Is there any way to verify dynamic pop-up that does not appear everytime - jasmine

var name = element(by.xpath("//p[contains(text(),'We will be adding this information')]"));
if ( browser.isElementPresent(name)) {
try {
} catch (error) {
console.log('Not able to click on duplicate pop-up '+error);
} else {
Above code works perfectly fine in Protractor jasmine framework, if popup appears but it fails when pop-up doesn't appear and scripts execution stops there.
Popup comes only when certain condition matches.

Can you try this using the elementFinder method isPresent() instead of the browser method.
const name = element(by.xpath("//p[contains(text(),'We will be adding this information')]"));
if (name.isPresent()) {
try {
} catch (error) {
console.log('Not able to click on duplicate pop-up '+error);
} else {


Running some code only if it's tested by cypress

I'm sure I'm missing something very obvious here, but I need to put an if statement in my application code that takes one branch if the current request is from cypress, and the other if not.
(off-topic: I know full well that usually this is a Very-Bad-Idea®, because you want to test the app exactly as it is seen by end users. On the other hand, we live in the real world, with limited time, and sometimes a small bad idea is allowed)
One way seems to be to manually change the user agent or add headers to the cypress calls, I just want to know if there is a very obvious (and better) way of doing this.
When you run the app from a Cypress test, the window object has a property called Cypress.
So inside the app you can test for this property
if (window.Cypress) {
// testing is active
} else {
// testing not active
You can set a flag to indicate you are running the application through cypress.
for example, using the session storage:
Cypress.Commands.add('setFlag', (flag: string, value: string | boolean) => {
cy.window().then((w) => {
w.sessionStorage.setItem('flags.' + flag, value.toString());
//in the test
before(() => {
cy.setFlag("test_mode", true)
And in your app
//do stuff
//do other stuff
You could also implement some sort of service that will manage it.
export class FlagsService {
public get isNotProd() {
return window.location.origin !== "ProdDomain";
get<T>(flag: string): T | null {
if (this.isNotProd) {
const key = 'flags.' + flag;
const rawFlag = window.sessionStorage.getItem(key);
if (rawFlag) {
return rawFlag as unknown as T;
return null;

E1740 lambda captured variable of type "..." cannot be copied to closure class field of type "..."

I have recently installed VS 2019 and opened up my project I created in VS 2017. The software works fine but there is a bug in VS with lambda captured variables. MS apparently is aware of said issue, but I was wondering if anyone else had come across this recently and if you have, have you managed to solve it?
Example bit of code from my project, the intellisense has flagged up every line where "[this]" appears. The error / bug reads
lambda captured variable of type "MainPage^*" cannot be copied to closure class field of type "MainPage^"
if (_serialPort1 != nullptr)
Arduino_Device.Outgoing_Bytes, PORT_1)).then([this](concurrency::task<void> previousTask) {
catch (Platform::COMException^ ex)
this->DataStreamWindow->Text += "\r\n!EXCEPTION CAUGHT! " + ex->Message;
Ok, I managed to stumble upon a somewhat ugly hack to fix this.
Rather than pass [this] into the lambda, I added the line auto _this = this; prior to creating any tasks. This did however mean that any variables which were accessed using this->SomeVariable became _this->SomeVariable.
So my example above now looks like this.
if (_serialPort1 != nullptr)
auto _this = this;
Arduino_Device.Outgoing_Bytes, PORT_1)).then([_this](concurrency::task<void> previousTask) {
catch (Platform::COMException^ ex)
_this->DataStreamWindow->Text += "\r\n!EXCEPTION CAUGHT! " + ex->Message;
Hope this is of use.
If so then why copying outside the task? You could do
if (_serialPort1 != nullptr)
{ concurrency::create_task(WriteToSerialDeviceAsync(cancellationTokenSource_serialPort1->get_token(),
Arduino_Device.Outgoing_Bytes, PORT_1)).then([_this = this](concurrency::task<void> previousTask) {
catch (Platform::COMException^ ex)
_this->DataStreamWindow->Text += "\r\n!EXCEPTION CAUGHT! " + ex->Message;
But based on your problem this is not the proper solution. You better find what's wrong with your project migration to VS 2019.

Laravel dusk if browser->assertSee then do this

Is there a way to proceed with a test even if assertSee returns with an error.
This is my current code:
->type("EngineerId", $engineerId)
$test = $browser->assertSee("Engineer cannot be found");
What I would like to be able to do is go:
if ($test == false) {
return false;
} else {
return $browser->text('.engineer-search-results-container .search-result .col-md-8 .row .col-xs-10 h3');
But when the assertSee fails all I get back is:
Did not see expected text [Engineer cannot be found] within element [body].
As an exception. Any way I can proceed if it can't find that element?
You should be able to achieve this using a try catch to catch the exception:
try {
$browser->assertSee("Engineer cannot be found");
} catch(\Exception $e) {
return false;
To note, I do not know if there is a method such as $browser->fail() (like phpunit's $this->fail()) which will fail the test for you.

Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"//button[contains(text(),'New patient')]"}

My application having a pop-up which may come in any tab out of ten at any time.
I have written a webdriver script as below.
But on which tab the pop-up is not coming I am getting exception
Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"//button[contains(text(),'New patient')]"}
The else condation is never called.
var new_patient ="//button[contains(text(),'New patient')]";
if(new_patient !=0){
var NewPatient = WDS.browser.findElement(pkg.By.xpath("//button[contains(text(),'New patient')]"));;"New patient clicked");
{ "it is not Clicked")
Use Try Catch Mechanism instead of if else ..
something like
WDS.browser.findElement(pkg.By.xpath("//button[contains(text(),'New patient')]")).click();
Catch(Exception e)
{ "it is not Clicked")
for more info on selenium tests please read this article

WP7 Navigation - NullReferenceException

I need to navigate to a certain page the first time my app is run, to gather login details etc. I'm using IsloatedStorageSettings to save a value to determine if this is the first run of the app or not, which works fine.
My problem is actually navigating to my 'first run' page when the app is run for the first time, using NavigationService, it seems NavigationService is not created at this point so is still null. When is NavigationService created or how can I work around this?
My code (in the constructor of my main page:
if ((bool)settings["firstRun"])
if (NavigationService != null)
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/FirstRun.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
MessageBox.Show("Navigation service must be null?"); //always prompts
Peter Torr has a great blog post on the ins and outs of redirecting for the initial navigation, though for user login I'd suggest that you either use a full screen popup or have a login control on your "normal" start page and toggle visibility based on your first run condition.
Add in class
private bool m_onNavigatedToCalled = false;
In ctor
this.LayoutUpdated += new EventHandler(MainPage_LayoutUpdated);
Then in code
void MainPage_LayoutUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (m_onNavigatedToCalled)
m_onNavigatedToCalled = false;
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
if (NavigationService != null)
MessageBox.Show("Navigation not null?"); //always prompts
MessageBox.Show("Navigation service must be null?");
//StartApp(); do all stuff here to keep the ctor lightweight
