Updating service [default] (this may take several minutes)...failed - laravel

This used to be working perfectly until a couple of days back exactly 4 days back. When i run gcloud app deploy now it complete the build and then straight after completing the build it hangs on Updating Service
Here is the output:
Updating service [default] (this may take several minutes)...failed.
ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) Error Response: [13] Flex operation projects/just-sleek/regions/us-central1/operations/8260bef8-b882-4313-bf97-efff8d603c5f error [INTERNAL]: An internal error occurred while processing task /appengine-flex-v1/insert_flex_deployment/flex_create_resources>2020-05-26T05:20:44.032Z4316.jc.11: Deployment Manager operation just-sleek/operation-1590470444486-5a68641de8da1-5dfcfe5c-b041c398 errors: [
location: "/deployments/aef-default-20200526t070946/resources/aef-default-20200526t070946"
message: {
\"message\":\"Exceeded limit \'QUOTA_FOR_INSTANCES\' on resource \'aef-default-20200526t070946\'. Limit: 8.0\",
\"message\":\"Exceeded limit \'QUOTA_FOR_INSTANCES\' on resource \'aef-default-20200526t070946\'. Limit: 8.0\",
I tried the following the ways to resolve the error:
I deleted all my previous version and left the running version
I ran gcloud components update still fails.
I create a new project, changed the region from [REGION1] to [REGION2] and deployed and m still getting the same error.
Also ran gcloud app deploy --verbosity=debug, does not give me any different result
I have no clue what is causing this issue and how to solve it please assist.

Google is already aware of this issue and it is currently being investigated.
There is a Public Issue Tracker, you may 'star' and follow so that you can receive any further updates on this. In addition, you may see some workarounds posted that could be performed temporarily if agreed with your preferences.
Currently, there is no ETA yet for the resolution but there will be an update provided as soon as the team progresses on the issue.

I resolved this by adding this into my app.yaml
min_num_instances: 1
max_num_instances: 7
I found the solution here:
And I was also redirected to:
gcloud app deploy - updating service default fails with code 13 Quota for instances limit exceeded, and 401 unathorizeed


Laravel 9 mail on production get only this error - Expected response code "250" but got code "451"

We've upgraded our application to Laravel 9 last week and noticed a large amount of failed jobs appearing as soon as we deployed the build in production.
Those errors were all email related with the following error message:
Expected response code "250" but got code "451", with message "451 4.4.2 Timeout waiting for data from client.".
We've reverted back to the previous build (which was using SwiftMailer) and the errors stopped. To clarify, we've been running the application for a few weeks and never had that error before.
On "Staging" we didn't have that issue. The only difference is we use SQS for queues in live and set :
that are the only differences.
Could you try adding 'ping_threshold' => 10, to your smtp or ses configuration in config/mail.php
If you are using a queue worker/manager, remember to restart the process for the new configuration to come into effect.
This seems to have resolved the issue for me. Could be coincidental, but will report back if the issue returns.

Google Cloud Data flow jobs failing with error 'Failed to retrieve staged files: failed to retrieve worker in 3 attempts: bad MD5...'

SDK: Apache Beam SDK for Go 0.5.0
We are running Apache Beam Go SDK jobs in Google Cloud Data Flow. They had been working fine until recently when they intermittently stopped working (no changes made to code or config). The error that occurs is:
Failed to retrieve staged files: failed to retrieve worker in 3 attempts: bad MD5 for /var/opt/google/staged/worker: ..., want ; bad MD5 for /var/opt/google/staged/worker: ..., want ;
(Note: It seems as if it's missing a second hash value in the error message message.)
As best I can guess there's something wrong with the worker - It seems to be trying to compare md5 hashes of the worker and missing one of the values? I don't know exactly what it's comparing to though.
Does anybody know what could be causing this issue?
The fix to this issue seems to have been to rebuild the worker_harness_container_image with the latest changes. I had tried this but I didn't have the latest release when I built it locally. After I pulled the latest from the Beam repo, and rebuilt the image (As per the notes here https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/master/sdks/CONTAINERS.md) and reran it seemed to work again.
I'm seeing the same thing. If I look into the Stackdriver logging I see this:
Handler for GET /v1.27/images/apache-docker-beam-snapshots-docker.bintray.io/beam/go:20180515/json returned error: No such image: apache-docker-beam-snapshots-docker.bintray.io/beam/go:20180515
However, I can pull the image just fine locally. Any ideas why Dataflow cannot pull.

SonarQube 5.0.1 - Error declaring a false-positive issue

I've a "Failed" message displayed when I declare a "false-positive" issue from the Web UI of Sonarqube (5.0.1).
A 400 error is returned with this response : "Transition from state RESOLVED does not exist: falsepositive"
But the issue is declared "unresolved" in the web ui (both on global issues and project page) and it broke the build (since I'm using Build Breaker plugin).
I have a doubt on the shown issue because it should be logically solved by my previous commit (cache problem ?).
How can I resolve this problem ?
This can happen when the ElasticSearch index of issues is out of sync with the database. You should stop your server, remove the $SQ_HOME/data/es directory and restart the server. It might take some time, depending on the number of issues in your database, but it should solve the problem.

Ruby Stack failed to deploy on Google Developers Console

I tried to deploy Ruby stack using Google Developers Console, but no success. I tried several times at other project, error was always the same (below).
Do you have any idea why it keeps failing?
2014/10/23 15:59:44
rubyStackBox: PENDING
2014/10/23 15:59:55~2014/10/23 16:06:01
rubyStackBox: DEPLOYING
2014/10/23 16:06:11
Replica rubystackbox-eaeo failed with status PERMANENTLY_FAILING: Replica State changed to PERMANENTLY_FAILING. Replica was unhealthy 2 consecutive times.
I replicated the issue you experienced several times and it also failed. What finally worked was playing with the zones/regions when deploying the ruby stack :
Developers console > Click-to-deploy > Set MySQL password > Advanced Options, choose a different zone and click Deploy.
Another useful tool when investigating this is Console Output. Even if the deployment fails, you can go to the VM instance and check View Output towards the bottom of the page. It will list all the packages and any errors encountered. The following command will achieve the same thing:
$ gcloud compute instances get-serial-port-output <INSTANCE_NAME> --project <PROJECT_ID> --zone <ZONE_NAME>
Please advise if still seeing issues.

Azure "No deployments were found" error message

I went to deploy over an existing Cloud Service (in staging) and received the following message:
"Error: No deployments were found. Http Status Code: NotFound"
Does anyone know what this means?
I am looking at the Cloud Service, and it surely exists.
Been using the same deploy method as prior (successful) efforts. However, I simply right click the cloud service in Visual Studio 2013. In the Windows Azure Publish Summary, I set to: the correct cloud service name, to staging, to realease ... and press publish. Nothing special really...which is why I am perplexed
You may have exceeded the maximum number of cores allowed on your Azure subscription. Either remove unneeded deployments or ask Microsoft to increase the maximum allowed cores on your Azure subscription.
Since I had this problem and none of the answers above were the cause... I had to dig a little bit more. The RoleName specified in the Role tag must of course match the one in the EndpointAcl tag.
<Role name="TheRoleName">
<Instances count="1" />
<AccessControl name="ac-name-1">
<Rule action="deny" description="TheWorld" order="100" remoteSubnet="" />
<EndpointAcl role="TheRoleName" endPoint="HTTP" accessControl="ac-name-1" />
<EndpointAcl role="TheRoleName" endPoint="HTTPS" accessControl="ac-name-1" />
It seems that the previous situation is not the only one causing this error.
I ran into it again now due to a related but still different mismatch.
In the file ServiceDefinition.csdef the <WebRole name="TheRoleName" vmsize="Standard_D1"> tag must have a vmsize that exists (of course!) but according to Microsoft here (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/cloud-services-sizes-specs/) the value Standard_D1_v2 should also be accepted.
At the moment it was causing this same error... once I removed the _v2 it worked fine.
Conclusion: everytime something is wrong in the Azure cfgs this error message might come along... it is then necessary to find out where it came from.
Just to add some info.
The same occured to me, my WM Size was setted to a size that was "Wrong".
I have multiple subscriptions, I was pointing one of them, and using a machine "D2", I don't know what happened, the information was refreshed and this machine disappeared as an option. I then selected "Large" (old), and worked well.
Lost 6 hours trying to upload this #$%#$% package.
I think the problem can be related to any VM Size problem
I hit this problem after resizing my role from small to extra-small. I still had the Local Storage set to the default of 20GB, which an extra-small instance can't hold. I ended up reducing it to 100MB and the deployment worked (the role I'm deploying is in maintenance mode only for a couple of months, so I don't care much about getting diagnostics from it).
A quick tip: I was getting nowhere debugging this with Visual Studio's error message. On a whim, I switched to the azure website and manually uploaded the package. That finally gave me a useful error: that VM size was too small for the resources I had requested.
I encountered this error during the initial deployment of a Cloud Service that required a specific SSL Certificate... that was missing from Azure.
Corrected the certificate - deploy succeeded.
(After the first deployment Visual Studio provides a meaningful error in this case.)
