Installing 'arima_utils' with conda - arima

can't find any tips how to install 'arima_utils'. Mentioned in "Practical ML with PYthon" from Sarkar, Bali & Sharma.

arima_utils has been developed by the authors of the book and is not a part of any standard library.
You can find it there :
Ref :


Agox installation

I have problem with installation of AGOX, prerequisites are
A C compiler (Tested with Intel/2018.1.163)
An MPI installation (Tested with openmpi/4.0.3)
how to install these on Ubuntu, kindly help me with this. Thank you.
I have tried installing agox on ubuntu using the documentation given on github but got an error saying
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement agox (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for agox

Cannot import GLPK in Anaconda

I searched a lot an answer to my problem but wasn't able to find a fix.
I'm running anaconda.
I installed glpk with from conda-forge with the command:
conda install -c conda-forge glpk
The installation worked fine but then in my notebook, I've got an error message when I try to import the module :
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'glpk'
I had no problem to install and import other packages.
Any ideas?
Thank you very much in advance
The files installed by
conda install -c conda-forge glpk
can be found at Looking at the archives only the GLPK C library is installed and no Python binding or package.
One of the packages that can call the GLPK library from Python is Pulp (
I'm conda/windows user. I never could import it directly, but based on this SO answer I could make work a library that consume it (pypsa)
Basically, download the library (is in sourceforge) and add it to windows system path
Hope this help to somebody googling this issue. Bests

Why pastebinit is not available via pip?

I got this error messsage.
$ pip install pastebinit
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pastebinit (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for pastebinit
But according to the following URL. It should be available. Does anybody know what is wrong? Thanks.
There is no such project available on PyPI currently: is not an authoritative source. It also shows no currently available release for this project anyway:
The forge for this software seems to be here:
Nop, it's not there. The URL returns error 404. Perhaps it was there but later was removed.

install "sub package" Jupyter Notebook

I am struggling to install packages, and "sub-packages" in Jupyter Notebook; I suspect I am missing some of the basic concepts around installing packages.
I understand that to install a package within the notebook I use
! pip install --user <package>
What I don't understand is how to install a "sub-package" (feel free to advise what the correct terminology is) such as below.
from nltk.tagger import *
Here is the original script that this comes from:
If i try :
!pip install nltk.tagger
I get the following error information / error
Collecting nltk.tagger
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement nltk.tagger (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for nltk.tagger
So my first question is. How do I install this nltk.tagger subpackage? Also if tagger is a sub-package of NLTK, how come it isn't installed when I do a pip install NLTK?
Although the error mentions a version, searching online I can't find a reference even to the subpackage "tagger". Any advice or links explaining this would be appreciated.
if you pip inslall nltk, the subpackage nltk.tagger, and other dependencies will be installed too.
This is generally true for all packages.

Webkit not found on OSX

I'm trying to compile mu that uses the headers webkit/webkitwebview.h and webkit/webkitwebresource.h. The OSX version of webkit framework located in /System/Library/Frameworks doesn't seem to have it, the headers are different and use NS data types and stuff.
So I downloaded webkit-gtk with MacPorts (since it's not available through Homebrew) and pointed $PKG_CONFIG_PATH to webkit-1.0.pc. I verified and this version has the needed headers.
But the problem is, I still get an error, the configure file doesn't seem to be able to find it.
checking for WEBKIT... no
I don't even know, actually, if webkit-1.0.pc is the package config it is looking for.
I had two other compilation problems prior to this, with glib.h and gtk.h but managed to go through. This is the last issue I need to resolve to have a fully functional email client in Emacs.
this worked for me [1]:
add this to ~/.profile (or wherever you take care of this stuff):
# ~/.profile stuff
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig/:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
then source:
$ source ~/.profile
then (assuming you're in the mu dir) voila [2]:
$ ./configure
[1] i have gtk installed via homebrew, installed webkit-gtk3 via macports, and cloned mu from the github repo. running os x 10.9.5
[2] here's the $ ./configure output:
mu configuration is complete.
mu version : 0.9.10
Xapian version : 1.2.19
GLib version : 2.42.1
GMime version : 2.6.20
GTK+ version : 3.14.5
Webkit version : 2.4.7
Emacs version : GNU Emacs
Have wordexp : yes
Build mu4e emacs frontend : yes
Build 'mug' toy-ui (gtk+/webkit) : yes
McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity tool : no
Have direntry->d_ino : yes
Have direntry->d_type : yes
