Fixing m4 on MAC OS 10.14.5 - macos

I'm having an issue with pecl which is erring out saying phpize had failed.
The problem ultimately seems to be with m4. Error is autom4te: need GNU m4 1.4 or later: /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/m4
When I run "which m4" I get /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/m4
However, any command I try to run with m4 like "m4 --version" I get the following:
Abort trap: 6
I can't find a good explanation of that error, but I'm guessing something is corrupted with m4, but I can't figure out how to fix this on a Mac. Do I just download a newer version and run configure, make and make install? Just a little nervous since I have somewhat limit Mac experience.

I've fixed similar issue by executing brew reinstall m4.

In addition to a "brew (re)install m4", I had to temporarily remove "/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin" from my PATH. After that this worked for me.


Installing pyodbc and unixodbc on a mac

I've seen Pypyodbc: Can't open lib 'FreeTDS' : file not found") error when trying to connect to SQL server, but. that's 7 years old, and doesn't seem to be working for me, possibly because brew appears to be putting things in different places now?
I've used brew to install unixodbc, it's in /opt/homebrew/Cellar.
When I do pip install pyodbc, it appears to work, but I get:
connection = pyodbc.connect(connection_string)
pyodbc.Error: ('01000', "[01000] [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/usr/local/lib/' : file not found (0) (SQLDriverConnect)")
which is obviously wrong, because libtdsodbc is in /opt/homebrew/lib
I tried editing odbcinst.ini, but I'm not sure where that's supposed to live. There wasn't one in /etc, or a /etc/unixODBC directory... and when I create either one, the don't seem to be read, because it still complains about /usr/local/lib...
ETA: This is on a new Macbook, so on one of the new M1 chips.
Note: This is a BAD answer in the hopes of attracting a good one, but it technically seems to be working.
Homebrew for M1 installs everything in /opt/homebrew. Everything else expects things in /usr/local. On a new computer, /usr/local/lib didn't even exist. So I did
sudo ln -s /opt/homebrew/lib /usr/local/lib
THIS IS VERY BAD AND I KNOW IT But it's the only way I've figured out currently to deal with the problem. Maybe something hasn't caught up to M1? I'm not sure.
BETTER solution:
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/homebrew/lib
There is a pull request that has been pretty much ignored for 13 months now by the pyodbc maintainer:
You can install the forked version with this command (might need to uninstall the previous version or add extra arguments to force reinstall)
python3 -m pip install git+git://

How can I correctly install Bochs on OSX Sierra v10.13.4?

The path I took was using sh .conf.macos. After that, I tried sudo make and I get an error
../bochs.h:75:12: fatal error: 'types.h' file not found
#include <types.h>
using ./configure didn't help much because when I would make, I get a whole bunch of errors generated from If I understand correctly, is deprecated but how do I deal with this?
I've tried this with both Bochs 2.6.8 and the latest SVN dated April 2, 2018.
I had similar problems while compiling bochs on MacOs. I saw lots of header not found problems. I tried with brew and it works.
Please use:
brew install bochs

Problems with Cocoapods on Xcode 6.4

I'm trying to install and use Cocoapods with Xcode. I've installed already Brew, so I've used this command:
sudo gem install cocoapods
but it stays there, without response and without asking me for password (that's really strange, because of sudo command).
Maybe I got some problem with Brew Installation or Ruby on my Yosemite iMac?
I met the same error in the past, there is something wrong with my development environment. I re-install the Command Line Tools follow this guide, then everything is ok.
You can get the detail information from here, hope it can help you.

Cannot install Clang on Archlinux

For my second year we need to learn how to use linux (at a beginner level) and our professor told us to use Ubuntu, or ArchLinux if we wanted to learn more. I installed ubuntu and the required tools (he gave us a short list) but Archlinux freeze completly when I try to install clang and I have to recreate a new Virtual machine (I am on a Mac using VMWare) each time
here is the list of tool needed:
clang (>=3.4)
gcc (>= 4.8)
For each one it works but for clang
Here is the error I get:
and it doesn't respond anymore so I have to forcequit my VM and reinstall a new one. Has anybody already encountered this error ? Does anybody know what it means ? I tried pacman -Syu but it has not done anything...
Thank you
First It looks like a error that your VM hard drive is broken.
But it just 'maybe'.
Try to reboot it and try install commands again.
If it still can't work try to add -o $(pidof mount.ntfs-3g) to kill_all_wait() in /etc/rc.d/functions and reboot it.

aclocal version problem on Mac OSX Snow Leopard

I am trying to compile an open source program on Mac OSX and getting stuck trying to get the build configured. I have autoconf version 2.63 installed but trying to do reconfigure I get this error "aclocal.m4:14: error: this file was generated for autoconf 2.61." and "you should regenerate the build system entirely".
I researched this as best I could and most seemed to imply automake should be able to regenerate itself using the autoreconf command. Autoreconf fails as well with the exact same message.
Things I've tried: remaking and reinstalling the autoconf package, remaking and reinstalling the m4 package, running the above commands as root instead of as a user.
Anyone have any ideas?
- Mike
Look for script like, they usually contain the right order of tools to run.
In this case the problem seems to be aclocal
