Why is go build doing nothing? - go

I'm running into a bizarre problem at work.
I have a project. In this project are two packages, each in its own folder. Each folder contains various .go files that are part of that package.
In folder A, if I say go build -v, I get a list of the stuff it's building.
In folder B, if I say go build -v, I get an immediate return with no output.
Both folders contain nothing but .go files, and there is no easily-identifiable reason why it is building the code in the one and building nothing in the other.
go version returns go version go1.7.5 linux/amd64
How in the world do I figure out what's going on here?
EDIT: To clarify issues brought up in comments:
There is no package main in either folder. In the folder A, go install produces a .a file in the appropriate place under $GOPATH/pkg. In folder B, go install does not. It is doing nothing, and failing silently. Something is legitimately going wrong here.
Suggested remedies from comments include using the -a flag (errors out on something that appears to be completely unrelated) and using the -x flag. The -x flag, which supposedly should give extremely verbose output, instead is useless, outputting single lines referring to temp files that do not exist once the build terminates, such as WORK=/tmp/go-build026498757.

You mention that the temporary directories are gone after the build terminates.
You can retain these directories with the -work flag.
From go help build:
The build flags are shared by the build, clean, get, install, list, run, and test commands:
print the name of the temporary work directory and
do not delete it when exiting.
This should help provide some more information and context around what is and is not happening.

I also faced a similar issue, don't know the root cause but run
go build main.go
Basically, add the filename and try.

It's likely that you already have an up-to-date build installed in your gopath. This might mean that you did something like ran go install on that particular package previously and have yet to modify any of the files in the directory.
Check Go's pkg directory for the corresponding *.a library and see if the modification timestamp on it is later than the timestamps on your source files.

I think go build's result is hiding by your editor.(file tree)
In my case, I am using vscode.
vscode hides files that first char is '.'
if you move to src directory and type ls -al in terminal


How to uninstall everything from $GOPATH/bin?

The go clean -i command that is ran inside some project deletes an executable file of that particular project that was previously installed by go install command. How to delete everything installed by the go install commands that were ran from several different projects? Is there some single go command that can do that?
Delete the binary like any other file.
The "install" term means place (something) in a new position ready for use.
Therefore, Go builds a single-file binary and places it in another directory ($GOPATH/bin). It is useful when you add the Go binary directory into the environment variable to call the program.
There's no auxiliary flag such as go clean -bincache to remove all binaries installed by Go 1.16.4.
However, at the current version of GoLang (1.16.4), the right way to remove (or "uninstall" as you said) any installed binary is solely to delete it, like any other file despite you feel it sounds awkward.

GO API installation fails "evq/chromaticity"

I am trying to install chromaticity on my own machine for testing, and no matter what i do i will always hit the error seen in this picture installation error
I dont know why it happened i tried searching but i found nothing online. my question is does anyone know why it happens? or can point me to the right direction? i have checked the folders and yes there are no GO files in there but i dont see why that is a problem
The api could be found here: https://github.com/evq/chromaticity
This is not an issue (as in bug) on the project, rather an issue due to lack of documentation on how to build the project itself.
If you look at the Makefile file on the root directory, you'll notice that static/static.go is a generated file as part of the build process. Such file is usually not committed to the repo so you'll need to build it yourself. To do so, you'll need to have go-bindata installed.
Here's what you need to do in order to build the project successfully:
Get the go-bindata package
go get -u github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/...
Get the project
go get github.com/evq/chromaticity
Go the project root directory
cd [...the chromaticity project root..]
Run make to generate the static/static.go file
Build/ install the project
go install
Noticed from your screenshot that you're using Windows, in that case you may need to workaround the issue of running Makefile in Windows. See here for possible solution: How to run a makefile in Windows?
I've run into the same issue when trying to "get" and then install this project. I looked into the code and there is no trace of Asset() function in github.com/evq/chromaticity/static. Moreover git history does not show any .go files in static/ directory. Personally, I would create issue in the project and/or look for different repo containing desired functionality.

`go run hello.go` cannot find the "hello.go" file

I tried to run the program in command prompt #Go lang- But when i type run "go run hello.go" command i am gettin
CreateFile hello.go:The system cannot find the file specified
Please help to to compile and run the above marked program, Thanks in advance
As you can see from the output of running the dir command
earlier up in your shell session, there is indeed no file named "hello.go"
in the C:\GOCODE\testproject directory.
When you execute the
go run hello.go
command, the go tool tries to find the file named "hello.go" in the current
directory (because the name of that file is relative, so it's being
searched in current working directory). There's no such file,
and that's what go run tells you.
Unfortunately, from the outlook of your shell session, it appears there
are more problems with your setup.
And there are problems with your approach to Go.
First, while it looks like you're following
this guide (and this is the right thing
to do, actually), you misread it.
What it tried to tell you is that you should create the "src"
directory (and then the "hello" directory to contain your test project)
in the so-called workspace, and a list of workspaces known to Go
is stored in the GOPATH environment variable.
As you can see from the go env output, Go thinks you have a single
workspace located in C:\Users\Sitaram\Go.
Now it worth reiterating that—contrary to many (if not most) "mainstream"
languages,—Go is not "project-based"; instead, it requires all your code
to be organized in those workspaces, and it wants to know where these
workspaces are.
By default—if you did not explicitly set the GOPATH environment
variable,—it assumes your single workspace is located in the directory
named "go" placed in your "home folder".
And that's what you see in the go env output.
Now you have two options:
Set the GOPATH env. variable for your user to C:\GOCODE
then start another shell—so that it "sees" that variable and allows
the go tool to also see it and use).
Run go env to verify GOPATH contains C:\GOCODE.
Then follow the rest of the tutorial document:
Make sure there is the "src" folder directly under the C:\GOCODE.
Create your project folder directory under "src".
Let's say, it will be named "hello".
Under "hello", create that "hello.go" file.
Now cd C:\GOCODE\src\hello and then go build — you will have
the hello.exe created there.
Don't mess with GOPATH and just repeat the steps 2-4 from above
in the default workspace—C:\Users\Sitaram\go.
I'd go with the second variant because that inexplicable affection
of certain Windows users for polluting the C:\ with random personal
data is really an anti-pattern; have your personal belongings in your home
folder! Windows has gone a long way getting that right; and almost all
Windows software is finally there—understanding that paradigm. So why deviate?
Second, please unlearn go run.
I'm not sure the Go developers actually regret implementing it,
but people do really misinterpret what this tool is for.
It's for one-off throw-away "scripts".
Real development is done using go install and, sometimes, go build.
In most cases your normal development routine you use go install
exclusively — as it caches the results of compilation of all the packages
your project depends on. go build does not do this, and go run does
not even preserve the result of the compilation of your project itself.
Please read this quick reference card for more info.
After go get gpackage check if there is a yourproject.exe in your bin directory to compile your github package with your project.
If not, you have to do cd src/yourproject and type go install and hit enter.
Try execute the folowing command e check if corrected:
go env -w GOOS=windows

How to build Golang blog from github?

Im not very good with Go and I am having a lot of problems with understanding how common website features are made, so I thought it would be good to see a real example. I tried building https://github.com/golang/blog but its not working.
My gopath is apparently C:/Users/me/go as it should be.
*Edit Except if I run cd $GOPATH/src, it says C:\src doesnt exist, it looks in C: not C:/Users
Method 1. (running go get -u golang.org/x/blog)
I open Powershell and run that in my Users/me/go/src directory and it says:
can't load package: package golang.org: no Go files in
But it does download the source files. So its basically this step?
'u can manually git clone the repository to $GOPATH/src/golang.org/x/blog.'
Then I dont know where to run go build or what to run. I tried
go build -o blog.exe ./blog
and it says
can't load package: package blog: cannot find package "blog" in any of:
C:\Go\src\blog (from $GOROOT)
C:\Users\me\go\src\blog (from $GOPATH)
I tried running the same command in different directories of the project and doesnt work.
I'll try to answer your questions. (Note that I am a Linux user, so there may be some discrepancies with the Windows commands below. You may want to follow these directions: http://www.wadewegner.com/2014/12/easy-go-programming-setup-for-windows/ to setup the GOROOT environment variable.)
For method 1, the -u flag tells go to update the source code. Since you haven't downloaded it before, it lets you know with the error you see. What you want to run is go get golang.org/x/blog.
To build the package, you first want to change the directory (cd) to the package root, so cd %GOPATH%\src\golang.org\x\blog or cd C:\Users\me\go\src\golang.org\x\blog. Next, you want to run go build. Then, you can run the output file, which should automatically be named blog.exe.
Hopefully this helps! :)

Standalone install for file like go run myfile.go

I have a go project that consists of separate files (each having a main function) inside the project folder. Initially it was meant to be run as go run file1.go. But now I need a build for it like regular projects. Creating separate project for each file feels dumb.
The go run compiles input file into a temporary executable and executes it. What is the compilation step that go run does. I need to install different files as separate executables (with a name given by me). Can anyone give the steps on how to do this.
As shown in the comments, you can use
go install ./...
If your working directory is not where all your packages are currently located, use
go install path/to/your/packages/...
The important thing are the three dots "...", indicating you want to build and install all packages from sub-directories as well.
This will create executables of all your packages in $GOPATH/bin/ .
