I am currently playing around with using defaults to change certain settings on my Mac (MacBook Pro 13-inch, 2019). I was trying to change the setting System Preferences > Dock > Prefer tabs when opening documents. After a bit of digging I found out that I can do this with the following command:
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleWindowTabbingMode -string '<always|manual|fullscreen>'
I was doing this so I could call it in a function I was writing before opening up a file in a particular application so the function always preferred opening in a new tab rather than a new window.
Note: that when I set the setting to Always in System Preference, opening a file with said application using open <file> -a <application> does indeed open the file in a new tab rather than a new window.
When testing, I went in to System Preferences and set the setting to Manually. Thereupon, I quit System Preferences and ran the following commands:
$ defaults read NSGlobalDomain AppleWindowTabbingMode
$ defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleWindowTabbingMode -string 'always'
$ defaults read NSGlobalDomain AppleWindowTabbingMode
$ open <file> -a <application>
When I run this, the file opens in a new window and not a new tab. In fact, it only opens in a new tab once I reopen System Preferences and open the Dock pane (running open <file> -a <application> opens in a new file now`).
It seems to me that Apple is overriding me in a sense but I can't figure out how to make this work. It seems odd that I need to manually interact with System Preferences (doesn't need to be the setting itself directly, but its pane) to get the effects of the setting change to take hold. Also, I found that if System Preferences is open while I am doing it, I need to quit System Preferences then navigate to the Dock pane for it to take effect.
Is there anyway to get around this? What is actually happening here that is preventing the effects of the settings change from taking hold?
Is there a way to make NeoVim as default text/code editor (without any bad side effects) ?Trust me, I looked to lots of StackOverflow question/answers and tried a few things but nothing worked for me.
Note: I'm on macOS Big Sur (version 11.2.1). What I want is when I click on files to open in NeoVim.
--> For example, in ~/.zshrc (and added to ~/.bash_profile also just in case) I have:
Note: zsh is my default shell
alias nvim=$HOME/nvim-osx64/bin/nvim
export EDITOR="nvim"
export VISUAL="nvim"
When I do set in Terminal it shows:
And yes, I quit and started the terminal (I'm using iTerm2). I even reboot.
--> I will place my $PATH here just in case it has anything to do it that. When I do echo $PATH it shows:
--> And, just in case someone suggests:
I can't Select a File > Open With... and select NeoVim as default text editor, since that option doesn't show and I can't do Choose Other since I can't select NeoVim in that way.
If anyone needs more information, please say and I will edit the question with that info. Thanks!
Setting variables in the terminal will not affect the GUI file associations. To do that you have to change the OS's file associations.
Though it appears to be a small project and unsupported, I've had a good experience using duti. It's a wrapper around the Apple file extension API. The configuration did take me a minute to figure out. I'll post it if I can find it.
After a while I found the answer to my own question, here it is how you can set NeoVim in Mac as the default text editor. Now, you will be able click on files and opening them in NeoVim:
Some people recommended me to have a look at the follow links:
That didn't work for me but it served as a reference to look up related topics (automator + neovim).
After a while, I discover this blog:
Go and have a look at the blog, but here it is how you do it:
Launch Automator (Finder -> Applications -> Automator)
New Document -> Choose a type for your document: Application
In Actions search for Run AppleScript and drag that to where it says something like "Drag actions here..."
Delete the default example of AppleScript
Copy and Paste the code in the blog (where it says NeoVim.app) to where it previous had the default code
Save the new Automator app (save as aplicattion format). Save it in the Applications folder
Right-Click a file type you wish to open every time you click on them (e.g. .php file). Select Get Info or do cmd + i, it will open informations about that file. Scroll to wher it says Open With and select Other. Then just go to Aplicattions folder and select your new NeoVim "app".
Do the same to other file types if you wish.
You can now double click on your PHP files (or others if you did the same) and open them in NeoVim. Enjoy!
Note: You really need to do Right-Click, Get Info and look for Open With to change in all files with that extension. If you skip Get Info and just Right-Click + Open With, it will only work for that specific file...
This is the code from the blog:
on run {input, parameters}
set cmd to "nvim"
if input is not {} then
set filePath to POSIX path of input
set cmd to "nvim \"" & filePath & "\""
end if
tell application "iTerm"
create window with default profile
tell the current window
tell the current session to write text cmd
end tell
end tell
end run
This would open a new window even if you already had one open.
I change it so that it would open in a tab:
on run {input, parameters}
set cmd to "nvim"
if input is not {} then
set filePath to POSIX path of input
set cmd to "nvim \"" & filePath & "\""
end if
tell application "iTerm"
tell the current window
create tab with default profile
tell the current session to write text cmd
end tell
end tell
end run
Note: I'm using iTerm2. If you are using another Terminal Emulator, change where it says iTerm to the name of your terminal...
For anyone using Kitty on MacOS, I found a pretty simple way to accomplish this using the remote control feature.
First you need the following set in your kitty.conf:
allow_remote_control yes
listen_on unix:/tmp/mykitty
Using Automator like in #DGF's answer, I created an Application with the "Run Shell Script" action, and this is the script:
if [ -z "$(pgrep kitty)" ]
open /Applications/kitty.app
sleep 3 # allow ample time to startup and start listening
/usr/local/bin/kitty # --to=unix:/tmp/mykitty-$(pgrep kitty) launch --type=os-window nvim "$#"
Save that as an application somewhere, and select it from "Open with"!
Note: to be honest, the logic to handle starting up kitty if it's not already running is a little flaky. But it seems to work great when kitty is already running, which of course it is most of the time for me. Also, it doesn't work at all if kitty is running but has no windows. :\
Choose nvim as the default application by means of a txt file sub-menu like here with Preview for PDFs:
I'm thinking of using the Mac's applescript to make a program that mutes the system when it is shutting down.
Though I'm new to applescript and I don't know how to use the IF-statement to determine if the system is shutting down. I've done some googling and I've found that the finder app is the app that is "controlling" the shutdown, but i don't know how to check if the state is "shut down". Can anybody assist me in this matter?
AppleScript has no direct mechanism for detecting a shutdown/logout.
It does have a mechanism for creating applications that can react to themselves being quit.
Thus, you can:
use AppleScript to create a stay-open application (.app bundle) with a standard on quit handler, in which you perform the desired action (
make sure that the application is launched on login - in the simpler case as a Login Item (via System Preferences, see below), or, with more flexibility but complexity, as a launch agent (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/22872222/45375).
Open Script Editor and open a new script window.
Paste the following code:
# This standard handler is called when the application quits.
on quit
# Mute the system volume.
# !! See caveat below.
set volume with output muted
continue quit # signal to the system that it's OK to quit
end quit
Save the script as a stay-open application:
with File Format Application
check Stay open after run handler
Open System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Items, drag the newly saved *.app bundle into the list, and check the checkbox next to it, so as to make it launch hidden.
The final step is to hide the new application's Dock icon, as there's no reason for it to have one:
From Terminal, run the following:
defaults write /full/path/to/newApp.app/Contents/Info.plist LSUIElement 1
Note: You could use LSBackgroundOnly too, but the advantage of LSUIElement is that you can still display UI elements if you want to, such as for debugging.
Important: Substitute the full path of your new app for /full/path/to/newApp.app; the command will only work if you specify the full path to the Info.plist file.
To test, start the new app interactively, and make sure that no Dock icon appears. (You can quit the app via Activity Monitor).
CAVEAT: If the intent is to suppress the system startup sound, set volume with output muted has two drawbacks:
it will not work if headphones happened to be plugged at the time of shutdown
you will have to unmute the volume on startup (however, you could do that in an on on run handler in the same app).
Consider the alternative approach below, which requires admin privileges to set up and invokes nvram SystemAudioVolume=%80 with root privileges, which bypasses the above drawbacks.
You could run do shell script "nvram SystemAudioVolume=%80" user name "someAdminUsername" password "matchingAdminPassword" with administrator privileges from the above AppleScript app, but you'd have to hard-code the password, which is not advisable for security reasons.
Alternative approach, using a system-wide logout hook via com.apple.loginwindow.
There's a deprecated mechanism for running a script on logout that, however, still works as of OSX 10.10; given that there's no direct non-deprecated equivalent, it may continue to be supported.
Note that you do need admin privileges:
sudo defaults write com.apple.loginwindow LogoutHook <yourScript>
<yourScript> must be an executable, such as a shell script; note that the executable is run in the context of the root user.
In case you're thinking of muting the startup sound, invoke the following shell command from that script:
nvram SystemAudioVolume=%80 # to try this interactively, prepend `sudo `
This will mute sounds until after a reboot, effectively muting the startup sound, without keeping the sound muted.
Note that the nvram command requires root privileges, which are by definition in effect in a script run via the com.apple.loginwindow logout hook.; by contrast, to try the command interactively, use sudo nvram SystemAudioVolume=%80 - otherwise, you'll get the following, unhelpful error message: nvram: Error setting variable - 'SystemAudioVolume': (iokit/common) general error
Honestly, it is better to make a deterministic solution. What I mean is, is that you make a script that:
Mutes your computer.
Shuts it down.
Then you take your script and create an Automator service, that you can assign to some shortcut, to make it easier for you to use it. ctrl-opt-cmd-eject or something. :)
This is just how I would have solved it, if I have the need, it is short and sweet to make work, and should work reasonably well.
If you want to use the LogoutHook mentioned in #mklement0's answer.
You can use the normal Applescript command set volume with output muted.
You just need to add the osascript shebang to the top of the Applescript document
set volume with output muted
And then save the file as applescript text file.
In the save dialogue use : file format: Text )
It will get the extension .applescript
Once it is saved, use Terminal.app to chmod the script as you would a normal shell script which in effect it is.
/bin/chmod +x foo.applescript
Then add it to the loginwindows LogoutHook.
sudo defaults write com.apple.loginwindow LogoutHook foo.applescript
I Know this is an old post but for anyone still looking how to do this(like I was) I have a simple method.
Before I started Scripting I created a new folder in my home folder called toolbar scripts.(this is optional)
With the desktop showing Finder click on Go >Utilities >Script Editor.
In the window that opens type in or copy and paste the code
set volume with output muted
tell application "finder"
shut down
end tell
Click on the last button above the script you added - it should be compile. If you cannot find that button then on the top click on Script >Compile
Click on File >Save in the save as I called mine shutdown and chose the script folder (this is optional)
Down the bottom of the dialog box at file format click on the arrow and change the format to application and click on save.
Open the folder you saved it in and drag the icon to the dock. Click on the icon you just put in the dock.
now if all is right this should mute the volume and shutdown the computer.
This will not shutdown the computer if you still have anything open.
first, you should create a sound-off script (with terminal)
sudo nano /Library/Scripts/sound-off.sh
after filling it with these lines:
osascript -e ‘set volume output muted 1’
and make a sound-on script like that
sudo nano /Library/Scripts/sound-on.sh
and fill it with:
osascript -e ‘set volume 4’
then access them as executing files
sudo chmod u+x /Library/Scripts/sound-off.sh
sudo chmod u+x /Library/Scripts/sound-on.sh
and the last part is set them when the mac device is turn off and on:
sudo defaults write com.apple.loginwindow LogoutHook /Library/Scripts/sound-off.sh
sudo defaults write com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook /Library/Scripts/sound-on.sh
I'm kind of confuse a little bit, I just got my Macbook Pro today and trying to do the C language programming through terminal and I use to use PC [Windows] and the "delete button" working as a backspace for Windows
now I'm on terminal before get into nled it was working normal but after nled command the delete button isn't effect anymore
is there a way to remove the text in nled ?? I even tried with fn+delete and isnot working still
Terminal has a preference setting to have the Delete key send Control-H instead of the usual delete character (ASCII DEL 0x7F):
Terminal > Preferences > Settings > [profile] > Advanced > Delete sends Ctrl-H
If you're going to be using nled often, you can create a custom settings profile just for running nled. Select an existing profile (e.g., Basic) and choose Duplicate Settings from the action menu (the gear icon at the bottom of the profile list). Customize the "Delete" preference, and then put the nled command in:
Terminal > Preferences > Settings > [profile] > Shell > Run command
Enable the "Run command" checkbox, and possibly also "Run inside shell". Now you can just choose this new profile from the Shell > New Tab/Window submenus and it will create a new terminal and run the nled command with the customized Delete behavior.
I made a mistake in my gnome terminal configuration. I entered a command to start with in the preferences, but that command fails, and now all I get is a window that opens and closes right away, and I basically can't use gnome terminal anymore :-( Is there any way I can remove the configuration file and restart fresh??
Open the XTerm (Standard terminal for linux) and enter this command
gnome-terminal -e bash
It opens the gnome-terminal. Open profile preferences and configure your terminal to "Hold the terminal open".
Editing preferences
the above file might be of interest depending on exactly what configuration you changed. Of course, it holds configuration from other programs as well.
If you are on the newer gnome terminal that uses dconf, it's a little trickier, but still doable:
Profiles are stored with a UUID, you need to find the UUID of the profile to remove:
dconf dump /org/gnome/terminal/ | less
Search for a visible-name='...' entry matching the profile you want to remove. Look above that for the section header like [legacy/profiles:/:...]. The full name of the item you want to delete is thus /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:.... Delete it thus:
dconf reset -f /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:...
Side note: This Q&A probably should be moved to unix.stackexchange.com.
Is it possible to open a terminal window with 3 tabs. Each tab should have different path.
Tab1: /etc
Tab2: /bin
Tab3: /www/ tail -f file.txt
This is absolutely possible, but it will take some work on your part. The first thing you need is to set up each window/tab you want in your Settings:
I have 4 tabs that I open automagically every time I open Terminal. DB Shell, Editor, Server, and Shell. These are all within the Sasquatch (don't ask) project, thus the naming. Each of these should then have a unique command associated with them:
In this case, I'm executing vim. If you happen to have a specific directory you'd like to start off in, you can use something like vim ~/projects/main/. Really whatever you want to go in there is the command the shell will execute when it opens. Now you need to open all your windows/tabs:
Close everything.
Open a new window for each of your profiles.
Go to the Shell menu => New Tab/New Window => Select the profile you created above.
Repeat for each window or tab you want.
Once you have all of your windows and/or tabs open, save them as a Window Group.
Go to the Window menu => Save Window As Group....
Give your Window Group a name (this is helpful later).
If you want this group to open every time you open Terminal, check the box at the bottom of this screen, and then hit save.
Close out of all of your Windows/Tabs (time to test it!).
Open your new Window Group.
Go to the Window menu => Open Window Group => Select the group you just made.
This should pop up all the windows you just had, in the same position. Each of the commands you set up in Settings should be launched in their respective tabs.
As of Mac OS X Lion 10.7, Terminal makes this much easier to do, without creating new profiles for each command.
By default, Terminal will remember and restore the current working directory for each terminal in a Window Group. (If the working directory has been communicated to Terminal using an escape sequence. The default shell, bash, will do this at every command prompt. For other shells, you'll need to adapt the code in /etc/bashrc.)
If you create a terminal with Shell > New Command, Terminal will automatically run that command when a Window Group is opened. Terminal will automatically run a limited set of "safe" commands†, and when saving a Window Group there's an option to run all commands in the group.
Terminal also automatically does these for all windows when restarting Terminal with Resume enabled. So, you may not even have to create a Window Group, depending on your circumstances.
For your example case:
Use Shell > New Command to run "tail -f /www/file.txt".
Create a new tab and "cd /etc".
Create a new tab and "cd /bin".
Save them with Window > Save Windows as Group. Be sure to check the "Restore all commands" checkbox.
Each time you open that Window Group, it will recreate those windows and run the commands. If you need to run a command and specify the starting directory, in the New Command dialog check the "Run command inside a shell" checkbox and make the command "cd ; ".
Also note that you can tell Terminal to open your Window Group at startup with Terminal > Preferences > Startup > On startup, open > Window group. There's even a checkbox to set this when saving a new Window Group.
† The "safe" commands include anything listed in /etc/shells, plus: screen, tmux, emacs, vi/vim, nano, pico, and top. You can customize the list with "defaults write com.apple.Terminal RestorableCommands". Set it to an array of strings containing command names or full paths. Some commands have parameters that are "unsafe" to run automatically without user intervention, so by default these commands are only considered "safe" if they do not have any arguments. To make a command safe to run with arguments, add an asterisk, e.g., "top *" is in the default value for this preference.
You can do what you wish from within Terminal.
If in Terminal preferences (Settings tab) you create a new profile (or copy one with Duplicate Settings), you can then set each profile to run a command on startup (the "Shell" subgroup within the profile).
Then setup your tabs by using the Shell > New Tab menu to create the new tabs from each of the specific profiles that you created for the three different executables.
Then do the Save Window Group to save the group of tabs (and it will save their profiles as well).
I suggest the use if iTerm instead of Terminal. If only because it is more configurable. You can script it, but more important to you is that you can create a bookmark folder (one for each tab) and then "open in tabs" which will give you the behavior you seek.
I suspect you can control commands to be executed too. One of the programs I use creates a single-tab terminal window and arranges to execute a profile-setting script before continuing to the command prompt - the same should be feasible for a multi-tab terminal. The file is a MacOS X properties XML file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>. /Applications/IBM/informix/demo/server/profile_settings</string>
<string>IDS Command Window</string>
<string>IDS Command Window</string>
<string>Window Settings</string>
You can click on it and the terminal window is launched, the profile settings are set, and then you have a command prompt to type at. Presumably, changing the 'dot' command into the 'tail' command of the question would work; it might be that the 'RunCommandAsShell' key set to '<true\>' would replace the normal shell with the command - which is perhaps more appropriate for the question.
Another way of doing this is by using the Elscripto ruby gem: https://github.com/Achillefs/elscripto. It allows yuo to easily specify terminal tabs using a YAML file
Open the tabs you want and set each one up as you wish, i.e. in tab 1, cd /etc, tab 2 cd /bin and so on. Now go to Window > Save Windows as Group. Click the checkbox 'Use window group when Terminal starts' and hey presto!
"Divide a tab up into multiple panes, each one of which shows a different session. You can slice vertically and horizontally and create any number of panes in any imaginable arrangement."
How to Create Custom iTerm2 Window Arrangements
Create a custom keyboard shortcut to automatically spawn a set of windows and splits with processes running.
With a shortcut cmd+shift+w transform split your window arrangement into 3 panels