Mkdocs theme 'Material' not working on mac os - themes

i have been trying everything to get the Mkdocs theme 'material' to work on Mac os , i tried pip to install it and tried the repository cloning method too but still it does not work, the theme displayed is still default,
i changed the mkdocs.yml file to this
name: 'material'
and this too
name: null
custom_dir: 'mkdocs-material/material'
but i still get the default theme
can someone help me with this?


Sphinx Read-The-Docs Theme recognised but not "found"

I downloaded the read-the-docs theme for sphinx from Github and put it into the _themes folder.
html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme"
html_theme_path = ["_themes", ]
However, running "make html" I get this error:
Sphinx v4.1.2 in Verwendung
Lade Übersetzungen [de]…erledigt
loading pickled environment... erledigt
WARNING: sphinx_rtd_theme (< 0.3.0) found. It will not be available since Sphinx-6.0
Theme error:
no theme named 'sphinx_rtd_theme' found (missing theme.conf?)
Somehow Sphinx seems to find the theme and then disregard it. Can someone tell me what is happening and how I can fix it?
Need to install:
pip install sphinx-rtd-theme
I solved it! (not the same as OP, since he did not have the package installed, but maybe it'll be useful for somebody)
If it doesn't work for you, be sure to use underscores in the file as the package uses normal dashes.
In it should be like this
html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
not like this
html_theme = 'sphinx-rtd-theme'
I solved it using the underscore point mentioned by Some Dev, but I also needed to update pip to the latest version:
python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip

CKEditor5 failing to build with additional plug ins

I'm struggling with CKEditor and perhaps some of you may be able to help me, please...
I'm attempting a custom build of CKEditor5 by following this guide - - The idea is to include plugins which aren't in the standard builds.
When I build the CKEditor build, push back to Github and then try and install the editor into my nodejs app (npm install from Github), the editor works, but without the plugins I've added.
Windows 10 Pro (20H2)
NVM installed to manage node versions
Node 14.6.0 used for CKEditor54 build
Node 10.22.0 used for NodeJS Project (latest supported version in the paltform I am developing for)
Steps Taken
Fork the CKEditor5 repo.
Clone the repo to my desktop using git clone -b stable<MyGithubUsername>/ckeditor5.git.
Navigate to the build directory cd D:\_source\ckeditor5\packages\ckeditor5-build-classic.
Run npm install.
I install the Font plug in to use it in this build: npm install --save-dev #ckeditor5/ckeditor5-font.
I then update the build configuration by adding to src/ckeditor.js:
import Font from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-font/src/font';
ClassicEditor.builtinPlugins = [ ..., Font]
ClassicEditor.defaultConfig = { toolbar: { items: [' ..., fontColor, fontBackgroundColor'] } }
At this point, the guide says you should run yarn run build, but i can't get Yarn to work in this dev environment for love nor money, so instead I use npm run build.
I test the build by opening sample/index.html in the browser and it looks fine; the Font plugin is loaded and the toolbar items appear.
I then use Git to stage the changes, then I Commit and Push to my cloned repository.
In the Nodejs project where I want to use ckeditor, I install the custom build using npm install <MyGithubUsername>/ckeditor5#stable
To the project I add import ClassicEditor from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic/build/ckeditor';
The editor appears as you would expect it to, but without the Font plug in.
Back over in the CKEditor local repo, when I take a look at the ckeditor5\packages\ckeditor5-build-classic\build\ckeditor.js.mapand search for ckeditor5-font I find many instances of it, indicating that it has indeed included it into the build. When I look at the same file in my Nodejs project D:\_source\NodeJsProject\node_modules\#ckeditor\ckeditor5-build-classic\build\ there's no sign of ckeditor5-font; the sample.html in the NodeJS project works, but does not show the Font additions, nor do they show in the implementation in my project.
I find my waround pretty well, but I am far from being a pro front-end developer and this has me stumped.
Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated.
Hello i have created demo video of ckeditor5 in angular that cover custom build from github and online builder
Tip. try to remove some plugin then it will work . remove one plugin at time and build and check it, this way you will find out which plugin creating issue
some plugin create conflict so you have to remove it .

Can't install any theme Prestashop

I have install fresh versions of Prestashop and on my Linux computer and I can't install themes on any them. I have tried with these free themes Apparel and ST002 and I always get some error with a module of the type:
"Cannot install module XXXX. The module is invalid and cannot be loaded."
I think it has to do with something in my Prestashop installation, not with the themes themselves. But I don't have any idea where to start looking, could you please help me? This is getting me mad.
Thank you!
I had a similar problem. I was trying to install the theme by putting the theme's directory into the "themes" directory of my prestashop.
But the proper way to install a theme is by providing a zip file to the administration interface.
If you put the directory manually in "theme" you will also have to manually copy the modules inside the dependency directory of your theme to the "modules" directory of your prestashop.
Manually copying modules might not be enough since it won't call the "install" method on the modules.
Did you check the specs/requirements of the theme? Maybe the theme you want to install is not compatible with the current Prestashop version you using. Especially the version 1.7.6, there's alot of changes/update made.
After much try and error I have found a solution. I have taken each module folder under the dependencies directory of the theme and make a zip file with it. Then I have installed each module with the zip from the administration module dashboard. After installing all the modules, I'm able to install the theme without errors and everything works fine.
Check if those modules(which give errors) exist in a theme dependencies directory and remove them one by one from the directory and all dependencies from theme.yml file in a config directory. It just may be that themes are outdated and contain outdated modules

oh-my-zsh spaceship them error - no such file or directory

I have installed oh-my-zsh along with spaceship theme in the past but recently I change the username folder in mac users which affected the theme.
When I open iterm, the theme is not there and I get this error:
/Users/someuser/.oh-my-zsh/ no such file or directory: /Users/someuser/.oh-my-zsh/themes/spaceship.zsh-theme
I went into .zshrc, to change the the export ZSH=.., but it's still not fixing the problem.
It's complaining it can find the spaceship theme but it looks like theme is in another folder, /Users/someuser/.oh-my-zsh/custom/theme.
Not sure, how to let oh-my-zsh know to look in the custom folder. Has anyone encountered this issue? your help will be appreciated
According to the installation guide from spaceship-prompt. Spaceship-prompt is cloned, and symlinked into oh-my-zsh's custom theme folder.
Clone this repo:
git clone "$ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/spaceship-prompt"
Symlink spaceship.zsh-theme to your oh-my-zsh custom themes directory:
ln -s "$ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/spaceship-prompt/spaceship.zsh-theme" "$ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/spaceship.zsh-theme"
Set ZSH_THEME="spaceship" in your .zshrc.
The symlink was created with an absolute path. Once your username folder is changed, the symlink is broken.
Re-doing the symlink again is enough to fix it.
ln -sf "$ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/spaceship-prompt/spaceship.zsh-theme" "$ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/spaceship.zsh-theme"
So far the only fix to this issue was removing spaceship-them from custom folder and reinstalling it again.

How can I update bootstrap version in

I'm using GUI application on windows. By default I am having options to create new project with bootstrap-sass How can i update this to bootstrap-sass 3.3.6?
You just need to put bootstrap-sass-3.3.6 folder in:
Compass will look automatically for the highest available version, you can leave previous version in compass folder.
