Use of CD in Bash For Loop - only getting relative path - bash

I have a small script that I use to organizes files in directories, and now I am attempting to run it on a folder or directories. MasterDir/dir1, MasterDir/dir2, etc.
Running the following code on MasterDir results in an error as the $dir is only a relative path, but I can't figure out how to get the full path of $dir in this case
for dir in */; do
echo $dir
cd $dir
mkdir -p "VSI"
mv -v *.vsi "$cwd/VSI"
mv -v _*_ "$cwd/VSI"

I'd suggest using parentheses to run the loop body in a subshell:
for dir in */; do
echo $dir
cd $dir
mkdir -p "VSI"
mv -v *.vsi "$cwd/VSI"
mv -v _*_ "$cwd/VSI"
Since that's running in a subshell, the cd command won't affect the parent shell executing the script.

The problem you are having is that after you cd "$dir" the first time, you are one directory below where you generated your list of directories with for dir in */. So the next time you call cd "$dir" it fails because you are still in the first subdirectory you cd'ed into and the next "$dir" in your list is one level above.
There are several ways to handle this. One simple one is to use pushd to change to the directory instead of cd, so you can popd and return to your original directory. (though in this case you could simply add cd .. to change back to the parent directory since you are only one-level deep)
Using pushd/popd you could do:
for dir in */; do
echo $dir
pushd "$dir" &>/dev/null || {
printf "error: failed to change to %s\n" "$dir" >&2
mkdir -p "VSI" || {
printf "error: failed to create %s\n" "$cwd/VSI" >&2
mv -v *.vsi "$cwd/VSI"
mv -v _*_ "$cwd/VSI"
popd &>/dev/null || {
printf "error: failed to return to parent dir\n" >&2
(note: the || tests validate the return of pushd, mkdir, popd causing the loop to either continue to the next dir or break the loop if you can't return to the original directory. Also note the &>/dev/null just suppresses the normal output of pushd/popd, and redirection of output to >&2 sends the output to stderr instead of stdout)
As mentioned in the comment, you can always use readlink -f "$dir" to generate the absolute path to "$dir" -- though it's not really needed here.

This is one of the reasons I tend to avoid using cd in shell scripts -- all relative file paths change meaning when you cd, and if you aren't very careful about that you can get into trouble. The other is that cd can fail (e.g. because of a permissions error), in which case you'd better have an error check & handler in place, or something even weirder will happen.
IMO it's much safer to just use explicit paths to refer to files in other directories. That is, instead of cd somedir; mkdir -p "VSI", use `mkdir -p "somedir/VSI". Here's a rewrite of your loop using this approach:
for dir in */; do
echo $dir
mkdir -p "${dir}/VSI"
mv -v "${dir}"/*.vsi "${dir}/VSI"
mv -v "${dir}"/_*_ "${dir}/VSI"
Note: the values of $dir will end with a slash, so using e.g. ${dir}/VSI will give results like "somedir//VSI". The extra slash is redundant, but shouldn't cause trouble; I prefer to use it for clarity. If it's annoying (e.g. in the output of mv -v), you can leave off the extra slash.


Is it possible to CD into a file?

I find a list of files that I need to cd to (obviously to the parent directory).
If I do cd ./src/components/10-atoms/fieldset/package.json I get the error cd: not a directory:, which makes sense.
But isn't there a way to allow for that? Because manipulating the path-string is pretty cumbersome and to me that would make total sense to have an option for that, since cd is a directory function and it would be cool that if the path would not end up in a file, it would recursively jump higher and find the "first dir" from the given path.
So cd ./src/components/10-atoms/fieldset/package.json would put me into ./src/components/10-atoms/fieldset/ without going on my nerves, telling me that I have chosen a file rather than a dir.
You could write a shell function to do it.
cd() {
local args=() arg
for arg in "$#"; do
if [[ $arg != -* && -e $arg && ! -d $arg ]]; then
args+=("$(dirname "$arg")")
builtin cd ${args[0]+"${args[#]}"}
Put it in your ~/.bashrc if you want it to be the default behavior. It won't be inherited by shell scripts or other programs so they won't be affected.
It modifies cd's arguments, replacing any file names with the parent directory. Options with a leading dash are left alone. command cd calls the underlying cd builtin so we don't get trapped in a recursive loop.
(What is this unholy beast: ${args[0]+"${args[#]}"}? It's like "${args[#]}", which expands the array of arguments, but it avoids triggering a bash bug with empty arrays on the off chance that your bash version is 4.0-4.3 and you have set -u enabled.)
This function should do what you need:
cdd() { test -d "$1" && cd "$1" || cd $(dirname "$1") ; }
If its first argument "$1" is a directory, just cd into it,
otherwise cd into the directory containing it.
This function should be improved to take into account special files such as devices or symbolic links.
You can if you enter a bit longer line (or create dedicated shell script)
cd $(dirname ./src/components/10-atoms/fieldset/package.json)
If you add it in script it can be :
cd $(dirname $1)
but you need to execute it on this way:
. script_name ./src/components/10-atoms/fieldset/package.json
You can put this function in your ~/.bashrc:
function ccd() {
TP=$1 # destination you're trying to reach
while [ ! -d $TP ]; do # if $TP is not a directory:
TP=$(dirname $TP) # remove the last part from the path
done # you finally got a directory
cd $TP # and jump into it
Usage: ccd /etc/postfix/strangedir/anotherdir/file.txt will get you to /etc/postfix.

Bash relative path to absolute path [duplicate]

I have written a Bash script that takes an input file as an argument and reads it.
This file contains some paths (relative to its location) to other files.
I would like the script to go to the folder containing the input file, to execute further commands.
In Linux, how do I get the folder (and just the folder) from an input file?
To get the full path use:
readlink -f relative/path/to/file
To get the directory of a file:
dirname relative/path/to/file
You can also combine the two:
dirname $(readlink -f relative/path/to/file)
If readlink -f is not available on your system you can use this*:
function myreadlink() {
cd "$(dirname $1)" # or cd "${1%/*}"
echo "$PWD/$(basename $1)" # or echo "$PWD/${1##*/}"
Note that if you only need to move to a directory of a file specified as a relative path, you don't need to know the absolute path, a relative path is perfectly legal, so just use:
cd $(dirname relative/path/to/file)
if you wish to go back (while the script is running) to the original path, use pushd instead of cd, and popd when you are done.
* While myreadlink above is good enough in the context of this question, it has some limitation relative to the readlink tool suggested above. For example it doesn't correctly follow a link to a file with different basename.
Take a look at realpath which is available on GNU/Linux, FreeBSD and NetBSD, but not OpenBSD 6.8. I use something like:
to do what it sounds like you're trying to do.
This will work for both file and folder:
if [[ -d "$1" ]]; then
cd "$1"
echo "$(pwd -P)"
cd "$(dirname "$1")"
echo "$(pwd -P)/$(basename "$1")"
echo "$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; pwd -P)"
Some explanations:
This script get relative path as argument "$1"
Then we get dirname part of that path (you can pass either dir or file to this script): dirname "$1"
Then we cd "$(dirname "$1"); into this relative dir
pwd -P and get absolute path. The -P option will avoid symlinks
As final step we echo it
Then run your script: your_file.txt
Try our new Bash library product realpath-lib over at GitHub that we have given to the community for free and unencumbered use. It's clean, simple and well documented so it's great to learn from. You can do:
get_realpath <absolute|relative|symlink|local file path>
This function is the core of the library:
if [[ -f "$1" ]]
# file *must* exist
if cd "$(echo "${1%/*}")" &>/dev/null
# file *may* not be local
# exception is ./file.ext
# try 'cd .; cd -;' *works!*
local tmppwd="$PWD"
cd - &>/dev/null
# file *must* be local
local tmppwd="$PWD"
# file *cannot* exist
return 1 # failure
# reassemble realpath
echo "$tmppwd"/"${1##*/}"
return 0 # success
It's Bash 4+, does not require any dependencies and also provides get_dirname, get_filename, get_stemname and validate_path.
Problem with the above answer comes with files input with "./" like "./my-file.txt"
Workaround (of many):
FOLDER="$(dirname $(readlink -f "${ARG}"))"
echo ${FOLDER}
I have been using readlink -f works on linux
FULL_PATH=$(readlink -f filename)
DIR=$(dirname $FULL_PATH)
cd $DIR
#<do more work>
cd $PWD

Bash: Creating subdirectories reading from a file

I have a file that contains some keywords and I intend to create subdirectories into the same directory of the same keyword using a bash script. Here is the code I am using but it doesn't seem to be working.
I don't know where I have gone wrong. Help me out
for i in `cat file.txt`
# if [[ ! -e $path/$i ]]; then
echo "creating" $i "directory"
mkdir $path/$i
# fi
grep $i file >> $path/$i/output.txt
echo "created the files in "$path/$TEMP/output.txt
You've gone wrong here, and you've gone wrong here.
while read i
echo "Creating $i directory"
mkdir "$path/$i"
grep "$i" file >> "$path/$i"/output.txt
done < file.txt
echo "created the files in $path/$TEMP/output.txt"
78mkdir will refuse to create a directory, if parts of it do not exist.
e.g. if there is no /foo/bar directory, then mkdir /foo/bar/baz will fail.
you can relax this a bit by using the -p flag, which will create parent directories if necessary (in the example, it might create /foo and /foo/bar).
you should also use quotes, in case your paths contain blanks.
mkdir -p "${path}/${i}"
finally, make sure that you are actually allowed to create directories in $path

How to change current working directory inside command_not_found_handle

I'm trying to write a not found handle in Bash that does the following:
If $1 exists and it's a directory, cd into it.
If $1 exists inside a user defined directory $DEV_DIR, `cd into it.
If the previous conditions don't apply, fail.
Right now I have something like this:
export DEV_DIR=/Users/federico/programacion/
function command_not_found_handle () {
if [ -d $1 ]; then # the dir exists in '.'
cd $1
if [ -d $to ]; then
cd $to
echo `pwd`
echo "${1}: command not found"
And although it seems to be working (the echo pwd command prints the expected dir), the directory in the actual shell does not change.
I was under the impression that since this is a function inside my .bashrc the shell wouldn't fork and I could do the cd but apparently that's not working. Any tips on how to solve this would be appreciated.
I think what's going on is that the shell fork()s after setting up any redirections but before looking for commands, so command_not_found_handle can't affect the interactive shell process.
What you seem to want to do may partly possible using the autocd feature:
shopt -s autocd
From man bash:
autocd - If set, a command name that is the name of a directory
is executed as if it were the argument to the cd com‐
mand. This option is only used by interactive shells.
Otherwise, just create a function that you invoke by name that performs the actions you are trying to use command_not_found_handle for.
It won't change directies if you run this program as a script in your main shell because it creates a sub-shell when it executes. If you source the script in your current shell then it will have the desired effect.
~/wbailey> source
That said, I think the following would achieve the same result:
wesbailey#feynman:~/code_katas> cd xxx 2> /dev/null || cd ..; pwd
just replace the ".." with your env var defined directory and create an alias in your .bashrc file.
I've had the very same wish and the solution that I've been using for a while was opening a new tab in gnome terminal by issuing the command gnome-terminal --tab --working-directory="$FOLDER" from inside the command_not_found handle.
But today I've come up with a solution which is not tied to a specific terminal application, but has exactly the intended behaviour.
The solution uses the PROMPT_COMMAND, which is run before each prompt. The PROMPT_COMMAND is bound to a function responsible for checking for a file related to current shell, and cd'ing into the directory specified in that file.
Then, the command_not_found_handle fills in the file when a change in directory is desired. My original command_not_found_handle also checkout a git branch if the current directory is a git repository and the name matches an existing branch. But to keep focus on answering the current question, I've stripped that part of code.
The command_not_found_handle uses find for searching for the directory matching the given name and goes only 2 levels deep in the directory tree, starting from a configured list.
The code to be added to bash_rc follows:
current_shell_cd() {
if [ -r "$CD_FILE" ]; then
local CD_TARGET="$( cat "$CD_FILE" )"
[ ! -z "$CD_TARGET" ] && cd "$CD_TARGET" 2>/dev/null
rm "$CD_FILE"
command_not_found_handle () {
local COMMAND="$1";
# List folders which are going to be checked
local FOLDER=$(
find "${BASE_FOLDER_LIST[#]}" \
-maxdepth 2 -type d \
-iname "$COMMAND" -print -quit )
if [ ! -z "$FOLDER" -a -d "$FOLDER" ]
mkdir -p "$( dirname "$CD_FILE" )"
echo "$FOLDER" > "$CD_FILE"
printf "%s: command not found\n" "$1" 1>&2
return 127

A bash one-liner to change into the directory where some file is located

I often want to change to the directory where a particular executable is located. So I'd like something like
cd `which python`
to change into the directory where the python command is installed. However, this is obviously illegal, since cd takes a directory, not a file. There is obviously some regexp-foo I could do to strip off the filename, but that would defeat the point of it being an easy one-liner.
cd $(dirname `which python`)
Even easier (actually tested this time):
function cdfoo() { cd $(dirname `which $#`); }
Then "cdfoo python".
To avoid all those external programs ('dirname' and far worse, the useless but popular 'which') maybe a bit rewritten:
cdfoo() {
tgtbin=$(type -P "$1")
[[ $? != 0 ]] && {
echo "Error: '$1' not found in PATH" >&2
return 1
cd "${tgtbin%/*}"
This also fixes the uncommon keyword 'function' from above and adds (very simple) error handling.
May be a start for a more sphisticated solution.
For comparison:
zsh:~% cd =vi(:h)
=cmd expands to the path to cmd and (:h) is a glob modifier to take the head
zsh is write-only but powerful.
something like that should do the trick :
cd `dirname $(which python)`
One feature I've used allot is pushd / popd. These maintain a directory stack so that you don't have to try to keep history of where you were if you wish to return to the current working directory prior to changing directories.
For example:
pushd $(dirname `which $#`)
You could use something like this:
cd `which <file> | xargs dirname`
I added a bit of simple error handling that makes the behavior of cdfoo() follow that of dirname for nonexistent/nonpath arguments
function cdfoo() { cd $(dirname $(which $1 || ( echo . && echo "Error: '$1' not found" >&2 ) ));}
