How to auto generate response fields that do not have POJO - spring-auto-restdocs

We have a service that simply returns the json document on a GET request. Since we do not have the POJO for the response "model", it appears we won't be able to use the auto response fields generation "goodness".
One option for us is to create the Pojos (quite large, about 50 attributes) and a corresponding controller that uses the pojos. This is awkward as we now have to maintain the model and corresponding controller just so we can auto generate the model.
Any ideas on how we can still leverage some auto generation of the response fields would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the controller I'm referring to:
public class ProductController {
ProductService productService;
#RequestMapping(value = { "/products/{ids}" }, method = { RequestMethod.GET },
produces = "application/json", headers={"accept=application/json"})
public String getProductDetails(#PathVariable("id") String id) {
return productService.getProductDetails(id);

At the moment I see no way of leveraging the auto generation without putting additional effort into it. Spring Auto REST Docs works by inspecting POJOs with a Jackson visitor (static introspection without runtime information) and there is currently no way of deriving the JSON fields from a string (would be dynamic at runtime). Thus, I only see two options:
The approach that you already described: Creating the corresponding POJO and using it.
Using Spring REST Docs for the corresponding test and manually document each field in the test. Might be the better option here if you do not want to alter the production code.


Normalize response body in spring boot

I do have some entity class (code without annotations for simplified example)
class User {
public String id;
public String name;
Now I want to output this via an API, but I want to structure my response in a special format, like
"data": {
"id": 1,
"name": "mars3142"
}, // user object or another entity or list...
"meta": ...,
"error": ...
The meta and/or error data should only be visible in special situations (like RuntimeExceptions). Where is the best place to transform my entity results into the normalized response? Do I need to write a filter for that? Does anybody has a sample code for that?
I would suggest to implement something this:
public abstract class BaseResponse {
// Meta data
// Consider defining fields here needed for happy-path and error-responses
// Contains common tracking fields, e.g. correlationId, requestId
public class ErrorResponse extends BaseResponse {
// Error Fields
public class Response extends ErrorResponse {
// Entity-object in your case
I guess you can build your response like setting response from DAO to above suggested structure in controller layer. For error-responses (in case of RuntimeExceptions), they're standardly build and returned in #ControllerAdvice or other.
Some patterns of exception handling are explained in Error Handling for REST with Spring | Baeldung.
Regarding your 2 questions:
Design: The proper place for this response-mapping depends on the scope (all responses or just some) and existing components in your application's response layer.
Patterns and Web-Framework concepts: I would not use the response-filters or -interceptors of your web-framework. Those should be used for cross-cutting concerns, or for chained processes (e.g. security, authorization, enrichment, sanitation).
Instead I would use the web-frameworks concepts and components that are responsible for response-representations, like ResponseEntity (HTTP-response representation, ControllerAdvice (error-handling), HttpMessageConverter.
There are 3 ways you could "wrap" your objects into uniform JSON-response models:
Annotate class with the custom #JsonRootName as data and in special cases add meta and/or error attributes (through e.g. embedding into a wrapper or using a mixin)
A JSON custom serializer that could extend from BeanSerializer which wraps this and any class uniformly in your given outer structure
Modify Spring's MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter to wrap any returned response object into the predefined JSON-structure
You could iterate from the simplest (1.) to the most complex (3.). Some iteration code (like 2.) can be reused in the next (3.).
1. Use a Wrapper Class
The first is rather a simple start where you can implement the "normalization" within controller-methods. You could for example put the object (serialized as data) into the "empty" meta-structure (wrapper-class) with an empty JsonNode, and meta or error properties.
2. Define a Custom Serializer
The second is pretty flexible and can be tested well in isolation (not even depending on Spring). It would allow to implement the complete object-wrapping in one place.
3. Customize Spring's HTTP Message Converter
The third is similar to the second but requires some knowledge about Spring's message-converters and allows you to transform each response-object to a specific JSON-response using Jackson's ObjectMapper.
Sample code can be found online, e.g. at Baeldung's Jackson or Spring tutorials, Springframework Guru articles.
I used the solution from and transformed it a little bit.
Now my classes are that way
public class BaseResponse<T> {
boolean success;
T data;
Error error;
public class Error {
And every api response is now ResponseEntity<BaseResponse<XYZ>>. This way, I can setup my default structure and my classes are lose coupled, because I can use every class for T within my BaseResponse.

Jersey JAX-RS and OpenaAPI deepObject = true deserialization problem

We have problems deserializing a query parameter with square bracket notation (?paging[offset]=3) in Jersey.
We're using Jersey JAX-RS and annotating our endpoints and beans with swagger OpenAPI, and have tooling to generate our documentation automatically. We want to follow the JSON:API standard for describing a new API. JSON:API specifies that to implement paging, the API must accept a query parameter in the format : ?paging[offset]=0&paging[limit]=10
Our swagger annotations support this out of the box, allowing us to specify
description = "paging",
style = ParameterStyle.DEEPOBJECT,
explode = Explode.TRUE)
Which is compatible with the square bracket notation paging[offset] and so on. And it generates the correct documentation for our paging parameter. All is good and great and dandy.
JAX-RS is the problem. There's a #QueryParam annotation in JAX-RS. But, to use a complex object with the #QueryParam annotation, that type must have a constructor with a single String parameter. No problem. Let's add a constructor to our paging bean.
public class PagingBean {
public PagingBean(String stringValue){...}
public getOffset(){...}
public setOffset(int offset){...}
public getLimit(){...}
public setLimit(int limit){....}
So our endpoint now looks like
public Response someEndpoint(
#Parameter(description = "paging",style = ParameterStyle.DEEPOBJECT,explode = Explode.TRUE) #QueryParam("paging") PagingBean paging
But if we hit our api with
GET /rest/path?paging[limit]=10&paging[offset]=5
We can see that the paging request parameter is null. It seems like Jersey didn't even recognize that the paging[... is part of the paging QueryParam. Probably that it expects exactly the paging key, and not a paging\[?-like key.
We can confirm this by injecting a #Context UriInfo ui and checking the request parameters. Their key are paging[offset] and paging[limit]
One solution to this is to flatten our parameters in the endpoint like so
#QueryParam("paging[limit]") pagingLimit,
#QueryParam("paging[offset]") pagingOffset
But this is not very nice to look at.
Ideas on how to deserialize this in Jersey ?

Use CRNK without repository

We've standardized on using JSON:API for our REST endpoints, however; not all of our data revolves around repositories and it seems that CRNK requires repositories in order to work.
Is that correct?
I wrote a very simple Spring Boot 2.1.9 example that has a single controller and included CRNK in it, but when I get into my controller I do not get the expected JSON:API output.
Please keep in mind, I am just starting to look at CRNK and this is just a simple "hello world" type of application that I am testing with
Here is my example
package com.example.crnkdemo;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
public class Controller {
#GetMapping(value = "/{country}", produces = "application/vnd.api+json")
public Country test1(#PathVariable String country, #RequestParam(name = "filter[region]", required = false) String filter) {
return new Country(country, filter);
Country is just a dummy class I created which is:
package com.example.crnkdemo;
import io.crnk.core.resource.annotations.JsonApiId;
import io.crnk.core.resource.annotations.JsonApiResource;
#JsonApiResource(type = "country")
public class Country {
private String country;
private String region;
But when I use the following URL http://localhost:8080/test/v1.0/US?filter[region]=northeast I get
"country": "US",
I would have expected the JSON API type of result
"data": {
"type": "country",
"id": "US",
"attributes": {
"region": "northeast"
I ran into similar issue and the problem was that I got io.crnk:crnk-format-plain-json in my dependencies (simply copied from an example app) which changes the way how the responses look like (non-JSON-API). So first have a look into your maven/gradle configuration.
"not all of our data revolves around repositories"
you may also have a look at where the architecture of resource-oriented framework like Crnk and JSON:API are discussed in more detail. In principle one can model everything as repository. Applications usually follow two kinds of patterns: CRUD ones and "actions". CRUD is simple: GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE objects. A repository is a perfect match for that. In contrast, people have a harder time when it comes to "actions". But this can be modelled as well as CRUD. For example, POSTing an AddressChange resource may trigger a server to start modifying the address(es) of some objects. This may happend immediately or take a longer time. Subsequent GET requests for the POSTed resources will reveal the current status of the action. And a DELETE request can cancel the request.
Crnk itself is not in need for Controllers as Spring MVC is. This kind of "lower-level plumbing" is taken care by Crnk itself because JSON:API specifies how a REST layer is supposed to look like. So there is no need to write custom code to specify urls patterns, parameters, etc. as in the MVC example above. Instead one can implement a repository:
public class TaskRepositoryImpl extends ResourceRepositoryBase<Task, Long> {
private ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Task> tasks = new Concurrent...
public TaskRepositoryImpl() {
public <S extends Task> S create(S entity) {
map.put(entity.getId(), entity);
return entity;
public ResourceList<Task> findAll(QuerySpec querySpec) {
return querySpec.apply(tasks.values());
There are also many built-in defult repository implementatons like for in-memory, JPA, security to cover the most frequent use cases.
with crnk, no need of writing controllers, manager classes. By default the controllers are defined.
Once we define the resources, we can access it by http://server_name:portno/crnk-path-prefix-property/defined_resourcename & the method type
Eg. In our case, resource is country, let's say server is running in localhost:8081 and crnk-path-prefix is /api/v1, then the url is http://localhost:8081/api/v1/country & set method type is GET, it will give the desired output. Remember to set content-type as application/vnd.api+json.
For POST, same url and set method type as POST, pass the data object
For PATCH, same url along with id attribute appended to the url and set method type as PATCH & pass the data object

Spring REST #RequestBody consume (XML or JSON) to POJO without annotations

I am writing a Springboot REST endpoint and want to consume XML or JSON requests for a simple service. In either case I want Spring to construct an #RequestBody pojo WITHOUT annotating any of the POJO. Is this OK? Safe? Performant?
I was reading this which told me about configuration by exception. To me this means if I structure my request to contain the exact name and case as the POJO member variables I want to populate the #RequestBody will be able to create my class SomeRequest.
If this is my REST endpoint:
#RequestMapping(value = GET_FOR_SOMETHING, method = RequestMethod.POST,
produces = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE})
public #ResponseBody
StatusResponse<Boolean> getMpdForReqest(#RequestBody SomeRequest request)
And this is my POJO:
public class SomeRequest {
String one;
String two;
public String getOne() {
return one;
public void setOne(String one) { = one;
public String getTwo() {
return two;
public void setTwo(String two) {
this.two = two;
My JSON request:
"one": "str",
"two": "str"
My XML request:
My question is: why should I not do this or is it perfectly fine?
Thank you all.
TLDR; It is perfectly fine.
Is this OK? Safe? Performant?
Yes, it is as performant as it's annotated cousin, if you take program efficiency into account.
If you take the Programmer efficiency into account, it is much more efficient as the developer doesn't have to deal with a bunch of annotations.
Speaking of Programmer efficiency, I would encourage you to use project Lombok instead of crapping your POJO with bunch of getter and setter methods, that's what cool kids do now a days.
This will work fine as long as your json fields are one word and small case.
When you have multi-word field name, Java standard is the camelCase and usually JSON standard is the snake_case. In this case, you can either have a Class level Annotation (one per class, so not much ugly). Or, since you are using spring boot, you can use an application wide property ( = SNAKE_CASE ).
If you have weird json field names with spaces in between, you might need to use #JsonProperty annotation. Remember, this is a perfectly valid json
"just a name with a space" : "123"
POJO as RequestBody works perfectly fine. Just note that Spring however will return 400 - Bad Request for every request that can not be mapped to the #RequestBody annoted object.

Spring Data Rest custom controller with patch method - how to merge resource with entity

By default when we have a repository with save method exposed we can do a PATCH request. Then Spring Data REST retrieves the original object from the database and apply changes to entity and then saves it for us (inside JsonPatchHandler class). This allows us to do the following request for class
class Address {
Long id;
String street;
Long houseNumber;
PATCH /api/addresses/1 with body
{ houseNumber: 123 }
And only this one field will be changed.
Now having custom controller we would like to in the update method receive the whole object (after HATEOAS merged it with the original object from the DB)
public class AdddressController {
public Resource<Address> update(#RequestBody Resource<Address> addressResource, #PathVariable Long addressId) {
Address address= addressResource.getContent();
// .... some logic
address =;
return new Resource<>(address);
Unfortunately in the place where I would do some logic I get the Address with null fields instead of the merged object.
Is it possible to plug the custom controller in the Spring Data REST stack so that when patching the request it will merge it for me (as it does for normal repositories)?
I would like to find a solution that works transparently both with PATCH(content-type:application/json-patch+json) and PATCH(content-type: application/hal+json)
After browsing the Spring sources I haven't found a reasonable solution. As a result I've created issue in their - JIRA
For the moment the only reasonable workaround is following - create custom controller that has PersitentEntityResource as a parameter and has both {id} and {repository} placeholders in its path i.e.
public Resource<Address> update(PersistentEntityResource addressResource) {
which makes the invocation endpoint /addresses/123/addresses
