach($products as $product){
$productid[] = $product->ProductNo;
$marketingStatus = DB::table('pharma_marketing_statuses')
->where('ApplNo', $id)
->whereIn('ProductNo', $productid)
$marketingStatusDescription = PharmaMarketingSatusLookup::where('MarketingStatusID', $marketingStatus->MarketingStatusID);
return view('profiles.drug', compact('application', 'product', 'marketingStatus', 'marketingStatusDescription'));

Laravel eloquent get data from two tables

Laravel Eloquent Query builder problem
Hello I have a problem when I am trying to get all the rows where slug = $slug.
I will explain in more details:
I have two tables, cards and card_categories.
cards has category_id.
card_categories has slug.
What I need is a query which returns all the cards which contents the slugs.
For example I made this:
$cards = Card::leftJoin('card_categories', '', '=', '')
->select('cards.*', 'card_categories.*')
->where('card_categories.slug', $slug)
But what happens is that just return 1 row per category.
I don't know what is wrong.
Many thanks.
I think I understand what you mean, from your explanation I would imagine your card model is as follows.
class Card extends Model {
protected $table = 'cards';
public function category()
return $this->belongsTo(Category::class)
In which case, you should just be able to do this:
$cards = Card::whereHas('category', function ($query) use ($slug) {
$query->where('slug', $slug);
That will select all of the cards that has the category id of the given slug.

Use Eloquent to attach array to query

I have a USER table, an ITEMS table, and a LIKES table. I'm randomly taking 9 items from the Items table (which is named 'categories') and I want to get an array of users which liked that item. I'm returning a JSON response so I can't use laravel's ORM relationships as far as I know. I want to be able to look through the results (with javascript) like so:
foreach item
foreach user
(this is how i wish to look through the users with js)
{{--Im trying to get an output that looks like so--}}
0: {
cost: 409
views: 0
user_like_id: {1,5,2,4,5}
EDIT: This is what I would like to attach the array to...
$likes = Category::orderByRaw("RAND()")
->leftJoin('likes', 'likes.item_id', '=', '')
I'm relatively new to programming so please dont downnrate this question
Laravel provides in ways to make json from objects. The first and simplest is the eloquent toJson() method:
$likes = Category::orderByRaw("RAND()")
->leftJoin('likes', 'likes.item_id', '=', '')
$likes is now json.
Second method:
If you return a model from a controller or a routecallback function, laravel returns it as json. So:
class MyController extends Controller{
public function getIndex(){
return Category::orderByRaw("RAND()")
->leftJoin('likes', 'likes.item_id', '=', '')
This example returns a json response which is quite usefull!
I actually got exactly what I wanted with this:
$likes = Category::orderByRaw("RAND()")
->with(array('getLikes' => function($query)
Works exactly how I want ito :) thanks for the suggestion tho

laravel search many to many Relashionship

I am testing eloquent for the first time and I want to see if it suit my application.
I have Product table:
id, name
and model:
class Produit extends Eloquent {
public function eavs()
return $this->belongsToMany('Eav')
->withPivot('value_int', 'value_varchar', 'value_date');
and eav table:
id, name, code, field_type
and pivot table:
product_id, eav_id, value_int, value_varchar, value_date
class Eav extends Eloquent {
public function produitTypes()
return $this->belongsToMany(
All this is working.
But I want to search in that relashionship:
e.g: all product that have eav_id=3 and value_int=3
I have tested this:
$produits = Produit::with( array('eavs' => function($query)
$query->where('id', '3')->where('value_int', '3');
But I get all the product, and eav data only for these who have id=3 and value_int=3.
I want to get only the product that match this search...
Thank you
I know the question is very old. But added the answer that works in the latest versions of Laravel.
In Laravel 6.x+ versions you can use whereHas method.
So your query will look like this:
Produit::whereHas('eavs', function (Builder $query) {
// Query the pivot table
$query->where('eav_id', 3);
My suggestion and something I like to follow is to start with what you know. In this case, we know the eav_id, so let's go from there.
$produits = Eav::find(3)->produits()->where('value_int', '3')->get();
Eager loading in this case isn't going to save you any performance because we are cutting down the 1+n query problem as described in the documentation because we are starting off with using find(). It's also going to be a lot easier to read and understand.
Using query builder for checking multiple eavs
$produits = DB::table('produits')
->join('eav_produit', 'eav_produit.produit_id', '=', '')
->join('eavs', '', '=', 'eav_produit.eav_id')
$query->where('', '=', '3');
$query->where('', '=', '1');
Making it work with what you already have...
$produits = Produit::with( array('eavs' => function($query)
$query->where('id', '3')->where('value_int', '3');
$query->orWhere('id', '1')->where('value_int', '1');
foreach($produits as $produit)
// Do stuff
When accessing the records for a model, you may wish to limit your results based on the existence of a relationship. For example, you wish to pull all blog posts that have at least one comment. To do so, you may use the has method
$posts = Post::has('comments')->get();
Using the "has()" method should give you an array with only products that have EAV that match your criteria.
$produits = Produit::with( array('eavs' => function($query)
$query->where('id', '3')->where('value_int', '3');
