How to set Data Set Values in Master Page Footer - birt

I am new to BIRT can you guys help me in this, my requirement is like, I have two fields PMNUM and CHANGEID, I need to show these two fields in master page footer based on third column value TYPE. If TYPE is PM I need to show PMNUM and if TYPE is CM I need to show CHANGEID.
I followed this video to get PMNUM in the footer. But the problem here is if I hide PMNUM From the table, the PMNUM from the footer also hiding. Please guide me on how to solve this problem and share some guide for BIRT events.

You can add some script inside your table and assign PNUM and CHANGEID to global variables.
In the page footer reference to the global variables instead of the table's values that in your case may be hidden.


Dynamic text in master page of Birt report

Can dynamic text be entered into a header or footer of a master page?
I have placed dynamic text into a grid which then sits in the master page footer, this doesn't work and gives error:
ReportDesign (id = 1):
+ Invalid javascript expression: ReferenceError: "row" is not defined. (<inline>#1)
When I test the expression in the footer of the report layout itself this works.
Please see the expression below:
if( BirtComp.lessOrEqual( row["Aggregation"], "1,500.00" )){"user1.jpg"}
else if (BirtComp.greaterThan(row["Aggregation"], "1,500.00")){ "user2.jpg"}
The easiest way to use dynamic text in the master page is as follows:
Optional, but recommended: Create a dataset "MasterPage" which selects the dynamic data that you need.
Create a grid in the page footer (and/or header) of the master page.
Bind the grid to the dataset "MasterPage".
Use dynamic text items and data items inside the grid as you like.
The grid uses only the first row returned by your dataset.
Thus, it is best practice to create the dataset in such a way that it will return exactly one row.
This means that BIRT aggregation functions won't work here.
If your "MasterPage" dataset is JDBC based, you can of course use SQL aggregation functions like SUM, COUNT etc.
It is not possible to access "the current first record for the current page" this way: The "MasterPage" dataset returns one record for the whole report.

Grafana Table Panel 'clickable' and use it to drill down to a more detailed view

Is it possible to have a Table Panel in Grafana, and when you click on a row, it shows a graph from another set of time series?
I see there is a feature request for it, but I'm not sure it's available yet
Looking for any suggestions on making the rows in a Table Panel
'clickable' and use it to drill down to a more detailed view (another
dashboard using Template variables). Currently displaying a summary of
several servers as rows in a Table Panel and we want to select an
individual row (i.e a server) to drill down to a more detailed
Any ways to do this?
You can achieve this also in 4.x by defining a link for a table column (in the Column Styles section under Visualization). The link can refer to another dashboard and embed current cell's value (or other cell in the same row) as a parameter.
For example the link Url can be:
In Grafana 6 or above you can preserve the time range filter using the $__from and $__to built-in vars.
The available built-in variables to access cell contents are not well documented, but they can be found by hovering over the (i) icon of the Url in the table panel.
More info on built-in vars:
The feature request you linked to is a duplicate of this one which links to this Pull Request. The PR was recently merged so it is available now as a nightly build and will be included in the upcoming 5.0.0 release in September/October.
Drill Down Option can be used from General option from Grafana Dashboard.
Copy the link in the Url of the table which you want to show. Change the items in the variable part which is changing according to the need.It will be of format var-name=value
The link URL works well if you are linking to another dashboard, but it does not work well if you are changing a variable on the same dashboard as it does not auto-refresh.
You can add JavaScript into the URL instead of a link.
javascript:$('a.variable-value-link').trigger('click'); $('span:contains(${__cell:raw})').closest('a').trigger('click');
The JavaScript only works for a single dropdown, it would have to be updated if there were multiple dropdowns. I worked on this quickly, so I am sure there is a better way to use JavaScript to change the variable. It basically opens the dropdown, finds the value from the current row and selects it.

Elements between page breaks after each tabular row in BIRT

I have a report design where I have to display each row of a table in separate pages as header and on each page I need to display separate body. In BIRT, if I set the page break property for table as always, I can see the data on separate pages but I am not able to insert other elements in between these rows. Is it possible?
You have to add multiple Detail rows. In first you'll have what you have recently, in second you can put whatever you like, just treat it as a grid.

Properly Aggregate datas in RDLC

I have this Data from the DataSet which I then display in the tablix on an rdlc report viewer. This datas have redundant CUSTOMER NM(which is group by 2's) that is why I want it to be blank display on the 2nd display.
I am using this expression to hide the even rows that are displayed in the tablix which is under the column of CUSTOMER NM:
=IIF(RunningValue(Fields!CUSTOM_NM.Value,CountDistinct,Nothing) Mod 2, Fields!CUSTOM_NM.Value, "")
But the result is not what I am expecting.
As you can see on the image below, it seems that the data's are being grouped as per same CUSTOM NM. and the CUSTOM NM that is set to "" are the next same rows of CUSTOM NM. I color the groups so you can see them properly.
My expected result would look like this image below
Anyone knows where I am doing wrong or miss something. Any help would be appreciated..
You may use hideDuplicate Property under properly list for that particular textbox in tablix.
for that you need to set textbox's HideDuplicates property to the containing group name.

How to change column attributes on Oracle APEX?

In the picture, it shows my problem: I need to display the values of a column from a table in apex. Currently all the values are being displayed as a text field. But, I need to display only a few as text fields and others as just a display value without allowing someone to edit it. I've been looking into it, but I'm stuck.. There is a conditional display area, but not sure if that is where I need to go for the solution. That section seems to just limit what values get displayed not change the display format based on the values, but that latter is what i need. Thanks if you know or can point me in the right direction!
In the Item properties , go to advanced section
in custom attributes mention readonly=’readonly’-- this will make that item as display only.
