NSCP++ check_drivesize core Uknown command - windows

I try to run check_drivesize on a windows server with nscp++.
I already setup check for RAM, CPU and Uptime all is working fine.
When i try to setup the check_drivesize i get back:
core Unknown command(s): check_drivesize available commands: commands
{, check_counter, check_cpu, check_memory, check_network,
check_os_version, check_pagefile, check_pdh, check_process,
check_service, check_uptime, checkcounter, checkcpu, checkmem,
checkprocstate, checkservicestate, checkuptime}, plugins {, 0}
This is not understandable to me, because the check is at opt5.ini enabled:
; Allow check disk
CheckDisk = 1
and the needed module is also present in the correct path:
C:\Program Files\NSClient++\modules\CheckDisk.dll
I was guided by the knowledge of the manufacturer, unfortunately the commands given there return all these errors.
Has anyone had this error or is he familiar with NSCP ++ and can help me?
Thank you very much.


AudioDeviceCmdlets sucessfully (?) installed but unable to execute

I've installed AudioDeviceCmdlets. It shows as a Module in Powershell ISE V5. Get-AudioDevice, Set-AudioDevice, and Write-AudioDevice are all present, together with their applicable parameters (List, Index, ID, ...). Get-AudioDevice Help also displays the different Synopsis.
When I try to execute (e.g., Get-AudioDevice -List), however, I'm getting "Element not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070490)". I can't figure out what the problem is - could it be this is somehow not supported in Windows 11?
FYI, I've also tried executing the Cmdlets in VS Code with Powershell 7.2 installed, but seeing same issue.
Thank you.
While 'Get-AudioDevice -List' results in an error, 'Set-AudioDevice -Index 1' runs without error (assuming this speaker is set as Default). If "Speaker Set 2" is set as default, then 'Set-AudioDevice -Index 1' will result in an error. Since at least one speaker set will always be inactive, 'Get-AudioDevice -List' errrors-out.

Error in task sequence failure: "Incorrect function: Error 00000001; Source: Windows"

I am receiving the above error when running the task sequence and it is failing on the step that is in the picture I provided. Does anyone have any ideas on why? I know the error is very generic, and I have tried several things to address it - I checked the box to disable 64-bit, I made sure that the package containing the batch file was referenced in that step, etc. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I am very much a noob when it comes to SCCM. Thank you.
Could you post the SMSTS.log saved in C:\Windows\CCM ?
It should contain the reason why this is failing
While looking at your TS, It could be that using a working folder with UNC paths fail the TS because CMD does not support running UNC paths out of the box.
Try adding cmd /c at the start of the Command Line field. It's quirky, but has often fixed my issues.

Unable to run SparkR in Rstudio

I cant use sparkR in Rstudio because im getting some error: Error in sparkR.sparkContext(master, appName, sparkHome, sparkConfigMap, :
JVM is not ready after 10 seconds
I have tried to search for the solution but cant find one. Here is how I have tried to setup sparkR:
Sys.setenv(SPARK_HOME="C/Users/alibaba555/Downloads/spark") # The path to your spark installation
.libPaths(c(file.path(Sys.getenv("SPARK_HOME"), "R", "lib"), .libPaths()))
library("SparkR", lib.loc="C/Users/alibaba555/Downloads/spark/R") # The path to the lib folder in the spark location
Now execution starst with a message:
Launching java with spark-submit command
And finally after a few minutes it returns an error message:
Error in sparkR.sparkContext(master, appName, sparkHome,
sparkConfigMap, : JVM is not ready after 10 seconds
It looks like the path to your spark library is wrong. It should be something like: library("SparkR", lib.loc="C/Users/alibaba555/Downloads/spark/R/lib")
I'm not sure if that will fix your problem, but it could help. Also, what versions of Spark/SparkR and Scala are you using? Did you build from source?
What seemed to be causing my issues boiled down to the working directory of our users being a networked mapped drive.
Changing the working directory fixed the issue.
If by chance you are also using databricks-connect make sure that the .databricks-connect file is copied into the %HOME% of each user who will be running Rstudio or set up databricks-connect for each of them.

Caffe for Windows on VS 2013 failing with leveldbutil error

I am trying to compile and run cafee with the directions found here:
But when I run it, for example on the MNIST example:
"bin\caffe.exe" train --solver=examples\mnist\lenet_solver.prototxt
I get the output:
Usage: leveldbutil command...
dump files... -- dump contents of specified files
What do I do to fix this?
Pulling from https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/tree/windows solved the problem.
Check the users group in case you need help:
Check the issue tracker in case you need help:

Chilkat ftp.SyncLocalDir with open files?

I’m having an issue with ftp.SyncLocalDir when I have an open file on the local directory.
I’m using the example from http://www.example-code.com/vbnet/ftp_syncLocalTree.asp with a few minor changes. It has been working fine for a few days and then has stopped working.
I’ve found that one of the files is open on the local directory. Looking through the http://chilkatforum.com/ forum I see that one of the answers stated that
“Chilkat will detect errors that are likely permission/access errors and will continue with the remainder of the download.”
This is not happening for me. Looking at the last error text it states that the file is used by another process. Not other files get synchronized.
Is the something else I need to add to the code to force it to continue after the error?
Below is the last error text.
DllDate: Dec 5 2014
UnlockPrefix: *********
Username: *********
Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit
Language: .NET 4.0
VerboseLogging: 0
commandCharset: ansi
dirListingCharset: ansi
localDirPath: Q:\TEST
mode: 2
enabled: yes
heartbeatMs: 0
sendBufferSize: 65536
localFilename: Q:\TEST/LINE_6 _13.csv
Replacing existing local file
Failed to open file (2)
localFilePath: Q:\TEST\LINE_6 _13.csv
currentWorkingDirectory: H:\Code In Progress\LLS\Gen 3 Test And Crimp
w-network\VB Code\trunk\FTP Syncronize\bin\Debug
osErrorInfo: The process cannot access the file because it is being us
ed by another process.
localWindowsFilePath: Q:\TEST\Line 6\LINE_6 _13.csv
Failed to download file
failedFilename: /LINE_6 _13.csv
Please try this new build for the .NET 4.0 Framework:
32-bit Download: http://www.chilkatsoft.com/download/preRelease/ChilkatDotNet4-9.5.0-win32.zip
64-bit Download: http://www.chilkatsoft.com/download/preRelease/ChilkatDotNet4-9.5.0-x64.zip
The feature for continuing past permission/access issues had to do with issues on the remote server as opposed to the local filesystem. This new build should now also do the same for local permission errors. It will be noted in the release notes for Chilkat version when released (soon).
If you have trouble, please post the LastErrorText using this new build.
