Proof and explanation of the base 2 integer sqare root algorithm - algorithm

While looking for a reasonably fast algorithm to calculate a square root of a number up to n digits I have stumbled upon this algorithm:
I must admit, this is a beautiful piece of code, but the explanation provided on wikipedia doesn't really speak to me. I have tried to understand it for several hours now and I simply have no idea how does it work - I have done some example calculations on paper but It didn't seem to help.
So, that's why I ask this question here, an explanation would be something really useful.
Also, if this method is supposed to be much quicker, why It is not the one used in standard C library?


What is the core difference between algorithm and pseudocode?

As the question describe itself "What is the core difference between algorithm and pseudocode?".
An algorithm is a procedure for solving a problem in terms of the actions to be executed and the order in which those actions are to be executed. An algorithm is merely the sequence of steps taken to solve a problem. The steps are normally "sequence," "selection, " "iteration," and a case-type statement.
Pseudocode is an artificial and informal language that helps programmers develop algorithms. Pseudocode is a "text-based" detail (algorithmic) design tool.
The rules of Pseudocode are reasonably straightforward. All statements showing "dependency" are to be indented. These include while, do, for, if, switch. Examples below will illustrate this notion.
I think all the other answers give useful explanations and definitions, but I'm going to give mine.
An algorithm is the idea of how to obtain some result from some input. It is an abstract concept; an algorithm is not something material by itself, but more something like an imagination or a deduction, a thing that only exists in the mind. In the broad sense, any sequence of steps that give you some thing(s) from other thing(s) could be called an algorithm. For example, if the screen of your computer is dirty, "spraying some glass cleaner on it and wipe it with a cloth" could be said to be an algorithm to solve the problem of how to obtain a clean screen form a dirty screen. It is important to note the difference between the problem itself (getting a clean screen) and the algorithm (wiping it with a cloth and cleaner); generally, several different algorithms are possible to solve the same problem. The idea of complexity is inherent to the algorithms itself, not the problem or the particular implementation or execution of the algorithm.
Pseudocode is a language to express algorithms. Since, as said before, algorithms are only concepts, we need to use something to express them and explain them to other people. Pseudocode is a convenient way for many computer science algorithms, because it is usually unambiguous, easy to read and somewhat similar to many programming languages. However, a specific programming language like C or Java can also be used to express and algorithm (it's just less convenient to those not familiarized with that language). In other cases, pseudocode may not be the best way to express an algorithm; for example, many graph and tree algorithms can be explained more easily with drawings or diagrams. In the previous example, the algorithm to get your screen cleaned is probably better expressed in a natural language like English, because it is simple and specific enough for that case.
Obviously, terms are frequently used loosely and exchanged depending on the context, and there's no need to be nitpicky about it, but I think it is important to have the difference clear. An algorithm doesn't stop being an algorithm just because it is written in Python instead of pseudocode. Pseudocode is just a convenient and widespread communication tool to express them.
An algorithm is something (a sequence of steps) you can do. Pseudocode is a notation to describe an algorithm.
Algorithm is something which is represented in mathematical terms. It includes, analysis, complexity considerations(best, average and worstcase analysis etc.).Pseudo code is a human readable representation of a program.
From Wikipedia :
Starting from an initial state and initial input (perhaps empty), the instructions describe a computation that, when executed, proceeds through a finite number of well-defined successive states, eventually producing "output" and terminating at a final ending state. 
With a pseudo language one can implement an algorithm without using a programming language such as C.
An example of pseudo language is Flow Charts.

What algorithm is more efficient in computing eigenvectors?

I need to find all eigenpairs of a symmetric real matrix. Quick search shows that there are 5 main algorithms doing that:
Jacobi rotations. Every researcher says it's ineffective.
QR. My textbook says it's the best way.
Divide-and-conquer. Wikipedia says it's better than QR.
MRRR. Never ever heard of it. Any paper seems incomprehensible to me. However, it's newer than DnC, so it must be faster.
Homotopy method. Don't know anything on that.
2, 3 and 4 require the said matrix to be first brought to Hessenberg form. My question is, which one of those is actually the best? I failed to find a paper with a desired comparsion. Moreover, some papers are behind a paywall. Behind that, I tried to read LAPACK code, but this seems impossible as it is optimised as hell. I need your help!

Some pointers on implementing algorithms in code

The other day I thought I'd attempt creating the Fibonacci algorithm in my code, but I've never been good at maths.
I ended up writing my own method with a loop but it seemed inefficient or not 'the proper way'.
Does anyone have any recommendations/reading material on implementing algorithms in code?
I find Project Euler useful for this kind of thing. It forces you to think about an algorithm and then implement it. Many of the questions then have extensive discussions on how to solve the problem (from the naive solutions to some pretty ingenious ones) that you can use to see what you did right and wrong.
In the discussion threads you'll find various implementations from other people in many different languages too. Coming up with a solution yourself and then comparing it to that from other people is (imho) a good way to learn.
Both of these introductory books have good information about this sort of thing:
How To Design Programs and moreso Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Both are somewhat funcitonal (and scheme) oriented, but that's a natural fit for these sorts of problems.
On top of that, you might get quite a bit out of Project Euler
Derive your algorithm test-driven. I've been able to write much more complex algorithms correctly by using TDD than I was before.
Go on youtube and look at some of the lectures on Introduction to Algorithms. There are some really, really good lectures that break down some of the most common algorithms such as the Fibonacci series and how to optimize them.
Start reading about O notation so you can understand how your algorithm grows with variable size input and how to classifiy the run-time of the algorithm you have.
Start with this video series which I found excellent material on the subject:
Algorithms Lecture
If you can't translate pseudo code for a fibonacci function to your language, then you should go and find a basic tutorial for your language, since it seems that you have not yet grasped its basic idioms.
If you have a working solution, but feel insecure about it, show it to others for review.

Basic programming/algorithmic concepts [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I'm about to start (with fellow programmers) a programming & algorithms club in my high school. The language of choice is C++ - sorry about that, I can't change this. We can assume students have little to no experience in the aforementioned topics.
What do you think are the most basic concepts I should focus on?
I know that teaching something that's already obvious to me isn't an easy task. I realize that the very first meeting should be given an extreme attention - to not scare students away - hence I ask you.
Edit: I noticed that probably the main difference between programmers and beginners is "programmer's way of thinking" - I mean, conceptualizing problems as, you know, algorithms. I know it's just a matter of practice, but do you know any kind of exercises/concepts/things that could stimulate development in this area?
Make programming fun!
Possible things to talk about would be Programming Competitions that either your club could hold itself or it could enter in locally. I compete in programming competitions at the University (ACM) level and I know for a fact that they have them at lower levels as well.
Those kind of events can really draw out some competitive spirit and bring the club members closer.
Things don't always have to be about programming either. Perhaps suggest having a LAN party where you play games, discuss programming, etc could be a good idea as well.
In terms of actual topics to go over that are programming/algorithm related, I would suggest as a group attempting some of these programming problems in this programming competition primer "Programming Challenges": Amazon Link
They start out with fairly basic programming problems and slowly progress into problems that require various Data Structures like:
Most of the problems are given in C++.
Eventually they progress into more advanced problems involving Graph Traversal and popular Graph algorithms (Dijkstra's, etc) , Combinatrics problems, etc. Each problem is fun and given in small "story" like format. Be warned though, some of these are very hard!
Pizza and Soda never hurts either when it comes to getting people to show up for your club meetings. Our ACM club has pizza every meeting (once a month). Even though most of us would still show up it is a nice ice breaker. Especially for new clubs or members.
Breaking it Down
To me, what's unique about programming is the need to break down tasks into small enough steps for the computer. This varies by language, but the fact that you may have to write a "for loop" just to count to 100 takes getting used to.
The "top-down" approach may help with this concept. You start by creating a master function for your program, like filterItemsByCriteria();
You have no idea how that will work, so you break it down into further steps:
(Note: I don't know C++, so this is just a generic example)
filterItemsByCritera() {
Then you break each of those down further. Pretty soon you can define all the small steps it takes to make your criteria list, etc. When all of the little functions work, the big one will work.
It's kind of like the game kids play where they keep asking "why?" after everything you say, except you have to keep asking "how?"
Linked lists - a classic interview question, and for good reason.
I would try to work with a C subset, and not try to start with the OO stuff. That can be introduced after they understand some of the basics.
I think you are getting WAY ahead of yourself in forcing a specific language and working on specific topics and a curriculum.. It sounds like you (and some of the responders) are confusing "advising a programming club" with "leading a programming class". They are very different things.
I would get the group together, and the group should decide what exactly they want to get out of the club. In essence, make a "charter" for the club. Then (and only then) can you make determinations such as preferred language/platform, how often to meet, what will happen at the meetings, etc.
It may turn out that the best approach is a "survey", where different languages/platforms are explored. Or it may turn out that the best approach is a "topical"one, where there topic changes (like a book club) on a regular basis (this month is pointers, next month is sorting, the following is recursion, etc.) and then examples and discussions occur in various languages.
As an aside, I would consider a "language-agnostic" orientation for the club. Encourage the kids to explore different languages and platforms.
Good luck, and great work!
Well, it's a programming club, so it should be FUN! So I would say dive into some hand on experience right away. Start with explaining what a main() method is,then have students write a hello world program. Gradually improve the hello world program so it has functions and prints out user inputs.
I would say don't go into algorithm too fast for beginners, let them play with C++ first.
Someone mentioned above, "make programming fun". It is interesting today that people don't learn for the sake of learning. Most people want instant gratification.
Teach a bit of logic using Programming. This helps with(and is) problem solving. The classing one I have in my head are guessing games.
Have them make a program that guesses at a number between 0 and 100.
Have them make a black jack clone ... I have done this in basic :-(
Make paper instructions.
Explain the "Fried eggs" story. Ask the auditory what they would do to make themselves fried eggs. Make them note the step they think about. Probably you will receive less than 5 steps algorithm. Then explain them how many steps should be written down if we want to teach a computer to fry eggs. Something like:
1) Go to the Fridge
2) Open the fridge door
3) Search for eggs
4) If there are no eggs - go to the shop to buy eggs ( this is another function ;) )
5) If there are eggs - calculate how many do you need to fry
6) Close the fridge door
7) e.t.c. :)
Start with basics of C - syntax semantics e.t.c, and in parallel with that explain the very basic algorithms like bubble sort.
After the auditory is familiar with structured programming (this could take several weeks or months, depending how often you make the lessons), you can advance to C++ and OOP.
The content in Deitel&Deitel's C++ programming is a decent introduction, and the exercises proposed at the end of each chapter are nice toy problems.
Basically, you're talking about:
- control structures
- functions
- arrays
- pointers and strings
You might want to follow up with an introduction to the STL ("ok, now that we've done it the hard way... here's a simpler option")
Start out by making them understand a problem like for instance sorting. This is very basic and they should be able to relate quite fast. Once they see the problem then present them with the tools/solution to solve it.
I remember how it felt when I first was show an example of merge-sort. I could follow all the steps but what the hell was I for? Make then crave a solution to a problem and they will understand the tool and solution much better.
start out with a simple "hello world" program. This introduces fundamentals such as variables, writing to a stream and program flow.
Then add complexity from there (linked lists, file io, getting user input, etc).
The reason I say start with hello world is because the kid will get to see a running program really quick. It's nearly immediate feedback-as they will have written a running program right from the start.
IMO, Big-O is one of the more important concepts for beginning programmers to learn.
Have a debugging contest. Provide code samples that include a bug. Have a contest to see who can find the most or fastest.
There is an excellent book, How Not to Program in C++, that you could use to start with.
You always learn best from mistakes and I prefer to learn from some else's.
It will also let those with little experience learn by see code, even if the code only almost works.
In addition to the answers to this question, there are certain important topics to cover. Here's an example of how you could structure the lessons.
First Lesson: Terminology and Syntax
Terminology to cover: variable, operator, loop (iteration), method, reserved word, data type, class
Syntax to cover: assignment, operation, if/then/else, for loop, while loop, select, input/output
Second Lesson: Basic Algorithm Construction
Cover a few simple algorithms, involving some input, maybe a for or a while loop.
Third Lesson: More Advanced Algorithm Topics
This is for things like recursion, matrix manipulation, and higher-level mathematics. You don't have to get into too complex of topics, but introduce enough complexity to be useful in a real project.
Final Lesson: Group Project
Make a project that groups can get involved in doing.
These don't have to be single day lessons. You can spread the topics across multiple days.
Pseudocode should be a very first.
Edit: If they are total programming beginners then I would make the first half just about programming. Once you get to a level where talking about algorithms would make sense then pseudocode is really important to get under the nails.
Thanks for your replies!
And how would you teach them actual problem solving?
I know a bunch of students that know C++ syntax and a few basic algorithms, but they can't apply the knowledge they know when they solve real problems - they don't know the approach, the way to transcribe their thoughts into a set of strict steps. I do not talk about 'high-level' approaches like dynamic programming, greedy etc., but about basic algorithmic mindset.
I assume it's just because of the poor learning process they were going through. In other sciences - math, for example - they are really brilliant.
Just because you are familiar with algorithms does not mean you can implement them and just because you can program does not mean you can implement an algorithm.
Start simple with each topic (keep programming separate from designing algorithms). Once they have a handle on each, slowly start to bring the two concepts together.
Wow. C++ is one of the worst possible languages to start with, in terms of the amount of unrelated crap you need to get anything working (Java would be slightly worse, I guess).
When teaching beginners in a boilerplate-heavy environment, it's usual to start with "here's a simple C program. We'll discuss what all this crap at the top of the file is for later, but for now, concentrate on the lines between 'int main(void)' and the 'return' statement, which is where all the useful work is accomplished".
Once you're past that point, basic concepts to cover include the basic data structures (arrays, linked lists, trees, and dictionaries), and the basic algorithms (sorting, searching, etc).
Have your club learn how to actually program in any language by teaching the concepts of building software. Instead of running out an buying a dozen licenses for Visual Studio, have students use compilers, make systems, source files, objects and librarys in order to turn their C code into programs. I feel this is truly the beginning and actually empowers these kids to understand how to make software on any platform, without crutches that many educational institutions like to rely on.
As for the language of choice - congratulations - you'll find C++ is very rich in making you think of mathematical shortcuts and millions of ways to make your code perform even better (or to implement fancy patterns).
To the question: When I was beggining to program I would always try to break down one real life problem into several steps and then as I see similarity between tasks or data they transform I would always try to find a lazier, easier, meanier way to implement it.
Elegance came after when learning patterns and real algorithms.
Hank: Big O??? you mean tell beginning programmers that their code is of O(n^2) and yours is of n log n ??
I could see a few different ways to take this:
1) Basic programming building blocks. What are conditional statements, e.g. switch and if/else? What are repetition statements, e.g. for and while loops? How do we combine these to get a program to be the sequence of steps we want? You could take something as easy as adding up a grocery bill or converting temperatures or distances from metric to imperial or vice versa. What are basic variable types like a string, integer, or double? Also in here you could have Boolean Algebra for an advanced idea or possibly teach how to do arithmetic in base 2 or 16 which some people may find easy and others find hard.
2) Algorithmically what are similar building blocks. Sorting is a pretty simple topic that can be widely discussed and analysed to try to figure out how to make this faster than just swapping elements that seem out of order if you learn the Bubblesort which is the most brain dead way to do.
3) Compiling and run-time elements. What is a call stack? What is a heap? How is memory handled to run a program,e.g. the code pieces and data pieces? How do we open and manipulate files? What is compiling and linking? What are make files? Some of this is simple, but it can also be eye-opening just to see how things work which may be what the club covers most of the time.
These next 2 are somewhat more challenging but could be fun:
4) Discuss various ideas behind algorithms such as: 1) Divide and conquer, 2) Dynamic programming, 3) Brute force, 4) Creation of a data structure, 5) Reducing a problem to a similar one already solved for example Fibonacci numbers is a classic recursive problem to give beginning programmers, and 6) The idea of being, "greedy," like in a making change example if you were in a country where coin denominations where a,b, and c. You could also get into some graph theory examples like a minimum weight spanning tree if you want something somewhat exotic, or the travelling salesmen for something that can be easy to describe but a pain to solve.
5) Mathematical functions. How would you program a factorial, which is the product of all numbers from 1 to n? How would you compute the sums of various Arithmetic or Geometric Series? Or compute the number of Combinations or Permutations of r elements from a set of n? Given a set of points, approximate the polynomial that meets this requirement, e.g. in a 2-dimensional plane called x and y you could give 2 points and have people figure out what are the slope and y intercept if you have solved pairs of linear equations already.
6) Lists which can be implemented using linked lists and arrays. Which is better for various cases? How do you implement basic functions such as insert, delete, find, and sort?
7) Abstract Data Structures. What are stacks and queues? How do you build and test classes?
8) Pointers. This just leads to huge amounts of topics like how to allocate/de-allocate memory, what is a memory leak?
Those are my suggestions for various starting points. I think starting a discussion may lead to some interesting places if you can get a few people together that don't mind talking on the same subject week after week in some cases as sorting may be a huge topic to cover well if you want to get into the finer points of things.
You guys could build the TinyPIM project from "C++ Standard Library from Scratch" and then, when it's working, start designing your own extensions.

Algorithm/Data Structure Design Interview Questions [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 11 years ago.
What are some simple algorithm or data structure related "white boarding" problems that you find effective during the candidate screening process?
I have some simple ones that I use to validate problem solving skills and that can be simply expressed but have some opportunity for the application of some heuristics.
One of the basics that I use for junior developers is:
Write a C# method that takes a string which contains a set of words (a sentence) and rotates those words X number of places to the right. When a word in the last position of the sentence is rotated it should show up at the front of the resulting string.
When a candidate answers this question I look to see that they available .NET data structures and methods (string.Join, string.Split, List, etc...) to solve the problem. I also look for them to identify special cases for optimization. Like the number of times that the words need to be rotated isn't really X it's X % number of words.
What are some of the white board problems that you use to interview a candidate and what are some of the things you look for in an answer (do not need to post the actual answer).
I enjoy the classic "what's the difference between a LinkedList and an ArrayList (or between a linked list and an array/vector) and why would you choose one or the other?"
The kind of answer I hope for is one that includes discussion of:
insertion performance
iteration performance
memory allocation/reallocation impact
impact of removing elements from the beginning/middle/end
how knowing (or not knowing) the maximum size of the list can affect the decision
Once when I was interviewing for Microsoft in college, the guy asked me how to detect a cycle in a linked list.
Having discussed in class the prior week the optimal solution to the problem, I started to tell him.
He told me, "No, no, everybody gives me that solution. Give me a different one."
I argued that my solution was optimal. He said, "I know it's optimal. Give me a sub-optimal one."
At the same time, it's a pretty good problem.
When interviewing recently, I was often asked to implement a data structure, usually LinkedList or HashMap. Both of these are easy enough to be doable in a short time, and difficult enough to eliminate the clueless.
This doesn't necessarily touch on OOP capabilities but in our last set of interviews we used a selection of buggy code from the Bug of the Month list. Watching the candidates find the bugs shows their analytical capabilities, shows the know how to interpret somebody elses code
Write a method that takes a string, and returns true if that string is a number.(anything with regex as the most effective answer for an interview)
Please write an abstract factory method, that doesn't contain a switch and returns types with the base type of "X". (Looking for patterns, looking for reflection, looking for them to not side step and use an if else if)
Please split the string "every;thing|;|else|;|in|;|he;re" by the token "|;|".(multi character tokens are not allowed at least in .net, so looking for creativity, the best solution is a total hack)
Graphs are tough, because most non-trivial graph problems tend to require a decent amount of actual code to implement, if more than a sketch of an algorithm is required. A lot of it tends to come down to whether or not the candidate knows the shortest path and graph traversal algorithms, is familiar with cycle types and detection, and whether they know the complexity bounds. I think a lot of questions about this stuff comes down to trivia more than on the spot creative thinking ability.
I think problems related to trees tend to cover most of the difficulties of graph questions, but without as much code complexity.
I like the Project Euler problem that asks to find the most expensive path down a tree (16/67); common ancestor is a good warm up, but a lot of people have seen it. Asking somebody to design a tree class, perform traversals, and then figure out from which traversals they could rebuild a tree also gives some insight into data structure and algorithm implementation. The Stern-Brocot programming challenge is also interesting and quick to develop on a board (
Follow up any question like this with: "How could you improve this code so the developer who maintains it can figure out how it works easily?"
Implement a function that, given a linked list that may be circular, swaps the first two elements, the third with the fourth, etc...
I like to go over a code the person actually wrote and have them explain it to me.
Asking them to write a recursive algorithm for a well known iterative solution (i.e. Fibonacci etc. -- we give them an iterative function, if needed) and then have them compute the run time for it.
Many times the recursive function involves a tree data structure. The number of times the person has failed to recognize that baffles me. It becomes slightly difficult to calculate the run time until you can see that it's a tree structure...
I find that this problem covers many areas. Namely, their code-reading ability (if they are given an iterative function), code-writing ability (since they write a recursive function), algorithm, data-structure (for run-time)...
A trivial one is to ask them to code up a breadth-first search of a tree from scratch. Yeah, if you know what you're doing it is trivial. But a lot of programmers don't know how to tackle it.
One that I find more useful still is as follows. I've given this in a number of languages, here is a Perl version. First I give them the following code sample:
# #a and #b are two arrays which are already populated.
my #int;
OUTER: for my $x (#a) {
for my $y (#b) {
if ($x eq $y) {
push #int, $x;
next OUTER;
Then I ask them the following questions. I ask them slowly, give people time to think, and am willing to give them nudges:
What is in #int when this code is done?
This code is put into production and there is a performance problem that is tracked back to this code. Explain the potential performance problem. (If they are struggling I'll ask how many comparisons it takes if #a and #b each have 100,000 elements. I am not looking for specific terminology, just a back of the envelope estimate.)
Without code, suggest to make this faster. (If they propose a direction that is easy to code, I'll ask them to code it. If they think of a solution that will result in #int being changed in any way (eg commonly order), I'll push to see whether they realize that they shouldn't code the fix before checking whether that matters.)
If they come up with a slightly (or very) wrong solution, the following silly data set will find most mistakes you run across:
#a = qw(
#b = qw(
I'd guess that about 2/3 of candidates fail this question. I have yet to encounter a competent programmer who had trouble with it. I've found that people with good common sense and very little programming background do better on this than average programmers with a few years of experience.
I would suggest using these questions as filters. Don't hire someone because they can answer these. But if they can't answer these, then don't hire them.
