I am trying to run the upgrade assistant in order to upgrade ElasticSearch from 5 to 6, however I am hitting the following error:
Deprecated script security settings changes
This issue must be resolved to upgrade. Read Documentation
Details: [node[instance-0000000093] used these script-security settings:[script.inline, script.stored, script.file, script.engine.painless.stored, script.engine.painless.file, script.engine.expression.stored, script.engine.expression.file, script.engine.mustache.inline, script.engine.mustache.stored, script.engine.mustache.file]]
I have looked over the settings and our Kibana config and cannot find any references to any scrips being used.
Has anyone else run into a similar issue and how did you solve it?
I'm trying to integrate elsaicsearch with suitecrm.
I've followed the document as per https://docs.suitecrm.com/admin/administration-panel/search/elasticsearch/
Then I tried to run full indexing from suitecrm, I got "index_not_found_exception" hence created indexes manually in the elasticsearch.
After that also when I am trying to run the indexing, no logs showing in suitecrm or elasticsearch and search in elasticsearch is not working.
Suitecrm version
Version 7.12.5
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)
Elasticsearch version
"number" : "7.17.5",
Please advise. Thanks.
I didn't get any suspicious logs in suitecrm.log so had enabled debug mode for the logs
Then I clicked on full indexing I found below log line
Elasticsearch trying to re-indexing a bean but this module is blacklisted: SchedulersJobs
I followed this document then https://docs.suitecrm.com/blog/scheduler-jobs/
And lastly this step Admin / Repairs / Quick Repair and Rebuild
After that it started working
This used to be working perfectly until a couple of days back exactly 4 days back. When i run gcloud app deploy now it complete the build and then straight after completing the build it hangs on Updating Service
Here is the output:
Updating service [default] (this may take several minutes)...failed.
ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) Error Response: [13] Flex operation projects/just-sleek/regions/us-central1/operations/8260bef8-b882-4313-bf97-efff8d603c5f error [INTERNAL]: An internal error occurred while processing task /appengine-flex-v1/insert_flex_deployment/flex_create_resources>2020-05-26T05:20:44.032Z4316.jc.11: Deployment Manager operation just-sleek/operation-1590470444486-5a68641de8da1-5dfcfe5c-b041c398 errors: [
location: "/deployments/aef-default-20200526t070946/resources/aef-default-20200526t070946"
message: {
\"message\":\"Exceeded limit \'QUOTA_FOR_INSTANCES\' on resource \'aef-default-20200526t070946\'. Limit: 8.0\",
\"message\":\"Exceeded limit \'QUOTA_FOR_INSTANCES\' on resource \'aef-default-20200526t070946\'. Limit: 8.0\",
I tried the following the ways to resolve the error:
I deleted all my previous version and left the running version
I ran gcloud components update still fails.
I create a new project, changed the region from [REGION1] to [REGION2] and deployed and m still getting the same error.
Also ran gcloud app deploy --verbosity=debug, does not give me any different result
I have no clue what is causing this issue and how to solve it please assist.
Google is already aware of this issue and it is currently being investigated.
There is a Public Issue Tracker, you may 'star' and follow so that you can receive any further updates on this. In addition, you may see some workarounds posted that could be performed temporarily if agreed with your preferences.
Currently, there is no ETA yet for the resolution but there will be an update provided as soon as the team progresses on the issue.
I resolved this by adding this into my app.yaml
min_num_instances: 1
max_num_instances: 7
I found the solution here:
And I was also redirected to:
gcloud app deploy - updating service default fails with code 13 Quota for instances limit exceeded, and 401 unathorizeed
I am using kibana 6.5.4 which means that I should be able to see the reporting tab in my kibana as Xpack should've already been installed. However, the reporting tab is not shown.
I've followed these instructions to enable reporting
When I set the property in my kibana.yml like below
xpack.reporting.enabled: true
I get the following error when attempting to start kibana.
error [11:30:40.296] [fatal][root] Error: "xpack.reporting.enabled"
setting was not applied. Check for spelling errors and ensure that
expected plugins are installed.
at KbnServer.exports.default
at KbnServer.mixin
at <anonymous>
FATAL Error: "xpack.reporting.enabled" setting was not applied. Check for spelling errors and ensure that expected plugins are installed.
I don't understand, as per docs Xpack should be automatically installed with kibana since 6.3+?
I've just upgraded SonarQube from 6.0 to 6.7 LTS running in a CentOS 6 box, and noticed that ElasticSearch (ES) failed to start because the kernel (2.6.32-696.3.1.el6.x86_64) doesn't have seccomp available.
This is officially documented at System call filter check and a correct workaround for systems without this feature is to configure bootstrap.system_call_filter to false in elasticsearch.yml.
The issue here is because Sonar creates the ES configuration at startup, writing in $SONAR_HOME/temp/conf/es/elasticsearch.yml and I haven't found a way to set bootstrap.system_call_filter property.
I tried a natural (undocumented) way introducing sonar.search.bootstrap.system_call_filter and bootstrap.system_call_filter properties in sonar.properties but it doesn't work.
We had the same problem. At first we used the above solution but after searching in the sonar code on github found the place where this setting should be placed:
Edit the sonar.properties file and change the line:
For sonarqube docker image, setup additional environment to disable this feature when "docker run":
-e SONAR_SEARCH_JAVAADDITIONALOPTS="-Dbootstrap.system_call_filter=false"
Hi I tried to echo bootstrap.system_call_filter: 'false' to temp/conf/es/elasticsearch.yml, I see the line in that file, but got same error during start of sonarqube 6.7 on centos6.
Has someone tested that with success?
First of all: don't even try to update elasticsearch.yml . SonarQube self-manages its ElasticSearch component config, so any attempt of manual intervention will be harmful. (reminder: the only config file that should ever be modified to operate SonarQube is sonar.properties)
More interestingly regarding that seccomp component:
the seccomp requirement does come from underlying ElasticSearch requirement, and transitively applies to operating SonarQube
if you run SonarQube locally with default config (specifically: default sonar.search.host), then the seccomp check may not be fatal (i.e. just a warning)
if you did override sonar.search.host , then the first thing you should wonder is: does the ElasticSearch JVM really needs to listen on other interfaces than loopback ? (knowing that SonarQube uses ES locally, except with the Data Center Edition). If no good answer to that, then keep sonar.search.host at its default value.
Last but not least, the golden path here is obviously to follow the requirement (i.e. have seccomp available on your OS), even if that involves upgrading to a more recent Linux kernel. And to wrap it all up: we've edited SonarQube Requirements to transparently share this situation.
You could really cheat and edit /${SONAR_HOME}/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch.
echo "bootstrap.system_call_filter = 'false'" >>
before the "demonized" variable is set.
So I've been working on implementing elastic search using the JDBC River plugin to get data from our SQL Server DB into elastic search.
I've got it working fine using the SQL Server credentials, but trying to use integrated security doesn't work. It will create the index, but it doesn't have data in it.
The parameters I've been using are:
PUT /_river/test_river/_meta
"sql": "select * from users",
I've tried quite a few things, including removing the user and password fields completely, removing integratedSecurity=true, but it gave the same result.
I've checked on their github for the river plugin and it says this issue was fixed back in January, but it still doesn't seem to be working.
Also I'm using elastic search version: 1.5.1
and jdbc river plugin version :
Any help would be much appreciated
Get rid of the user and password options. You're not gonna need them.
Check the console when running elasticserch.bat, you should see an error message when it tries to update the river. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you're probably seeing an error stating that the file sqljdbc_auth.dll can't be found. If this is the case, you can download this file from here and copy the x64 version of sqljdbc_auth.dll to your java lib folder. For me, this folder is C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath but you can type echo %path% in a console window to find yours.
Once you have followed these steps, restart elasticsearch.bat, and it should start processing your river. If not, post back with the output you're seeing when running elasticsearch.bat.