Unknown command: `repo-art` Cocoapods - cocoapods

I have installed the Cocoapods-art in the bundle using this command:
bundle exec gem install cocoapods-art
This is the success message:
Fetching cocoapods-art-1.0.4.gem
Successfully installed cocoapods-art-1.0.4
Parsing documentation for cocoapods-art-1.0.4
Done installing documentation for cocoapods-art after 0 seconds
1 gem installed
when I execute: bundle exec gem list, I don't see Cocoapods repo-art in the gem list.
When I try to add: pod repo-art add folderNamer, I get:
[!] Unknown command: `repo-art`
Did you mean: repo?

My problem was:
Installing cocoapods by gem in MacOS Catalina + Xcode 12.2, I got the error:
You have to install development tools first
checking for ffi.h... * extconf.rb failed *
Then I installed the cocoapods (1.10.1) by homebrew
brew install cocoapods
And the cocoapods-art was installed with gem
gem install cocoapods-art
At that moment, I was with the same error.
For me, its finally worked removing and installing again the cocoapods-art with sudo.
This troubleshooting - https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/668456 don't resolving to use the last version of cocoapods ;)

I was getting same error with gem install cocoapods-art. Then I used the command sudo gem install cocoapods-art and it worked :)


Invalid `Podfile` file: Unable to locate the executable `node`

I'm trying to run my App on IMB Cloud. Server run is OK. NPM Installed and Started. When POD Install from cd /ios it shows error:
denisbondar#MBP-Denis ios % pod install
[!] Invalid Podfile file: [!] Unable to locate the executable node.
# from /Users/denisbondar/Documents/kickapp/starter-kit/mobile-app/ios/Podfile:48
# -------------------------------------------
# end
# -------------------------------------------
Any thoughts? Thanks!
I had the same Issue. As I was trying to run a React Native App, and I needed some node module I have to run
brew install node
Just had the same issue, after updating cocoa pods the installation passed:
sudo gem install cocoapods
brew remove cocoapods && sudo gem install cocoapods
If you're running into this issue on an M1 Mac, this is what fixed it for me:
sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
In your /ios directory:
arch -x86_64 pod install
I am aware that the commands I ran in order to fix my build have already been mentioned on this page, but I'll try to provide the order I ran them + some backstory.
For me the problem was that I've initally installed cocoapods using homebrew and I couldn't get it to update past version 1.5.2. Tried different approaches but pod --version still printed 1.5.2.
Then I've tried installing cocoapods using gems with:
sudo gem install cocoapods
Even if it displayed that the installation of cocoapods 1.10.1 was successful, the command line from terminal still pointed to the homebrew version of cocoapods, and pod --version still printed out 1.5.2. So I had to remove it, by calling:
brew remove cocoapods
After that the command line pointed to the gems version of cocoapods (1.10.1). And the build was successful.
Also, my friend tried to follow the exact same steps and his build still failed until he tried installing:
sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
then after the installation he ran:
arch -x86_64 pod install
Again, I am a MAC OS noobie, so I don't understand very well yet what's the deal with this ffi. It just helped my friend getting his build done, so I thought it might also help somebody else.
For me problem was that I have cocoa pods installed by brew install cocoapods and brew install --cask cocoapods.
So to fix I run
brew remove cocoapods
brew remove --cask cocoapods
brew install cocoapods
After that I have latest version of cocoapods and everything worked.

Need help. Having hard time installing cocoapods

I am trying to install cocoapods onto my computer. I did the following:
sudo gem update--system
and I got the following text:
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::CommandLineError)
Unknown command update--system
Kind of confused as to how to fix this.
If you are trying to update gems before installing cocoapods, you need to do
sudo gem update --system
You forgot the space between update and --system.
To install cocoapods, you need to use the following command:
sudo gem install cocoapods

Error for macos sierra install cocoapods

When i install mac os sierra, trying install cocoapods, but appear error:
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::Exception)
Unable to require openssl, install OpenSSL and rebuild ruby (preferred) or use non-HTTPS sources
but i already installed openssl and ruby,i really don't know is why,does anyone know?
Install Cocoapods by below 3 commands
sudo gem update --system -n/usr/local/bin
sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods
pod setup

Install therubyracer gem on OSX 10.11 El Capitan

bundle install fails with Make sure that `gem install therubyracer -v '0.12.1'` succeeds before bundling
gem install therubyracer -v '0.12.1' fails with errors which appear to relate to compilation
Prior to this, libv8 gem was having problems but that is now installed thanks to following SO posts.
Guides for fixing rubyracer for Mavericks seem to not work, due to changes in El Capitan?
ln: /usr/bin/cpp: Operation not permitted
Install xcode through app store
Install 'command line tools' for xcode (xcode-select --install)
If using rbenv, after installing ruby you needed rbenv rehash
Assuming you have run gem install bundler and got errors, remove your mess:
gem uninstall libv8
gem uninstall therubyracer
brew rm v8
Install gcc4.2
brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew install apple-gcc42
Install v8
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install v8-315
brew link --force v8-315
Install gems
gem install libv8 -- --with-system-v8
gem install therubyracer
if you get dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found, #rpbaltazar suggests an alternative:
bundle config --local build.libv8 --with-cxx=/usr/local/bin/g++-4.2
bundle install
I still had issues with #xxjjnn's answer. The following answer from github resolved it. My current setup: El Capitan 10.11.4 and Xcode 7.3.
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install v8-315
gem install libv8 -v '' -- --with-system-v8
gem install therubyracer -- --with-v8-dir=/usr/local/opt/v8-315
bundle install
The answer provided on therubyracer Github page worked for me:
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install v8-315
brew link --force v8-315
gem install libv8 -- --with-system-v8
gem install therubyracer
I updated the gem therubyracer to 0.12.2, then I runned this commands in the rails repository:
$ brew install v8-315
$ bundle config --local build.libv8 --with-system-v8
You are replacing the current local value of build.libv8, which is currently nil
$ bundle config --local build.therubyracer --with-v8-dir=$(brew --prefix v8-315)
You are replacing the current local value of build.therubyracer, which is currently nil
and finally
bundle install
I know this question is specifically about installing therubyracer -v '0.12.1', but the solution really is to upgrade to '0.12.2'.
I've struggled with this on a few projects and always forget that. Then eventually I remember and it all works.
Be sure to clean out anything you've added to bundle config once you don’t need it with bundle config --delete build.libv8.
Here’s the thread on the gem repo about this: https://github.com/cowboyd/therubyracer/issues/398#issuecomment-238161167
(Posting as a comment for readability purposes, but this should be an add-on to the original accepted answer)
After running the accepted answer, I was facing the error described in the comments.
The solution I found helpful for me was running the following
gem uninstall libv8
gem uninstall therubyracer
bundle config --local build.libv8 --with-cxx=/usr/local/bin/g++-4.2
bundle install
Please note that the initial steps of the accepted answer are necessary, namely installing the compiler.
Actually, apple-gcc42 is removed from brew:
apple-gcc42 was deleted from homebrew/core in commit bcba321ea:
Instead, I've installed gcc#4.9
So, following xxjjnn answer, instead of 5 just run:
brew install gcc#4.9
First try to delete your Gemfile.lock and run bundle install again. Gemfile.lock will be created again.
This will work for most cases on El Capitan.
Without that it will just install the same versions mentioned in Gemfile.lock. If you delete this file, bundle install will fetch newest versions of your gems.
If none of the above works for you, follow this guys advice. Uninstalling everything related and upgrading gcc fixed it for me.
Gem install therubyracer -v '0.11.4'?
If you can switch to mini racer, installing it or updating it worked for me similar to this post
How to fix libv8 bad version error
TL;DR bundle update mini_racer

Unable to install 'cocoapods' gem from rubygems.org (bad response backend read error)

I'm getting an error when I run 'gem install cocoapods' on OSX Mavericks.
$ gem install cocoapods
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'cocoapods' (>= 0), here is why:
Unable to download data from https://rubygems.org/ - bad response backend read error 503 (https://rubygems.global.ssl.fastly.net/quick/Marshal.4.8/cocoapods-0.27.1.gemspec.rz)
ERROR: Possible alternatives: cocoapods
Please note that I can download the cocoapods-0.27.1.gemspec.rz directly. I am running the latest version of XCode (5.0.1) and the latest version of its CLI tools. RVM is also configured to run the latest Ruby version (2.0.0p247)
Sometimes ,the default source for gem, https://rubygems.org/, can't be accessed.
It should be removed by command:
gem sources -r https://rubygems.org/
And then new source should be added:
gem sources -a https://ruby.taobao.org/
Update the cache:
gem sources -u
You can check sources with:
gem sources
Finally , you can install cocoapods:
sudo gem install cocoapods
Use the below mentioned steps to install Cocoapods in your machine,
I solved the same issue with be below mentioned steps
1.Install command line tools using the command
xcode-select --install
2.Install Home brew by
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
3.Install Ruby using homebrew
brew install ruby
4.Check Ruby version
ruby -v
5.Install Ruby
gem source -a http://rubygems.org/
6.gem install cocoapods
sudo gem install cocoapods
sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods
7.Go to below folder
cd ~/.cocoapods/repos
8.Run the below command
git clone https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git master
9.Go to the directory where Podfile is present and run
pod install
It work for me:
Remove https source by command:
gem sources -r https://rubygems.org/
And then new http source should be added:
gem sources -a http://rubygems.org/
Update the cache:
gem sources -u
Though I'm not sure what caused read error 503 I was able to work around the problem fairly easily by manually installing the cocoapods.gem.
If anyone else experiences similar problems (with cocoapods or any other gem), download the appropriate gem file (cocoapods-0.27.1.gem in my case) directly from RubyGems.org. Then run the gem install cocoapods-0.27.1.gem. The install command will scan the working directory first, thus detecting and installing the local gem package, cutting out the broken repository.
I found that just removing and re-adding rubygems seemed to work for me ( using the High Sierra on Mac) I prefer to use the official Rubygems repos
gem sources -r https://rubygems.org/
gem sources -a https://rubygems.org/
gem sources -u
sudo gem install cocoapods
I assume it must have been a glitch..
This worked for me. Make sure to include sudo with install command.
gem sources -a http://rubygems.org/
gem sources -u
sudo gem install cocoapods
Just follow there steps and error is gone
1.Install command line tools using the command
xcode-select --install
2.Install Home brew by
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
3.Install cocapods using home-brew, it take care of everything
brew install cocoapods
4. Last step
pod setup
For me I had to change rubygems.org to be the gems url used at my company (which caches from rubygems.org).
I did sudo gem install cocoapods --source <my_company_url_for_gems>
Let all http replace https,because the right cocoa pods's sources is https://ruby.taobao.org/
