Dynamic Linq core - linq

Hi I am using a Jqwidgets Grid to display my data. It has a build in possibility to use filters but if you filter your records on the server side you have to build your own query. As I am working with Linq I thought to use the Dynamic Linq Library for Asp net core. Problem is there are not many examples or explanations how to do this. But I am busy for days now and not getting very far.The way I am setup; I have a normal Linq query:
var Mut = from M in _DB.Mutations
join S in _DB.Shifts on M.ShiftId equals S.ShiftId
join U in _DB.RoosterUsers on M.UserId equals U.RoosterUserId
join D in deps on M.UserId equals D.UserId
join DD in _DB.Departements on D.DepartementID equals DD.DepartementId
select new MutationModel
Naam=U.FirstName + " " + U.LastName,
Departement= DD.DepartementName,
MutationType = S.publicName,
MutationGroup = S.ShiftType.ToString(),
DateTot =M.DateTill,
Status=CreateStatus(M.Tentative, M.ApprovedOn, M.Processed, M.CancelRefId, M.Deleted)
This query is running OK and gives me all the data I need for the Grid.
Then for the filter I would like to add a dynamic Linq Query using the System.Linq.Dynamic.Core library
But this is as far as I get things working until now:
var outQuery = Mut.Where("Status = #0 and UserId = #1", "Nieuw", "KLM22940").Select("Status");
My questions now :
1. In the where clause If I make the fieldname variable I get an error. how to do this??
2. In the Select Clause, how to add multiple Columns? (actually I just like to output all columns.)
Best would be to see an example. has somebody used Dynamic Linq to build a dynamic linq query for the JQWidgets Grid?
Thank you very much.

In what way you are trying to use fieldname variable in where clause ?
If you want to output all columns you can use ToList()
var outQuery = Mut.Where("Status = #0 and UserId = #1", "Nieuw", "KLM22940").ToList();
If you want to get some specific columns you can use Select clause like this
var outQuery = Mut.Where("Status = #0 and UserId = #1", "Nieuw", "KLM22940").Select("new(Status,UserId )");
This Select clause creates data class which contains Status and UserId properties and returns a sequence of instances of that data class.


Dynamic Linq on DataTable error: no Field or Property in DataRow, c#

I have some errors using Linq on DataTable and I couldn't figure it out how to solve it. I have to admit that i am pretty new to Linq and I searched the forum and Internet and couldn't figure it out. hope you can help.
I have a DataTable called campaign with three columns: ID (int), Product (string), Channel (string). The DataTable is already filled with data. I am trying to select a subset of the campaign records which satisfied the conditions selected by the end user. For example, the user want to list only if the Product is either 'EWH' or 'HEC'. The selection criteria is dynaically determined by the end user.
I have the following C# code:
private void btnClick()
IEnumerable<DataRow> query =
from zz in campaign.AsEnumerable()
orderby zz.Field<string>("ID")
select zz;
string whereClause = "zz.Field<string>(\"Product\") in ('EWH','HEC')";
query = query.Where(whereClause);
DataTable sublist = query.CopyToDataTable<DataRow>();
But it gives me an error on line: query = query.Where(whereClause), saying
No property or field 'zz' exists in type 'DataRow'".
If I changed to:
string whereClause = "Product in ('EWH','HEC')"; it will say:
No property or field 'Product' exists in type 'DataRow'
Can anyone help me on how to solve this problem? I feel it could be a pretty simple syntax change, but I just don't know at this time.
First, this line has an error
orderby zz.Field<string>("ID")
because as you said, your ID column is of type int.
Second, you need to learn LINQ query syntax. Forget about strings, the same way you used from, orderby, select in the query, you can also use where and many other operators. Also you'll need to learn the equivalent LINQ constructs for SQL-ish things, like for instance IN (...) is mapped to Enumerable.Contains etc.
With all that being said, here is your query
var productFilter = new[] { "EWH", "HEC" };
var query =
from zz in campaign.AsEnumerable()
where productFilter.Contains(zz.Field<string>("Product"))
orderby zz.Field<int>("ID")
select zz;
Update As per your comment, if you want to make this dynamic, then you need to switch to lambda syntax. Multiple and criteria can be composed by chaining multiple Where clauses like this
List<string> productFilter = ...; // coming from outside
List<string> channelFilter = ...; // coming from outside
var query = campaign.AsEnumerable();
// Apply filters if needed
if (productFilter != null && productFilter.Count > 0)
query = query.Where(zz => productFilter.Contains(zz.Field<string>("Product")));
if (channelFilter != null && channelFilter.Count > 0)
query = query.Where(zz => channelFilter.Contains(zz.Field<string>("Channel")));
// Once finished with filtering, do the ordering
query = query.OrderBy(zz => zz.Field<int>("ID"));

Printing Month Name in Linq

Is there any Inbuilt function in Linq to Print the month Name while working with LINQPAD?
I want to print the month name in the following Scenario
var query = from e in Employees
let month=e.BirthDate.GetValueOrDefault()
let birthmonth=month.ToString("MMMM")
select birthmonth;
When I run this it is throwing NotSupportedException.
how to print the month name in Linq to Sql?
Rather than using ToString, try string.Format. Something like:
var query = (from e in Employees
let month = e.BirthDate.GetValueOrDefault()
let birthmonth = string.Format("{0:MMMM}", month)
select birthmonth);
This seems to work from my local testing, although it is not included as part of the SQL query.
Do it in two steps, one to get the months from the database, then another using Linq-To-Objects to perform the formatting.
var birthDates = Employees.Select(e => e.BirthDate).ToList();
var query = birthDates.Select(d => d != null ? d.ToString("MMMM") : "Null");
Whatever ORM you are using can't convert the string formatting part of you query into SQL that works on your database. So, doing it in two steps and using ToList to evaluate inbetween overcomes that problem.

LINQ/LinqPad: same query different results

So we copy and paste the exact same query from LinqPad into our EF 4.3 application, pointed at the exact same database and get a different result. In LinqPad we get 2 records returned. In our application we reaise an error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
var Shippings = shippingRepository.All.ToArray();
var SalesOrderHeaders = salesOrderHeaderRepository.All.ToArray();
var Customers = customerRepository.All.ToArray();
var Stores = storeRepository.All.ToArray();
var Departments = departmentRepository.All.ToArray();
var toShip = from sh in Shippings
join h in SalesOrderHeaders on sh.OrderId equals h.SalesOrderHeaderId
join c in Customers on h.CustomerId equals c.CustomerId
join st in Stores on h.StoreId equals st.StoreId
join d in Departments on h.DepartmentId equals d.DepartmentId into outer
from o in outer.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
OrderId = sh.OrderId,
CustomerName = c.Name,
StoreName = st.Name,
DepartmentName = (o.Name == null) ? o.Name : "None",
DeliveryDate = h.DeliveryDateTime
In the application code, when we remove the outer join (to add Departments) and it's associated field the query returns the same 2 records asn in LinqPad.
Does anyone have any insight into how to fix this feature?
Click on "Add a connection" in linqpad and select datacontext from assembly like
You can choose Entity Framework datacontext or Entity Framework BDContext with POCO depending upon your scenario. click next and provide path to the assembly along with connection string and you will be good to go.
In LINQPad are you actually querying against your entity model? Take a look at this link if you aren't. I had a similar problem when starting out and didn't realize I had set up a default LINQ to SQL connection earlier and was querying against that.

Using .Contains within a linq query returning a SystemException

I am having some trouble with a linq query I am trying to write.
I have List A of products that have been modified so I am trying to get the list of products from the db to allow me to apply the changes to them.
I have tried 2 different queries
var query = from p in db.Products
where products.Select(z => z.id).Contains(p.Id)
select p;
var query2 = from p in db.Products where (from o in products
select o.id)
select p;
Both attempts are returning an error
base {System.SystemException} = {"Unable to create a constant value of type 'ProjectABC.Models.ProductModel'. Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context."}
What am I doing wrong?
I had the same problem the other day, seems EF doesn't support Select().Contains() without giving that error. After testing around for a bit, I ended up splitting it up in what in your case would correspond to;
var IDs = products.Select(z=>z.id);
var query = from p in db.Products
where IDs.Contains(p.Id)
select p;
which worked well in my case when the "products" collection was in memory anyway (ie a ToList()'ed result from the database)

NHIbernate Linq group by count

I have the version nhibernate.
My objects are basically modeiling a lineup at an event. So I have a StageSet object which represents one slot in the schedule for a stage.
Each StageSet object has a Stage and an Act property.
It also has many Users - people who have favorited the set.
I'm trying to ascertain the most popular sets that have been favorited using the following linq:
var topStars = from s in Db.StageSets
group s by s.Act.Id into g
select new { SetKey = g.Key, Count = g.Count() };
However this just fails with a Could not execute query[SQL: SQL not available] error
Should I be able to do this?
in case someone comes here. The following should work with NH 3.1
var topStars = from s in Db.StageSets
group s by s.Act.Id into g
select new { SetKey = g.First().Act.Id, Count = g.Count() }
You've specified the query correctly in linq. NHibernate is refusing to translate it.
I just copied your query with a slightly different domain and it worked. But that will count StageSets by Act, NOT favorites.
