How to build `cmd/compile` itself - go

I want to build cmd/compile, which is the compile command of go.
First, I cloned to ~/src/ and modify codes in src/cmd/compile.
Second, I moved to ~/src/, and typed go build -o aaa -i cmd/compile.
Finally, aaa works, but it does not contain anything I modified.
As you know, in anywhere (even if ~/ or /tmp or the others), once you type go build -o aaa -i cmd/compile, you can get aaa.
But, I want make it modify, and build it.
How can I do that?

When you build the package cmd/compile, it builds the stdlib package for the current compiler, not the package in the source tree you're in.
If you're planning to work on the compiler itself, you need to bootstrap your own compiler:
Clone the go source code
Go to /src
Run ./all.bash
That will build the whole source tree, and create a new compiler for you. Once that's done, you have to use the compiler built by this process, which is under ~/src/


How can i setup meson and ninja on Ubuntu-Linux to produce the expected .a file by use of MakeFile?

Some years ago on Ubuntu 16.0.4 I've used this library: git clone and using only the make command I got build, compile and finally on the main directory I found a file called AdsLib-Linux.a and maybe nothing more than this.
Now I'm on Ubuntu 20.04 I need this library once again but this times make dosn't produce the same output and looking forth to the ReadMe instructions I finally used that instead of make:
meson build
ninja -C build
That now create a new directory build but no .a file as before on the root directory. Instead a new file in the build directory libADSLib.a is there. The same thing happens using right the make command.
Maybe the author changed over the years something on the config files or the behavior of the tools have changed, but I cannot get the former file anymore and I need it for other referencing code that now is not executing anymore.
Looking to the MakeFile I found that in the example folder, differently from the one on the parent directory, the MakeFile has something like that:
$(warning ATTENTION make is deprecated and superseeded by meson)
${PROGRAM}: LIB_NAME = ../AdsLib-${OS_NAME}.a
But all i've tried reading the guides on meson and ninja about setup, configure, build, and so on, did not produce anymore that file.
I've tried also to first build and then copy all files form the example folder to the parent directory and then build again, but again no .a file there.
How's the right way to configure the build process corectly so that this -Linux.a file is created. Or if not possibile anymore, what does it now produce I can use instead of what produced before?
Meson is a build system generator, similar to CMake or somewhat like ./configure, you need to run meson, then run ninja to actually build something.
You need to run both meson and ninja:
meson setup builddir
ninja -C builddir
Once you do that successfully, there will be a libAdsLib.a inside the builddir directory.
Let me correct a bit #dcbaker, according to their README you should setup build as build directory:
# configure meson to build the library into "build" dir
meson build
# let ninja build the library
ninja -C build
Of course, in general, it shouldn't be specific, but their example code is written in a weird way so this path is hard-coded. So, to use the example:
# configure meson to build example into "build" dir
meson example/build example
# let ninja build the example
ninja -C example/build
# and run the example
About the library: it's now libAdsLib.a and produced in build directory. The name is set here and it's now in linux naming style, the old one - not. So, you have options:
Update your configuration/build files (Makefile?) where you use it
Copy or make symbolic link, e.g.
$ ln -s <>/build/libAdsLib.a <target_path>/AdsLib-Linux.a
Above it's very dependent on your development environment, do you have installation or setup scripts for it? do you permissions to modify/configure parameters for target application? do you need to support both old and new names? - many questions not related to original question about meson.

go install c shared output path

i'm trying to install a library inside a package. However I don't understand where it compiles to.
Structure is like so:
I can install other executable targets fine with go install. My paths are set correctly. However now I want to build my shared library target and deploy it somewhere (this deployment step can be done manually). I'm running into two different issues.
Issue one, I can't seem to install it at all:
go install -buildmode=c-shared bpackage/cmd/library#latest
Returns with:
go install: no install location for directory /home/tpm/go/pkg/mod/package/cmd/library outside GOPATH
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
which tells me that it installs somewhere other than in my gopath, I'm just not sure where that might be.
Issue 2, using the -o flag doesn't work with go install, so I can't seem to alter the output location to place it inside the GOPATH (i did try setting the GOBIN to within my gopath, but since other commands work fine I don't think this should be causing any issue)
Quoting Ian from
Note that it doesn't make a great deal of sense to use go install -buildmode=c-shared. The expectation is that people will use go build -buildmode=c-shared -o The only point of using -buildmode=c-shared is to use the shared library somewhere, and using go install without -o will put the shared library in a relatively unpredictable place.

How to `go install` to bin inside module dir?

For example, when I run this
GOOS="windows" GOARCH="386" go install ./something
The executable would be created at
I want the executable to be created at
To clarify, I ask the question in the context of cross compiled builds inside a module.
I get the desired result using this command inside my module. I'd like to avoid specifying the path.
GOOS="windows" GOARCH="386" go build -o ./bin/$GOOS_$GOARCH/something.exe ./something
So, is it possible to get the same with go install?
Setting GOBIN results in an error
GOBIN=$(pwd)/bin GOOS="windows" GOARCH="386" go install ./something
# go install: cannot install cross-compiled binaries when GOBIN is set
Don't use go install for cross compiling. Use go build with -o flag.
Here is some history regarding GOBIN, robpike posted an issue stating "I have $GOBIN set but the go tool is ignoring it when installing..."
This article mentions
"When cross compiling, you should use go build, not go install. This is the one of the few cases where go build is preferable to go install...
The reason for this is go install always caches compiled packages, .a files, into the pkg/ directory that matches the root of the source code...
This logic also holds true for the standard library, which lives in /usr/local/go/src, so will be compiled to /usr/local/go/pkg/$GOOS_$GOARCH. This is a problem, because when cross compiling the go tool needs to rebuild the standard library for your target, but the binary distribution expects that /usr/local/go is not writeable.
Using go build rather that go install is the solution here, because go build builds, then throws away most of the result (rather than caching it for later), leaving you with the final binary in the current directory, which is most likely writeable by you"

Why is go build doing nothing?

I'm running into a bizarre problem at work.
I have a project. In this project are two packages, each in its own folder. Each folder contains various .go files that are part of that package.
In folder A, if I say go build -v, I get a list of the stuff it's building.
In folder B, if I say go build -v, I get an immediate return with no output.
Both folders contain nothing but .go files, and there is no easily-identifiable reason why it is building the code in the one and building nothing in the other.
go version returns go version go1.7.5 linux/amd64
How in the world do I figure out what's going on here?
EDIT: To clarify issues brought up in comments:
There is no package main in either folder. In the folder A, go install produces a .a file in the appropriate place under $GOPATH/pkg. In folder B, go install does not. It is doing nothing, and failing silently. Something is legitimately going wrong here.
Suggested remedies from comments include using the -a flag (errors out on something that appears to be completely unrelated) and using the -x flag. The -x flag, which supposedly should give extremely verbose output, instead is useless, outputting single lines referring to temp files that do not exist once the build terminates, such as WORK=/tmp/go-build026498757.
You mention that the temporary directories are gone after the build terminates.
You can retain these directories with the -work flag.
From go help build:
The build flags are shared by the build, clean, get, install, list, run, and test commands:
print the name of the temporary work directory and
do not delete it when exiting.
This should help provide some more information and context around what is and is not happening.
I also faced a similar issue, don't know the root cause but run
go build main.go
Basically, add the filename and try.
It's likely that you already have an up-to-date build installed in your gopath. This might mean that you did something like ran go install on that particular package previously and have yet to modify any of the files in the directory.
Check Go's pkg directory for the corresponding *.a library and see if the modification timestamp on it is later than the timestamps on your source files.
I think go build's result is hiding by your editor.(file tree)
In my case, I am using vscode.
vscode hides files that first char is '.'
if you move to src directory and type ls -al in terminal

How to compile Go program consisting of multiple files?

I have a small program that consists of three files, all belonging to the same package (main). But when I do go build main.go the build doesn't succeed. When it was just one file (main.go), everything worked fine.
Now that I took some effort to separate the code, it looks like the compiler is unable to find the stuff that was taken out of main.go and put into these two other files (that reside in the same directory as the main.go). Which results in undefined 'type' errors.
How to compile this program that consists of multiple files?
New Way (Recommended):
Please take a look at this answer.
Old Way:
Supposing you're writing a program called myprog :
Put all your files in a directory like this
Then add myproject/go to GOPATH
And run
go install myprog
This way you'll be able to add other packages and programs in myproject/go/src if you want.
Reference :
(this doc is always missed by newcomers, and often ill-understood at first. It should receive the greatest attention of the Go team IMO)
When you separate code from main.go into for example more.go, you simply pass that file to go build/go run/go install as well.
So if you previously ran
go build main.go
you now simply
go build main.go more.go
As further information:
go build --help
If the arguments are a list of .go files,
build treats them as a list of source files specifying a single package.
Notice that go build and go install differ from go run in that the first two state to expect package names as arguments, while the latter expects go files. However, the first two will also accept go files as go install does.
If you are wondering: build will just build the packages/files, install will produce object and binary files in your GOPATH, and run will compile and run your program.
Since Go 1.11+, GOPATH is no longer recommended, the new way is using Go Modules.
Say you're writing a program called simple:
Create a directory:
mkdir simple
cd simple
Create a new module:
go mod init
# Here, the module name is:
# You're free to choose any module name.
# It doesn't matter as long as it's unique.
# It's better to be a URL: so it can be go-gettable.
Put all your files in that directory.
Finally, run:
go run .
Alternatively, you can create an executable program by building it:
go build .
# then:
./simple # if you're on xnix
# or, just:
simple # if you're on Windows
For more information, you may read this.
Go has included support for versioned modules as proposed here since 1.11. The initial prototype vgo was announced in February 2018. In July 2018, versioned modules landed in the main Go repository.
In Go 1.14, module support is considered ready for production use, and all users are encouraged to migrate to modules from other dependency management systems.
You could also just run
go build
in your project folder myproject/go/src/myprog
Then you can just type
to run your app
It depends on your project structure. But most straightforward is:
go build -o ./myproject ./...
then run ./myproject.
Suppose your project structure looks like this
- hello
|- main.go
then you just go to the project directory and run
go build -o ./myproject
then run ./myproject on shell.
# most easiest; builds and run simultaneously
go run main.go
suppose your main file is nested into a sub-directory like a cmd
- hello
|- cmd
|- main.go
then you will run
go run cmd/main.go
You can use
go build *.go
go run *.go
both will work also you may use
go build .
go run .
Yup! That's very straight forward and that's where the package strategy comes into play. there are three ways to my knowledge.
folder structure:
warning: adapter can contain package main only and sun directories
navigate to "adapter" folder. Run:
go build main.go
navigate to "adapter" folder. Run:
go build main.go
navigate to GOPATH/src
recognize relative path to package main, here "myproject/adapter". Run:
go build myproject/adapter
exe file will be created at the directory you are currently at.
