Render UI element in front of others programmatically without sibling index (2D) - user-interface

I have a grid of buttons (3 by 3 for this example). When a button is clicked, it rotates 180 degrees. As it rotates towards 90 degrees, it increases in scale. Once it passes 90 degrees and rotates towards 180, it decreases back to it's original size.
Unfortunately, this is a 2D game so it seems that the layers are determined by the hierarchy, which is created in the order the buttons are spawned. This causes some ugly overlap issues when the tiles scale up, when I really just want whatever button is clicked to be brought to the front.
The common solution seems to be to set the sibling index, but that will not work in this case because the buttons are held in a canvas using a Grid Layout Group, and changing the sibling index causes the buttons to be reordered.

Add a canvas component to your button and use sortOrder to modify the rendering order of it.


Does UI Automation ScrollPattern have a Bounding Rect or is there a reliable way to get it?

I've been messing around with UI Automation and Scrolling. I found that in notepad if you take the bounding rectangle of the scrollable window, subtract out the size of any scrollbar bounding rectangles, it scrolls perfectly. However, trying the same thing against ISpy++, which aligns the top treeview item perfectly on each scroll even when there may be one or two pixels of the next item in the view at the bottom.
The problem with that is it reports the scroll amount requested was set. Say the view was 6.384914% and you do all the math to calculate where you scroll the view to the next window, say it came out to 24.382102 (completely made up number), so you scroll there, but it really didn't because it aligned the top item which otherwise would be missing a few pixels based on height of window. You read back where scrolling decided to set it and it says it was 24.382102 (note that when the scroll actually moves a full item it does report a different final scroll position and so can be calculated out).
What would solve the above is if we knew the actual bounding rectangle of the view that represents the 6.384914% so that those extra pixels wouldn't be considered part of the view, when you move to the next page, you're now align to where the next page would actually start. In this case of the tree, the bounding rectangle would be aligned to all items that fit plus the final spacing (or that could be part of the top of the view).
I wanted to scroll and get the data perfectly without any overlaps (except on final page of course, but that could be calculated out when you have the proper aligned boundaries that matches scrolling) or extra spacing.
Is there a way to do that, that I'm missing?

How to do zoom, rotation and pan operations programmatically using trackballcontrols in three.js?

I am trying to do some cad operations like zoom, rotate and pan. I want to provide a button for each operation and do the corresponding operation on click.
The controls should automatically allow the user to use the mouse to perform those operations. Button controls wouldn't be as smooth or freeform as the default controls, since a click has no direction or duration. For instance, a rotate button would only be able to rotate a certain number of radians at a time in one direction, while the default controls allow for any amount of rotation.
But if you do really want buttons, I'd suggest implementing them in the following ways:
Zoom: Two buttons to move the camera's position a certain amount forward or backward.
Rotate: Buttons rotate the object n radians.
Pan: Buttons shift the camera's position left or right.
You may notice that none of these solutions use Trackballcontrols. Trackballcontrols is a set of mouse controls, it's not meant to be transferred to button commands. You can achieve the same result much more simply by assigning functions to the buttons that change the object's or camera's rotation or position. I think you'll find the following list useful: Look at the rotate and translate methods.

D3 v4 Zooming Partition Layout in X dimension only

Trying to wrap my head around this particular use case of D3 v4 zooming. My example so far is available here:
I'm able to get my initial Partition Layout to draw as required (I've left out complexities such as text positioning and color), but I'm not getting very far with zooming properly.
The goal is to zoom whenever one of the svg rect elements is clicked on.
And by "zoom", I mean something somewhat different than the stated default behaviors:
Completely disable anything other than a click on an element - no drag, panning, or mouse wheel activity normally associated with D3 zoom.
When an svg rect element is clicked on, the element expands (or contracts) in the X dimension only, such that its left side abuts the left side of the top level svg's g container, and its right side abuts the right side of the top level svg's g container.
In other words, the element clicked on becomes exactly the width of the chart.
All other g/rect elements vertically "above" the clicked one should scale/translate appropriately.
All other elements vertically "below" the clicked one don't really need to change, as the one we've clicked on will take up 100% of the width of the chart container.
So, here's how far I've gone:
I've calculated the scaling factor (k) - not sure I've done it right. The goal is to set the scaling factor to whatever will make the width of the clicked element expand/contract to the width of the svg.
And I've calculated the transform for x (tx) to be whatever will cause the left side of the g element encapsulating the rect element to align with the left side of the svg.
Using k and tx, I create a zoom transform with d3.zoomIdentity.translate(tx, 0).scale(k)
Now I select all of the g elements that contain rects, tear the current transform="translate(x,y)" apart, and apply the zoom transform to the x portion of the translate - this should move the left side of the element to the left side of the svg
Next, I select the rect under each g element, and apply the zoom transform to the width attribute
This seems to get me closer to the end goal, but I'm sure I'm missing something:
Is it really necessary for me to tear apart the transform="translate(x,y)" the way I am for the g elements?
If I click on certain elements more than once, the scaling keeps increasing. I need to both:
Keep the original zoom ratio so that I can reset to it, or go back to it simply by clicking on the lowest rect element
If an element is clicked on, it's already at 100% width - I need to never allow scaling past 100% width
clicking on any given element the first time expands it to 100% width as expected, but not all elements' ancestors properly scale - I don't care if the the ancestors expand either end past the edge of the viewport, but some of the ancestor elements leave the viewport entirely, which I cannot account for.

Custom shaped NSButton

I am trying to create eight custom buttons (NSButton) in Xcode 4.6.3. Those are the segments of a circle. I used a standard rectangular button for each of them, adding a custom image for each segment. However, when I put the pieces together in one circle, there is no way to click some of these buttons, as the rectangular areas around each of them overlap, and prevent from reaching the other half of the buttons.
I was wondering if there is any way to make the button shape at least triangular, such that I can click on all of these buttons?
From the documentation "View Programming Guide":
Note: For performance reasons, Cocoa does not enforce clipping among sibling views or guarantee correct invalidation and drawing behavior when sibling views overlap. If you want a view to be drawn in front of another view, you should make the front view a subview (or descendant) of the rear view.
In other words, you can't expect overlapping views to process mouse events properly. There's no way of getting around the fact that views occupy rectangular frames. You have to make a single view which performs the work of all of your circle segments (including drawing and event handling, and optionally mouse moved events). YOu will have to use trigonometry to calculate which segment a mouse click occurs in, and respond appropriately as though a button were pressed, by re-drawing the segment and invoking the desired action.

About cutting of / cropping a uiview

so i have a uiview that is initialized with a frame that has the height and width that is present for the user, i want the user to be able to draw inside this frame but when the user presses a button, i want the view to cut off that extra wasted space so that the frame is only as big as what the user was drawing. I tried to do something like this
CGRect boundbox = CGPathGetBoundingBox([myPath CGPath]);
boundbox.origin.x = self.frame.origin.x;
boundbox.origin.y = self.frame.origin.y;
self.frame = boundbox;
However, this does not remove that extra wasted space, it only resizes the view, so that the drawn content looks smaller than previously. What i would like to do instead is to remove
that "whitespace", i was thinking if it could be possible to scale up the content of the uiview, but im not sure.
To clarify what i mean:
The red border is the area / frame that the user can draw on, the text in the middle is a drawing, when the user presses a button, i want the frame to only encircle the drawing like in figure 2.
Now lets say i have the following scenario, i have drawn a circle on the middle of the screen.
When i then press the button, the scale remains the same but the circle is still in the same position but we have now changed the draw area, so the circle / drawing will look like its cut off like in figure 4.
What i want to do is to move the drawing / bezier path so that it is positioned in the middle of the frame. So that the red area encircles the blue circle.
Given your drawings. A UIView will not re-position items in it when you change it's frame property (or it's CGRect). In this case you will need to track the items drawn YOURSELF, and then when the button is pressed perform the object translations yourself.
What that means is you will have to find the object that is left most, the object that is topmost, then move all objects left by that amount, and up by that amount so that all objects are (as a grouping) top-left aligned within the view's frame. After this you will need to self recognize which object is the right most touching and which object is the bottom most touching.
NOW, since you have already moved the items left-top, the right most point will define your frame width, and the bottom most point will define your frame height.
IF YOU SO DESIRE, you should be able to zoom in using the properties below after you have done this.
[First Answer]
If I understand your question correctly, you may want to still perform your box frame manipulation, but if you wish to scale you may want to look into the
contentScaleFactor or
contentScaleFactor should scale both dimensions based upon a singular floating point value (i.e. xWidth * scaleFactor, yHeight * scale factor).
contentStretch is a CGRect which means that it should scale each dimension (axis) separately.
