laravel 6.0 belongsTo with ApplicationService - laravel

I'm new in laravel framework. I couldn't get work medicine with prices in controller.
My model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Medicine extends Model
protected $table = 'medicine';
protected $fillable = [];
protected $guarded = [];
public function withPrice()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\MedicinePrice', 'medicine_id', 'id');
In my app service ;
public function getRecentEntries()
$medicines = Medicine::orderBy('id','DESC')->take(10)->get()->toArray();
return $this->formatMedicine($medicines);
Table of medicine :
Table of medicine_price :
Any helps ? Thank you so much.

You are never loading the relationship in your code. You can accomplish it with:
However, the with('withPrice') sounds a little weird doesn't it? I would recommend you to rename the method of your relation in your Medicine model to something prettier, like prices:
public function prices()
return $this->hasMany(MedicinePrice::class);
And then you can retrieve the medicine with the prices like this:
$medicines = Medicine::with('prices')->orderByDesc('id')->take(10)->get()->toArray();
You can read more about eager loading here:


Laravel Eloquent relationship data retrieve

I have below code to get data from database,
$profile = Profiles::find(1);
$currency = Profiles::find($profile->currency_id)->currency;
Then created a relationship in the model as below,
class Profiles extends Model
use HasFactory;
protected $table = 'Profiles';
protected $primaryKey = 'profile_id';
public function Currency()
return $this->belongsTo(Currencies::class, 'currency_id');
class Currencies extends Model
use HasFactory;
protected $table = 'Currencies';
protected $primaryKey = 'currency_id';
public function profile()
return $this->hasOne(Profiles::class, 'currency_id');
Problem is that there is only 1 profile and 100 currency, currency_id is a foreign key in Profiles table,
I could not get data and get this error, Trying to get property 'currency' of non-object"
If i use $currency = Profiles::find(1)->currency; then it retrieve first row of Curriencies table which is not required data.
How can I get currency row for that specific profile?
The problem is that the find() method will look for the primaryKey and in your second call the currency_id is not the pk.
Two solution for you:
replace the find by a where clause like so: $currency = Profiles::where('currency_id',$profile->currency_id)->value('currency')
Or a more Laravel way to do it, through the relationship $currency = $profile->currency;

How can you use Eloquent to find related values two tables away and in a different database?

I am developing a system that extends an existing ERP system, and so is accessing two databases (both on the same MS SQL Server). I am trying to access items on the "Equipment" model (this is a table in the ERP database) through the "EquipmentInstance" model from the "EquipmentType" model (these two are in the new database). They are related as per this diagram:
The three models are as follows:
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class EquipmentType extends Model
protected $table = 'dbo.EquipmentType';
protected $connection = 'sqlsrv';
protected $primaryKey = 'EquipmentTypeID';
protected $fillable = [
public function EquipmentInstance()
return $this->hasMany(EquipmentInstance::class,'EquipmentTypeID', 'EquipmentTypeID');
public function Equipment()
return $this->hasManyThrough(
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class EquipmentInstance extends Model
protected $table = 'dbo.EquipmentInstance';
protected $primaryKey = 'EquipmentID';
protected $keyType = 'string';
protected $connection = 'sqlsrv';
protected $fillable = [
public function Part()
return $this->belongsTo(Part::class,'PartNum','PartNum');
public function Equipment()
return $this->hasMany(Equipment::class,'PartNum', 'PartNum');
public function EquipmentType()
return $this->belongsTo(EquipmentType::class); /*,'EquipmentTypeID', 'EquipmentTypeID'*/
/* public function Attribute()
return $this->belongsTo(Equipment::class,'SerialNumber', 'JobNum');
public function TechNote()
return $this->belongsTo(Equipment::class,'SerialNumber', 'JobNum');
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Equipment extends Model
protected $table = 'ERP.SerialNo';
public $timestamps = false;
protected $primaryKey = 'SerialNumber';
protected $keyType = 'string';
protected $connection = 'epicor';
public function Part()
return $this->belongsTo(Part::class,'PartNum','PartNum');
public function Customer()
return $this->belongsTo(Customer::class,'CustNum', 'CustNum');
public function Equipment()
return $this->belongsTo(Equipment::class,'SerialNumber', 'JobNum');
public function EquipmentInstance()
return $this->belongsTo(EquipmentInstance::class,'PartNum', 'PartNum');
On the EquipmentType Controller I am trying to get all of the Equipment through the EquipmentInstance so for each EquipmentInstance I can display all of the Equipments.
EquipmentType Controller
public function show(EquipmentType $EquipmentType)
$EquipmentInstance = $EquipmentType->EquipmentInstance()
$Equipments = $EquipmentType->EquipmentInstance()->Equipment()
return view('', compact('EquipmentType', 'EquipmentInstance', 'Equipments'));
The error message I get is
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany::Equipment()"
I believe the issue is that (my understanding is rocky) that Eloquent is trying to write one query to access both databases, which is failing. However I am not sure how to proceed.
Any help would be greatly received.
I have implemented what gbalduzzi suggested in his answer, which almost worked, and I am sure the issue is with my blade implemtention. I have nested two forloops:
#foreach($EquipmentType->EquipmentInstance as $EquipmentInstance)
#foreach($Equipments as $Equipment)
<td>{{$EquipmentInstance->PartNum}} - {{$EquipmentInstance->Part->PartDescription}}</td>
Which is displaying the serial numbers (from the Equipment model) for the first EquipmentInstance only and repeating them for all EquipmentInstanced.
Update 2
I have proven that the issue is with first() in the suggested answer, as if I change this to last() the results change as you would expect (see update 1). So my question now is:
Is there an equivelant of first(), last() which is all() or every()?
The problem is not in your database configuration, but in the way you are calling the relationship. Instead of:
$Equipments = $EquipmentType->EquipmentInstance()->Equipment()
$Equipments = $EquipmentType->EquipmentInstance->first()->Equipment()
Long answer
In Eloquent, you can use a relationship in 2 ways:
as a magic field (i.e. $EquipmentType->EquipmentInstance). In this case you get as a result an instance of the model EquipmentInstance (also, if you already queried it, it directly returns the value without executing a new query)
as an eloquent query (i.e. $EquipmentType->EquipmentInstance()). Using it as a function, you don't get the model but a RelationShip instance, that is basically an eloquent query and can be chained with other eloquent methods, such as where, orderBy, ecc
So, if you call $EquipmentType->EquipmentInstance()->Equipment() it throws an error because the eloquent query does NOT have the relationship Equipment().
On the other hand, $EquipmentType->EquipmentInstance->Equipment works because it calls Equipment on the actual model instance, that has the Equipment relationship properly defined.

Eloquent hasOne relationship Not working laravel 5.4

I am trying to keep a relationship between two tables in my database.
Users Table:
Id User_id Name
Contacts Table:
Id User_Id contacts
I am saving multiple contacts in the contacts table. Now i want to retrieve all the contacts saved to the User_ID. For that, i am trying to establish a hasOne relationship but i get a error for the following code can someone let me know what i am doing wrong? I am following the official documentation for this.
User model:
class users extends Model
protected $table = "users";
public function contacts()
return $this->hasOne('App\contacts','User_Id');
Contacts Model:
class contacts extends Model
public $table = "contacts";
public function Users(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Users','User_id');
public function eloquentget(){
$contacts = Users::find(1)->contacts->first();
return response()->json($contacts,200);
When i try this code in postman i get an Exception :
Trying to get property of non-object
What am i doing wrong? Any help will be appreciated.
Since you are saving multiple Contacts for any given User then you are using the wrong relation. You need to setup a One-Many relationship using hasMany().
class users extends Model
protected $table = "users";
public function contacts()
return $this->hasMany('App\contacts','User_Id','User_Id');
Try something like this
class users extends Model
protected $table = "users";
public function contacts()
return $this->hasMany('App\contacts','User_Id','User_Id');
And on your controller, You can use it like this
$contacts= User::find(1)->contacts; // it will return an array of collection
You don't need to use ->first(); because you already used relation hasOne
just use :
$contacts = Users::find(1)->contacts;
return response()->json($contacts,200);

Populate laravel object with relationships

I want to populate Every CustomerEvent with the Customer related to the CustomerEvent.
When I Loop through the object and call to $customerevent->customer foreach object I can get the customer related to that event but Can I populate the all objects in the main object without looping through every single event ?
I want to do something like this:
$typeOne = CustomerEvent::typeOne()->get();
$customersWithTypeOne = $typeOne->Customers;
Here my code:
Table 1: "events"
id, customer_id
Model for Table 1 "CustomerEvent":
class CustomerEvent extends Eloquent{
protected $guarded = ['id'];
public $table = "event";
protected $softDelete = true;
public function scopeTypeOne($query)
$followUps = $query->where('type_id', '=', '1');
public function Customers()
return $this->belongsTo('Customer', 'customer_id');
Table 2: "customers"
Model for Table 2 "Customers":
<?php class Customer extends BaseModel{
protected $guarded = ['id'];
public function index()
$typeOne = CustomerEvent::typeOne()->get();
$customersWithTypeOne = $typeOne->Customers;
From you database scheme I see customer has many events, so I would recommend to define this relationship in you Customer model.
class Customer extends BaseModel{
protected $guarded = ['id'];
public function events()
return $this->hasMany('CustomerEvent', 'customer_id');
Then you will be able to query customers with events:
$customersWithTypeOne = Customer::whereHas('events', function($query){
$query->where('type_id', 1);
Maybe Ardent can help you:
It's an extension for Eloquent models and very popular.

Getting started with laravel (4) models

I'm trying out this model-thing, but I can't really get my grasp of it.
For the moment I have two tables (companies and sellers) "companies" as a column named "cResponsibleID" which I want to map to "sID" in "sellers".
class Companies extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'companies';
protected $primaryKey = 'cID';
public function sellers() {
return $this->belongsTo('Sellers','sID');
class Sellers extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'sellers';
protected $primaryKey = 'sID';
public function companies() {
return $this->hasMany('Companies','cResponsibleID');
I then want to do something like Companies::with('sellers.sName')->get() to "translate" cResponsibleID to sName.
Maybe I'm all out wrong.
Thankful for all help.
Can you try printing the result of:
$company = Companies::with('sellers')->get();
echo '<pre>';
And see how they're build up, I blieve the sellers.ANYTHING construction is only meant for multiple nested relations.
for example of a Seller has an Address as a relation, it would be Companies::with('sellers.address')
