GraphQL + Spring Boot: how to collect (error) metrics? - spring-boot

I've been working on adding monitoring metrics in our GraphQL gateway recently.
We're using graphql-spring-boot starter for the gateway.
After reading the following documentations, I manage to send the basic graphql.timer.query.* metrics to Datadog
What I've achieved so far is, when I send a GraphQL query/mutation, I'd collect the request count and time accordingly. e.g. sending the query below
query HelloWorldQuery {
name: "Bob"
) {
I'll see metrics graphql.timer.query.count / graphql.timer.query.sum with tags operationName=HelloWorldQuery
It works like perfectly, until I want to test a query with errors. I realise there is no metrics/tags related to a failed query. For example, if I the above query returns null data and some GraphQL errors, I'd still collect graphql.timer.query.count (operationName=HelloWorldQuery), but there's no additional tags for me to tell there is an error for that query.
In the gateway, I have implemented a custom GraphQLErrorHandler, so I was thinking maybe I should add error counter (via MeterRegistry) in that class, but I am unable to get the operationName simply from GraphQLError type. the best I can get is error.getPath() which gives the method name (e.g. greeting) rather than the custom query name (HelloWorldQuery - to be consistent with what graphql.timer.query.* provides).
My question is, how to solve the above problem?
And generally what is the best way of collecting GraphQL query metrics (including errors)?
------------------- Update -------------------
I read a bit more about GraphQL Instrumentation here and checked the MetricsInstrumentation implementation in graphql-spring-boot repo, the I have an idea of extending the MetricsInstrumentation class by adding error metrics there.
I tried to ingest my CustomMetricsInstrumentation class, but with no luck. There is internal AutoConfiguration wiring, which I cannot insert my auto configuration in the middle.

You can override the default TracingInstrumentation with your own implementation. It will be picked automatically due to the #ConditionalOnMissingBean annotation in the GraphQLInstrumentationAutoConfiguration class. Here is a simple example that adds two custom metrics: graphql.counter.query.success and graphql.counter.query.error:
public class CustomMetricsInstrumentation extends TracingInstrumentation {
private static final String QUERY_STATUS_COUNTER_METRIC_NAME = "graphql.counter.query";
private static final String OPERATION_NAME_TAG = "operationName";
private static final String UNKNOWN_OPERATION_NAME = "unknown";
private MeterRegistry meterRegistry;
public CustomMetricsInstrumentation(MeterRegistry meterRegistry) {
this.meterRegistry = meterRegistry;
public CompletableFuture<ExecutionResult> instrumentExecutionResult(ExecutionResult executionResult,
InstrumentationExecutionParameters parameters) {
String status = CollectionUtils.isEmpty(executionResult.getErrors()) ? "success" : "error";
String operation = parameters.getOperation() != null ? parameters.getOperation() : UNKNOWN_OPERATION_NAME;
Collection<Tag> tags = Arrays.asList(Tag.of(OPERATION_NAME_TAG, operation));
meterRegistry.counter(QUERY_STATUS_COUNTER_METRIC_NAME + "." + status, tags).increment();
return super.instrumentExecutionResult(executionResult, parameters);
My application.yaml, just in case:
tracing-enabled: true
actuator-metrics: true
enabled: true
include: health,metrics
I'm using spring-boot-starter-parent:2.2.2.RELEASE, graphql-spring-boot-starter:6.0.0
I hope it helps.


Spring GraphQL with WebMvc getting request headers

I have a Spring GraphQL project. Each data fetcher (#SchemaMapping) will get data from a remote API protected by authentication.
I need to propagate the authorization header from the original request (that I can see inside the #QueryMapping method) to the data fetcher.
In the data fetcher I can use RequestContextHolder to get the request and the headers like this:
val request = (RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes() as ServletRequestAttributes?)?.getRequest()
val token = request?.getHeader("authorization")
This works but I am worried it could break.
Spring GraphQL documentation states that:
A DataFetcher and other components invoked by GraphQL Java may not always execute on the same thread as the Spring MVC handler, for example if an asynchronous WebInterceptor or DataFetcher switches to a different thread.
I tried adding a ThreadLocalAccessor component but it seems to me from debugging and reading source code that the restoreValue method gets called only in a WebFlux project.
How can I be sure to get the right RequestContextHolder in a WebMvc project?
I will add some code to better explain my use case.
CurrentActivity is the parent entity while Booking is the child entity.
I need to fetch the entities from a backend with APIs protected by authentication. I receive the auth token in the original request (the one with the graphql query).
class CurrentActivityController #Autowired constructor(
val retrofitApiService: RetrofitApiService,
val request: HttpServletRequest
) {
fun currentActivity(graphQLContext: GraphQLContext): CurrentActivity {
// Get auth token from request.
// Can I use the injected request here?
// Or do I need to use Filter + ThreadLocalAccessor to get the token?
val token = request.getHeader("authorization")
// Can I save the token to GraphQL Context?
graphQLContext.put("AUTH_TOKEN", token)
return runBlocking {
// Authenticated API call to backend to get the CurrentActivity
return#runBlocking entityretrofitApiService.apiHandler.activitiesCurrent(mapOf("authorization" to token))
class BookingController #Autowired constructor(val retrofitApiService: RetrofitApiService) {
fun booking(
currentActivity: CurrentActivity,
graphQLContext: GraphQLContext,
): Booking? {
// Can I retrieve the token from GraphQL context?
val token: String = graphQLContext.get("AUTH_TOKEN")
return runBlocking {
// Authenticated API call to backend to get Booking entity
return#runBlocking currentActivity.currentCarBookingId?.let { currentCarBookingId ->
headerMap = mapOf("authorization" to token),
bookingId = currentCarBookingId
The ThreadLocalAccessor concept is really meant as a way to store/restore context values in an environment where execution can happen asynchronously, on a different thread if no other infrastructure already supports that.
In the case of Spring WebFlux, the Reactor context is already present and fills this role. A WebFlux application should use reactive DataFetchers and the Reactor Context natively.
ThreadLocalAccessor implementations are mostly useful for Spring MVC apps. Any ThreadLocalAccessor bean will be auto-configured by the starter.
In your case, you could follow one of the samples and have a similar arrangement:
Declare a Servlet filter that extracts the header value and set it as a request attribute with a well-known name
Create a ThreadLocalAccessor component and use it to store request attributes into the context
Fetch the relevant attribute from your DataFetcher
I tried adding a ThreadLocalAccessor component but it seems to me from
debugging and reading source code that the restoreValue method gets
called only in a WebFlux project.
Note that the restoreValue is only called if the current Thread is not the one values where extracted from originally (nothing needs to be done, values are already in the ThreadLocal).
I've successfully tested this approach, getting the "authorization" HTTP header value from the RequestContextHolder. It seems you tried this approach unsuccessfully - could you try with 1.0.0-M3 and let us know if it doesn't work? You can create an issue on the project with a link to a sample project that reproduces the issue.
Alternate solution
If you don't want to deal with ThreadLocal-bound values, you can always use a WebInterceptor to augment the GraphQLContext with custom values.
Here's an example:
public class AuthorizationWebInterceptor implements WebInterceptor {
public Mono<WebOutput> intercept(WebInput webInput, WebInterceptorChain chain) {
String authorization = webInput.getHeaders().getFirst(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION);
webInput.configureExecutionInput((input, inputBuilder) ->
.graphQLContext(contextBuilder -> contextBuilder.put("Authorization", authorization))
With that, you can fetch that value from the GraphQL context:
public String greeting(GraphQLContext context) {
String authorization = context.getOrDefault("Authorization", "default");
return "Hello, " + authorization;

How to initialize Jackson on Spring Boot start to have fast 1st request?

I have a simple Spring Boot app with a basic RestController (full code available here). It consumes JSON and uses Jackson to convert request from JSON and response to JSON.
#RequestMapping(consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public class SomeController {
private SomeService someService;
public ResponseEntity<SomeResponseDto> post(#RequestBody #Valid SomeRequestDto someRequestDto) {
final SomeResponseDto responseDto = new SomeResponseDto();
return ResponseEntity.ok(responseDto);
After start-up, the 1st request is about 10-times slower than any sub-sequent request. I debugged and profiled the app and it seems that on first request a Jackson JSON parser is getting initialized somewhere in AbstractMessageConverterMethodArgumentResolver.readWithMessageConverters and AbstractJackson2HttpMessageConverter.
In sub-sequent requests, it seems to get re-used.
How do I initialize Jackson JSON parsing during start-up so that also 1st request is fast?
I know how to trigger a method after Spring started. In PreloadComponent I added as an example how to do a REST request against the controller.
public class PreloadComponent implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationReadyEvent> {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PreloadComponent.class);
private Environment environment;
private WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder;
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationReadyEvent event) {
// uncomment following line to directly send a REST request on app start-up
// sendRestRequest();
private void sendRestRequest() {
final String serverPort = environment.getProperty("local.server.port");
final String baseUrl = "http://localhost:" + serverPort;
final String warmUpEndpoint = baseUrl + "/warmup";"Sending REST request to force initialization of Jackson...");
final SomeResponseDto response =
.body(Mono.just(createSampleMessage()), SomeRequestDto.class)
.block();"...done, response received: " + response.toString());
private SomeRequestDto createSampleMessage() {
final SomeRequestDto someRequestDto = new SomeRequestDto();
someRequestDto.setInputMessage("our input message");
return someRequestDto;
This only works in this toy example. In reality, I have many REST endpoints with complex DTOs and I would need to add a "warm-up" endpoint next to each "real" endpoint as I can't call my real endpoints.
What I already tried?
I added a second endpoint with a different DTO and called it in my PreloadComponent. This doesn't solve the problem. I assume that an Jackson / whatever instance is created for each type.
I autowired ObjectMapper into my PreloadComponent and parsed JSON to my DTO. Again, this doesn't solve the issue.
Full source available at:
It turns out that Jackson validation is the problem. I added the JVM option
to see when classes get loaded. I noticed that on 1st request, there are many Jackson validation classes getting loaded.
To confirm my assumption, I re-worked my example and added another independent warm-up controller with a distinct DTO.
This DTO uses all Java validation annotations also present like in the real DTO, e.g. #NotNull, #Min, etc. In addition, it also has a custom enum to also have validation of sub-types.
During start-up, I now do a REST request to this warm-up endpoint, which doesn't need to contain any business logic.
After start-up, my 1st request is now only 2-3 times slower than any sub-sequent requests. This is is acceptable. Before, the 1st request was 20-40 times slower.
I also evaluated if really a REST request is needed or if it is sufficient to just do JSON parsing or validation of a DTO (see PreloadComponent). This reduces runtime of 1st request a bit, but it is still 5-15 times slower than with proper warm-up. So I guess a REST request is needed to also load other classes in Spring Dispatcher, etc.
I updated my example at:
I believe, that a lot of classes will be lazy-loaded. If first call performance is important, then I think warming up by calling each endpoint is the way to go.
Why do you say, that you cannot call the endpoints? If you have a database and you don't want to change the data, wrap everything in a transaction and roll it back after the warm up calls.
I haven't seen any other method to solve this, which doesn't necessarily mean, that it doesn't exist ;)

How to set header variables in GraphQL-SPQR

I'm running a GraphQL API using GraphQL-SPQR and Spring Boot.
At the moment, I am throwing RuntimeExceptions to return GraphQL errors. I have a customExceptionHandler that implements DataFetcherExceptionHandler that returns errors in the correct format, as shown below:
class CustomExceptionHandler : DataFetcherExceptionHandler {
override fun onException(handlerParameters: DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters?): DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult {
// get exception
var exception = handlerParameters?.exception
val locations = listOf(handlerParameters?.sourceLocation)
val path = listOf(handlerParameters?.path?.segmentName)
// create a GraphQLError from your exception
if (exception !is GraphQLError) {
exception = CustomGraphQLError(exception?.localizedMessage, locations, path)
// cast to GraphQLError
exception as CustomGraphQLError
exception.locations = locations
exception.path = path
val errors = listOf<GraphQLError>(exception)
return DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult.Builder().errors(errors).build()
I use the CustomExceptionHandler as follows (in my main application class):
fun graphQL(schema: GraphQLSchema): GraphQL {
return GraphQL.newGraphQL(schema)
I'd like to set a header variable for a UUID that corresponds to the exception, for logging purposes. How would I do that?
Even better, is it possible to create a Spring Bean that puts the UUID in the header for all queries and mutations?
when you're using spring boot, there's two options:
you're using the spring boot graphql spqr starter (which brings it's own controller to handle all graphQL requests)
you're using plain graphql-spqr and have your own controller to handle GraphQL requests
In any case, you've got a few options:
Making your CustomExceptionHandler a Spring Bean and Autowiring HttpServletResponse
That would probably be the easiest way to go - and it would probably work in any case: You could simply make your CustomExceptionHandler a Spring bean and have it autowire the HttpServletRequest - in the handler method, you could then set it to whatever you would like it to be. Here's some dummy code in Java (sorry, I am not proficient enough in Kotlin):
class CustomExceptionHandler implements DataFetcherExceptionHandler {
private final HttpServletResponse response;
public CustomExceptionHandler(HttpServletResponse response) {
this.response = response;
public DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult onException(DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters handlerParameters) {
response.setHeader("X-Request-ID", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
// ... your actual error handling code
This is going to work because spring will realise that HttpServletRequest differs for each request. It will therefore inject a dynamic proxy into your error handler that will point to the actual HttpServletResponse instance for every request.
I would argue, that it's not the most elegant way, but it will certainly solve your problem.
for the graphql-spqr spring boot starter
There's a default controller implementation that is used in projects using this starter. That controller will handle every graphql request that you receive. You can customise it, by implementing your own GraphQLExecutor and making it a spring bean. That executor is responsible to call the GraphQL engine, pass the parameters in and output the response. Here's the default implementation, that you might want to base your work on.
Similarly to the previous solution, you could autowire the HttpServletResponse in that class and set a HTTP Response header.
That solution would allow you to decide, if you want to set a request id in all cases, or just in specific error cases. (graphql.execute returns an object from which you can get the information if and what errors existed)
when using graphql-spqr without the spring boot starter
Locate your GraphQL controller, add an argument to that method of type HttpServletRequest - and then add headers to that as you prefer (see previous section on some more specific suggestions)

How to auto generate response fields that do not have POJO

We have a service that simply returns the json document on a GET request. Since we do not have the POJO for the response "model", it appears we won't be able to use the auto response fields generation "goodness".
One option for us is to create the Pojos (quite large, about 50 attributes) and a corresponding controller that uses the pojos. This is awkward as we now have to maintain the model and corresponding controller just so we can auto generate the model.
Any ideas on how we can still leverage some auto generation of the response fields would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the controller I'm referring to:
public class ProductController {
ProductService productService;
#RequestMapping(value = { "/products/{ids}" }, method = { RequestMethod.GET },
produces = "application/json", headers={"accept=application/json"})
public String getProductDetails(#PathVariable("id") String id) {
return productService.getProductDetails(id);
At the moment I see no way of leveraging the auto generation without putting additional effort into it. Spring Auto REST Docs works by inspecting POJOs with a Jackson visitor (static introspection without runtime information) and there is currently no way of deriving the JSON fields from a string (would be dynamic at runtime). Thus, I only see two options:
The approach that you already described: Creating the corresponding POJO and using it.
Using Spring REST Docs for the corresponding test and manually document each field in the test. Might be the better option here if you do not want to alter the production code.

How to get certain fields from spring boot health endpoint

I have successfully created a springboot app that returns all the basic endpoints. Now I want to return just few fields from that endpoint in my request. For instance, return status from /health page to my rest call. How do I filter this or make my rest call more specific?
The actual requirement is two return few fields from /env, /health of different apps in one call. For which I am able to do it by returning all fields for both env and health. I just need to return specific fields from them. Also can I use in memory json objects, if so how should I do it?
Finally I figured out as how to create it. So the incoming json object consists of fields in LinkedHashMap type. So I consumed its field values using key
LinkedHashMap response = (LinkedHashMap)restTemplate.getForObject("http://localhost:8080/env",Object.class);
EnvProperties variables = new EnvProperties (response);
Wrapper POJO for all fields,
public EnvProperties (LinkedHashMap body) {
this.sysProperties = new SysEnvProperties((LinkedHashMap) body.get("systemProperties"));
POJO for this field,
public SysEnvProperties(LinkedHashMap body) {
this.javaVersion = body.get("java.version").toString();
later creating a new json string
public String toString() {
String s = null;
try {
s = mapper.writeValueAsString(this);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
return s;
I repeated the same for fields of interest, creating a POJO for each. Finally called these fields using similar wrapper class whose toString method returned the expected json object of desired fields only.
You can create Custom health endpoint or custom heath checker too.
For e.g.
public class CustomHealthCheck extends AbstractHealthIndicator {
protected void doHealthCheck(Health.Builder bldr) throws Exception {
// TODO implement some check
boolean running = true;
if (running) {
} else {
For further reading:
You can find a tutorial here. However, the interfaces you want to look into implementing are:
Similar to creating a Controller. This is your /custom-health endpoint.
You can count integer-value metrics which will be available at /metrics.
Or, you can measure double-value metrics which will be available at /metrics.
Add metrics to the /health endpoint.
