Round and Rounded Rectangle border settings not saving in themes - themes

I am finding some border settings for Round and Rounded Rectangle revert back to default when I next open my theme. I make the changes and save them fine however next time I open the theme I have to make the same changes again if I need to save anything new.
for instance: -
Round; opacity reverts back to 255 (been doing this for a while).
Rounded Rectangle (Round tab); Rectangle checkbox is always unticked so rounded edges become square (new in the last week or so)
Edit; I can see the Round opacity issue has been reported already

This has been fixed in Git. It will be available in the update tomorrow.


Render UI element in front of others programmatically without sibling index (2D)

I have a grid of buttons (3 by 3 for this example). When a button is clicked, it rotates 180 degrees. As it rotates towards 90 degrees, it increases in scale. Once it passes 90 degrees and rotates towards 180, it decreases back to it's original size.
Unfortunately, this is a 2D game so it seems that the layers are determined by the hierarchy, which is created in the order the buttons are spawned. This causes some ugly overlap issues when the tiles scale up, when I really just want whatever button is clicked to be brought to the front.
The common solution seems to be to set the sibling index, but that will not work in this case because the buttons are held in a canvas using a Grid Layout Group, and changing the sibling index causes the buttons to be reordered.
Add a canvas component to your button and use sortOrder to modify the rendering order of it.

Grow a Diagonal Arrow in Powerpoint

On my slide I have a map of the South during the Civil War. I want to place a thick arrow pointing to Atlanta from the Northwest. I then want to create an animation where the arrow moves Southeast towards Savannah over the period of a few seconds, with the rear of the arrow remaining where it started, and the head of arrow proceeding Southeast as I described. The point is to illustrate Sherman's March to the Sea.
I seem to be able to move the arrow using a motion path, but I seemingly can't grow the arrow in any other way than horizontal or vertical (not diagonally). I also tried adding a rectangle object, and adding a wipe entrance effect, but wipe seems again to only allow its effect to happen from 90 degree angles.
Can anybody help me figure out what should be a seemingly easy task? I am using Powerpoint 2013.
One way to do this would be to use multiple arrows with different lengths and the animation feature. First make all the arrows invisible.
1. Make the 1st arrow appear with a left click trigger. This becomes the *current* arrow.
2. After the required delay, make the *current* arrow disappear while making the *next* arrow appear.
3. Repeat step #2 above until done.
Depending on your background, this might work. Put a box over the diagonal arrow the same color as the background, without boarders. Now animate the box with a motion path to the southeast, allowing your arrow to be revealed. If the box is an issue, combine the motion path with a wipe disappear from west to east, on a 0.25 to 0.5 second delay.

Flex Mobile GetPixel function of a resized image gets pixel as if the image had its original size

I have an image of 780x585. I am resizing this image to 1246.93x935.19 with scaleMode=ScaleMode.LETTERBOX.
When the user clicks on a graphic and drags it into the picture, I am supposed to get the pixel position where the graphic was dropped.
I do that by listening to the mouse up event and by calling getPixel with the (x,y) coordinates coming from the event when the mouse click is released.
Strange thing is that I get the value of the pixel but not the real one. Instead, I get the value corresponding to the image with it's normal size without being resized.
Does anyone have a clue why this is happening?
When applying some visual changes to a component (like moving, rotating or stretching as in here), Flex will be applying a transormation matrix to modify only the visual appearance of the object.
Let's say you're moving an image by doing image.width *= 2; the actual image width will be modified. If you do image.matrix.scale(2, 1); (this is pseudo-code), the visual appearance will be modified so you can see the resizing but the the actual width will remain the same.
I think applying a Letterbox resizing is using matrix transformation, so even if your image appears larger, its position and size are still the same. That's why you get the same position as before.
To resolve your problem, you simply have to multiply the coordinates you get (with event.localX or anything else) by the image current scaling and that should be it.
If you already know the final size, you simply have to do something like: newLocalX = event.localX * (resizedImage.width / originalImage.width);
Here some info if you want to know how Matrixes work.

How do I make a textview auto aline to textview?

How can I have a textview auto-align to an image?
What I mean is, when I change an image from a square to a triangle, how do I make the textview fit inside that triangle automatically?
Check out my "Quick Notes!!" app on the app store for reference. I am using Xcode 4.3.
Chances are you're going to have to do a bit of work to do what you want. I'm guessing you have a background image that changes from a square to a triangle and you want the textbox to remain inside of the shape. Since the imageview hosting the picture is still a rectangular shape the imageview dimensions don't actually change so you'd have to calculate or know the size of your triangle and scale the text box programatically based on a flag of whether or not you are displaying the triangle.
EDIT: Actually this is much simpler than i thought initially. Just position the textbox where you want it with what size in the .xib file and record the position and size. Then you simply check when you are displaying your triangle image and change the position and size of your textbox to what you had previously recorded.

Remove speed ease from animation in Blender 2.5

By default Blender adds speed easing to the animation. I need to remove it to get consistent rotation speed on my model. How/Where can I modify ease curve?
You are able to edit the key frame interpolation in the graph editor. Select your object and then choose the graph editor in the selection box at the bottom left of the screen. You can then zoom out using the scroll wheel to see the curve. You are able to edit the points by clicking them with the right mouse button and moving them with the left.
