I'm sure I'm missing something very obvious here, but I need to put an if statement in my application code that takes one branch if the current request is from cypress, and the other if not.
(off-topic: I know full well that usually this is a Very-Bad-Idea®, because you want to test the app exactly as it is seen by end users. On the other hand, we live in the real world, with limited time, and sometimes a small bad idea is allowed)
One way seems to be to manually change the user agent or add headers to the cypress calls, I just want to know if there is a very obvious (and better) way of doing this.
When you run the app from a Cypress test, the window object has a property called Cypress.
So inside the app you can test for this property
if (window.Cypress) {
// testing is active
} else {
// testing not active
You can set a flag to indicate you are running the application through cypress.
for example, using the session storage:
Cypress.Commands.add('setFlag', (flag: string, value: string | boolean) => {
cy.window().then((w) => {
w.sessionStorage.setItem('flags.' + flag, value.toString());
//in the test
before(() => {
cy.setFlag("test_mode", true)
And in your app
//do stuff
//do other stuff
You could also implement some sort of service that will manage it.
export class FlagsService {
public get isNotProd() {
return window.location.origin !== "ProdDomain";
get<T>(flag: string): T | null {
if (this.isNotProd) {
const key = 'flags.' + flag;
const rawFlag = window.sessionStorage.getItem(key);
if (rawFlag) {
return rawFlag as unknown as T;
return null;
So I think this is probably me mixing up sync/async code (Mainly because Cypress has told me so) but I have a function within a page object within Cypress that is searching for customer data. I need to use this data later on in my test case to confirm the values.
Here is my function:
searchCustomer(searchText: string) {
cy.wait('#{AliasedCustomerRequest}').then(intercept => {
const data = intercept.response.body.data
console.log('Response Data: \n')
if (data.length > 0) {
{Click some drop downdowns }
return data < ----I think here is the problem
} else {
{Do other stuff }
and in my test case itself:
let customerData = searchAndSelectCustomerIfExist('Joe Schmoe')
//Do some stuff with customerData (Probably fill in some form fields and confirm values)
So You can see what I am trying to do, if we search and find a customer I need to store that data for my test case (so I can then run some cy.validate commands and check if the values exist/etc....)
Cypress basically told me I was wrong via the error message:
cy.then() failed because you are mixing up async and sync code.
In your callback function you invoked 1 or more cy commands but then
returned a synchronous value.
Cypress commands are asynchronous and it doesn't make sense to queue
cy commands and yet return a synchronous value.
You likely forgot to properly chain the cy commands using another
So obviously I am mixing up async/sync code. But since the return was within the .then() I was thinking this would work. But I assume in my test case that doesn't work since the commands run synchronously I assume?
Since you have Cypress commands inside the function, you need to return the chain and use .then() on the returned value.
Also you need to return something from the else branch that's not going to break the code that uses the method, e.g an empty array.
searchCustomer(searchText: string): Chainable<any[]> {
return cy.wait('#{AliasedCustomerRequest}').then(intercept => {
const data = intercept.response.body.data
console.log('Response Data: \n')
if (data.length) {
{Click some drop downdowns }
return data
} else {
{Do other stuff }
return []
// using
searchCustomer('my-customer').then((data: any[]) => {
if (data.length) {
Finally "Click some drop downdowns" is asynchronous code, and you may get headaches calling that inside the search.
It would be better to do those actions after the result is passed back. That also makes your code cleaner (easier to understand) since searchCustomer() does only that, has no side effects.
you just need to add return before the cy.wait
here's a bare-bones example
it("test", () => {
function searchCustomer() {
return cy.wait(100).then(intercept => {
const data = {text: "my data"}
return data
const myCustomer = searchCustomer()
myCustomer.should("have.key", "text")
myCustomer.its("text").should("eq", "my data")
I'm learning composition API doing a simple todo app but then with multiple swim-lanes (todo, doing, done).
in useTasks.js composable I create "global" sourceTasks reactive, that later gets filled with data pulled from an API. Then it is reduced in tasks computed property, like this:
// useTasks.js
const sourceTasks = reactive({
list: []
export default function useTasks() {
const tasks = computed(() => {
return sourceTasks.list.reduce(divideIntoSwimLanes, [])
return {
Nothing too complicated.
Then I've got this SwimLane component, that well... uses the tasks :)
// SwimLane.vue - setup
async setup(props) {
const { status } = toRefs(props);
const { tasks, createTask } = useTasks();
return {
// SwimLane.vue - template
<single-task class="m-3" v-for="task in tasks[status]" :title="task.title" :id="task.id"/>
This works, but I don't find it elegant. I would prefer to create a new computed inside of SwimLane's setup, that holds the value of tasks for the given SwimLane. Putting it in the template obscures the logic.
I would expect this to work, but it does not, I think it loses the reactivity but I cant wrap my head around why:
// SwimLane.vue - alternative setup
const currentContextTasks = computed(() => {
return tasks.value[status]
return {
The problem feels a bit ridiculous, but my main concern is that I have misunderstood some core concept, hence this lengthy post.
This is like a biggest blunders ever. So right, the post was really helpful as a form of talking to the rubber duck.
What I did forgot to do is use the value of the status. Since it is a ref, I had to use it as follows:
const currentContextTasks = computed(() => {
return tasks.value[status.value] // 'status.value' and not just 'status'
I'm playing with angular-meteor and still trying to understand how to use 3-way binding. How do I run a method that checks multiple 'reactive' variables?
For example, the setVisibleLocation() method below would need to be re-run if any of the following values changed, event.setting.isPublic, event.participantIds, event.location, event.address, event.neighborhood, Meteor.userId(). The last few might not need to update reactively - a page reload might be acceptable.
showExactLocation = (event, userId) ->
return true if event.setting.isPublic
return true if userId == event.ownerId
return true if event.participantIds && ~event.participantIds.indexOf(userId)
return false
setVisibleLocation = (event, userId) ->
userId ?= Meteor.userId()
if showExactLocation(event, userId)
event.visible = {
address: event.address
marker: event.location
event.visible = {
address: event.neighborhood
marker: utils.maskLatLon(event.location, event.title)
return event
What are the more efficient patterns for handling this? I can think of a few options.
this.autorun ()=>
this.getReactively('event', true)
// plus any number of other methods that might need to update
// based on changes to this.event properties
this.autorun ()=>
this.autorun ()=>
// plus any number of other combination of reactive properties
// and methods that need to be rerun
Is a deep watch advisable if event has a lot of properties to check?
I have some tests that fail in PhantomJS but not other browsers.
I'd like these tests to be ignored when run with PhantomJS in my watch task (so new browser windows don't take focus and perf is a bit faster), but in my standard test task and my CI pipeline, I want all the tests to run in Chrome, Firefox, etc...
I've considered a file-naming convention like foo.spec.dont-use-phantom.js and excluding those in my Karma config, but this means that I will have to separate out the individual tests that are failing into their own files, separating them from their logical describe blocks and having more files with weird naming conventions would generally suck.
In short:
Is there a way I can extend Jasmine and/or Karma and somehow annotate individual tests to only run with certain configurations?
Jasmine supports a pending() function.
If you call pending() anywhere in the spec body, no matter the expectations, the spec will be marked pending.
You can call pending() directly in test, or in some other function called from test.
function skipIfCondition() {
function someSkipCheck() {
return true;
describe("test", function() {
it("call pending directly by condition", function() {
if (someSkipCheck()) {
it("call conditionally skip function", function() {
it("is executed", function() {
working example here: http://plnkr.co/edit/JZtAKALK9wi5PdIkbw8r?p=preview
I think it is purest solution. In test results you can see count of finished and skipped tests.
The most simple solution that I see is to override global functions describe and it to make them accept third optional argument, which has to be a boolean or a function returning a boolean - to tell whether or not current suite/spec should be executed. When overriding we should check if this third optional arguments resolves to true, and if it does, then we call xdescribe/xit (or ddescribe/iit depending on Jasmine version), which are Jasmine's methods to skip suite/spec, istead of original describe/it. This block has to be executed before the tests, but after Jasmine is included to the page. In Karma just move this code to a file and include it before test files in karma.conf.js. Here is the code:
(function (global) {
// save references to original methods
var _super = {
describe: global.describe,
it: global.it
// override, take third optional "disable"
global.describe = function (name, fn, disable) {
var disabled = disable;
if (typeof disable === 'function') {
disabled = disable();
// if should be disabled - call "xdescribe" (or "ddescribe")
if (disable) {
return global.xdescribe.apply(this, arguments);
// otherwise call original "describe"
return _super.describe.apply(this, arguments);
// override, take third optional "disable"
global.it = function (name, fn, disable) {
var disabled = disable;
if (typeof disable === 'function') {
disabled = disable();
// if should be disabled - call "xit" (or "iit")
if (disable) {
return global.xit.apply(this, arguments);
// otherwise call original "it"
return _super.it.apply(this, arguments);
And usage example:
describe('foo', function () {
it('should foo 1 ', function () {
it('should foo 2', function () {
}, true); // disable suite
describe('bar', function () {
it('should bar 1 ', function () {
it('should bar 2', function () {
}, function () {
return true; // disable spec
See a working example here
I've also stumbled upon this issue where the idea was to add a chain method .when() for describe and it, which will do pretty much the same I've described above. It may look nicer but is a bit harder to implement.
describe('foo', function () {
it('bar', function () {
// ...
If you are really interested in this second approach, I'll be happy to play with it a little bit more and try to implement chain .when().
Jasmine uses third argument as a timeout option (see docs), so my code sample is replacing this feature, which is not ok. I like #milanlempera and #MarcoCI answers better, mine seems kinda hacky and not intuitive. I'll try to update my solution anyways soon not to break compatibilty with Jasmine default features.
I can share my experience with this.
In our environment we have several tests running with different browsers and different technologies.
In order to run always the same suites on all the platforms and browsers we have a helper file loaded in karma (helper.js) with some feature detection functions loaded globally.
function isFullScreenSupported(){
// run some feature detection code here
You can use also Modernizr for this as well.
In our tests then we wrap things in if/else blocks like the following:
it('should work with fullscreen', function(){
// run the test
// don't do anything otherwise
or for an async test
it('should work with fullscreen', function(done){
// run the test
} else {
While it's a bit verbose it will save you time for the kind of scenario you're facing.
In some cases you can use user agent sniffing to detect a particular browser type or version - I know it is bad practice but sometimes there's effectively no other way.
Try this. I am using this solution in my projects.
it('should do something', function () {
if (!/PhantomJS/.test(window.navigator.userAgent)) {
This will not run this particular test in PhantomJS, but will run it in other browsers.
Just rename the tests that you want to disable from it(...) to xit(...)
function xit: A temporarily disabled it. The spec will report as
pending and will not be executed.
I have a cron job that scrapes a list of items on a website and then inserts or updates records in a database. When I scrape the page, I want to create records for new ones that haven't been created yet, otherwise update any existing ones. Currently I'm doing something like this:
// pretend there is a "Widget" model defined
function createOrUpdateWidget(widgetConfig) {
return Widget.find(widgetConfig.id)
.then(function(widget) {
if (widget === null) {
return Widget.create(widgetConfig);
else {
function createOrUpdateWidgets(widgetConfigObjects) {
var promises = [];
widgetConfigObjects.forEach(function(widgetConfig) {
return Sequelize.Promise.all(promises);
.done(function() {
This seems to work fine, but I'm not sure if I'm doing this "correctly" or not. Do all promises that perform DB interactions need to run serially, or is how I have them defined ok? Is there a better way to do this kind of thing?
What you're doing is pretty idiomatic and perfectly fine, the only room for improvement is to utilize the fact Sequelize uses Bluebird for promises so you get .map for free, which lets you convert:
function createOrUpdateWidgets(widgetConfigObjects) {
var promises = [];
widgetConfigObjects.forEach(function(widgetConfig) {
return Sequelize.Promise.all(promises);
function createOrUpdateWidgets(widgetConfigObjects) {
return Sequelize.Promise.map(widgetConfig, createOrUpdateWidget)
Other than that minor improvement - you're chaining promises correctly and seem to have the correct hang of it.